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Evaluation Summaries - Sustainable Elimination of Child Bonded Labour in Nepal: Phase II The Government of Nepal abolished the Kamaiya system (a form of bonded labour in agriculture) in July 2000 through an enactment: “The Kamaiya Labour Prohibition Act-2001”. Although the Act is named after one system of bonded labour (the Kamaiya syste...
ILO, (2012)
Child Protection The protection of children from abuse, exploitation and neglect is integral to their survival, growth and development. The consequences of violation of a child’s right to protection include reduced life expectancy, poor physical and mental health, re...
UNICEF, (2006)
Empowerment of Women Migrant Workers of Nepal Nepal has witnessed high levels of foreign labour migration since the last two decades. The remittance these migrant workers generate account for almost one quarter of the country's GDP, with 11 per cent of this total coming from women migrant worker...
GoN, UNWOMEN, (2013)
Returning Home: challenges and opportunities for women migrant workers in the Nepali labour market This report on returnee women migrant workers (RWMWs) draws from insights shared by 1,210 women to understand the influences, conditions, and challenges that characterize women’s migration from and reintegration to Nepal. As gender roles are still...
UN WOMEN, (2019)
Creating a Healing Environment ( Volume I: Proceedings ) Psycho-Social Rehabilitation and Occupational Integration of Child Survivors of Trafficking and Other Worst Forms of Child Labour Today, tens of thousands of children and women across South Asia live in sexual servitude, victims of duplicity, coercion and illegal transportation. While trafficking and the abduction of persons for sexual purposes have existed on the sub-continent...
ILO, (2002)
Economic Security of Women Migrant Workers; A Pilot Reintegration Programme: Making Remittance Work for Women The number of Nepalese WMWs going abroad is rising 13 Foreign labor migration comes with risks and challenges.Remittance is becoming an essential pillar of the economy.Maximizing its potential gains and benefits is therefore key.The Government of Nep...
An In-Depyh Study On The Realities And Concerns Of Nepalese Domestic Workers In Hong Kong The study seeks to deepen the understanding of the general working conditions of Nepalese domestic workers in Hong Kong SAR, highlight their experiences and vulnerabilities and formulate strategies and recommendations for improving the current situat...
Labour Migration for Employment - A Status Report for Nepal 2013/2014 Over the past decade, Nepal has experienced a surge in out-migration for foreign employment to various destination countries. As more and more Nepali citizens aspire and depart for foreign jobs, regulators and stakeholders face new challenges in mana...
ILO, IOM, GoN, (2014)
South Asia Booklet on Child-relevant Socioeconomic Indicators The social indicators in this collection are well-established. Some economic indicators are selected to show the performance of the economy as a basis for the capacity of the country,and families, to provide for children. #Children #EconomicIndica...
UNICEF, (2006)
Labour Migration for Employment - A Status Report for Nepal: 2015/2016 - 2016/2017 Foreign employment continues to be the most significant motivation for international migration from Nepal. In the past consecutive fiscal years 2015/2016 and 2016/2017, the Department of Foreign Employment (DOFE) issued 786,564 permits for foreign em...
GoN, ILO, (2018)
Returnees From Migrant Labour: Welcome Home? - Issue 17 The scale of Nepali work migration since the mid-2000 is unprecedented. In some villages of the Central Tarai it is said that every other family has a relative working in the Gulf countries. The overall economic benefits for Nepal have been acknowle...
UNRCHCO, (2011)
South Asia Labour Migration Governance Project Migration in south Asia is largely South-South and is characterized by low and semi-skilled workers migrating with fixed-term contracts. The primary destination for South Asian migrant workers is the Arab Gulf States, which rely on foreign labour to ...
ILO, (2014)
Travel Smart – Work Smart A guide for Nepali migrant workers in the United Arab Emirates Every day many Nepalis – like you – enter the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for work. Most of the newly arrived expatriates join the workforce without experiencing any major problem. But some encounter tough times. There are ways to avoid these sorts of...
ILO, EU, (2015)
बालश्रम अन्त्यका लागि सामाजिक सुरक्षा विस्तार : बालश्रम विरुद्ध विश्व दिवस ( १२ जुन २०१४ ) सामाजिक सुरक्षा मानवअधिकारको सुनिश्चितताका लागि र आर्थिक तथा सामाजिक विकासका लागि अर्थपूर्ण रहेकोछ । सामाजिक सुरक्षाले शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य उपचार तथा पोषणमा पहुँच सुनिश्चित गनुका साथै बालश्रम विरुद्धको अभियानमा महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निर्वाह गर्दछ । यस वर्ष ...
