Let Us Send The Children Home To Their Families
While welcoming the inclusion of children's issues in the draft peace accord,
UNICEF urges all parties to the peace process in Nepal to abide by international instruments and to put the interest of children first during all stages of the peace acco... UNICEF, (2006)
Formative Evaluation of UNICEF Monitoring Results for Equity System (MoRES) (August 2014)
The Nepal Country Office has made a determined effort to apply MoRES and has intelligently adjusted it to the national context and ongoing programme of work.
Before MoRES was formally introduced, the Nepal Country Office (NCO) had analyzed sub-nat... UNICEF, (2014)
Shelter Cluster Nepal: Recovery And Reconstruction Working Group
The Recovery and Reconstruction Working Group (RRWG) is co-chaired by UN Habitat and IOM, with support from the Shelter Cluster, with the objective to provide a platform for coordination, strategic planning, and technical guidance for agencies involv... UNHABITAT, IOM, (2015)
Why a Universal Child Grant Makes Sense for Nepal
The Child Grant (CG) was introduced in 2009/10 with the primary objective of supporting better nutrition for children under 5 years of age. The CG transfers NRs. 800 every four months to the mother or caregiver of eligible children and was initially ... UNICEF, (2016)
WFP Nepal Country Brief 2018
The past decade has been particularly transformative for the country, following the end of conflict in 2006 and a lengthy political transition as the country underwent a process of drafting a new constitution. The Constitution of Nepal, adopted in 20... WFP, (2018)
United Nations Children's Fund
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) believes that promoting the rights of the child and caring for the world’s children form the very foundation of human development. Active in more than 190 countries, it uses its global authority to work wit... UNAIDS, UNICEF, (2015)
World Social Protection Report 2014/15: Building Economic Recovery, Inclusive Development And Social Justice
Social protection policies play a critical role in realizing the human right to social security for all, reducing poverty and inequality, and supporting inclusive growth – by boosting human capital and productivity, supporting domestic demand and fac... ILO, (2014)
UNDP Goodwill Ambassador Michelle Yeoh visits Nepal
UNDP Goodwill Ambassador Michelle Yeoh visits Nepal
Award-winning global movie star and Nepal earthquake survivor Michelle Yeoh travelled back to Kathmandu last week as a United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Goodwill Ambassador. She visited t... UNDP, (2016)
Universal Social Protection Universal Old-Age and Disability Pensions, and Other Universal Allowance in Nepal
The Government of Nepal runs a varied portfolio of social protection programs
consisting of social insurance, cash and in kind social assistance programs, and various labor market programs. The fiscal cost of the current portfolio of SP programs in ... UN, (2017)
Children – The First Priority - Real agreement Is Reached Between All Political Parties In Nepal
After more than ten years of conflict, and times of real stress between the many political parties that make up per-election for constitutional assembly in Nepal, politicians from all sides came together today for a unique event for children. The pol... UNICEF, SAVE THE CHILDREN, CONSORTIUM OF THE ORGANISATION WORKING FOR CHILD CLUBS, (2008)
The Internally Displaced Persons: Current Status
The fate of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) is one of the many outstanding issues of the peace negotiations between the interim government of Nepal and the CPN (Maoist). Granting those, that had to flee their homes due to the conflict the op... UNOCHA, (2006)
Nepal: Western Uplands Poverty Alleviation Project ( Phase III Design Report )
WUPAP is being implemented in three phases under the Flexible Lending Mechanism of IFAD with a loan effectiveness date of 01 Jan 2003, current completion data of 31 Mar 2014, and is currently in Phase II. Phase I of the project was completed in FY 20... IFAD, (2012)
Nepal: Western Uplands Poverty Alleviation Project Supervision Report
WUPAP is being implemented in three phases under the Flexible Lending Mechanism of IFAD with a loan effectiveness date of 01 January 2003, completion date of 31 March 2016, closing date of 30 September 2016, and is currently in its final Phase III. P... IFAD, (2015)
IncreasIng Participation Through Volunteerism In Nepal
Volunteerism is a powerful means of engaging people in tackling development
challenges Volunteerism empowers individuals and institutions;it builds
resilience, which is essential in changing environment with the development of the UN Volunteers(U... UNV, (2014)
Violence Against Children in Nepal
