United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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United Nations Independent Experts Call on States to Strengthen the Protection of Women from Violence On the occasion of the International Day on the Elimination of Violence against Women (25 November), the Special Rapporteur of the United Nations Human Rights Council on violence against women, its causes and consequences, Yakin Ertürk, and the Spe...
UNOHCHR, (2007)
74th UN Day 2019 Bhrikuti Rai famous investigative reporter based on technology , Human Rights, Empowerment sharing her knowledge, information and experiences with the audience in UN Day 2019 #UNDAY #2019 #HumanRights #SDGS #Globalgoals #Interaction #Knowlegdeshar...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 Rajendra Banepali, Knowledge Management Associate in United Nations,striking a pose with the student of KMC. #UNDAY #UN@74 #SDGs #2019 #Interaction #Photobooth #Spreadyourgoals2030 #UNstaff #Students ...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 UN staffs Ruby shakya, Sudhira Shrestha, Niharika Rai, Kalwati Chand celebrating the 74th UN day and striking the pose in front of Photo booth and making the event successful with full support. #UNDAY #UN@74 #Globalgoal #SDGs #Sreadyourgoals2030 #P...
UNIC, (2019)
Remarks by Richard Bennett Representative of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Nepal Delivered at the launch of OHCHR’s Handbook for Civil Society (in Nepali) 30 November 2009, Pokhara This bulletin includes remarks by Richard Bennett that was delivered at the launch of OHCHR’s Handbook for Civil Society (in Nepali).The handbook is a global publication published by OHCHR Geneva, and the English version was released in Kathmandu in...
UNOHCHR, (2009)
Africa Regional Report On The Sustainable Development Goals The present report is a summary of the Africa Regional Report on Sustainable Development Goals, prepared under the framework of the Africa Rio+20 follow-up, and the post-2015 development agenda consultative processes. It is based on information gathe...
UN, (2015)
Business And The United Nations: Working Together Towards The Sustainable Development Goals The scale and ambition of the new Sustainable Development Goals require us to be bold and creative in how we work together to achieve them. A great deal has been written and learnt about how business can engage as an equal partner in this endeavour. ...
UN, (2015)
UNDP Annual Report 2012/2013 2012 marked the beginning of a process of reinvigorating the global development agenda. At Rio+20, the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, UN Member States agreed that sustainable development is the only viable path forward, based on integrate...
UNDP, (2013)
Building Bridges Linking Community Organisations – A Stakeholder Dialogue The Government of Nepal aims to eradicate the worst forms of poverty, eliminate social exclusion and ensure that all people have access to formal and non-formal education programmes, as this is the key to ensuring sustainable development. Many nation...
UNESCO, (2007)
OHCHR-Nepal Hosts Discussion On Ending Impunity For Sexual Violence Today, OHCHR-Nepal hosted a panel discussion on challenges and recommendations on ending impunity for acts of sexual violence committed against women. The panel took place in the framework of the yearly campaign 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Vio...
UNOHCHR, (2007)
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence: A Serious Concern for UNFPA The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is seriously concerned about the number of sexual and gender-based violence cases reported recently by the media. UNFPA urges the authorities to react quickly and decisively. “Almost everyday we can read a...
UNFPA, (2006)
Statement by Mr. Robert Piper: UN Resident Coordinator In Nepal On behalf Of The UN Country Team On The Occasion Of Stand Up And Take Action Against Poverty (16th October) In the year 2000, another very distinguished group, the largest gathering of Heads of State, ever, reflected on the close of an old millennium and the opening of a new one at the Millennium Summit in New York. A key element in the Millennium Declarat...
UN, (2009)
Statement on Combating Violence Against Women The undersigned members of the international community are concerned about the high prevalence of violence against women in Nepal.International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discriminatio...
United Nations Nepal Information Platform, (2019)
#1 UN Essay 2015: My United Nations- A Vision for the Future The United Nations I hoped for future would not just set the goals but is strictly committed to achieve the very goals, come what may in the path. The objectives should be beneficial to mankind, transparent, progressive and unambiguous. It must focus...
