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Information Centre | Nepal
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74th UN Day 2019 Supriya Sthapit and Niharika Kharel, interns of UNIC striking a pose from their stall in UN Day 2019 #UNDAY #2019 #UNIC #Interns #Youth #Youthempowerment #Involvement ...
UNIC, (2019)
Promoting Women’s Political Leadership and Governance in India and South Asia There is growing momentum among governments and civil society to foster and ensure women’s participation and leadership in the political arena, and specifically within local governance structures. Establishing quotas for ­women’s representation at di...
UNWOMEN, (2012)
Implementing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda The project “Strengthening Implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Nepal: Towards Implementation of National Action Plan on UNSCRs 1325 and 1820”, funded by the Government of Finland, aims to strengthen local level implementation of...
GoN, UNWOMEN, (2016)
Progress of Women in Nepal (1995-2015) SUBSTANTIVE EQUALITY : NON- NEGOTIABLE Twenty years has passed since UN member countries and civil society activists gathered in Beijing for the Fourth World Conference on Women, which conducted with the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA). This year, in 201...
Gov of Nepal, UN Women Nepal, (2015)
Accelerating Progress Towards the Economic Empowerment of Rural Women Rural women constitute 43 percent of the total 83 percent population living in the rural areas of Nepal. As in many developing countries, women have played an important and often unrecognized role in the agriculture sector in Nepal that sustains near...
Live Radio Broadcast Highlights the Work and Challenges of Women Journalists and Human Rights Defenders in the Central Terai On the occasion of International Women’s Day (8 March) OHCHR-Nepal, UNESCO, the Federation of Nepali Journalists (central committee) and Communications Corner organised a live radio broadcast to highlight the importance of the work carried out by w...
UNOHCHR, (2009)
Speech by Sandra Beidas Acting Representative, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Nepal National Conference on Indigenous Women of Nepal, International Day of the World’s Indigenous People 9 August 2007 Ending discrimination and social exclusion of indigenous peoples and other marginalised groups is one of the biggest challenges of the peace process in Nepal. Women belonging to marginalised groups face multiple discrimination and have been excluded ...
UNOHCHR, (2007)
United Nations Entity For Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Created in July 2010, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) promotes gender equality not just as an inalienable human right but as a central tenet of social, economic and cultural development. It provid...
Substantive Equality: Progress Of Women In Nepal (1995-2015) Twenty years have passed since UN member countries and civil society activists gathered in Beijing for the Fourth World Conference on Women, which concluded with the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA). This year, in 20...
Progress Of The World's Women: Transforming Economies Realizing Rights (2015-2016) Twenty years after the landmark Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, and at a time when the global community is defining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the post-2015 era, the global consensus on the need to achieve gender equali...
UNWOMEN, (2016)
Report on Gender Mapping in the Field of Elections ‘Gender Mapping in the Field of Elections’ is a pioneering step towards promoting gender equality in the field of elections in Nepal, identifying gender gaps in the electoral processes and the election management body, as well as providing recommenda...
GON-UNDP, (2010)
Chandra Kala-The Change Maker [YouTube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zet4hdAFt4k [Abstract]- Chandra Kala, a rural women from one of the poorest districts of Nepal, shares how the support received from the Joint Programme Rural Women's Economic Empowernmnet (RWEE) has p...
UN Women, (2017)
Mapping Progress on Women's Right in Nepal Over the past two decades, legal reforms have transformed the landscape for gender equality in Nepal, ensuring greater economic security for women, increased legal protection from violence, improved safeguarding of their sexual and reproductive right...
UNWOMEN, (2014)
Why Eat Green Cucumbers At The Time Of Dying?: Women's Literacy And Development In Nepal Anna Robinson-Pant's book represents a classic example of the link between research and practice. Her account of literacy and development amongst women in Nepal offers an important antidote to the dominant assumptions about literacy, women and develo...
UNESCO, (2000)
Women's Voice Enrich Nepali Public Life Despite a relatively gender balanced birth rate, today for every 100 women, there are only 94 men. This is because of a mass economic migration pattern leaving women to take on more non-traditional gender roles out of necessity. But the hardships are...
