Nepal : Reports of Security Incidents - 1 January to 30 June 2008
The density of events indicated by shading on the map represents the sum of the reports of abductions, clashes, killings and IED explosions as reported to OCHA and the UN Department of Safety and Security, and not necessarily the total number of actu... UNOCHA, (2008)
Nepal : Reports of Security Incidents (01 January to 31 December, 2007)
The density of events indicated by shading on the map represents the sum of the reports of abductions, clashes, killings and IED explosions as reported to OCHA and the UN Department of Safety and Security, and not necessarily the total number of actu... UNOCHA, (2007)
Nepal: Reported Incidents of Killing in 2013
The reported incidents in the map is consolidated from media, news, UNDSS, DFID-GIZ Risk
Management Office daily SitRep and data subject to availability. However this may not reflect the factual incident occurred in the country. Hence the informatio... UNRCHCO, (2014)
NEPAL: Reports of Security Incidents (01 to 30 June, 2008)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. CPN/M cadres banned the District forest office staff from staying in the village. 11 Jun.... UNOCHA, (2008)
NEPAL: Reports of Security Incidents (01 to 31 May, 2008)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. YCL cadres killed a local resident. 22 May CPN/M cadres killed a NC activist, 17 May. 3 p... UNOCHA, (2008)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents (1 November, 2007 to 31 October, 2008)
The density of events indicated by shading on the map represents the sum of the reports of abductions, clashes, killings and IED explosions as reported to OCHA and the UN Department of Safety and Security, and not necessarily the total number of actu... UNOCHA, (2008)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents (1 September to 31 October, 2008)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. An IED exploded in a Mosque in Hattimuda VDC injuring four persons. Cadres of a Limbuwan ... UNOCHA, (2008)
NEPAL: Reports of Security Incidents (1 to 31 July, 2008)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. Cadres of JTMM(Singh) threatened to kill businessman if their donation demand was not met... UNOCHA, (2008)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents ( 1-31 August, 2013)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNOCHA, (2013)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents (1-30 April, 2011)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNOCHA, (2011)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents (1-30 April, 2013)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the... UNOCHA, (2013)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents (1-30 June, 2013)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNOCHA, (2013)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents (1-30 November, 2011)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNOCHA, (2011)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents (1-30 September, 2013)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNOCHA, (2013)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents (1-31 July, 2012)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNOCHA, (2012)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents (1-31 July, 2013)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNOCHA, (2013)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents (1-31 March, 2011)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNOCHA, (2011)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents (1-31 May, 2013)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNOCHA, (2013)
NEPAL: Reports of Security Incidents (1 to 31 August, 2008)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. Clash between labourers and the police at Narayani rolling mill. One labourer was killed,... UNOCHA, (2008)
Security Incidents in Bara District (As of July 2010 - July 2013)
Security Incidents Kabhrepalanchok in Bara District (As of 2010 July - 2013 July)
31 Bandh/Blockades
16 Clash
20 Criminal Acts
26 IED/Explosions
Violent Acts
#SecurityIncidents #BaraDistrict ... UNOCHA, (2013)
Nepal - Reported Security Incidents Involving VDC and DDC Staff
During the first six months of 2010, two VDC secretaries were killed (Sitapur VDC in Banke, and Babarjung VDC in Sarlahi). In separate incidents in Dhanusha, a DDC a DOC staff member was killed and a child was killed during an attempt on ... UNOCHA, (2010)
Nepal : Reports of Security Incidents - 1 to 31 January, 2008
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map –represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. An IED was exploded at Bhotahity. JTMM (Singh) shot dead a forest guard at Gaurishankar. K... UNOCHA, (2008)
NEPAL: Reports of Bandhs/Blockades (1 to 29 February 2008)
The density of events – indicated by shading on the map – represents the total number of bandhs / blockades that have been observed, as reported to OCHA and the UN Department of Safety and Security. These include transportation blockades, and closure... UNOCHA, (2008)
NEPAL: Reports of Security Incidents (01 to 29 February, 2008)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. An unidentified group shot and injured the Vice President of the CPN/M affiliated group. ... UNOCHA, (2008)
NEPAL: Reports of Security Incidents (01 to 30 April, 2008)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents.CPN-UML cadres vandalize the NC district party office. 02 Apr. An unidentified group explo... UNOCHA, (2008)
NEPAL: Reports of Security Incidents (01 to 31 March, 2008)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. The activists of CPN-UML and CPN/M vandalized the district party office of NC. Mar 31.An ... UNOCHA, (2008)
NEPAL: Reports of Security incidents (1 January- 31 December 2012)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNRCHCO, (2013)
Security Incidents in Dhanusa District (As of July 2010 - July 2013)
The reported incident of violent acts includes records of abduction, attack, killings and threats. Whereas criminal acts includes incidents of theft, robbery and other criminal acts. The security incidents in Dhanusa District are given below:
1. 44 ... UN, (2013)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents: 1 January - 31 May, 2007
The density of events indicated by shading on the map represents the sum of the reports of abductions, clashes, killings and IED explosions as reported to OCHA and the UN Department of Safety and Security, and not necessarily the total number of actu... UNOCHA, (2007)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents: February 21 - March 7, 2007
The density of events – indicated by shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. 12 persons were injured in clashes between businessmen and police during a bandh anno... UNOCHA, (2006)
Nepal- Reports of Security Incidents: 1 January - 30 April, 2007
The density of events indicated by shading on the map represents the sum of the reports of abductions, clashes, killings and IED explosions as reported to OCHA and the UN Department of Safety and Security, and not necessarily the total number of actu... UNOCHA, (2007)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents - 1 to 22 October, 2007
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map –represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents.