ILO, (2014)
बालश्रम विरुद्ध विश्व दिवस (१२ जुन २०१३ ) घरेलु बालश्रम सम्बन्धमा: १. वैतनिक अथवा अवैतनिक श्रमिकको रुपमा अरुको घरमा काम गर्ने १४ वर्ष मुनिका बालबालिकाहरु २. रोजगारिमा संलग्न हुन पाउने न्यूनतम उमेर पुगेका तर १८ वर्ष भन्दा कम उमेरका बालबालिकाहरु जो जोखिमयुक्त घरेलु श्रममा संलग्न छन ३. विद्य...
In Their Own Words... Nepal The Lives of Young Stone Crushers Samjhana Rajbansi, a 14-year-old student, has been crushing stone for the last five years with chores in the household, herding, and working as a stone crusher. Their family of six is striving to earn enough to cover the everyday basic needs as well ...
ILO, (2006)
Child migrants in child labour: An invisible group in need of attention ‘Children on the Move’ is an umbrella definition which brings together a multitude of categories in which children have been divided; it includes children who have been trafficked,children who migrate and children displaced by conflict and natural di...
ILO, (2012)
ILO Technical Cooperation : Child Labour - Sustainable elimination of child bonded labour in Nepal (Phases I- II) Results and Outcomes: 1. 3,000 working children below 18 years (in domestic work, agriculture, and brick kilns) from the targeted families withdrawn and another 6,600 children below 18 years identified for prevention from child labour. 2. 4,000 chi...
ILO, (2014)
ILO Approves US$500,000 Projects to Combat Child Labour The International Labour Organization (ILO) has approved eight new Action Programmes worth US$575,291 to combat child labour and support Kamaiya and Haruwa/Charuwa adults and their children. The work is being funded by con...
ILO, (2008)
ILO Technical Cooperation : Child Labour - Towards Achieving the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour as Priority (ACHIEVE) – Nepal (Phases I-II)(June 2014) The project undertook a number of actions towards policy and legal reform including capacity building of the Child Labour Elimination and International Labour Relation Section (CLERS) of the Ministry of labour and Employment (MoLE), labour offices at...
ILO, (2014)
The Linkage Between Women's Emloyment, Family Welfare And Child Labour in Nepal Current policies and programmes tend to address separately the problems of women’s employment and those of child labour. On the one hand, efforts to promote women’s employment often do not go on to address related factors, such as how empowerment can...
ILO, (2010)
A Rapid Assessment: Child Labour in the Nepalese Carpet Sector Following a number of studies and research projects, the government of Nepal and the ILO/ IPEC identified Nepalese carpet factories as the location of ‘one of the worst forms of child labour’. Their decision was based on definitions recommended in t...
ILO, (2002)
Case Study of Differently Able Person Supported by Early Recovery Program Ms. Dirga Kumari Rana, a single mother aged 60 years old is living with her two children. Her husband is living with his second wife, away from them. Ms. Rana told that when she was a child, in one accident she lost her 3 fingers. “It is already many...
IOM, (2016)
Departing for Foreign Employment A migrant bids goodbye to his family members at Tribhuvan International airport before departing for foreign employment....
IOM, (2012)
Investigating the Worst Forms of Child Labour No. 3 - Nepal Situation of Domestic Child Labourers in Kathmandu: A Rapid Assessment This research report has been prepared to enhance the understanding of the plight of domestic child laborers in Kathmandu. Children and their employers cooperated during the field data collection, and we thank them all for answering our questions.Hir...
ILO, IPEC, (2001)
The Informal Economy And Workers in Nepal The informal economy,which will be formally define later,includes activities of economy which are individually smaller,generally unorganized and which remain beyond the control of the state as opposed to formal sector which generally has the opposite...
ILO, (2004)
बालश्रमलाई निषेध गरौं: गुणस्तरीय शिक्षालाई प्रवद्र्धन गरौ बालश्रम विरुद्ध विश्व दिवस (१२ जुन २०१५) २०७२ वैशाख १२ गतेका दिन नेपालमा आएको विनाशकारी भूकम्पको असरबाट शिक्षा प्रणाली लगायत सिङ्गो मुलक प्रभावित भएको अवस्थामा बालश्रम विरुद्ध सामूहिक आवाज उठाउन र विपद् आए यता विद्यालय छाड्न बाध्य भएका सबै बालबालिकालाई विद्यालय फर्काउने वातावरण सृजना गने ग...
