United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
2013 about 113 results (0.0047 in miliseconds)  
UNDP Annual Report 2012/2013 2012 marked the beginning of a process of reinvigorating the global development agenda. At Rio+20, the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, UN Member States agreed that sustainable development is the only viable path forward, based on integrate...
UNDP, (2013)
Project Information Sheet Catalytic Support on Land Issues A decade-long conflict in Nepal ended in November 2006 with the signing of a Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) between the Maoists and the Government of Nepal. Despite the political and democratic progress since the end of the conflict, Nepal conti...
Convention on the Rights of the Child :Consideration of the reports submitted by States parties under article 44 of the Convention This document is all about Third to fifth periodic reports of States parties due in 2010 Nepal. The main highlights are General measures of implementation of the Convention , Definition of the child , General principles,Civil rights and freedoms ,Fa...
UN, (2013)
Global Sustainable Development Report: Building the Common Future We Want ( September 2013) Since the creation of the United Nations, the world’s peoples have aspired to make progress on the great global issues of peace, freedom, development and environment remain universal aspirations today,and it has been increasingly acknowledged that th...
UN, UNCSD, (2013)
Sustainable Development in Action: Special Report Of THe SD In Action Newsletter (Issue 1 - July 2013) Voluntary commitments and partnerships for sustainable development are multi-stakeholder initiatives voluntarily undertaken by Governments, intergovernmental organizations, major groups and others that aim to contribute to the implementation of inter...
UN, (2013)
Second Regional Field Epidemiology Training Programme For Veterinarians (FETPV) For SAARC Countries SAARC and the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) jointly established the Regional Support Unit (RSU) in Kathmandu, Nepal, financially supported by European Commission (EC) with an overall objective of strengthening and em...
FAO, (2013)
Second Regional Workshop On Progressive Control Of Peste Des Petits Ruminants (PC-PPR) For South Asian Countries The Regional Support Unit had initiated developing the Regional Road map for Progressive Control of peste des petits ruminants (PPR) in the SAARC region in 2011. As a follow up to the first regional roadmap workshop this second workshop was held from...
FAO, (2013)
Forced Labour of Adults and Children in the Agriculture Sector of Nepal This report on “Forced Labour of Adults and Children in the Agricultural Sector in Nepal” presents the results of a survey carried out by a team of experts affiliated to the Central Department of Population Studies (CDPS), Tribhuvan University, Kathm...
ILO, (2013)
Parents Mind Set of Education Investment for Daughters The Nepal Ministry of Education’s data reveal that 95% of children are enrolled in primary schools with gender parity! It is therefore likely that Nepal is going to achieve the Millennium Development Goal on promoting gender equality (Ministry of Edu...
UNICEF, (2013)
New Permanent Representative of Nepal Presents Credentials On August 2013 Hon'ble Durga Prasad Bhattarai (right), new Permanent Representative of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal to the United Nations, presents his credentials to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on 19th August, 2013. #BanKiMoon #SecretaryGeneral #Dur...
UN, (2013)
Secretary General Meets Former Prime Minister of Nepal on August 2013 Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (right) meets with Hon'ble Jhala Nath Khanal, former Prime Minister of Nepal and Chairman of CPN (UML). #BanKiMoon #SecretaryGeneral #JhalaNathKhanal #FormerPrimeMinister #2013 #Photo #UN ...
UN, (2013)
Secretary General Meets New Permanent Representative of Nepal on August 2013 Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (left) meets with Hon'ble Durga P. Bhattarai, new Permanent Representative of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal to the United Nations on 19th August, 2013. #BanKiMoon #SecretaryGeneral #DurgaPrasadBhattarai #Pe...
UN, (2013)
Secretary General Meets Prime Minister of Nepal On September 2013 Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (right) meets with Hon'ble. Khil Raj Regmi, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal on 28th September 2013. #BanKiMoon #SecretaryGeneral #KhilRajRegmi #ChairmanOfTheCouncilOfMini...
UN, (2013)
Secretary General Meets with Foreign Affairs Minister of Nepal on July 2013 Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (right) meets with Hon'ble. Madhav Prasad Ghimire, Minister of Home Affairs and Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, in Geneva on 1st July, 2013. #BanKiMoon #SecretaryGeneral #MadhavPrasadGhimire...