Corporal punishment and other acts that humiliate children (including verbal humiliation) are accepted practice in Nepal, in both schools and in home and are used as means to modify the behavior of children. The majority of educated people in Nepal a... UNICEF, CIVICT, (2006)
UNICEF USA: Nirmala: Child Head of Household in Nepal [Youtube]
Abstract : There are 650,000 orphaned children living in Nepal. It is UNICEF's goal to ensure orphaned children around the world receive the support they need to live a healthy life. In this video, see the story of Nirmala, a young orphaned girl left... UNCEF USA, (2012)
Country Programme Nepal (2013-2017)
Standard Project Report 2016
World Food Programme in Nepal, State of (NP)
WFP has two ongoing projects that serve Bhutanese refugees in Nepal: the country programme (CP) 200319 and the protracted relief and recovery operation (PRRO) 200787. These projects aim to prevent undernutrition and enable year-round access to food f... WFP, (2017)
Western Uplands: Western Uplands Poverty Alleviation Project
From 16 March – 31 March 2014, Government of Nepal and IFAD fielded a Mission to jointly review the performance of the Western Uplands Poverty Alleviation Project (WUPAP) and its achievements since the last Phase III Review of March 2013. The mission... IFAD, (2014)
United Nations Children’s Fund
Revised country programme document
Nepal (2008-2010)
Nepal has a population of over 27 million, of which 16 per cent is urban and 45 per cent under 18 years. Its physical geography ranges from the southern terai plains at less than 100 m to the northern high mountains that rise to 8,850 m. Due to limit... UNICEF, (2007)
Appraisal of the Karnali Employment Programme as a Regional Social Protection Scheme
Public works programmes combine the objectives of providing social protection through short term paid employment and improvement or preservation of infrastructure and other assets. They are being adopted in different forms by many countries to reach ... ILO, (2010)
Global Press Release International Volunter Day
International Volunteer Day (IVD), on December 5th, was designated by the United Nations in 1985 as an international observance day to celebrate the power and potential of volunteerism. It is an opportunity for volunteers, and volunteer organizati... UNV, (2012)
Message From Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General Of UNESCO, On The Occasion Of World Day Against Child Labour - 12 June 2009
The fact that some 218 million children between the age of 5 and 17 are forced to work is an affront to human dignity and a violation of their right to education. This year’s World Day Against Child Labour on 12 June puts the spotlight on girls becau... UNESCO, (2009)
Universal Access For Children Affected By AIDS In Nepal
Universal Access for Children Affected by Aids in Nepal (UCAAN) today organized a ceremony to welcome on board various business houses in Nepal to their national open partnership. In an effort to expand its partnership to various sectors, UCAAN has b... UNICEF, UCAAN, USAID, NAP+N, GON, (2009)
UNDAF Nepal Newsletter
On June 2nd and 3rd, the Kathmandu Valley echoed with the call ‘Nothing about us without us!’ The calls were part of the slogans chanted at the cricket match between blind women’s team and the Nepal National Team. The match was an idea conceived by U... UNRCHCO(UNRCO), (2013)
Helping severely malnourished children in Nepal [Youtube]
Abstract : When 20 month old Madan Sunwar was brought into the Achham District Hospital in the remote west of Nepal, he was severely malnourished and critically ill. He weighed just 4.5 kg and he was suffering from severe pneumonia.
Duration : 00... UNICEF Nepal, (2016)
UNFPA urges adversaries to respect Human Rights in Nepal
Nepal Conflict Blocks Life-saving Health Services to Women. UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, called today on all parties to the conflict in Nepal to facilitate development and humanitarian assistance, and respect human rights. “It is vital ... UNFPA, (2005)
Mobilising Communities for Child Protection
Creating a protective environment for children requires commitment and action by a range of different actors at different levels. Families, communities, community-based organisations, civil society and local service providers play an essential role i... UNICEF, (2010)
UNICEF Annual Report 2014
In 2014, Nepal made steadfast progress towards its Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets. The 2014 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) showed gains in infant mortality, now reaching 33 per 1,000 live births against a target of 36; a reductio... UNICEF, (2014)
UNICEF Annual Report for Nepal
The Child-Friendly Local Governance (CFLG) national framework is before the Cabinet
and will provide clear policy and guidance for the allocation and use of government
funding to children and women at district, municipal and village levels.