ILO, UNICEF, GoN, (2015)
Investigating the Worst Forms of Child Labour No. 4 Nepal Situation of Child Ragpickers: A Rapid Assessment Children are among the most neglected, abused and exploited segments of the population, exposed to such worst forms of labour as rag-picking. In Nepal, child work in general – and child labour in particular – is a common phenomenon. An estimated 42 p...
IPEC/ILO, TU, CDPS, (2001)
Investigating the Worst Forms of Child Labour No. 6 Nepal Situation of Child Porters: A Rapid Assessment The exploitative practice of child labour has come to be recognised as a major socio economic problem. Child labour jeopardises children's potential to become productive adults, robbing them of their health, their education and their prospects for a ...
IPEC/ILO, TU, CDPS, (2001)
Situation getting worse for Nepali migrant workers in Saudi Arabia Cases of the exploitation and abuse as well as poor living condition and insufficient food for Nepali migrant workers in Saudi Arabia are on rise,according to the Department of Foreign Employment. The department receives complaints from migrant wo...
Republica, (2016)
Creating a Healing Environment (Volume II: Technical Papers) - Psycho-Social Rehabilitation and Occupational Integration of Child Survivors of Trafficking and Other Worst Forms of Child Labour The ILO’s International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour has worked to combat Child Labour for over a decade and now runs comprehensive programmes in more than 60 countries worldwide. In 1999, this work was backed up by a new Convention, ...
ILO, (2002)
ILO Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific Concluded His Mission to Kathmandu with a Sense of Unequivocal Support to and a Great Optimism for Nepal ILO News (KATHMANDU) – Improving the situation of Nepal’s migrant workers was high on the agenda of a three-day high level visit to Nepal by the ILO’S Assistant Director General and Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, Mr Yoshite...
ILO, (2014)
Working for Nepalese Children - An Overview of Child Labour Related Programmes in Nepal - 2001 Nepal had a late start in economic development and modernisation initiatives. Until the 1950s, Nepal remained isolated from the rest of world and had no modern social services infrastructure, cash economy, or economic and trade linkages with countrie...
ILO, (2001)
बालश्रम बिरुद्ध विस्व दिवस २०१६ आपूर्ति चक्रमा बालश्रमको अन्त्य : सबैको सरोकार बालश्रम बिरुद्धको अन्तरास्ट्रिय अभियानलाई प्रोत्साहित र प्रेरित गर्न अन्तरास्ट्रिय श्रम संगठन (आइ. एल. ओ.) ले सन् २००२ जुन १२ मा प्रथम बिस्व बालश्रम बिरुद्ध दिवसको आयोजना गर्यो। निक्रिस्ट प्रकारको बालश्रमका सम्बन्धमा आइ. एल. ओ. महासन्धि नम्बर १८२ र र...
ILO, (2016)
Lessons Learned for the Time Bound Programme A national workshop on policy and programming on child labour was jointly held by the Ministry of Labour and the ILO in August 1995 with a view to analysing the magnitude and the nature of the problem of child labour in the country, the response to t...
ILO, (2001)
Nepal Bonded Labour Among Child Workers of the Kamaiya System: A Rapid Assessment The Kamaiya system is commonly known as an agriculturally based bonded labour system in Nepal. Bondage among Kamaiya children working for an employer ensues from the debt incurred by the parents and also through the linkage in exploitative employment...
ILO, (2001)
Nepal Situation of Child Ragpickers: A Rapid Assessment Unacceptable forms of exploitation of children at work exist and persist, but they are particularly difficult to research due to their hidden, sometimes illegal or even criminal nature. Slavery, debt bondage,trafficking, sexual exploitation, the use...
ILO, (2001)
Nepal Situation of Domestic Child Labourers in Kathmandu: A Rapid Assessment Hiring a live-in person to undertake domestic household chores is an integral part of South Asian tradition. The use of domestic child labourers (DCL) is common in Nepal, especially in its affluent urban areas. In Kathmandu, according to the study’s ...