CPN/M: Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)
YCL: CPN/M affiliated Young Communist league
N... UNOCHA, (2007)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents - 1 to 30 November, 2007
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. 1 person reported injured when a stray IED went off in Biratnagar Bus Park, while some ch... UNOCHA, (2007)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents - 1 to 31 October, 2007
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. JTMM (Goit) cadres detonated 2 bombs in Bhairahawa. Maoist abducted and looted the Deputy... UNOCHA, (2007)
NEPAL: Reports of Security Incidents (January - September, 2009)
The density of events indicated by shading on the map represents the sum of the reports of abductions, killings, clash and IED explosions as reported to OCHA and the UN Department of Safety and Security, and not necessarily the total number of actual... UNOCHA, (2009)
NEPAL: Reports of Security Incidents (September 26 - October 15, 2006)
The identity of those involved in the reported killings is generally not clear, neither are the motives behind the attacks. The density of events – indicated by shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily... UNOCHA, (2006)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents, 1- 30 November 2013
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNRCHCO, (2013)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents, 1- 31 December 2013
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the... UNRCHCO, (2013)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents: August 29, 2006 - September 11, 2006
Despite holding talks with the government, CPN/M cadres are continuing their acts of abduction and extortion together with other regular political activities both in villages and urban areas. The density of events – indicated by shading on the map – ... UNOCHA, (2006)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents: Jan. 2 – 31, 2006
Map represents major security incidents since the withdrawal of the four-month Communist Party of Nepal / Maoist (CPN/M) unilateral ceasefire.Improvised Explosive Device (IED) attacks by the CPN/M have largely targeted government offices and municipa... UNOCHA, (2006)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents: June 20, 2006-July 03, 2006
Security situation has largely improved after the declaration of a 3-month ceasefire by CPN/M on Apr. 26 and an indefinite ceasefire by the Government on May 3. However, reports of lootings and extortions have intensified. The identity of those invol... UNOCHA, (2006)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents: September 12, 2006 - September 25, 2006
The security situation appears to have deteriorated in the reported period. The identity of those involved in the reported killings is generally not clear, neither are the motives behind the attacks. The density of events – indicated by shading on th... UNOCHA, (2006)
Nepal- Bandhs Affecting Nepal, as of 19 December 2006
The Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (Terai People’s Autonomous Movement) issued a press statement declaring a transport bandh for all ‘Pahadiya’, or people of hill origins in Terai districts attached to East – West Highway (Mahendra Highway) from 16 –... UNOCHA, (2006)
Nepal- Reports of Security Incidents: 1 - 30 April 2007
The density of events – indicated by shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. 2 killed and 2 injured in a clash between CPN/M and locals at Gela village. 6 explosi... UNOCHA, (2007)
Nepal- Reports of Security Incidents: April 01 - April 17, 2007
The density of events – indicated by shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents.