UNIC, (2015)
#37 UN Essay 2015: My United Nations: A vision for the future Yes it seems like being at the peak today, it also feels awesome to live in a place where we are the masters, the ones who control each and everything here. But the irony is not a single phenomenon in this entire Universe proceed in straight line gra...
UNIC, (2015)
#61 UN Essay 2015: My United Nations- A vision for the future Solid, strong and renowned organization- the United Nations has unquestionably outstretched its promising fingers worldwide and has made limitless commitments and contributions done towards making this world a better place to live in, guaranteeing th...
UNIC, (2015)
#63 UN Essay 2015: My United Nations - A Vision for the Future To build a future one wants, one must have the vision to shape it. In my vision, my United Nations will operate in cost-effective, less bureaucratic, and more nimble ways. It will institute a world body committed to establishing partnerships with flo...
UNIC, (2015)
#64 UN Essay 2015: My United Nation: A vision for future United Nation is the leading organization for solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, humanitarian character and promoting and encouraging respect for human right and for fundamental freedom for all without discrimination as ...
UNIC, (2015)
#69 UN Essay 2015: My United Nations- A vision for the future United Nation Organization (UNO), established for the maintenance of international peace and security and cooperation in establishing political, economic, social, cultural and humanitarian fields among nation and promotes respect for human rights and...
UNIC, (2015)
#71 UN Essay 2015: My United Nations- A vision for the future Established in 24th October 1945, United Nations has been a milestone in our world history. Across the years, young people have made it their life's agenda to one day join The UN which includes me as well. It has maintained peace and security in the ...
UNIC, (2015)
#72 UN Essay 2015: My United Nations- A Vision For The Future A long drought has now ended. We were able to sow 17 new seeds this September. It is just mere 17 to listen, but enough to meet the expectations of 7 billion people. The seeds will grow and should grow. They are not only our faith but our alarm of su...
UNIC, (2015)
#73 UN Essay 2015: My United Nations- A Vision For The Future It has been a long journey of United Nation. It has already done such amazing work since its establishment. United Nation has helped the countries in need and maintain peace in the world. There are still many countries where its citizen can't get me...
UNIC, (2015)
#74 UN Essay 2015: My United Nations The history that has Created by United Nations up to today is praised by the whole world.The main motto to establish peace and humanity in the every corner of the world by connecting the hearts of people is very proficient work.So UN has become a hub...
UNIC, (2015)
Final Evaluation of UNIFEM’s Regional Programme for HBWs in South Asia Phase II There are more than 100 million home based workers (HBWs) in the world,1 of which around 50 percent are in South Asia alone where they form a fast growing part of the workforce2. Of these workers, an estimated 80 percent are women. While this substan...
UNWOMEN, (2009)
Summary Table Of Key Indicators: Nepal Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2010 Mid- and Far Western Regions, Nepal Highlights: 1. Nutrition: Exclusive breastfeeding rate, Introduction of solid, semi-solid or soft foods (children 6-8 months). 2. Child health: Tuberculosis immunization coverage, Polio immunization coverage, DPT immunization coverage, Measles imm...
Sustainable Development Goals: Information And Guidance For Volunteer Organizations The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their 169 targets are part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which will guide policy and funding for the next 15 years. The 2030 agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperit...
UNV, (2015)
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development The Sustainable Development Goals aim to end poverty by 2030. World leaders have set a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. Eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge ...
UNDP, (2016)
OHCHR-Nepal welcomes Supreme Court decision on Sexual Minorities OHCHR-Nepal welcomes the Supreme Court decision that the State must ensure that members of sexual minorities are able to enjoy their human rights without discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or identity, as can other individuals, and...
UNOHCHR, (2007)
16 Days Of Activism 2019 Ms.Supriya Sthapit an intern of UN Information Center providing orientation about Gender Based Violence to the students of Champa Devi School, Taudaha in the occasion of 16 Days of Activism. The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is a...