UN, (2017)
महिला आवज सुन्नुपर्छ नेपाली राजनीतिमा महिलाले यथोचित स्थान पाउँदै गएका छन। उनिहरु मतदाता र उम्मेदवारका रूपमा दर्ज भएका छन, राजनीतिक पद पार्‍प्तिका लागी अगर्‍सर छन एवम दुरदराजदेखी राजधानीसम्म्का नागरिक कर्तब्य निर्बाह गर्दैछन। यसले समतापूर्ण राज्नितिक स्वरको आधारभुमी ...
UN, (2017)
I will move forward [YouTube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUT1ns30-OM [Abstract] - The 7.8-magnitude earthquake that hit Nepal on 25 April, 2015 killed 9,000 people, including the four-year old daughter of a young mother Kalpana Shrestha in Sindupalchowk dist...
UN Women, (2017)
UN Women Nepal Strategic Note 2018-2022 [YouTube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEsM239d8GU [Abstract] - UN Women will advance its efforts in Nepal in accordance with its unique role and triple mandate (normative, operational and coordination) and lessons learned to “achieve gende...
UN Women, (2018)
Positive Protection: Empowering Women Affected By HIV To Protect Their Rights At Health Care Settings ( Training Manual – Facilitator’s Guide ) In Nepal, 40,000 people are living with HIV, one-third of whom are women. While prevalence is relatively low nationwide at about 0.2–0.3 percent over the past five years, that picture changes drastically when narrowed to marginalized groups, includin...
Gender Dimensions Of Regional Cooperation And Integration In South Asia: Gender, Trade And Green Growth (Volume II) As part of the larger South Asian research, the Nepal study aims to assess gender dimensions and its potential in regional trade integration with the prospect of furthering green growth and environment friendly ecotourism in Nepal. In comparison to o...
UNWOMEN, (2014)
Gender Dimensions Of Regional Cooperation And Integration In South Asia: Gender, Trade And Green Growth The report, Gender, Trade and Green Growth in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal, explores the interconnections between gender equality, regional trade, and sustainable development. The study builds on the premise that green growth frameworks devoi...
UNWOMEN, (2014)
Gender Dimensions Of Regional Coopertaion And Integration In South Asia: Gender, Trade And Green Growth (Volume I) This study examines how trade liberalization impacts women, especially women engaged in the green industries, of four South Asian economies - Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal. The primary question being asked in this study is when South Asian econ...
UNWOMEN, (2014)
A seamstress entrepreneur from Dhading ...
UN WOMEN/Rajinder Deol, (2018)
A seamstress entrepreneur from Dhading ...
UN WOMEN/Rajinder Deol, (2018)
Interaction with the e-rickshaw driver Women in Banke, Kailali, learn to drive e-rickshaws to make a living...
UN Women/Priti Shrestha, (2018)
Women's voices enrich Nepali public life Women in Nepal are actively participating and involving themselves in the political as well as developmental activities. Role models like Bidhya Devi Bhandari, Onsari Gharti Magar and Sushila Karki demonstrate that women and girls in Nepal can partic...
RCO, (2017)
UN Women ASIA Pacific: Newsletter 3 (2015) United Nations Under-Secretary- General and Executive Director of UN Women, Phumzile Mlambo- Ngcuka, visited the Philippines to promote gender equality and women’s rights within a regional context. During her visit, the Executive Director announced A...
UNWOMEN, (2015)
Ian Martin Special Representative of The Secretary-General in Nepal Statement To The Press On The Occasion Of International Women’s Day The celebration of this year’s International Women’s Day coincides with a historic moment in Nepal: preparation for the Constituent Assembly election which is a major step in the democratic transition to economic and social change in an inclusive Nep...
UNMIN, (2008)
Understanding Women's Participation in Forestry in Nepal Nepal is a signatory to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. The government has cr...
FAO, (2015)
Women and Natural Resources: Unlocking the Peacebuilding Potential Women’s diverse experiences in times of conflict have powerful implications for peacebuilding. Their capacity to recover from conflict and contribute to peace is influenced by their role in the conflict, whether directly engaged in armed groups, disp...
