Kofi Annan’s Statement on Nepalese Peacekeepers
The secretary-general was pleased to learn of the release today of two nepalese peacekeepers serving with MONUC in the democratic republic of the Congo, who have been held by Peter karim FNI militia in the turin district sinc... UNIC, (2006)
The Secretary-General - Opeing Remarks At The Press Conference, Kathmandu, 1 November 2008
UN has been a close partner in Nepal's development effort, in its struggle to end the 10-year conflict and to implement the 2006 Comprehensive Peace Agreement. The UN Peacebuilding Fund, for example, has released ten million dollars to the UN Peace F... UN, (2008)
Discussions before UN Holocaust Press Conference
Mr. Ram Babu Shah interacting with UN Officials before UN Holocaust Press Conference in UN Conference Hall.
#RamBabuShah #UNHolocaust #2017 #Photo... UNIC, (2017)
Press Conference for event 'UN Holocaust'
Mr. Ram Babu Shah along with UN Officials in UN Holocaust Press Conference in UN Conference Hall, UN House, Pulchowk, Lalitpur.
#UNHolocaust #2017 #Photo #Conference
... UNIC, (2017)
UN Holocaust Press Conference
UN Staffs getting ready for UN Holocaust Press Conference in UN Conference, UN House, Pulchowk, Lalitpur.
#UNHolocaust #PressConference #UNHouse #Photo #2017... UNIC, (2017)
UN Holocaust Press Conference
UN Staffs and Journalist on UN Holocaust Press Conference in UN Conference Hall.
#UNHolocaust #2017 #Photo #Conference... UNIC, (2017)
Nepal - Minister For Foreign Affairs Addresses General Debate, 74th Session
Pradeep Kumar Gyawali, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, addresses the general debate of the 74th Session of the General Assembly of the UN (New York, 24 – 30 September 2019)
#UnitedNations #UNGA #UNGA74... United Nations, (2019)
Second Regional Workshop On Progressive Control Of Peste Des Petits Ruminants (PC-PPR) For South Asian Countries
The Regional Support Unit had initiated developing the Regional Road map for Progressive Control of peste des petits ruminants (PPR) in the SAARC region in 2011. As a follow up to the first regional roadmap workshop this second workshop was held from... FAO, (2013)
Third SAARC Epidemiology Networking (SAARC EpiNet) Meeting
Following the recommendations of the first consultative epidemiology and laboratory networking meeting held in July 2011 in Kathmandu, an epidemiology networking meeting was conducted in August 2013 in Paro, Bhutan entitled ‘Second SAARC Regional Epi... FAO, (2016)
High Commissioner for Human Rights Announces Appointment of Representative in Nepal
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour announced today the appointment of Lena Sundh as head of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Nepal (OHCHR Nepal) and her Representative in the country. Ms Sundh, a S... UNOHCHR, (2006)
Secretary-General To Appoint Karin Landgren As His Representative In Nepal
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has informed the Security Council of his intention to appoint Karin Landgren of Sweden as his Representative in Nepal.
Ms. Landgren is no stranger to Nepal, having served as the Secretary-General’s Deputy
Special Repre... UNMIN, (2009)
UNMIN Report On Conditions For The 10 April Constituent Assembly Election
The United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) today released the first of a series of periodic reports on the conditions for the 10 April Constituent Assembly election. While giving recognition to the achievement of overcoming significant political hur... UNMIN, (2008)
International Convention on Distr.: General
`Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (Ninety-fifth session ) presents the Summary record of the 2626th meeting Held at the Palais Wilson, Geneva, on Monday, 30 April 2018, at 3 p.m. At the invitation of the Chair, the delegation of ... UN, (2018)
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (Ninety-second session ) presents the summary record of the 2627th meeting Held at the Palais Wilson, Geneva, on Tuesday, 1 May 2018, at 10 a.m. At the invitation of the Chair, the delegation of N... UN, (2018)
The United Nations Development Programme-Press Release
The United Nations Development Programmer UNDP and His Majesty’s Government of Nepal signed and agreed on a US$ 13.1 million Project titled, “Western Terai Landscape Complex Project”this eight years long Programmer aims at ensuring the conservation a... UNDP, (2005)
Conference on the Least Developed Countries 2011 held at Radisson Hotel
Hon'ble Paramananda Jha, Vice Present of Nepal along with Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP, Asso. Prof. Dambar Bir Thapa, Radhesh Pant, Co-President at the Seminar on the "United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries: The Role o... UNIC, (2011)
Millennium Development Goals Press Conference
Hon'ble Robert Piper watching video at the Millennium Development Goals press conference at UN Conference Hall.