UNIC, (2019)
PPPUE Annual Progress Report 2002 The rapid proliferation of urban enclaves across Nepal has sharply increased the demand for basic urban services while simultaneously rendering a negative impact on the urban environment itself. Because municipalities are severely hamstrung due to in...
PPPUE/UNDP, (2002)
PPPUE Annual Progress Report 2003 For PPPUE Nepal, the year 2003 has primarily been about further strengthening, augmenting and extending the foundation upon which public private partnership activity in the area of urban service in based. There have been concerted and broad-based eff...
PPPUE/UNDP, (2003)
Joint Programme Nepal LGCDP The Local Governance and Community Development Programme (LGCDP) is a national programme managed and implemented by the Ministry of Local Development (MoLD) and is aimed at improving the system of local governance and community development. The MoLD,...
Statement by Richard Bennett Representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Nepal Delivered at the HURON Program to mark Human Rights Day 10 December 2007, Kathmandu Nepal has proclaimed its commitment to human rights through, for instance, ratification of international treaties, the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and provisions in the Interim Constitution. However, converting these commitments into realities for ...
UNOHCHR, (2007)
चागुनारायण स्मारक क्षेत्र का लागि व्यवस्थापन लघु पुस्तिका/ विधि -पुस्तिका काठमाण्डाै उपत्यकामा रहेका विश्व सम्पदाहरू विश्वका अन्य जटिल/क्लिष्ट सम्पदाहरूमध्ये पर्दछन् । यसभित्र रहेका सात स्मारक क्षेत्रहरुका आआफ्नै व्यवस्थापकीय आवश्यकताहरू छन । विश्वव्यापी महत्वको सन्दर्भमा हरेक स्मारक क्षेत्रको आआफ्नै यागदान रहेको छ तथापि ह...
GON, UNESCO, (2007)
Lalitpur District: Distribution of Caste and Ethnic Groups Highlights: 1. Hill Brahman/Chhetri (HBC) 2. Hill Dalits (HD) 3. Newar (N) 4. Disadvantaged Hill Janajati (DHJ) 5. Non-Disadvantaged Hill Janajati (NDHJ) 6. Madhesi/Terai Brahman/Chhetri (MTBC) 7. Madhesi/Terai Dalits (MTD) 8. Non-Disadvantag...
Mahottari District: Distribution of Caste and Ethnic Groups Highlights: 1. Hill Brahman/Chhetri (HBC) 2. Hill Dalits (HD) 3. Newar (N) 4. Disadvantaged Hill Janajati (DHJ) 5. Non-Disadvantaged Hill Janajati (NDHJ) 6. Madhesi/Terai Brahman/Chhetri (MTBC) 7. Madhesi/Terai Dalits (MTD) 8. Non-Disadvantag...
Sex Work, Violence And HIV In Asia- From Evidence To Safety Sex workers endure a disproportionate burden of violence, in their work and personal lives. This violence denies them rights — to equal protection under the law; to protection from torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment; and the right to ...
16 Days of Activism 2019 The Educational Outreach for the 16 Days of Activism took place at Champadevi School, Tadaha, Lalitpur there were 56 students including some personals and staffs of the school and 4 UNIC, Nepal members were present. The 16 Days of Activism against Ge...
UNIC, (2019)
Being LGBT In Asia: नेपाल देशीय प्र​तिवेदन : समलिङ्गी, महिला, पुरुष, द्विलिङ्गी तथा तेस्रोलिङ्गी (LGBT) व्यक्ति र नागिरक समाजका लागि कानुनी तथा सामाजिक वातावरणको विषयमा सहभागितामूलक समीक्षा तथा विश्लेषण यस प्रतिवेदन नेपालका (LGBT) मानिस र संगठनह का लागि काननी र सामाजिक वातावरणको साथसाथै अप्रिल ​२०१४ मा काठमाडौमा सम्पन्न​ भएको नेपाल राष्ट्रिय​ (LGBT) सामुदाियक संवाद कायर्क्रम (संवाद कायर्क्रम) का बहस र निष्कषर्हरूको समीक्षा गरेको छ । यसले LGBT अधिकार...