United Nations CEDAW/C/1999/II/3/Add.1 Convention on the Elimination of All Distr.: General Forms of Discrimination 13 May 1999 against Women Original: English On behalf of the Committee, the Secretariat invited the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), on 29 April 1999, to submit to the Committee by 15 May 1999 a report on information provided by States to FAO on the implementatio...
UN, FAO, (1999)
Empowering Widows: An Overview of policies and programmes in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka UN Women is the United Nations organization dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. UN Women supports UN Member States as they set global standards for achieving gender equality and works with governments and civil society to desig...
UNWOMEN, (2014)
Inventory of Knowledge Products on Women’s Empowerment (WE) and Gender Equality Supported by the UN System in Nepal1 Inventory of Knowledge Products on Women’s Empowerment (WE) and Gender Equality Supported by the UN System in Nepal1 updated 23 June 2014. #UNWomen #Knowledge #GenderEmpowerment #WomenEmpowerment #GenderEquality ...
UNWOMEN, (2014)
Why eat green cucumber at the time of dying? Women's Literacy and Development in Nepal - Anna Robinson-Pant. In many developing countries, literacy has been seen as the key to 'women's development' resulting in a proliferation of women's literacy programmes run by both Governments and Non Governmental Organisations. Nepal is one such example of a country wh...
UNESCO, (2000)
Discussion Paper Series on Women’s Political Leadership: Country Reviews Women’s Political Participation in South Asia Governance in all South Asian countries is imbued with a predominantly patriarchal character. This is reflected in the fact that women form a disproportionately small segment of representatives in elected bodies across all levels of governance, and s...
UNWOMEN, (2012)
EveryDay Equality: Be The Change UNIFEM (part of UN Women) South Asia Sub-regional office has been organizing the Biennial Ministerial Review Meetings with governments and civil society to take stock of progress, gaps and emerging challenges in the implementation of the Beijing Plat...
UNWOMEN, (2010)
Fact sheet on Women province 1 Young girls and women possess huge untapped potential. When educated, healthy, and equipped with the right skills and opportunities, they hold the key to unlocking many of the world’s most pressing problems such as reducing poverty, advancing gender ...
UN Women, (2019)
Fact sheet on Women province 2 Young girls and women possess huge untapped potential. When educated, healthy, and equipped with the right skills and opportunities, they hold the key to unlocking many of the world’s most pressing problems such as reducing poverty, advancing gender ...
UN Women, (2019)
Fact sheet on Women province 3 Young girls and women possess huge untapped potential. When educated, healthy, and equipped with the right skills and opportunities, they hold the key to unlocking many of the world’s most pressing problems such as reducing poverty, advancing gender ...
UN Women, (2019)
Fact sheet on Women province 4 Young girls and women possess huge untapped potential. When educated, healthy, and equipped with the right skills and opportunities, they hold the key to unlocking many of the world’s most pressing problems such as reducing poverty, advancing gender ...
UN Women, (2019)
Fact sheet on Women province 5 Young girls and women possess huge untapped potential. When educated, healthy, and equipped with the right skills and opportunities, they hold the key to unlocking many of the world’s most pressing problems such as reducing poverty, advancing gender ...
UN Women, (2019)
Fact sheet on Women province 6 Young girls and women possess huge untapped potential. When educated, healthy, and equipped with the right skills and opportunities, they hold the key to unlocking many of the world’s most pressing problems such as reducing poverty, advancing gender ...
UNWomen, (2019)
Fact sheet on Women province 7 Young girls and women possess huge untapped potential. When educated, healthy, and equipped with the right skills and opportunities, they hold the key to unlocking many of the world’s most pressing problems such as reducing poverty, advancing gender ...
UN Women, (2019)
COVID-19 and ensuring safe cities and safe public spaces for women and girls This brief highlights emerging trends and implications for women’s and girls’ safety in public spaces and cities, recognizing the continuum of violence against women and girls in private and public settings throughout different phases of the COVID-19...