IED: Improvised Explosive Device
CPN/M: Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)
JTMM: Ja... UNOCHA, (2007)
Nepal- Reports of Security Incidents: December 21, 2006 to January 10, 2007
The identity of those involved in the reported killings is generally not clear, neither are the motives behind the attacks. The density of events – indicated by shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily... UNOCHA, (2007)
Nepal- Reports of Security Incidents: January 1 - March 31, 2007
The density of events indicated by shading on the map represents the sum of the reports of abductions, clashes, killings and IED explosions as reported to OCHA and the UN Department of Safety and Security, and not necessarily the total number of actu... UNOCHA, (2007)
Nepal- Reports of Security Incidents: January 11- January 23, 2007
The identity of those involved in the reported killings is generally not clear, neither are the motives behind the attacks. The density of events – indicated by shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily... UNOCHA, (2007)
Nepal- Reports of Security Incidents: October 16, 2006 - October 29, 2006
The identity of those involved in the reported killings is generally not clear, neither are the motives behind the attacks. The density of events – indicated by shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily... UNOCHA, (2006)
Nepal- Reports of Security Incidents: October 30, 2006 - November 13, 2006
The identity of those involved in the reported killings is generally not clear, neither are the motives behind the attacks. The density of events – indicated by shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily... UNOCHA, (2006)
Nepal Special: Reports of Recent Security Incidents- 10 to 21 February, 2008
On 13 February, the United Democratic Madhesi Front (UDMF) called an indefinite bandh/strike until the government meets their demands. The UDMF is comprised of three groups, namely the Madhesi People’s Rights Forum (MPRF), the Nepal Sadbhavana Party ... UNOCHA, (2008)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents - 1 to 31 July 2007
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. JTMM Singh issued a statement: “The rulers and administrators of hilly origin are unaccep... UNOCHA, (2007)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents (1 to 31 August 2007)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. CPN/M cadre beat up police post in-charge at Piplang VDC; all policemen moved to Sakeghat... UNOCHA, (2007)
Secretary-General Appoints Aracelly Santana of Ecuador as Deputy Special
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today announced the appointment of Aracelly Santana of Ecuador as his Deputy Special Representative for Nepal and Deputy Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN). Ms. Santana, presently the Chie... UNMIN, (2008)
PRESS STATEMENT: Ian Martin Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General
"I am pleased, and I know the Security Council will be pleased, that I will be briefing them in the knowledge that a date has been set for the Constituent Assembly election. A credible CA election is a key step in the peace process and a means to con... UNMIN, (2008)
Statement to the Press: Simon Hermes Regional Head, Mid-Western region, United Nations Mission in Nepal
Member States were once again unanimous in their support of Nepal’s peace process. Both the Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Member States emphasized the importance to Nepal’s peace process of a credible CA election conducted in a free and fair atmo... UNMIN, (2008)
Security Incidents in Parsa District As of July 2010 - July 2013
The reported incident of violent acts includes records of abduction , attack , killings and threats. Whereas criminal acts includes incidents of theft, robbery and other criminal acts.This map shows the security incidents in Parsa District which are ... UNRCHCO, (2013)
NEPAL: Reports of Security Incidents (1 - 28 February, 2014)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded /Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the... UNRCHCO, (2014)
NEPAL: Reports of Security Incidents (1 - 30 April, 2014)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded /Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the... UNRCHCO, (2014)
NEPAL: Reports of Security Incidents (1-31 January, 2014)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded /Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the... UNRCHCO, (2014)
NEPAL: Reports of Security Incidents (1 to 31 December, 2007)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. CPN/M Cadres beat a tourist at Birethani. YCL cadres open fire at Cadres of Nepal Student... UNOCHA, (2007)
NEPAL: Reports of Security Incidents (1 to 31 March, 2014)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNRCHCO, (2014)
NEPAL: Reports of Security Incidents (1 to 31 October, 2013)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNRCHCO, (2013)
NEPAL: Reports of Security Incidents (November 1, 2005 - September 30, 2006)
The density of events indicated by shading on the map represents the sum of the reports of clashes, killings and IED explosions, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents.... UNOCHA, (2006)
Nepal : Reports of Security Incidents (1-31 January, 2013)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNRCHCO, (2013)
Nepal : Reports of Security-Related Incidents May 10 - May 23, 2006
Security situation has largely improved after the declaration of a 3-month ceasefire by CPN/M on Apr.26 and an indefinite ceasefire by the Government on May 3. However, reports of extortions by CPN/M have intensified. The density of events – indicate... UNOCHA, (2006)
NEPAL: Reports of Security Incidents (1 - 30 November, 2012)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNRCHCO, (2012)
NEPAL: Reports of Security Incidents (1 - 30 September, 2012)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNRCHCO, (2012)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents (1- 31 January 2013)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNRCHCO, (2013)
NEPAL: Reports of Security Incidents (1 to 31 October, 2012)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNRCHCO, (2012)
Statement of Mr. Staffan de Mistura Head of The Mission to Nepal on UN Assistance to The Peace Process