Analytical Study of Basic Social Service in Nepal The level of human development in Nepal is among the lowest in the world, despite improvement seen in Education, health and other social services over the years. There has been little development which is inequitable as is reflected in the gender,cas...
UNICEF, (2006)
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014 (Final Report): Monitoring the situation of children and women The Nepal Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS 2014) was conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics under the National Planning Commission from January to June 2014. Technical and financial support for the survey was provided by the United Nati...
UNICEF, (2014)
Nepal Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014 The Nepal Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) was carried out in 2014 by Central Bureau of Statistics, Government of Nepal, as part of the Global MICS Programme. Technical support was provided by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). UNIC...
GoN, UNICEF, (2015)
16 Days of Activism Students participating in an interactive session being conducted by UNIC team as a part of the 16 days of activism campaign. The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the ...
Niharika / UNIC, (2019)
16 Days of Activism 2019 Students participating in an interactive session being conducted by UNIC team as a part of the 16 days of activism campaign. The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the ...
Niharika / UNIC, (2019)
16th Days of Activism 2019 A student sharing her thoughts and experience of domestic violence in her surrounding. #UN #UNIC #16DaysOfActivism #GenuineSchool2019 #EducationalOutreach #GenderBasedViolence #YouthInvolvement #OrangeTheWorld #GlobalAction ...
Niharika/UNIC, (2019)
16th Days of Activism 2019 Mr Ram Babu Shah, the National Information Officer of UNIC giving an awareness speech on the Gender Based Violence and domestic violence in the society at Guhyeshwori School. This Campaign generally talks about organizing strategy by individuals and ...
Niharika/UNIC, (2019)
16th Days of Activism 2019 Students participating in an interactive session being conducted by UNIC team as a part of the 16 days of activism campaign. The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the ...
Niharika/UNIC, (2019)
16th Days of Activism 2019 Supriya Sthapit the intern of UNIC explaining about the 5 different types of Sexual Harassment to the students. #UN #UNIC #16DaysOfActivism #GenuineSchool#EducationalOutreach #GenderBasedViolence #YouthInvolvement #OrangeTheWorld #GlobalAction...
Niharika / UNIC, (2019)
SRHR Activist - UNFPA Aasha Pandit a Peer facilatator during session at Paroha MP (Basantpatti) Rautahat. #ICPD #ICPD25 #ReproductiveRights, #FamilyPlanning #UnfinishedBusiness #UnmetNeedForFamilyPlanning #ReproductiveHealthServices #FemaleCommunityHealthVolunteer #FCHVs...
UNFPA, (2019)
SRHR Activist- UNFPA Ashna Pandit a Peer Educator during session at Paroha MP(Basantpatti) at Rautahat #ICPD #ICPD25 #ReproductiveRights, #FamilyPlanning #UnfinishedBusiness #UnmetNeedForFamilyPlanning #ReproductiveHealthServices #FemaleCommunityHealthVolunteer #FCHVs ...
Conceptual Framework of Decentralized Local Governance Support Programme Decentralized Local Governance Support Programme aims at strengthening the capacity of local bodies for local self-governance with special focus on empowering Dailt and disadvantaged groups including women. His Majesty’s Government of Nepal (HMG/N) i...
PPPUE Annual Progress Report 2002 - Partner Municipalities 03 Municipalities have been established as autonomous local governments. Since the promulgation of the Local Self-Governance Act 1999, the role of municipalities have been expanded and clarified. As a political body, municipalities comprise of a council...