The Mi... UNICEF, (2010)
The Inter-Agency Common Feedback Project, referred to as the Common
Feedback Project (CFP), is an innovative community engagement project,
initiated during the response to the Nepal Earthquake 2015. It is funded
by UK Aid, and is based in the UN R... OFFICE OF THE RESIDENT COORDINATOR, Nepal, (2018)
Adopting The Rights Of The Child: A Study On Intercountry Adoption And Its Influence On Child Protection In Nepal
The best interests of the child must be the guiding principle for all those working with children, no matter how emotive or complex the issue. This principle is the essence of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which Nepal has ratified. Adopt... UNICEF, GoN, (2008)
Progress for Children - A Report Card On Child Protection Number 8, September 2009
Around the world, far too many children are subject to violence, exploitation and abuse. Some are forced to work under harmful conditions. Others face violence or abuse in their homes, their schools, their communities or in institutional care. In som... UNICEF, (2009)
UNICEF Annual Report 2012
2012 was a year of recognizing results for children. As the Millennium Development Goals deadline approaches, we have cause to celebrate declining poverty rates, the near eradication of polio, increased immunizations, more girls attending school,impr... UNICEF, (2012)
UNICEF Annual Report 2013
In 2013, UNICEF moved forward with determination to build on that progress, working together with our partners in more than 190 countries to find new ways of realizing the rights of every child, especially the most disadvantaged.Our efforts to suppor... UNICEF, (2013)
UNICEF in Nepal (2008 - 2010)
By 2008, full stability had not yet returned to Nepal despite the signing of a Comprehensive Peace Accord in 2006. The ten years of conflict worsened the situation for many vulnerable people – child labour and trafficking increased, for example, whil... UNICEF, (2010)
UNICEF Humanitarian Action
in 2009
Following 10 years of Maoist-inspired conflict, the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Accord on 21 November 2006 marked a new phase in Nepal’s social, political, and economic development. Despite a certain degree of political progress during 2007, t... UNICEF, (2009)
2014 Annual Results Report: Child Protection
The core outcome for child protection in UNICEF’s Strategic Plan 2014–2017 is the improved and equitable prevention of and response to violence,abuse, exploitation and neglect of children. Drawing on lessons learned and evidence generated during the ... UNICEF, (2014)
SDGs in Nepal Goal 1 : Infographics
Where do Nepal’s seven provinces stand in terms of each of the Sustainable Development Goals? This series of infographics developed by United Nations Nepal in partnership with Nepal in Data and published in the Republica national daily, illustrates h... UNDP, (2018)
Assessment of the
Protecting Livelihoods in Crisis (PLIC) Programme
According to most development indicators, the remote hill and mountain districts of Nepal’s Mid- and Far Western Development Regions are amongst the country’s poorest, with widespread food insufficiency and low-quality basic services. In addition, th... UNICEF, (2006)
President’s Report Proposed Grant To Nepal For The Poverty Alleviation Fund Project – Phase II
The Poverty Alleviation Fund was launched as a community-driven development instrument for addressing the interrelated problems of rural poverty and social exclusion. In April 2004, the International Development Association (IDA) provided a grant of ... IFAD, (2007)
President's Memorandum: Proposed Supplementary Financing To The Federal Democratic Republic Of Nepal For The Poverty Alleviation Fund Project- Phase II
The Poverty Alleviation Fund was launched as a community-driven development instrument for addressing the interrelated problems of rural poverty and social exclusion. In April 2004, the International Development Association (IDA) provided a grant of ... IFAD, (2012)
Report And Recommendation Of The President: To The Executive Board On A Proposed Financial Assistance- To The Kingdom Of Nepal For The Western Uplands Poverty Alleviation Project
Project-area districts account for approximately 226 000 households, for a total of some 1.2 million people, most of whom are food-insecure because they are unable to grow sufficient food on their small and marginal holdings to feed the family for th... IFAD, (2001)
Nepal: Poverty Alleviation Project in Western Terai
The overall project design was flexible for implementation so that concerns arising as it
progressed in the field could be addressed. This was one of the major strengths of the project. The project called for coordination amongst the different agenc... IFAD, (2007)
CCTV Invigilation at Gadhimai Mela: A public private partnership initiative to strengthen community security