UN, (2013)
Nepal: Compromising justice and promoting impunity The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) welcomes the report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on democracy and the rule of law (A/HRC/22/29). The report identifies key challenges in the process of transition to democracy, including wher...
UN, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National officer of UNIC, giving speech in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Doti District on 20th of September 2013. #RamBabuShah #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Doti...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National officer of UNIC, giving speech in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RamBabuShah #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participant of Rode Show doing question answer session in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Doti District on 20th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Doti...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participant of Rode Show doing question answer session in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Doti District on 20th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Doti...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participant of Rode Show doing question answer session in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participant of Rode Show doing question answer session in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participant of Rode Show giving speech in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Doti District on 20th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Doti...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participant of Rode Show giving speech in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Doti District on 20th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Doti...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participant of Rode Show giving speech in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Doti District on 20th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Doti...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participant of Rode Show giving speech in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Doti District on 20th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Doti...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participant of Rode Show giving speech in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Doti District on 20th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Doti...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participant of Rode Show giving speech in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Doti District on 20th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Doti...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participant of Rode Show giving speech in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Doti District on 20th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Doti...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participant of Rode Show giving speech in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Doti District on 20th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Doti...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participant of Rode Show giving speech in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Doti District on 20th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Doti...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participant of Rode Show giving speech in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participant of Rode Show giving speech in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participant of Rode Show giving speech in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participant of Rode Show giving speech in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participant of Rode Show giving speech in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participant of Rode Show giving speech in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participant of Rode Show giving speech in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participant of Rode Show giving speech in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participant of Rode Show giving speech in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participant of Rode Show giving speech in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participants are attending Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Doti District on 20th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Doti...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participants are attending Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Doti District on 20th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Doti...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participants are attending Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Doti District on 20th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Doti...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participants are attending Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Doti District on 20th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Doti...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participants are attending Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Doti District on 20th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Doti...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participants are attending Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Doti District on 20th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Doti...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participants are attending Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Doti District on 20th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Doti...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participants are attending Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Doti District on 20th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Doti...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participants are attending Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participants are attending Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participants are attending Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participants are attending Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participants are attending Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participants are attending Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participants are attending Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participants are attending Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participants are attending Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participants are attending Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participants are attending Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participants are attending Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participants are attending Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Participants are attending Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Her Voice Her Choice : Women in the 2013 Constituent Assembly Elections The publication reviews the trend in the nomination of women as candidates over time and finds that while great disparity exists between men and women in securing political party nominations, the affirmative action incorporated into the IC has led to...
ESP/UNDP, (2013)
Local Election Ballot Paper for Mock Polling-New This is Local Election Ballot Paper for Mock Polling showing the symbolic representation of different political parties. #Election #BallotPaper #2013...
ESP/UNDP, (2013)
Local Election Ballot Paper For Mock Polling-Old This is Local Election Ballot Paper for Mock Polling showing the symbolic representation of different political parties. #Election #BallotPaper #2013...
ESP/UNDP, (2013)
बाल विवाह अन्त्यका लागी राष्ट्रिय रणनिति, २०७२ बिबाह गर्ने वा नगर्ने बिषय प्रत्येक व्यक्तिको नैसर्गिक अधिकार हो । मानव अधिकारको दृष्टिकोणबाट आफुले रोजेको व्यक्तिसंग बिबाह गर्न पैने र आफनो भबिष्यको मार्गचित्र तय गर्न प्रत्येक नागरिकको हक अधिकार सुनिश्चित हुनुपर्द छ ।यसका लागि प्राय सबै मुलुकहरुको ...
UNOHCHR, (2013)
Nepal - UNHCR Global Appeal 2013 The main objectives of this report are mentioned below: Favourable protection environment 1. Access to territory is improved and the risk of refoulement reduced. - No credible cases of refoulement are reported. Security from violence and exploita...
UNHCR, (2013)
An Assessment of the Voter Education Programme, Nepal The role of voter education in any election is very important. Generally, high voters’ turnout with minimal invalid votes are considered as a successful election, where voter education plays a significant role. Considering the significance of voter e...