PPPUE,UNDP, (2002)
PPPUE Annual Progress Report 2002 - Programe Partners - 02 Nepal began development activities on a formally planned basis in the mid-fifties. Since then various government agencies have subsequently been created to facilitate development activities. In this context the Department of Local Development was cre...
PPPUE/UNDP, (2002)
PPPUE Annual Progress Report 2002 - Programme Overview - 01 The rapid proliferation of urban enclaves across Nepal has sharply increased the demand for basic urban services while simultaneously rendering a negative impact on the urban environment itself. Because municipalities are severely hamstrung due to in...
PPPUE/UNDP, (2002)
PPPUE Annual Progress Report 2002 - Some Lessons Learned - 05 Experiences revolving around the recruitment process provide an opportunity to strengthen and enhance, plus make more efficient the human resources component of PPPUE Nepal. The acquisition process of PPPUE specialists deputed from MuAN and FNCCI is ...
PPPUE/UNDP, (2002)
PPPUE Annual Progress Report 2003 - Chapter Four - Policy Guidance and Programme Upstreaming Activities Providing PPP policy guidance to the 5 selected municipalities is one of the core activities of PPPUE. The crux of the matter is that bottlenecks and impediments to the development of PPPs must be continuously identified and remove by actively and pe...
PPPUE/UNDP, (2003)
Social Mobilzation for Social Inclusion - Decentralised Local Governance Support Programme Decentralized Local Governance Support Programme is designed on the basis of lessons learnt from the PDDP, LGP, PBPP and other local governance programmes in order to continue the activities initiated by earlier programmes, in an effective and effici...
HMG, MLD/UNDP/Norway, (2004)
Being LGBT In Asia : Nepal Country Report : A Participatory Review and Analysis of the Legal and Social Environment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Persons and Civil Society ( November 2014) This report reviews the legal and social environment for LGBT1 people and organizations in Nepal alongside the discussions and findings from the Nepal National LGBTI2 Community Dialogue held in Kathmandu in April 2014. It provides an overview of LGBT...
UN Volunteers, Inspiration In Action The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programmer is the United Nations organization contributing to peace and development through volunteerism worldwide. Volunteerism is a powerful means of engaging people in tackling development challenges and can tra...
UNVN, (2013)
A Nepali SRHR advocate born with HIV Mala Neupane of Nepal has been an HIV positive since birth. She advocates for integration of HIV services with sexual and reproductive health and also promotes comprehensive sexuality education in whatever manner she can. In this video, she talks abo...
UNFPA, (2019)
Address by Nepal's Finance Minister at the launch of HDR2019 Address by Nepal's Finance Minister Dr. Yuba Raj Khatiwada at the launch of HDR2019 in Kathmandu, Nepal Video Quality: 720p HD Audio Quality: High Video Location: Kathmandu, Nepal Duration of Video: 20m:45s #HDR #UNDP #2019 #HDR2019 #HumanDe...
UNDP, (2019)
Dhyan Bahadur water mill Dhyan Bahadur built his water mill after 2015 earthquake w/support from European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid, UNDP & Human Rights Awareness & Dvt Center. The newly built water mill has enabled him to revive his livelihood Video Quality: ...
UNDP, (2019)
Disaster recovery for the disabled My house is built with wire frame technology, which is earthquake resistant. I feel safe there,” says Khil Bahadur of Sindhupalchowk. Video Quality: 720p HD Audio Quality: High Video Location: Sindhupalchowk Duration of Video: 2m #UNDP #UND...
UNDP, (2019)
Human development is a process of enlarging human choices: Prof Selim Jahan Prof Selim Jahan, former Director of the Human Development Report, UNDP was in Kathmandu in August on the invitation of the Government of Nepal and UNDP Video Quality: 720p HD Audio Quality: High Video Location: Kathmandu, Nepal Duration of ...
UNDP, (2019)
Interview: Permanent Representative to the UN Amrit Bahadur Rai As one of the world’s most climate-vulnerable countries, Nepal actively participated in the UN Climate Summit in September 2019. UNDP, a close partner that has been standing behind Nepal in its pursuit of sustainable development, has long been suppor...