UN WOMEN, (2020)
Online and ICT-facilitated violence against women and girls during COVID-19 This brief highlights emerging trends and impacts of COVID-19 on violence against women and girls facilitated by information and communications technology (ICT). It provides examples of strategies and practices put in place to prevent and respond to ...
UN WOMEN, (2020)
Spotlight on SDG 8: The impact of marriage and children on labour market participation This paper is being released in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to being a health crisis unlike any other in recent history, the pandemic is an economic and social crisis. Families—and women within them—are juggling an increase in unp...
UN WOMEN, (2020)
BARRIERS TO WOMEN’S LAND AND PROPERTY ACCESS AND OWNERSHIP IN NEPAL Property ownership is associated with social status and prosperity, as well as economic and political power.The most common sources of land ownership for women in all the districts are through husband’s earnings or dowry from parents. Patriarchy was...
IOM, (2016)
Women Participating in the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal Nepal is at a crucial, formative point in time. Following a civil war, people’s movement and overthrowing of the monarchy, it is now taking its final steps towards becoming a new secular and federal democratic republic. While this stage of political ...
SPCBN/UNDP, (2013)
Discussion Paper Series on Women’s Political Leadership- Concept paper:Gender responsive Governance The above statement calls attention to the challenges involved in the study of gender within governance. The study of governance concentrates primarily on its technical dimensions, that is, the manner in which structures are organised to enable the s...
Report Of The Fifth South Asia Regional Ministerial Conference Celebrating Beijing Plus Ten The Fifth South Asia Regional Ministerial Meeting – “Celebrating Beijing Plus Ten”, was as special as the year 2005 itself. A year of milestones for gender equality, it marks the tenth anniversary of the historic Fourth World Conference on Women at B...
UNWOMEN, (2005)
Press Brief On UN Women, The UN Entity For Gender Equality And The Empowerment Of Women The UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women will be operational from 1st January 2011. The UN Women was created by the United Nations General Assembly on 2 July 2010 to accelerate progress in meeting the needs of women and girls...
UNWOMEN, (2010)
Rural Women’s Leadership Programme This report brings together the main lessons from the Rural Women’s Leadership Programme (RWLP), implemented by the Policy and Technical Advisory Division of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), with support from the Government...
IFAD, (2014)
Annual Report 2015–2016 The Annual Report documents UN Women’s work to foster women’s empowerment and gender equality around the world. It highlights some of the organization’s initiatives during the year and provides summary financial statements, a list of new programmes a...
UNWOMEN, (2016)
Policy Brief: Gender-Sensitive Remittances and Asset-Building in the Philippines Based on the research paper on Gender-Sensitive Remittances and Asset-Building in the Philippines, this policy brief aims to present a set of gender-sensitive policy recommendations and good practices for empowerment of Filipino women migrant workers...
UNWOMEN, (2016)
Step it Up: Global Leaders’ Meeting on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Twenty years ago, in September 1995, the world came together in Beijing, China, for the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women. Adopted on that occasion, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action articulated a powerful vision for women...
UNWOMEN, (2016)
Transform– The Magazine for Gender-Responsive Evaluation UN Women regularly evaluates its own work to enhance accountability, inform decision-making and contribute to learning on the best ways to achieve gender equality while strengthening the capacity of United Nations agencies and governments in designin...
UNWOMEN, (2016)
UN Women Training Centre 2016 Catalogue This is the 2016 UN Women Training Centre Catalogue of courses. It features a schedule of courses offered by modality, resources, upcoming courses and forthcoming initiatives. The UN Women Training Centre is dedicated to supporting the UN and other s...
UNWOMEN, (2016)
UN Women Training Centre Annual Report 2015 The UN Women Training Centre 2015 Annual Report highlights the work and the activities carried out by the Training Centre in 2015, a year of great growth and evolution for the Training Centre courses and its eLearning Campus. The Report details resul...
UNWOMEN, (2016)
Decent work for Community Health Workers in South Asia: A Path to Gender Equality and Sustainable Development This paper explores the ways in which the world of work continues to entrench inequality against women, with implications for their families and the broader communities in which they live. Through a case study of the work and remuneration of one clas...
