United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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Nepal Response: Operation Overview as of 18 March 2016 The Logistics Cluster, when activated in an emergency, is responsible for providing logistics coordination, information management and where there is a gap in logistics infrastructure, WFP, as the lead agency of the Logistics Cluster, acts as a ‘Prov...
WFP, (2016)
Statement of The United Nations World Food Programme Country Representative in Nepal, Richard Ragan, On Disruption of WFP Food Assistance Deliveries in Nepal World food programmer has received assurances from multiple parties stating that they will ensure the unhindered movement of WFP staff and delivery of humanitarian food assistance for flood victims in the terai. WFP staff and trucks carrying humanita...
WFP, (2007)
WFP Appeals To The Mugu Chamber Of Commerce To Stop Blocking The Delivery Of Emergency Humanitarian Aid The United Nations World Food Programme is appealing to members of the Mugu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI) to allow helicopters carrying WFP emergency food rations for drought victims in Mugu in Mid-Western Nepal to land at Gamgudi helipad. ...
WFP, (2007)
Nepal: Flood 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 4 (as of 21 August 2017) This report is produced by Office of the Resident Coordinator Nepal in collaboration with humanitarian partners and includes the preparedness and aid provided for the relief of the flood victims.As reported on 18th August, the Government of Nepal ha...
CFP-UNRCO, (2017)
Press Release: United Nations Provides Humanitarian Assistance To Flood Affected Families Heavy flooding by the Saptakoshi River in Sunsari and Saptari districts in Eastern Region continues to impact an increasing number of families who have been displaced and lost their lands and houses. The challenges to help the families will grow more...
Inspiration Through Volunteerism UNV Nepal The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is the United Nations organization that contributes to peace and development through volunteerism worldwide. Volunteerism is a powerful means of engaging people in tackling development challenges and it c...
UNV, (2013)
UN Volunteers Nepal Brochure The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme contributes to peace and development through volunteerism worldwide. UNV contributes to peace and development by advocating for recognition of volunteers, working with partners to integrate volunteerism i...
UNV, (2016)
Press Release: Two months on 2.8 million Nepalese still require vital humanitarian assistance Two months after the first of the two devastating earthquakes hit Nepal, some 2.8 million of the people affected continue to require vital humanitarian assistance. Temporary shelter, food and livelihoods support, basic medical care, sanitation and hy...
UNOCHA, (2015)
Operational Space for Development and Humanitarian Work: Current Status The right of conflict-affected populations to receive basic assistance is guaranteed by international humanitarian law.The term operational space, referred to throughout this report, describes the freedom of development and humanitaria...
UNOCHA, (2006)
FAO in the Humanitarian Appeals 2015 Mid-Year Update Most recently, Nepal’s devastating earthquakes severely impacted farming families. The deepening food security and nutrition crisis in South Sudan is raising serious concerns and the number of severely food insecure people is expected to escalate fro...
FAO, (2015)
A Report From The Office Of Evaluation In order to strengthen the institutional development of the UNJLC and to respond to criticisms of the UNJLC, the Core Unit has commissioned external studies of major field operations of the UNJLC in Afghanistan, Iraq and Liberia. There have also been...
WFP, (2004)
Evaluation Of WFP's Strengthening Emergency Need Assessment Implementation Plan In 2004, WFP formulated a three-year Strengthening Emergency Needs Assessment Implementation Plan to improve needs assessments. This evaluation reviews the first two years of implementation. The conclusion is that the initiative is appropriate, if am...
WFP, (2007)
Nepal: Flood 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 2 (as of 16 August 2017) Moderate to heavy rains have been forecast across Nepal for the coming days. As of 16 August, 18,320 families are confirmed to have been displaced, and 75,000 families affected by the flooding. Government has provided ready to eat food to displaced p...
UNRCO, (2017)
MULTI-COUNTRY REAL TIME EVALUATION OF UNICEF GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE IN EMERGENCIES PROGRAMMES - Nepal Country Report The Child Protection Section of UNICEF’s Programme Division, New York, is undertaking a multi-country real time evaluation of UNICEF’s Gender-based Violence in Emergencies (GBViE) programming with the overall purpose of strengthening UNICEF’s curre...
UNICEF, (2016)
Humanitarian Operations In Nepal Brought To A Halt The humanitarian community calls on all parties to allow humanitarian work to continue unobstructed. For the past seven days the indefinite strike called by the UCPN-M has brought operations in all parts of the country virtually to a halt, including ...
UNRCHCO, (2010)
2012 UNICEF Humanitarian Action For Children Highlights: 1. UNICEF’s Humanitarian Action for Children 2012 describes the daily situation of some of the world’s most vulnerable children and women in more than 25 countries and territories beset by emergencies and crisis. 2. The chapters includ...
UNICEF, (2012)
Nepal Monthly Update - Issue No.66 (January 2011) Highlights: 1. First Disaster Preparedness Planning meeting held 2. Nepal Humanitarian Work Plan 2011 being drafted 3. Ministry of Home Affairs opened the National Emergency Operation Centre (NEOC) 4. UN Field Coordination Offices supported ILO t...