Gadhimai Mela 'a religious fair lasting for a month’ takes place every five years at the Gadhimai temple premises of Bariyarpur in Bara district. The Mela held in November-December involves sacrificial slaughter of animals including water buffaloes, ... UN, (2015)
Child Protection Mapping and Assessment Summary Report (September 2015)
Nepal’s Child Protection Systems Mapping and Assessment was carried out by the Ministry of Women Children and Social Welfare (MoWCSW) and the Central Child Welfare Board(CCWB),1 in 2012 to highlight system-wide strengths, weaknesses and gaps in relat... UNICEF, GoN, (2015)
New joint UNCDF-UNDP Discussion Paper “Local Governments and Social Protection” is Issued
This publication was jointly produced by UNCDF and UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Center. Both organizations are implementing the recommendations outlined in the publication, by pursuing piloting and further analytical work to deve... UNCDF, UNDP, (2012)
‘I’m Surprised to Hear that UN Intervened’
"Nepal's peace process has been remarkable in many ways, with hugely significant achievements for the establishment of the republic, and a representative Constituent Assembly, in a relatively short period. When the Security Council met on 6 November... UN, (2010)
Assignment Report on Assistance by Non-Medical Health Educators in Planning, Conducting and Evaluating a Course for Physicians
Reference: Miss Patterson M.F., (1970). Assignment Report on Assistance by Non-Medical Health Educators in Planning, Conducting and Evaluating a Course for Physicians, Nepal (WHO Project: Nepal 0003), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ In order to as... WHO, (1970)
2018 State of the World’s Volunteerism Report
Volunteerism connects people, enabling them to work together to tackle the pressing issues of our time. The adoption of the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals by world leaders almost three years ago charted a trajectory to a shared fut... UNV, (2018)
Innovathon Nepal NCO May 2015
Over the last few decades, Nepal made significant advancements in social development despite its ongoing socioeconomic complexities and geographical challenges.The data visionary and global health expert, Hans Rosling quoted in his recent visit to Ne... UNICEF, (2015)
Nepal Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014
he Nepal Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) was carried out in 2014 by Central Bureau of Statistics, Government of Nepal, as part of the Global MICS Programme.Technical support was provided by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). UNICEF... UNICEF, GoN, (2015)
UNICEF Child Protection Earthquake Response April - May 2015
Six weeks have passed since a 7.8 magnitude earthquake ravaged Nepal on April 25 2015. Since then, the country has experienced hundreds of aftershocks, including aftershocks with a magnitude of 7.3 and 6.3 on 12 May. These earthquakes and aftershocks... UNICEF, (2015)
On the occasion of the performance of Naya Adhyaya A joint UNFPA/UNMIN Street Theatre Project on Women and The Peace Process
Naya Adhyaya has been developed by Sarwanam Theatre, in conjunction with UNFPA and UNMIN. The play is based on research carried out in towns and villages across Nepal. It tells the story of a woman called Bina and her struggle for equal rights and re... UNMIN, (2007)
Decentralised Planning for the Child Programme : Baseline Survey Report : Humla District
Nepal ranks at 144th out of 174 countries in terms of the Human Development Index (UNDP, 1999). It is the poorest social sector performer in the entire South Asia region, the situation of children and women is worse. Nepal has ratified both Conventio... UNICEF, GoN, MSI, NEW ERA, (2000)
Decentralised Planning for the Child Programme : Baseline Survey Report : Kaplivastu District
Nepal ranks 144th out of 174 countries in terms of the Human Development Index (UNDP, 1999). It is the poorest social sector performer in the entire South Asia region, the situation of children and women is worse. Nepal has ratified both CEDAW and CR... UNICEF, GoN, MSI, NEW ERA, (2000)
बाल अधिकार
नेपालको कुल जनसब्ख्याको झण्डै आधा हिस्सा बालबालिकाहरू रहेको छ । नेपाल सरकारले बालबालिकाहरूको हक, अधिकार, संरक्षण र सम्वद्र्धनका लागि बाल अधिकारसम्बन्धी महासन्धि लगायत विभिन्न अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय महासन्धिहरू, त्यसका ऐच्छिक प्रलेख् हरू, घोषणापत्र तथा कार्य... NRHC/UNDP, (2012)
Social Protection for People in the Informal Economy of Nepal
Nepal's deteriorating economy, its political infrastructures, the continued impacts of neo-liberal economic policies, has left very few options for the provision of effective social and health security. The authors of this study are of the opinion th... ILO, (2004)
Child Poverty And Disparities In Nepal : Towards escaping the cycle of poverty : Nepal Report 2010
Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world, for many reasons, not least its challenging geographical terrain. It currently ranks 138 of 169 countries in the United Nations’ Human Development Index (UNDP 2010).