#RobertPiper #RC #ResidentCoordinator #Photo #2008... UNIC, (2008)
Millennium Development Goals Press Conference 2008
Hon'ble. Barsa Man Pun, Constituent Assembly Member talks on MDGs Press Conference along with Hon'ble. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator and Mr. Minar Pimple Deputy Director, UNMC.
#RobertPiper #RC #ResidentCoordinator #PressConference #MDG #Ph... UNIC, (2008)
Millennium Development Goals Press Conference 2008
Millennium Development Goals Press Conference at the UN House, Pulchowk, Lalitpur on 12th October, 2008.
#RobertPiper #RC #ResidentCoordinator #PressConference #MDG #Photo #2008 ... UNIC, (2008)
Paramananda Jha Addressing on the Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) 2011
Hon'ble. Paramananda Jha, Vice President addressing on a seminar on "United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries: The Role of Nepal as LDCs Chair" held at Radisson Hoel on 6th May, 2011.
#ParamanandaJha #VicePresident #Seminar #2011 #... UNIC, (2011)
Seema Rajoria Addressing on the Millennium Development Goals Press Conference
Seema Rajoria addressing on on a seminar on "United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries: The Role of Nepal as LDCs Chair" held at Radisson Hoel on 6th May, 2011.
#SeemaRajoria #PressConference #Seminar #2009 #Photo... UNIC, (2009)
Shoko Noda Addressing on the Conference on the Least Developed Countries 2011
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP addressing on a seminar on "United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries: The Role of Nepal as LDCs Chair" held at Radisson Hotel on 6th May, 2011.
#ParamanandaJha #VicePresident #ShokoNoda #UND... UNIC, (2011)
Christiana Figueres Addressing on the 8th International Conference on Community Based Adaptation at Hotel Soaltee Crowne Plaza
Hon'ble Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) delivering her words on 8th International Conference on Community Based AdaptaioN at Hotel Soaltee Crowne Plaza.
#ChristianaFiguere... UNIC, (2014)
Christiana Figueres Talking about the Community Based Adaptation
Hon'ble Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) interacting in the 8th International Conference on Community Based Adaptation.
#ChristianaFigueres #Conference #Photo #2014 #Commun... UNIC, (2014)
International Conference on Community Based Adaptation at Hotel Soaltee Crowne Plaza
Hon'ble Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) along with Hon. Prakash Man Singh, Mr. Leela Mani Poudyal and other personalities at 8th International Conference on Community Based... UNIC, (2014)
Team of 8th International Conference on Community Based Adaptation
8th International Conference on Community Based Adaptation Team picture with Hon'ble Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
#Conference #GroupPicture #Photo #ChristianaFigueres ... UNIC, (2014)
Ian Martin Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Nepal Address at the Dalit Women’s National Conference Organised by the Feminist Dalit Organisation (FEDO) (30 November 2007)
The theme of the conference, “Dalit Women’s Participation and Representation in Building a New Nepal”, represents an issue that UNMIN has consistently stated is essential to the success of the peace process: that those groups in Nepali society who ha... UNMIN, (2007)
Christiana Figueres Addressing on the Conference at Grand Hotel on April 2018
Hon'ble Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) addressing on the National Youth Conference on Climate Change held on Grand Hotel, Kathmandu.