ILO, (2018)
National Conference Towards Planet 50:50: - Enabling Women’s Leadership and Representation in Local Governance Election Commission of Nepal is the constitutional Election Management Body in Nepal. The Election Commission has the responsibility to conduct, supervise, direct and control the elections of the President, the Vice President, Members of Federal Parl...
Election Commission Nepal (ECN)/United Nations Gender Theme Group-Nepal/Sajha Abhiyan (Women’s Coalition), (2017)
UN Joint Statement for International Women’s Day 2016 ‘Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality!’ Women form over half of the world’s population, yet women remain under-represented in most of the institutions that make decisions about key aspects of their lives. This occurs despite their proven abilities as leaders and agents of change, and their...
UN, (2016)
Economic Growth and Social Reproduction: Gender Inequality as Cause and Consequence This paper examines how growth, social reproduction and gender equality are connected in ways that make care work a key determinant of macroeconomic policy outcomes, growth and development. The paper begins by developing a conceptual framework for th...
UNWOMEN, (2015)
Falling Through the Net? Gender and Social Protection in the Pacific This paper examines the gender dimensions and implications of social protection in relation to rapid transformations in the globalizing economies in the Pacific region. The paper analyzes the dynamics of gender and social protection in three countrie...
UNWOMEN, (2015)
Guidance on Country Portfolio Evaluations in UN Women The country portfolio evaluation (CPE) approach and methodology has been developed by the UN Women Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) to assess UN Women’s contributions to results at country level while shifting the focus from activities and outputs...
UNWOMEN, (2016)
The Indian Labour Market: A Gender Perspective This paper provides an in-depth analysis of trends in labour market outcomes of women in India based on unit level data sets of employment and unemployment surveys undertaken in 1999-2000, 2004-2005, and 2011-2012. The paper analyzes the gender diffe...
UNWOMEN, (2016)
UN Women Asia Pacific: Quarterly Newsletter Highlights: 1. Women's leadership and participation 2. Women's economic empowerment 3. Women's leadership in peace, security and disaster risk reduction 4. Gender responsive planning and budgeting #UNWOMEN #GENDEREMPOWERMENT #WOMENEMPOWERMENT...
UNWOMEN, (2015)
Celebrating Rural Women’s Access To Media and Information Women must much more participate in the media both as content producers as well as active consumers, says UNESCO on the occasion of the annual Women Make the News initiative celebrated every year at International Women’s Day (8 March). The them...
UNESCO, (2012)
Danish Support To UN Women In Nepal The support to the implementation of the overall strategic note of UN Women is in line with the central objective of the Strategy for Denmark’s Development Cooperation the Right to a Better Life The Embassy of Denmark is translating its global commit...
Fight Poverty, Invest in Girls. Global Action Week for Education for All focuses on Gender Discrimination The week marks Global Action Week (2-8 May 2011), an annual event observed worldwide to highlight the importance of Education for All. This year’s theme is “Fight poverty, invest in girls”, to draw attention to gender discrimination that remains so...
UNESCO, (2011)
UN Women Executive Director launches First Ever Knowledge Hub for Elected Women Representatives Living in Rural Areas of South Asia In partnership with Governments across South Asia, UN Women’s Executive Director Michelle Bachelet and four elected women representatives from South Asia launched the first ever knowledge hub for elected women representatives in rural areas across th...
UNWOMEN, (2012)
TRADE WINDS OF CHANGE WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS ON THE RISE IN SOUTH ASIA Background country study-Nepal June 2016 Women empowerment is an important development agenda. The increasing realization that ensuring women participation in economic activities leads to improved development outcomes has raised the profile of this agenda; it has been owned by both national...
UNDP, (2016)
महिलाको आवाज सुन्नुपर्छ भेलारी जुलियान्द/एलाईना बी टेप्लिज/मास्फ़ विन्ते शम्स/ रिन्से तेरिंक/ डब्लु स्वर्णलता पारेरा/ इन्ग्रिड डाल- मद्सेन वैशाख ८, २०७४ नपाली राजनीतिमा महिलाले यथोचित स्थान पौडी गरेका छन्।उनीहरु मतदाता र उम्मेदवारक रुपमा दर्ज भएका छन्, राजनीतिक पद प्राप्तिका लागि अग्रसर छन् एबम दूरदराजदेखि राजधानीसम्मका नागरिक कर्तब्य निर्वाह गर्दैछन्। समतापूर्ण राजनीतिक स्वरको आधारभूमि खादा गर्दै ...