More than a third of Nepal’s 12... UNICEF, GoN, New ERA, (2010)
नेपालको सामाजिक सुरक्षा क्षेत्रबारे विश्लेषणात्मक जानकारी पत्र
नेपालमा निवृत्तिभरण, उपदान तथा सञ्चय कोष योजनाहरूको लामो इतिहास भए पनि
नयाँ संविधानले यसलाई थप विस्तारित गर्ने व्यवस्था गरेको छ, जसलाई भविष्यमा तर्जुमा
हुने कानुनी व्यवस्थाहरूले थप आधार प्रदान गर्नेछन् । आर्थिक स्रोत अहिले नै सीमित
भइसकेका कारण के... ILO /GON, (2017)
The State of The World's Mid Wifery 2011-Nepal
Nepal is currently in a process of post-conflict transition. Great disparities in access to health care can be found between different ethnic groups, among people of different education and income levels, and between geographic
areas. The total fer... UNFPA, (2011)
UNICEF Annual Report 2012 for Nepal, ROSA
UNICEF provided lead support to the National Plan Commission (NPC), six Ministries of the Government of Nepal, and development partners to finalize the Multi-Sector Nutrition and Food Security Action Plan 2013–2017. The Plan, the first-ever initiativ... UNICEF, (2012)
Nepal Poverty Map
Poverty in Nepal is widespread with an estimated 31% of the population living below the poverty line. Poverty is not evenly spread across the country. Factors such as differences in geography – agricultural potential, remoteness, lack of infrastructu... WFP, (2006)
An Inventory of Micro-Insurance Schemes in Nepal
This inventory gives an overview of existing and newly planned micro-insurance schemes in
Nepal, called the MIS Inventory. The inventory is part of a worldwide compendium to document ongoing experiences of micro-insurance schemes, which is being com... STEP/ILO, (2003)
Compassionate Care - Proceedings of Workshops: Directions in Community-based Care, and Social Reintegration for Nepal
In 2000, the ILO-IPEC launched the sub-regional project to combat the trafficking of children for exploitative employment in South Asia (TICSA). These children are often forced into commercial sex exploitation, which exposes them to physical and psyc... IPEC/ILO, (2006)
Creating a Healing Environment (Volume II: Technical Papers) Psycho-Social Rehabilitation and Occupational Integration of Child Survivors of Trafficking and Other Worst Forms of Child Labour
This paper presents an overview of the case management process as conducted by the Center for the Protection of Children’s Rights (CPCR) Foundation of Bangkok, Thailand, an organization that has been providing protection and rehabilitation for abused... ILO, (2002)
Decentralised Planning for the Child Programme (Tanahu District)
Nepal ranks of 144th among 174 countries in terms of Human Development(UNDP,1999). Its social indicators manifest the poor achievements in social development. Nepal's development lags behind that of other South Asian countries, which are also among l... GoN, UNICEF, (2000)
State of The SAARC Child 2005
South Asia is the home to quarter of the world's children. the magnitude of there helplessness, combined with their extreme poverty ,call for comprehensive and coordinated effort to ensure their survival, protection and development.since it's inspe... UNICEF, (2006)
Code of Conducts for Social Organizations and Associations
In order to ensure that the contribution made by social organizations/associations indevelopment sector is rendered further respectable, systematically managed and effective, this Code of Conducts is formulated by Social Welfare Council exercising th... UN, (2005)
Protect the Rights of Children
The United Nations' Children Fund (UNICEF) and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Nepal (OHCHR-Nepal) are increasingly concerned
about the use of children in demonstrations by the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) w... UNICEF, UNOHCHR, (2010)
The Road to Recovery - Cash transfers as an emergency response
and a catalyst to enhance the social protection system in Nepal
UNICEF has worked closely with the Government of Nepal and other international and
local partners on a large-scale emergency response operation including actions for immediate relief and early recovery. As part of this assistance, UNICEF has
suppor... GoN, UNICEF, (2016)
UNICEF’s Child Protection team is working in close partnership with the Government of Nepal and protection cluster members to respond to the urgent needs of women and children in the 14 most affected districts in Nepal.
