National Roundtable Workshop Coorganized by the Government of Nepal and IFAD
1. Registration of the participants
2. Statement by Mr Ashwani Muthoo, Acting Director, Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE), IFAD
3. Statement by Ms Lakshmi Menon, Head, Corporate Services Department, IFAD
4. Presentation of Findin... GoN, IFAD, (2013)
Strengthening Planning and Monitoring Capacity of NPC
This project supports the National Planning Commission to make its planning and monitoring system inclusive as well as to support the NPC to strategize to meet the MDG goals. The project accordingly will have two components each of which will have in... UNDP, (2009)
Nepal–WHO, Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS), 2018–2022
The Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS) that provides a country-specific medium-term strategic vision for the World Health Organization’s cooperation with Member States, and outlines the collaborative agenda between the government and the Organization... GON, WHO, (2018)
Country Analysis Workshop (19 April 2011)
1. To generate an independent assessment of successes, challenges and lessons learned to inform the design of the UNDAF (2013-2017).
2. Effective reporting is not possible without targeted data collection;
3. Inter-agency collaboration... UNDAF, (2011)
Programme Management Department: IFAD’s Operational Framework For Scaling Up Results
Given the large-scale problem of reducing rural poverty that it is mandated to address and the limited resources available from official development assistance (ODA), IFAD needs to increase the impact of every dollar it invests in agriculture and rur... IFAD, (2015)
United Nations Population Fund Draft Country Program Document for Nepal
1. The peace process in Nepal, which began in 2006 and ended a decade-long civil conflict, is gradually moving forward. The Constituent Assembly elected in May 2008 declared Nepal a federal republic. The Assembly is expected to promulgate a new const... UN, (2012)
Finalization of HACT Compliance in Nepal
1. Macro assessment Nepal's Public and Financial Management was completed in Dec 2007 which was endorsed by the Government of Nepal (GoN) on 10 June 2008.
2. Micro assessment of the 75 implementing partners, including government and non... UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, (2009)
Finalization of HACT Compliance in Nepal
THE HACT Task Force is developing a joint database of HACT related initiatives such as assessment reports, reports of assurance activities etc. The Resident coordinator's office with support of office of the Humanitarian Coordinator(OCHA) is also wor... UN, (2009)
Nepal Country Programme Evalution Concept Note On The National Roundtable Workshop
The Independent Office of Evaluation IOE of the evaluation process,a national roundtable workshop is held at the end of each Undertaken IOE.The Nepal CPE national roundtable workshop will be co-organized by the Government of Nepal and IOE,in close c... IFAD, (2013)
Global Sanitation Fund Nepal - A Programme of WSSCC (Investing in sustainable sanitation and hygiene)
GSF Programme in Nepal:
• Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) Programme provides USD 5 million for 5 years to promote sanitation and hygiene in Nepal targeting more than 1,750,000 population.
• National Coordinating Body (NCB) led by the Government provid... GoN,UNHABITAT, WSSCC, (2011)
UNHABITAT - Country Activities Report 2011
Despite progress on women’s rights, rights to land and security of tenure are not enjoyed equally by women and men in many parts of the world. Gender issues related to land are complicated. They involve sensitive social and cultural territories and c... UNHABITAT, (2011)
UNV Executive Coordinator Mission to Nepal, May 1-2, 2014
The main purpose of the mission was to present the new National UN Youth Volunteer modality and the new UNV Strategic Framework 2014-2017
#UNVolunteers #StrategicFramework
... UNV, (2014)
The Nepal HIV Investment Plan
There is a pressing need for action in Nepal to tackle: our alarmingly low testing levels among those most affected; the unacceptably low vertical transmission elimination coverage; the programmatic and social barriers that prevent key populations at... GoN, UNAIDS, (2013)
The Nepal HIV Investment Plan is all about Innovation and Results
Nepal has chosen to achieve concrete results of its national HIV program me, by selecting strategic, prioritized and innovative approaches in its “Nepal HIV Investment Plan (NHIP).” The Plan, developed in light of a downward trend in global HIV fun... UNAIDS, (2014)
GEF-SGP Country Programe Strategy for Utilization of OP5 Grantfunds
The GEF small grants programme is a corporate programme of the global environment programe implemented by united nations development programme and executed by united nations for project service .UNDP hosts GEF-SGP on behave of the GEF implementing ag... UNDP, (N/A)
Statement Of Ms Lakshmi Menon, Head Of IFAD’s Corporate Services Department - National Roundtable Workshop, Nepal Country Programme Evaluation
This unique opportunity to address the participants of this National Round Table Workshop,which has been jointly organized by the Government of Nepal and IFAD.the best wishes that Dr Kanayo Nwanze, the President of IFAD sends with me for ... IFAD, GoN, (2013)