UNDP, (2019)
Surprise Dhangadhi The "Surprise Dhangadhi” campaign, led by UNDP’s SCDP, is bringing together youth volunteers to confront the city's social problems. Why is the campaign called Surprise Dhangadi? Watch the video to find out! [Duration]: 8m:18s [Location]: Dhanga...
UNDP, (2019)
पर्वी नेपालका ककरााँत राई समदायको अमतत साांस्कृततक सम्पदाहरुको वर्वर्वरणसचीकरण “अमिय सााँस्कृतिक सम्पदा आफैँ मा सााँस्कृतिक प्रस्फूटन भएकोले भन्त्दा पतन एक पुस्तादेखि अर्कोमा हश्तान्तरन हुाँदै आएको तथा निरान्तरन्रूपमा समदार्द्वािा पनभसयजजि गरिएको ज्ञान तथा भसप पतन महत्वपणय हुन्त्छ" भन्त्नेमा र्नेस्को ववश्वास गदय छ। किरात राई...
UNESCO, (2017)
Rural Poverty and The Small Farmers' Development Programme in Nepal (October 1979) The purpose of this paper is to describe and evaluate an exceptionally interesting and innovative experiment to generate higher incomes and employment among the rural poor in Nepal in a participatory framework. By way of introduction to this programm...
ILO, (1979)
दलितका मौलिक सिप एवं प्रबिधिहरु विश्वकर्माहरू परम्परागत रुपमा फलामका काम गर्ने नामुद छन । आधनिक पविधि आउनुभन्दा अघि उनीहरूल नै खानीबाट फलाम, तामा र शिशाका कच्चा धाउ निकाले । आरन वा आफरमा पर्सोधन गरी शद्ध तामा, फलाम र शिशा निकाले । अहिले पनि उनीहरू हसिया, बन्चरा ,खुकुरि, फाली,किला,...
Responding to Domestic Violence: A Resource Guide for UN Personnel in Nepal Domestic violence is one of the most common and least visible forms of violence. It has devastating consequences not only for the lives of those abused but also for their families, communities and societies more broadly. It is one of the most pressin...
UNWomen, (2019)
घरेलु हिंसाको सम्बोधन:नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघका कर्मचारीको लागि श्रोत पुस्तिका घरेलु हिंसा सबैभन्दा बढी हुने तथा सबैभन्दा कम देखिने हिंसाको किसिम हो । यसको विनाशकारी परिणाम पीडितको जीवनमा मात्र नभई बृहत्तर रुपमा परिवार, समुदाय तथा समाजलाई पनि पर्दछ । संसारभर नै घरेलु हिंसा मानव अधिकारको एक भयानक समस्याको रुपमा देखिएको छ तर लाज ...
UNWOMEN, (2019)
A Youth Guide for Sustainable Development Goals in Nepal The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is expected to shape the world’s common future for at least the next 15 years. With half of the world under the age of 30, it is crucial that young people are put at the forefront of change and development....
UNFPA, YUWA, (2016)
A Youth Guide for Sustainable Development Goals in Nepal The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is expected to shape the world’s common future for at least the next 15 years. With half of the world under the age of 30, it is crucial that young people are put at the forefront of change and development....
UNFPA, YUWA, (2016)
16 Days for Activism 2019 Mr Ram Babu Shah the National Information Officer of UNIC giving the awareness speech on the Gender Based Violence and domestic violence in the society at Guyeshwori School. This Campaign generally talks about organizing strategy by individuals and o...
UNIC, (2019)
16 Days of Activism 2019 200 students of Guyeshwori School participating in the 16 Days of Activism at their school premises.This Campaign generally talks about organizing strategy by individuals and organizations around the world to call for the prevention and elimination o...