#UNICEF #ChildProtection #E... UNICEF, (2015)
UNICEF Nepal Child Protection - Four Months After the Earthquake
1. Family preservation and identification of UN accompanied/ separated children.
2. Child-friendly spaces and psychosocial support.
3. Disabilities.
4. Trafficking.
5. Gender-based violence.... UNICEF, (2015)
UNICEF Regional Office For South Asia (ROSA) : Regional Analysis Report 2014
In early 2014, the Regional Office for South Asia (ROSA) undertook two critical interconnected activities, a branding exercise and the establishment of six “headline results”3 for South Asia, in cooperation with Country Offices (COs) and regional par... UNICEF, (2014)
Strategies and Options for Scaling Up and Enhancing the Child Grant Nationally in Nepal
The objective of the study is to offer to the Government of Nepal (GoN) a set of strategies and options regarding the continuation, scaling-up and enhancement of the Child Grant, a cash transfer program introduced by the GoN in 2009. This is in light... UNICEF, (2015)
An Expansion Strategy for Nepal’s Child Grant (November 2016)
The Child Grant was introduced in 2009/10 to support better nutrition for children under five years of age. Like other social security schemes implemented by the Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development (MOFALD) that take a rights-based appr... UNICEF, (2016)
Benefits of Nepal’s Child Grant for Current and Future Generations(November 2016)
This policy brief draws on evidence from Nepal and around the world to show that an enhanced and expanded Child Grant can make a real difference to the lives of children and is a sound investment for the country’s long term social and economic develo... UNICEF, (2016)
Global Initiative on Out-of-School Children (JULY 2016)
Children not attending school are in most cases ‘invisible’ because they do not appear in school records, and are, therefore, not considered in policy and decision making. The lack of data and information on children who are the most excluded from ed... UNICEF, (2016)
Affordable and not an Illusion - Costing of Basic Social Protection Benefits for Nepal - 2007-2034
Nepal has undergone a decade of political instability which has taken its toll on the economic and social development of the country. The present study provides an estimate on the feasibility of providing a set of basic social protection intervention... ILO, (2008)
Social Security/ Social Protection In Nepal Situation Analysis ( January 2012)
The MDG report (UNDP, 2011) says that Nepal can reach most of the targets if the government is able to manage resources and build institutional and policy capacity for implementation of strategic interventions. Nepal, however, faces considerable chal... ILO, (2012)
Country Office Portal - Annual Report 2011 for Nepal, ROSA
Rapid progress is being made to harmonise the national Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector including the first ever National Hygiene and Sanitation Master Plan launched by the President of Nepal, the first WASH Joint Sector Review led by the ... UNICEF, (2012)
Social Security/ Social Protection In Nepal: Situation Analysis
The MDG report(UNDP,2011) says that Nepal can reach most of the targets if the government is able to manage resources and build institutional and policy capacity for implementation of strategic interventions. Nepal, however, faces considerable challe... ILO, (2012)
Digitizing Social Security Allowances in Nepal
In Nepal, shifting the transfer of social security allowances (SSA) from manual to digital means will lead to significant savings and increased efficiency. Savings will enable the Government to putmore resources into health and education. Digitizatio... MM4P/UNCDF, (2016)
United Nations Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Population Fund and the United Nations Office for Project Services
1. The peace process in Nepal, which began in 2006 and ended a decade-long civil conflict,
is gradually moving forward. The Constituent Assembly elected in May 2008 declared Nepal a federal republic. The Assembly is expected to promulga... UNFPA, (2012)
Child Protection Sub-Cluster Contingency Plan
This contingency plan has been prepared for the CPSC to ensure that in any emergency scenario,particularly floods, landslides, earthquakes and civil unrest, the national and district-level CPSCs are prepared and can respond with maximum efficacy to c... UNICEF, (2009)
Nepal a World Leader in Boosting Child Survival, Despite Conflict: UNICEF
Nepal is one of only seven countries in the world on track to cut child mortality by two thirds between 1990 and 2015. This is the finding of a global study by UNICEF and its partners of 60 countries with high child mortality, published in a special ... UNICEF, (2006)