UN, (2017)
Needs Assessment on the availability of Emergency Obstetric Care Services in eight districts The Needs Assessment survey was conducted in eight districts selected for implementation of the Maternal and Newborn Health (MNH) Project, a part of the Support to the Safe Motherhood Programe. The eight districts are Jumla, Humla, Accham, Dang, Kavr...
UNICEF, (2006)
Implementing Commitments To Women’s Equal Participation Women have an equal role to play with men in building peace in Nepal. But so far this has too often not been the case. Women are under-represented in Parliament, Government, political parties, the civil service and the judiciary, and the leadership o...
UNMIN, (2007)
Women’s Empowerment and its Link to Sustainable Development The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), a functional commission of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), is a global policy-making body dedicated exclusively to promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women. The Commi...
UNWOMEN, (2016)
Join UN STATEMENT On The Occasion Of International Women's Day, 8 MARCH, 2013 Today, on the occasion of International Women's day, we take a moment to remember the millions of women and girls who each year experience physical, sexual, economic and emotional violence, against their person.This is despite the numerous global and...
Empowering Women through skills development Empowering Women through skills development...
UN Women, (2018)
Vegetable Farmers ...
UN Women, (2019)
Rural women's leadership programme in grass-roots organizations: a case study in Nepal There is a gap between women’s major contribution to agricultural production, marketing and rural livelihoods, and their limited voice in making decisions that affect them, their livelihoods and their communities. In response, IFAD, with support from...
IFAD, (2018)
महिला हिंसा विरुद्धको १६ दिने अभियान २०१३ कालागि संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघको विज्ञप्ति कुनै पनि राष्ट्रले आफ्नो समृद्धि र पूर्ण क्षमता हासिल गर्न तबसम्म सक्तैन जबसम्म त्यहांका महिला आर्थिक, राजनैतिक रुपले सशक्त र सबै प्रकारका हिंसाबाट मुक्त हुदैनन । संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघका महासचिवले महासभामा भन्नुभएका थियो “हाम्रा हरेक काम महिलाहरुको सशक्...
UN, (2013)
On The Occasion of The Performance of Naya Adhyaya, A Joint UNFPA/UNMIN Street Theatre Project on Women and The Peace Process The United Nations is committed to the equality of women and men, and is working to help overcome the obstacles to their participation in all aspects of public life. In 2000, the UN Security Council passed its Resolution 1325, which calls for the rep...
UNMIN, (2007)
UN WOMEN Annual Report 2014-2015 Nepal’s 2015 earthquake shattered buildings and lives. But it did not destroy the courage of women who have stepped forward to help. “My home and farm are completely damaged,” recounts Nirjala Pokhrel, a volunteer from Pourakhi, a women’s group norma...
UNWOMEN, (2015)
UN WOMEN- Annual Report 2012-2013 UN Women is the UN organization dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of Women. a global champion for Women and girls, UN Women Was established to accelerate progress on meeting their needs Worldwide. UN Women supports UN Member States a...
UNWOMEN, (2013)
Danish support to UN Women In Nepal The Embassy of Denmark signed an agreement with UN Women in Nepal for grant assistance of DKK Mio.equivalent supporting the implementation of the strategy and annual plan of UN Women in Nepal.The support to the implementation of the overall strategic...
Rural Women’s Leadership Programme Madagascar, Nepal, the Philippines and Senegal Good Practices and Lessons Learned (2010-2013) This report brings together the main lessons from the Rural Women’s Leadership Programme (RWLP), implemented by the Policy and Technical Advisory Division of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), with support from the Governmen...