The united nations is pleased and honored to be asked to provide assistance to the peace process in nepal in a number of areas. the secretary-general is committed to respond positively to this invitation, as is demonstrated by the arrival this missio... UN, (2006)
Nepal- Reports of Security Incidents (1 - 30 June 2012)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNRCHCO, (2012)
NEPAL- Reports of Security Incidents (1-31 August, 2012)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNRCHCO, (2012)
NEPAL- Reports of Security Incidents (1-31 March, 2012)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNRCHCO, (2012)
NEPAL- Reports of Security Incidents (1-31 May, 2012)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNRCHCO, (2012)
Nepal- Reports of Security Incidents: 1 - 30 April 2012
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNRCHCO, (2012)
NEPAL: Reports of security Incidents (1 to 28 February, 2013)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded /Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the... UNRCHCO, (2013)
NEPAL: Reports of Security Incidents (1 to 31 December, 2012)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded /Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the... UNRCHCO, (2013)
NEPAL: Reports of Security Incidents (1-29 February 2012)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNRCHCO, (2012)
NEPAL- Reports of Security Incidents (1-31 August, 2011)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNRCHCO, (2011)
NEPAL: Reports of Security Incidents - 1 to 31 January, 2012
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNRCHCO, (2012)
NEPAL: Reports of Security Incidents (1 - 30 June, 2011)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded /Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the... UNRCHCO, (2011)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents (1 January-30 June, 2011)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNRCHCO, (2011)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents (1 to 31 December 2011)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNRCHCO, (2011)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents (1 to 31 October, 2011)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNRCHCO, (2011)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents (1-31 July, 2011)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED-Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the t... UNRCHCO, (2011)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents (1-31 May, 2011)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNRCHCO, (2011)
Kathmandu Valley: Security Incidents Related to UCPN-M General Strike (1 to 6 May 2010)
1. Police fired 4 cells of tear gas to control the situation of Budhanilkantha which
remained tensed after locals started protesting against UCPN-M strike; a nine- year-old child was injured.
2. Situation of Jorpati has become tensed d... UNOCHA, (2010)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents (1-28 February, 2011)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNRCHCO, (2011)
Nepal : Reports of Security Incidents (1-31 October, 2010)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map– represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. In the chart regarding groups, the "Others/Unidentified” category includes robbers/looters... UNOCHA, (2010)
Nepal- Reported Security Incidents Involving VDC and DDC Staff (Period Covered: 1 January - 31 December 2010)
The majority of reported incidents in 2010 were related to donation demands and threats. The majority of threats were attributed to SJMM across the country with the exception of the Central/Western Terai and the Karnali region. The donation demands r... UNRCHCO, (2010)
Nepal- Reported Security Incidents Involving VDC and DDC Staff (Period Covered: 1 January - 31 July 2010)
During the first six months of 2010, two VDC secretaries were killed (Sitapur VDC in Banke, and Babarjung VDC in Sarlahi). In separate incidents in Danusha, a DDC staff member was killed and a child was killed during an attempt on the life of VDC Sec... UNOCHA, (2010)
Nepal- Reports of Security Incidents (1 - 30 April 2010)
1. Cadres of UCPN-M and locals clashed when locals tried to open the ‘Bandh’ market.
2. The cadres of UCPN-M warned to take action against locals of Toli -1 VDC and Muli VDC if they do not provide donation.
3. An activist of CPN-UML d... UNOCHA, (2010)
Nepal- Reports of Security Incidents (1 - 30 June 2010)
1. A civilian was injured by SF action against the demonstrators who were demonstrating against the death of Jasu Kathayat.
2. Five people injured in a clash during school management committee election in Chuha VDC.
3. An unidentified... UNOCHA, (2010)
Nepal: Reported Security Incidents (1 January to 30 June 2010)
The density of events indicated by shading on the map represents the sum of the reports of abductions, killings, clash, IED defused/explosions and criminal acts as reported to OCHA and the UN Department of Safety and Security, and not necessarily the... UNOCHA, (2010)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents (1 - 30 September, 2010)
1. A person was injured in crossfire between two youth groups on the distribution of voters' ID card in Binauna VDC.
2. An IED was detonated in front of a businessman’s office at Dhamboji-1 in Nepalgunj.
3. 4 people were injured in a c... UNRCHCO, (2010)
NEPAL: Reports of Security Incidents (1 - 31 May, 2009)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. A minor was killed and two others injured in an IEDexplosion, Basuling VDC-5. 08 May. An ... UNOCHA, (2009)
NEPAL: Reports of Security Incidents (1 January - 31 December, 2010)
The density of events indicated by shading on the map represents the sum of the reports of abductions, killings, clash, IED defused/explosions and criminal acts as reported to UNRCHCO and the UN Department of Safety and Security, and not necessarily ... UNRCHCO, (2010)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents (1 January to 31 December 2011)
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ... UNRCHCO, (2011)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents (1 to 31 December 2010)
1. A vehicle was damaged when an IED planted by JTMM was exploded in Mohamadpur.
2. 18 transport workers were injured in a clash among Bus management committee and Transport Entrepreneurs' Committee following a dispute over bus operatio... UNRCHCO, (2010)