Testing Branchless Banking To Deliver Cash Transfers in Nepal
The Human Development Social Protection Pilot (HDSPP) is a sub-project of the joint UNDP-UNCDF Local Governance and Community Development Program (LGCDP).It has been initiated in two far-western districts in Nepal, Kanchanpur and Dhadheldura and it i... UNCDF, UNDP, (2015)
UNICEF Nepal Working Paper Series - Assessment of Nepal's Fiscal Envelope
This study analyses the fiscal envelope in Nepal with an emphasis on identifying possible areas to free fiscal space to fund increased allocation to key social investment. It hopes to contribute to the on-going debates about future policy directions ... UNICEF, (2014)
Mapping of Child Marriage Initiatives in South Asia
Globally, more than 14 million girls marry each year as children (under the age of 18 years), and many of these under the age of 15. Over 700 million women alive today were married as children. Almost half of these live in South Asia. Overall 46% of ... UNFPA, (2016)
International Youth Day in Nepal “Youth Festival”
To celebrate the International Youth Day, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Youth NGO Federation Nepal and United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme jointly organized National Youth Festival on August 12-13, 2012 in Kathmandu, with ... UNV, (2012)
New UNICEF Ambassador Aamir Khan Vows To Fight Stunting In South Asia
UNICEF promotes the rights and well being of every child, in everything we do. Together with our partners, we work in 190 countries and territories to translate that commitment into practical action, focusing special effort on reaching the most vulne... UNICEF, (2014)
Tenth Anniversary Of International Year Of Volunteers (IYV+10): Preparation, Implementation And Achievements Of The Celebrations in Nepal
Volunteerism is an integral part of traditional Nepalese culture which makes it a great example of a country that showcases true spirit of volunteerism. People of local
communities have always come together to jointly carry out various tasks to the
... UNVN, (2011)
Nepal: Who Does What Where When (4W) Humanitarian Activities - As of October
93 agencies, working in 29 districts, have completed or are engaged in nearly
2070 humanitarian activities.
#UN #HumanitarianActivities #NepalSurvey ... UN, (2017)
2015 State of the World’s Volunteerism Report Transforming Governance
There is widespread agreement that the future development agenda has to see some radical shifts to better engage people in their own, their community’s and country’s development. Enhanced mechanisms for civic engagement are needed to enable new discu... UNV, UNDP, (2015)
नेपालमा युनिसेफ : चार दशकको साझेदारी
नेपाल अहिले परिवर्तनको संघारमा उभिएको छ । २०६३ सालमा राजनीतिक दलहरूबीच वृहत शान्ति सम्झौता भए तापनि नेपालको स्थिति साम्य हुन अझै समय लाग्ने देखिन्छ । दश वर्षको द्वन्द्वले धेरैजसो मानिसको जीवनलाइ नराम्रो असर पुयाएको छ— उदाहरणका लागि बालश्रम र मानव तस्... UNICEF, (2009)
One Wash 2014 Annual Report
There is widespread belief that the feces of infants and young children are not harmful, but this is untrue. In fact, there is evidence that children’s feces could be more risky than adults’ feces, due to a higher prevalence of diarrhea
and pathoge... UNICEF, (2014)
Social Protection: Women Migrant Workers In ASEAN
This Policy Brief provides an overview of the social protection mechanisms available to women migrant workers in ASEAN, identifying good practices and making recommendations for improvements. The Policy Brief highlights the importance of the portabil... UNWOMEN, ILO, (2015)
UNV Nepal Newsletter: Apr-Jun 2014 ISSUE-2
In April 2014, UNV deployed 8 National UN Volunteers ICT Experts to 5 regions
of Nepal as part of LGCDP II. Nepal’s First National LGBTI
Community Dialogue, part of the Asia-Pacific regional initiative ‘Being LGBT in Asia’ was held ... UNV, (2014)
An analytical briefing on the social security sector in Nepal
More than 90 per cent of the total labour force in Nepal comprises workers and
employees in unorganised and informal sectors. Unfortunately, there are no any social
schemes for them.
The social insurance schemes benefit only workers in the formal ... MoLE/GoN, ILO, (2017)
The objective of the study is to offer to the Government of Nepal (GoN) a set of reflections and options regarding the continuation, scale-up and enhancement of the Child Grant (CG), a cash transfer program for children under the age of 5 introduced ... UN, (2015)
Productive Impact of Malawi’s Social Cash Transfer Programme – Midterm Report
This report evaluates the productive impact of the Malawi Social Cash Transfer Programme (SCTP). The report uses data collected from a randomized experimental design impact evaluation to analyse the impact of the SCTP on household decision-making ove... FAO, (2016)