UNIC, (2019)
16 Days of Activism 2019 A student listening in depth and showing the interest towards speech and interaction during the campaign of 16 Days of Activism. #UNWomen #16DaysofActivisim #OrangetheWorld #GenerationEquality #AwarenessCampaign #InternationalCampaign #November25 #...
UNIC, (2019)
16 Days of Activism 2019 Students of Guyeshwori School posing in front of school after the interactive session about Gender Based Violence by UNIC team. #UNWomen #UNNepal #UN #16DaysofActivisim #OrangetheWorld #GenerationEquality #AwarenessCampaign #InternationalCampaign #...
UNIC, (2019)
16 Days of Activism 2019 Supriya Sthapit the intern of UNIC showing the ratio data of women aged 14-49 in Nepal has been has been part of various violence. #UNWomen #UN #SDG5 #UNNepal #16DaysofActivisim #OrangetheWorld #GenerationEquality #AwarenessCampaign #InternationalC...
UNIC, (2019)
International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination The Committee expresses concern about the absence in the report of disaggregated data on the population, including by age, sex, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, including caste, and language. The Committee recommends that the State party provide...
UN, (2001)
Resident Coordinator’s Annual Report 2016 016 marked the ten- year anniversary of Nepal’s peace process and the first Constitution Day since the adoption of the charter in September 2015. The last ten years have witnessed some remarkable transformations, including the demobilization of the f...
UN, (2016)
Nepal Masculinities Gender- Based Voilence The study is a joint effort by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Men Engage Alliance in Nepal. It seeks to provide a broader evidence base from which actors can design well informed multi-sectoral GBV programming, including prev...
UNDP, (2014)
Painting Exhibition- Masculinities, Gender Identities and the Role of Men in Prevention and Elimination of Gender Based Violence The exhibition features 30 exclusive paintings drawn by senior artists on the theme of preventing gender violence during a live painting event on November 28, 2013 organized by UNDP and NAFA to mark the “16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence”.T...
UNDP, (2014)
UNDP Nepal Youth Strategy 2018-2022 Numerous factors are impeding the development of Nepal’s youth, including shortage of employment opportunities—as a result of which overseas migration and brain-drain has increased, with its own repercussions: limited participation in political proce...
UNDP, (2018)
Violence Against Children in Nepal In 2002, a pioneering study was conducted by CWIN and Save the Children Norway- Nepal (SCNN) among school children and out-of-school children in order to identify; their level of understanding of child sexual abuse; and the prevalence of child sexual...
CWIN, UNICEF, (2006)
Promoting Agriculture, Health, and Alternative Livelihoods (PAHAL) Nepal has made substantial strides toward reducing its overall poverty rate. However, many people, especially those living in the Middle Hill and Mountain regions,continue to struggle with food insecurity and poor nutrition. In the remote and rugged ...
UN, (2016)
The Poverty-Environment Initiative (PEI) In Nepal Natural resources such as forests, agricultural lands, biodiversity and water resources are the livelihood base of almost 90% of Nepal’s population. Altogether, they represent almost 40% of the country’s GDP. While in the last decades considerable pr...
GoN, UNDP, (2012)
Zero Tolerance: GBV-Free Schools in Nepal Schools do not exist in social isolation from their communities. Gender inequalities, violence in the home, and social norms are often reflected in gender-based, violence\ related incidents at school. The Zero Tolerance initiative intends to counter ...
USAID, GoN, UNICEF, (2016)
A Mapping of Faith-based Responses to Violence against Women and Girls in the Asia-Pacific Region This report presents findings from a mapping initiative that aimed to capture how faith-based organizations respond to violence against women and girls in the Asia-Pacific region. As a collaborative initiative between UNFPA and the Asia-Pacific Women...
UNFPA, (2012)
Victim And Others At Risk After Conviction Of Two Persons In Domestic Violence Case In Nepalgunj OHCHR nepal is deeply concerned about reports of threats received by the victim, human rights defenders and others in-relation to their involvement in the case of Has run idrisi, which was decided by the Bank District Court on 19 January. OHCHR- nepa...