#ChristianaFigueres #ExecutiveSecreta... UNIC, (2014)
Christiana Figueres Greets Organizer at the Grand Hotel
Hon'ble Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) welcomed at Grand Hotel, Kathmandu for the Event National Youth Conference on Climate Change. Figueres greets the organizer and othe... UNIC, (2014)
Christiana Figueres Interacting at the National Youth Conference on Climate Change on April 2014
Hon'ble Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) addressing on the National Youth Conference on Climate Change held on Grand Hotel, Kathmandu.
#ChristianaFigueres #ExecutiveSecret... UNIC, (2014)
Participant Speaking on the Event National Youth Conference on Climate Change Held on Grand Hotel Kathmandu
A Participant speaking on National Youth Conference on Climate Change held on April 2014 at Grand Hotel, Kathmandu.
#Youths #NationalYouthConference #ClimateChange #Conference #Photo #2014 ... UNIC, (2014)
Participants at National Conference on Climate Change held on April 2014
Participants at National Youth Conference on Climate Change, event was 4th National Youth Climate Summit held on Grand Hotel, Kathmandu.
#Participant #Youth #Photo #2014 #Conference... UNIC, (2014)
Nepal to focus on people centered services for TB elimination and put more resources to End TB [YouTube]
Mr Tara Man Gurung, State Minister for Health, Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal.
The interview took place in Delhi at the Ministerial Meeting Towards Ending TB in South-East Asia.
URL: https://youtu.be/HfG9BJOURv8
Duration: 00:00 - 02:06
L... WHO SEARO, (2017)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Mr. António Guterres, To Visit Nepal
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Mr. António Guterres, is scheduled to arrive in Kathmandu on Tuesday, 22 May for a three-day mission, his first official visit to Nepal. While in Nepal, Mr. Guterres is expected to meet the Prime Min... UNHCR, (2007)
Address by Ian Martin, Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Nepal, National Conference on “Human Security and Landmines: Problems and Challenges”
As the people of Nepal take stock of their achievements in the peace process over the past year, a major highlight must be the removal of thousands of kilograms of explosives and thousands of socket bombs and pressure cooker bombs from the community,... UNMIN, (2007)
Ban Ki-Moon : Secretary-General : Press Conference in Kathmandu (1 November 2008)
"I have met all the political leaders, the important parties’ leaders, and while I congratulated the historic transformation that they have achieved recently, I also urged them to overcome the differences in their positions. They should look beyond t... UNMIN, (2008)
Joined Op-ed: Time is now #Press for Progress
Nepal has ingrained traditions and seats of power that are occupied by the same sectors of society. But the shift following the promulgation of the constitution to historic elections is showing that society is rethinking and redefining what it means ... UNRCO, (2018)
Ian Martin Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Nepal
Nepal is within reach of an historic achievement. UNMIN is here in Nepal not because of a single election but because this election is a key part of a peace process that is crucial to the future of the country. It is an election not just to elect a p... UNMIN, (2008)
Government Letter to The UN Sent to Secretary General
The un in kathmandu confirmed today that the letter from government of nepal requesting their support to the peace process has been sent to its headquarters in new york to the attention of mr. kofi annan, the UN secretar... UNIC, (2006)
Holocaust 2020
This picture represents the holocaust session that was organized by UNIC in January,2020 for one month. Holocaust session was an educational session providing students information of the history of Germans and the jewish.
#UN #UNIC #Holocaust2020 #G... UNIC, (2020)
Secretary General Appoints Aracelly Santana Of Ecuador As Deputy Special- Representative, Deputy Of United Nations Mission in Nepal
United nations secretary-general ban ki-moon today announced the appointment of aracelly santana of ecuador as his deputy special representative for nepal and deputy Head of the united nations mission in nepal UNMIN. ms. Santana, presently the Chief ... UN, (2008)