UNRCHCO, (2011)
Humanitarian Action for Children On 25 April 2015, a powerful earthquake with a magnitude 7.8 on the Richter scale struck Nepal with its epicentre 80 km east/northeast of the capital Kathmandu in Gorkha District. On 12 May, Nepal was hit again by a magnitude 7.3 aftershock with its ...
UN, (2015)
Mobile logistics hubs - Nepal Disaster response is very challenging. Logistics hubs play a critical role in improving overall responsiveness and effectiveness of the humanitarian supply chain; determining their optimal location contributes to an effective supply chain. The Apri...
WFP, (2019)
Flood Perception Survey February 2018 [Round-II] In December 2017, the Inter-Agency Common Feedback Project completed 1800 Community Perception Surveys at the household level with community members randomly selected throughout 10 priority flood affected districts. This was the second round of data ...
CFP, (2018)
One Wash Annual Report 2014 , Wash Section, UNICEF Nepal Country Office The Government of Nepal aims to achieve universal access to improved water supplies and sanitation systems by 2017. While the national census of 2011 reported access to improved water supplies at 85 per cent and to improved sanitation systems at 62 p...
UNICEF, (2015)
Asia And The Pacific (2010) The conflict-induced displacement in June 2010 of some 300,000 people in southern Kyrgyzstan and the flight across the border into Uzbekistan of another 75,000 people compelled UNHCR to mobilize an emergency response operation in a highly complex pol...
UNHCR, (2010)
Asia And The Pacific (2011) The Asia region has suffered major humanitarian crises in 2010, with violence in southern Kyrgyzstan in June and torrential monsoon rains which caused the worst floods in Pakistan in 80 years. UNHCR has played a prominent role in delivering much-need...
UNHCR, (2011)
UNV Newsletter Nepal - Issue 2 In Kathmandu on 24th October, UN Day we had a marvelous UN Day celebration with a lot of focus on UNV and IYV+10. Mr. Robert Piper, United Nations Resident & Humanitarian Coordinator for Nepal made a specific reference to UNV in his speech and highl...
UNV, (2011)
Social Inclusion And Volunteerism: Considerations for post-2015 development agenda From the outset, discussions about the post-2015 UN development agenda have recognized and emphasized the central importance of social inclusion in the new development framework. This Issue Brief aims to further enhance those ongoing discussions by d...
UNV, (2014)
Government of Japan Contributes US $ 2 Million to UNHCR Nepal The Government of Japan, has contributed US$ 2 million to UNHCR’s activities in Nepal for the year 2007. This contribution of US $ 2 million will go towards meeting the ongoing protection and material needs of the refugees from Bhutan in camps in eas...
UNHCR, (2007)
Asia And The Pacific The Asia and the Pacific region was home to major humanitarian situations which expanded dramatically in the first half of 2009, causing large-scale human suffering. UNHCR played a prominent role in providing emergency assistance and protection to af...
UNHCR, (2009)
Special Operation - Provision of Humanitarian Air Services in Nepal This Special Operation (SO) is established to ensure humanitarian access to earthquake-affected areas in Nepal through the provision of safe and reliable air transport services as well as to provide capacity for possible medical evacuation of humanit...
WFP, (2015)
WFP And UNICEF to Provide Relief to 5,000 Displaced By Violence in Nepal The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in Nepal will provide urgently needed humanitarian food aid and non-food items to 5,000 people displaced by communal violence across two districts in wester...
WFP, UNICEF, (2007)
Evaluation Of UNICEF's Cluster Lead Agency Role in Humanitarian Action Highlights: 1. The Cluster approach was introduced in 2005 within the wider context of humanitarian reform. In a process led by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC), the Cluster approach was designed in recognition that a lack of adequate coor...
UNICEF, (2013)
UNHRD Operations Update: Response To Earthquake In Nepal (15 June, 2015) Highlights: 1. CARGO DISPATCHED: 699 MT 2. VALUE OF GOODS DISPATCHED: $ 4.3 million Australia airlifted shelter tool kits from their prepositioned supplies in Kuala Lumpur and generously transported much-needed forklifts for WFP. 3. UNHRD’s Rapi...
WFP, UNHRD, (2015)
Emergency and Humanitarian Action (EHA), WHO Nepal Districts in the Far West, Mid West and Western regions in Nepal have reported flash floods and landslides.The initial responses received by EDCD from the District Health Officers (DHO) and District Public Health Officers (DPHO) indicate that most R...
EHA, WHO, (2006)
UNHAS Nepal: Humanitarian Air Service (3 July, 2015) Improving Humanitarian Access: Managed by the World Food Programme, the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) seeks to provide the entire humanitarian community with timely access to hard-to-reach locations and to deliver urgent humanitaria...
WFP, UNHAS, (2015)