UNHR, (2009)
UN High Commissioner Navi Pillay – Interaction with Civil Society 19 March 2009, UN House, Kathmandu Talking Points I am very happy to be here today to meet with representatives of civil society. Of course I am aware of the vibrant civil society that exists in this country, and of the central role that many of you played not only in bringing OHCHR to Nepal but als...
UNOHCHR, (2009)
UN Newsletter - Vol. 61 (Oct - Nov 2016) UN Newsletter is the 61th volume of UN Newsletter Nepal, October-Novemeber 2016. - UN takes SDGs Roadshow in Nepalgunj - Sustainable Development Goals and the role of Human Rights Defenders - The Power of Running (RCO) - Nepal Celebrates IOM 65th...
UN, (2016)
Press Release- UNDP Nepal is Deeply Concerned by the Abduction UNDP Nepal is deeply concerned by the abduction on 28 November of Mr. Ram Prasad Dahal. Mr Dahal works for the UNDP tourism rural poverty alleviation programmer in Taplejung district.This project aims to assist in providing livelihood for families i...
UNDP, (2005)
Nepal Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014: Dissemination Program of NMICS ( Final Report ) Highlights: 1. About the MICS- An internationally agreed household survey: UNICEF, One of the world's largest sources of statistical information on children and women. 2. Sampling Design- There are two stage cluster sampling design : First stage ( ...
GoN, UNICEF, MICS, (2016)
Nepal Western Uplands Poverty Alleviation Project (WUPAP) WUPAP is being implemented in three phases 2 under the Flexible Lending Mechanism of IFAD with a loan effectiveness date of 01 Jan 2003, current completion data of 31 Mar 2014 and is currently completing Phase II. Phase I of the project was completed...
IFAD, (2012)
स्थलगत बुलेटिन अछाम जिल्लामा दन्दबाट ध्वस्त पूर्वाधारको पूर्णनिमाण एक दसक लामो ससस्त्र अछाम जिल्लामा बिधव्सात्मक प्रभाव पारेको थियो । एस जिल्लामा जम्मा ३३० जना मानिसहरु मारिएका थिए भने सयाै घाइते, बिस्थापित तथा बेपता न्हायेका थिए तेस दनद वाटजनताको जिबिका तथा अधिकांस महतपूर्ण पुर्वाधारहरु ब्यापक रुपमा नस्ट हुन पुग्य ...
UNRCHC, (2012)
OHCHR urges Government to Address Kapilvastu Violence Two Years On The people of Kapilvastu and neighbouring districts of Dang and Rupandehi will never forget the violence of 16-21 September 2007 which was triggered by the murder of Mohid Khan, a local landowner. The subsequent clashes left a total of fourteen peopl...
UNOHCHR, (2009)
Despite progress, 180 million children face bleaker prospects than their parents – UNICEF UNICEF is commemorating World Children’s Day, which marks the anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, with global children’s 'take-overs', high-profile events and other activations of children in over 130 countries t...
UNICEF, (2017)
Position Paper on Ending Violence Against Women and Girls in Nepal As a technical advisory and advocacy group on gender equality, the UNCT Gender Theme Group in Nepal has as its key objective to promote and support coordinated and collective UNCT action to drive the gender-responsive implementation and monitoring of...
UNCT, (2016)
Address by Ian Martin Representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Nepal on Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity and Constituent Assembly in Nepal On the Occasion of International Day Against Homophobia Our Office knows, from our work with BDS, that your work as human rights defenders has often been conducted in conditions of hostility towards your organisation, your members and your clients. This is all the more reason for congratulations for to...
UNOHCHR, (2006)
Priority Areas for Addressing Sexual and Gender Based Violence in Nepal Impact of the 11 year insurgency in Nepal has affected thousands of people who have been victims of trauma, forced displacement and violence. Due to the structural inequalities of Nepalese society, the effect on women and girls and on people from exc...
UN, (2007)