IFAD, (2014)
महिला मानव अधिकार मानिसले मानिस भएकै हैसियतले प्राप्त गर्ने सबै अधिकारहरूलाई मानवअधिकार भनिन्छ । मानिस हुन हैसियतलाई सम्मानपूवक कायम गन मानव अधिकारको आवश्यकता पर्दछ । महिला पनि मानव भएको कारणल सबै मानवअधिकार महिलाका पनि अधिकार हुन् । महिलाका विशेष अवस्थाहरूलाई ध्यान...
NRHC/UNDP, (2012)
Civil Society Report on Beijing+20 Nepal, “Empowering Women, Empowering Humanity: Picture it!!!” The Beijing +20 Review holds a lot of significance for women as it provides an important opportunity to examine the efforts of government, non-government organizations as well as civil societies in realizing the commitments to the goals of equality, d...
UN Women-Annual Report (2013-2014) UN Women is the UN organization dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. A global champion for Women and girls,UN Women Was established to accelerate progress on meeting their Needs Worldwide. UN Women supports UN Member States as t...
UNWOMEN, (2014)
World Survey On The Role Of Women In Development 2014, Gender Equality And Sustainable Development The immense social, economic and environmental consequences of climate change and loss of essential ecosystems are becoming clear. Their effects are already being felt in foods, droughts, and devastated landscapes and livelihoods. Among those most ...
UNWOMEN, (2014)
WORLD SURVEY ON THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN DEVELOPMENT 2014 GENDER EQUALITY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The immense social, economic and environmental consequences of climate change and loss of essential ecosystems are becoming clear. Their effects are already being felt in floods, droughts, and devastated landscapes and livelihoods. Among those most...
UNWOMEN, (2014)
Nepal’s Gender-Based Violence and Gender Equality-Related Funds:The Path to Effective Implementation The study on the Operational Modality of Various Funds within Federal Governance assesses the status of 12 funds with mandates to respond to GBV and advance GE in Nepal. Funds related to GBV and GE are a central component of the GoN’s effort to advan...
UNWOMEN, (2021)
NRNA and UN Women to Promote Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment On August 5, 2014,a memorandum of understanding was signed between the Non-Resident Nepali Association (NRNA) and UN Women to promote the rights and interests of Nepali women residing outside and within Nepal. Through the Moe, NRNA and UN Women ...
Women Economic Empowerment Requires Bold Action On International Women's Day, the UN in Nepal recognizes the way of shifting the ideas and beliefs that prevent women from fully realizing the roles and valuable contribution to sustainable development.One last piece of this puzzle is the economic em...
UNIC, (2017)
Gender Equality in Numbers:Progress and Challenges in Achieving Gender Equality in Nepal The overall objective of this report is to contribute to data analysis on Nepal’s progress toward meeting its international, regional, and national commitments to gender equality and women’s empowerment. This report and the narrative analysis to be p...
UNWOMEN, (2021)
GENDER EQUALITY UPDATE - 33 During the pandemic, youth networks, groups and individuals have continuously worked to address the needs of communities across Nepal. During the Gender in Humanitarian Action Task Team (GiHA- TT) meeting on 1 July 2021, youth networks, activists a...
UNWOMEN, (2021)
GENDER EQUALITY UPDATE - 33 During the pandemic, youth networks, groups and individuals have continuously worked to address the needs of communities across Nepal. During the Gender in Humanitarian Action Task Team (GiHA- TT) meeting on 1 July 2021, youth networks, activists a...
UNWOMEN, (2021)
GENPROM Working Paper No. 12 : Series on Gender in the Life Cycle : The Linkages Between Women's Employment, Family Welfare And Child Labour In Nepal In most regions of the world, a common thread runs through the fabric of women’s lives, regardless of their age. Poverty for many women and girls means not just the lack of material resources but an intrinsic inability to realize their full potential...
ILO, (2003)
Female Masons Trained in Earthquake Safe Construction for the First Time in Nepal For the first time ever in Nepal, an exclusive training for female masons on earthquake resilient construction techniques was organised from 10 to 14 September 2012 in Kathmandu. Masons are a crucial aspect for ensuring compliance with building codes...
UNDP, (2012)