#18 UN Essay 2015: My United Nations - A Vision for the Future – I have a dream
The United Nation is an intergovernmental organization to promote co- operation. The organization was established on 24 October 1945 after world war II solely to prevent another such conflicts and it has been massively effective ever since. And with ... UNIC, (2015)
Sotirios G. Mousouris, a national of Greece, was appointed by Secretary- General Javier Perez de Cuellar as Assistant Secretary- General in the office of the Secretariat Service for Economic and Social Matters, and took office on April 1, 1984.
#UN ... UNIC/UN, (1885)
WHO Nepal Earthquake - Situation Report #18, 22 May 2015
A total of 1150 health facilities have been completely of partially damaged in 14 highly affected districts. The current health need is management of post trauma injuries, restoration of disrupted primary health care services and rehabilitation suppo... WHO, (2015)
WHO Nepal Earthquake - Situation Report #18, 22 May 2015
A total of 1150 health facilities have been completely of partially damaged in 14 highly affected districts. The current health need is management of post trauma injuries, restoration of disrupted primary health care services and rehabilitation suppo... WHO, (2015)
Nepal COVID-19: Cluster and Monsoon Update #18 | 31 July 2020
As of 29 July, Nepal has recorded 19,273 COVID-19 positive cases with 49 deaths and 14,021 recoveries. The national recovery rate is 72.8%. There are 14,471 people in quarantine sites and 5,203 in isolation. According to the Ministry of Health and Po... UNRCHCO, (2020)
नेपालको अन्तरिम संविधान, २०६३ को पाँचौँ संशोधन
नेपालको अन्तरिम संविधान, २०६३ लाई संशोधन गर्न वाञ्छनीय भएकाले, नेपालको अन्तरिम संविधान, २०६३ को धारा ८३ को उपधारा (१) बमोजिम संविधान सभाले यो संशोधन जारि गरि गरेको छ।
English Version: http://un.info.np/Net/NeoDocs/View/904
#904 #1880 #pair... GoN, (2008)
नेपालको अन्तरिम संविधान, २०६३ लाई संशोधन गर्न बनेको विधेयक
नेपालको अन्तरिम संविधान, २०६३ लाई संशोधन गर्न वाञ्छनीय भएकाले, संविधान सभाले यो संशोधन जारि गरेको छ।
English Version: http://un.info.np/Net/NeoDocs/View/903
#903 #1874 #pair... UNMIN, (2008)
नेपालको शान्ति प्रक्रिया सम्बन्धि तस्विर प्रदर्शनीको उदघाटनका अवसरमा दिनुभएको मन्तव्य (२०६५ साउन २२)
महामहिम राजदुत मधुवन पौडेल, श्री फावजी, आदरणीय गण र सहकर्मी साथिहरु, संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघको महासचिवका हैसियतमा मेरो धेरै समय संसारमा के नराम्रो भैरहेको छ भन्ने बुझ्नमै वित्छ। तर नेपाल र यसको शान्ति प्रक्रिया फरक अनुभुति दिने त्यस्तो कम अवसर हो जहा धे... UN, (2008)
नेपालको शान्तिपुर्ण निर्वाचनको महासचिवद्वारा प्रंशसा (२०६४ चैत २८)
आजको संविधानसभाको निर्वाचन शान्तिपूर्ण र व्यवस्थित ढङ्गबाट सम्पन्न भएकोमा महासचिवले नेपाली जनतालाई बधाई दिनु भएको छ। यो ऐतिहासिक अवसरमा उत्साहजनक सहभागिताका लागि नेपाली जनताको प्रशंसा गर्नुका साथै महासचिवले सबै राजनीतिक दललाई शान्त भएर निर्वाचनको... UN, (2008)
नेपालमा संविधानसभाको निर्वाचनका लागि महासचिवको भिडियो सन्देश (७ अप्रिल २००८)
नेपाली जनताका लागि यो संविधानसभाको निर्वाचन ऐतिहासिक कोसे ढुङगा हो। तपाईले निकै लामो समयदेखि र ठुलो धैर्य गरेर यस दिन को प्रतिक्षा गर्नुभएको छ। मतदानको काम स्वरन्त्र र निष्पक्ष वातावरणमा हुन्छ भन्ने मलाई ठुलो आशा छ ।
नेपालका राजनीतिक नेताहरूले यस... UN, (2008)
Secretary-General, In Video Message, Says Constituent Assembly Election In Nepal (7 April 2008)
This Constituent Assembly election is a historic milestone for the people of Nepal. You have waited long and patiently for this day to come. It is my fervent hope that the ballot will take place in a free and fair atmosphere.
Nepal’s political leade... UN, (2008)
Nepal Situation Report #18 (23 July 2015)
The second structured relief phase of WFP’s earthquake response has so far reached just under 771,000 people with food, cash and nutrition support. Of the total assisted people, over 46,400 have been reached through WFP’s cash for assets programme. T... WFP, (2015)