ESP/UNDP, (2013)
Analytical Report on Media Monitoring : Constituent Assembly Election 2013 Year 2013 saw the successful holding of the Constituent Assembly Election in Nepal.This historic event holds added significance in a situation when the nation was in a perplexed condition in the absence of an elected Legislature and Executive and whe...
ESP/UNDP, (2013)
ELECTORAL EDUCATION AND INFORMATION CENTRE Electoral Education and Information Centre is the agency of its kind in the SAARC Region to provide civic and electoral education. This Centre was set up in 2011 A.D. and came into operation following its opening by Rt. Hon. President, Dr. Ram Baran ...
ESP/UNDP, (2013)
Gender and Inclusion Policy 2013: Gender and Inclusion Strategy 2015-2020 Election Commission of Nepal (ECN) had taken many initiatives in the past, especially since last decade, that strive to make the elections inclusive and gender friendly. However, in the absence of a clear Policy, the actions sometimes lacked coherenc...
ESP/UNDP, (2013)
Students Distributing Books in UN Information Centre Students Visit UN Information Centre, Pulchowk, Lalitpur. #Students #UNIC #Photo #2013 #Books ...
UNIC, (2013)
Students visiting UN Information Centre Students Visit UN Information Centre, Pulchowk, Lalitpur. #Students #RamBabuShah #UNIC #Photo #2013...
UNIC, (2013)
Nation Workshop on Disaster Preparedness and Response Planning held at Hotel Soaltee Crowne Plaze Nation Workshop on Disaster Preparedness and Response Planning held at Hotel Soaltee Crowne Plaze, Kathmandu on 18th August, 2013. #Conference #2013 #Photo #NationalWorkshop...
UNIC, (2013)
National Workshop on Disaster Preparedness and Response Planning on International held on World Humanitarian Day Hon. Jamie McGoldrick, Resident Coordinator of Nepal at the event National on Disaster Preparedness and Response Planning on International held on World Humanitarian Day 18th August, 2013. #NationalWorkshop #DisasterPreparednessAndResponsePlanning #...
UNIC, (2013)
Gender and Public Transport This study was commissioned by The World Bank as part of the research to feed into the development of the Government of Nepal’s National Transport Management Strategy. The overall strategy vision is ‘to develop safe, efficient and environmentally fri...
WB, (2013)
Career Development Training 2013 Mr. Anil Chitrakar, addressing the Career Development Training in UN House on 10th July 2013. #AnilChitrakar #UNStaff #CareerDevelopment #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Training...
UNIC, (2013)
Career Development Training 2013 Mr. Anil Chitrakar, addressing the Career Development Training in UN House on 10th July 2013. #AnilChitrakar #UNStaff #CareerDevelopment #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Training...
UNIC, (2013)
Career Development Training 2013 Mr. Anil Chitrakar, addressing the Career Development Training in UN House on 10th July 2013. #AnilChitrakar #UNStaff #CareerDevelopment #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Training...
UNIC, (2013)
Career Development Training 2013 Mr. Anil Chitrakar, addressing the Career Development Training in UN House on 10th July 2013. #AnilChitrakar #UNStaff #CareerDevelopment #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Training...
UNIC, (2013)
Career Development Training 2013 UN Staffs are attending Career Development Training in UN House on 10th July 2013. #UNStaff #CareerDevelopment #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Training...
UNIC, (2013)
Career Development Training 2013 UN Staffs are attending Career Development Training in UN House on 10th July 2013. #UNStaff #CareerDevelopment #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Training...
UNIC, (2013)
Career Development Training 2013 UN Staffs are attending Career Development Training in UN House on 10th July 2013. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC, #RambabuShah #UNStaff #CareerDevelopment #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Training...
UNIC, (2013)
Career Development Training 2013 UN Staffs are attending Career Development Training in UN House on 10th July 2013. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC, Mr. Rafeeque Siddiqui, UNDP, #RambabuShah #RafeequeSiddiqui #UNStaff #CareerDevelopment #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Training...
UNIC, (2013)
Career Development Training 2013 UN Staffs are attending Career Development Training in UN House on 10th July 2013. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC, Mr. Rafeeque Siddiqui, UNDP, #RambabuShah #RafeequeSiddiqui #UNStaff #CareerDevelopment #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Training...
UNIC, (2013)
International Day of Vaisakh Attendee interacting with Buddhist Monk during International day of Viasakh Purnima event in UN House, hariharbhawan, lalitpur on 25 may 2013 #Attendees #UN #UNHouse #Budhajayanti #UNIC #Photo #2013...
UNIC, (2013)
International Day of Vaisakh Attendee offering Buddhist Monk during International day of Viasakh Purnima event in UN House, hariharbhawan, lalitpur on 25 may 2013 #Attendees #UN #UNHouse #Budhajayanti #UNIC #Photo #2013...
UNIC, (2013)
International Day of Vaisakh Ambassador of Sir Lanka, addressing during International day of Viasakh Purnima event in UN House, hariharbhawan, lalitpur on 25 may 2013 #Ambassador #UN #UNHouse #Budhajayanti #UNIC #Photo #2013 ...
UNIC, (2013)
International Day of Vaisakh Attendees along with the Guest of event Hon'ble Buddhist Monk praying together during International day of Viasakh Purnima program, in UN House, hariharbhawan, lalitpur on 2013 May 25 #Guests #Attendees #UN #UNHouse #Budhajayanti #UNIC #Photo #20...
UNIC, (2013)
International Day of Vaisakh Attendees Praying during International day of Viasakh Purnima event in UN House, hariharbhawan, lalitpur on 25 may 2013 #Attendees #UN #UNHouse #Budhajayanti #UNIC #Photo #2013...
UNIC, (2013)
International Day of Vaisakh Buddhist Monk addressing during International day of Viasakh Purnima event in UN House, hariharbhawan, lalitpur #Guests #UN #UNHouse #Budhajayanti #UNIC #Photo #2013...
UNIC, (2013)
International Day of Vaisakh Buddhist Monk offering incense during International day of Viasakh Purnima program, in UN House, hariharbhawan, lalitpur on 2013 May 25 (Buddha jayanti ) #Guests #Attendees #UN #UNHouse #Budhajayanti #UNIC #Photo #2013...
UNIC, (2013)
International Day of Vaisakh Celebrating International day of Vaisakh in UN House, Hariharbhawan , lalitpur by Waving Buddhist Flag #BuddhistFlag #UNHouse #Waving #Budhajayanti #UNIC #Photo #2013 #UNFlag...
UNIC, (2013)
International Day of Vaisakh Guest of the program addressing in UN House, Hariharbhawan , lalitpur during International day of Viasakh Purnima #Buddha #UNHouse #Budhajayanti #UNIC #Photo #2013 #UNFlag...
UNIC, (2013)
International Day of Vaisakh National Information Officer(UNIC) Ram Babu Shah and UN personnel Praying during International day of Viasakh Purnima event in UN House, hariharbhawan, lalitpur #RamBabuShah #UN #UNHouse #Budhajayanti #UNIC #Photo #2013...
UNIC, (2013)
International Day of Vaisakh Resident Coordinator handing over a token of love as souvenir to Buddhist monk during International day of Viasakh Purnima event in UN House, hariharbhawan, lalitpur on 25 may 2013 #Attendees #UN #UNHouse #Budhajayanti #UNIC #Photo #2013...
UNIC, (2013)
International Day of Vaisakh Resident Coordinator, addressing during International day of Viasakh Purnima event in UN House, hariharbhawan, lalitpur on 25 may 2013 #ResidentCoordinator #UN #UNHouse #Budhajayanti #UNIC #Photo #2013...
UNIC, (2013)
Art of Millennium Development Goals MDGs Selected MDG art made by student on UN House Wall. #Art #MDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo...
UNIC, (2013)
Art of Millennium Development Goals MDGs Selected MDG art made by student on UN House Wall. #Art #MDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo...
UNIC, (2013)
Art of Millennium Development Goals MDGs Selected MDG art made by student on UN House Wall. #Art #MDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo...
UNIC, (2013)