ILO, (2001)
Promoting Effective Governance of Labour Migration from South Asia: The ILO South Asia Labour Migration Governance Project (2013–2016) The world’s foreign migrant population in 2013 was an estimated 232 million (persons residing outside their country of birth), according to the United Nations Population Division. The International Labour Organization (ILO) estimated (in 2010) the po...
ILO, EU, (2013)
Nepali Migrants Improve Financial Literacy A lack of knowledge about the importance of savings means that much of that money is spent by families on consumer goods, rather than being reinvested into income generating activities. Consequently migrants who have moved abroad at considerable cost...
IOM, (2014)
नेपाल अब चुनावीतेरा लम्कदै गरेको अवस्थामा महिला उम्मेदवारहरुको धरै थौरै संख्या हुनु चिन्ता बिषय नेपाल अब चुनावीतेरा लम्कदै गरेको अवस्थामा महिला उम्मेदवारहरुको धरै थौरै संख्या हुनु चिन्ता बिषय हो । ति मध्य पनि अधिकांस पभावसाली पुरुस नेताहरु बिरुद उठाएका छन । महिलाले खेल्न सक्ने भूमिकाको समाजले प्रायजसो अपक्षा गरेको दिखिनछ । तर जुन समाजले महिल...
Travel Smart – Work Smart A guide for Nepali migrant workers in Kuwait : Promoting safe migration and protecting migrant workers Every day many Nepalis like you enter Kuwait for work. Most of the newly arrived expatriates join the workforce without experiencing any major problem. But some encounter tough times. There are ways to avoid these sorts of difficult situations. And ...
ILO, EU, (2015)
World Day Against Child Labour ( 12 June 2015 ) child labour is often defined as work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, interferes with their schooling and that is harmful to physical and mental development. In Nepal before the earthquake, there were alr...
बालश्रम विरुद्ध विश्व दिवस (१२ जुन २०१२ ) यस वर्ष बालश्रम विरुद्ध विश्व दिवसले बालश्रम र आधारभूत मानव अधिकारको उल्ल‹नबाट सुरक्षित रहन पाउने सबै बालबालिकाका अधिकारप्रति ध्यानाकर्षण गनेछ । सन् २०१० मा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय समुदायल सन् २०१६ सम्ममा निकृष्ट प्रकारका बालश्रम उन्मूलन गर्न मार्गचित्र अवल...
ILO, (2012)
बालश्रम विरुद्ध विश्व दिवस १२ जुन २०१३ अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय श्रम संगठन (आइ एल ओ) को अनुमान (२०१०) अनुसार १ करोड ५५ लाख बालबालिकाहरु वैतनिक अथवा अवैतनिक श्रमिकको रुपमा घरेलु कामको लागि तेश्रो समुहको घरमा अथवा रोजगारदातासंग संलग्न छन् । घरेलु काम लुकेको प्रकृतिको हुन्छ र बालबालिकाहरु एक्लिएको ...
GoN, ILO, UNICEF, (2013)
Costs and benefits of eliminating child labour in Nepal Although many studies have examined the measures necessary to combat child labour, in Nepal there has been no comprehensive research on the economic costs and benefits of the effective elimination of child labour. In particular, there has been little...
ILO, (2005)
International Conference on the Rights of Migrant Workers The National Human Rights Commission of Nepal organized International Conference on the Cooperation of NHRIs for the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers in the Asia PacifiC Region on 26-27th Nov 2012 in Kathmandu. The Presid...
NHRC/UNDP, (2012)
Report On The National Stakeholder Consultation On The Time-Bound Programme Against The Worst Forms Of Child Labour in Nepal (June 2001) The three-day National Stakeholder Consultation was organized by the International Labour Organization's (ILO) International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) in Kathmandu from 8 to 10 May 2001. The Time-Bound Programmes aims to pr...
ILO, (2001)
Eliminating Child Labour In Nepal : Facts, figures, commitments and action Child labour and its worst forms in particular have emerged as a problem of immense global proportions and Nepal is no exception. Despite some reduction globally there are still 225 million children in prohibited child labour, of which a staggering n...
HIV/AIDS and Working Children in Nepal There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that in Nepal (1) increasing numbers of children are being driven into the labour market by the HIV infections and deaths of their parents, and (2) that working children have a high risk of contracting H...
IPEC/ILO, (2004)
Investigating the Worst Forms of Child Labour No. 5 Nepal Bonded Labour Among Child Workers of the Kamaiya System: A Rapid Assessment The need to restrict and eradicate the most intolerable forms of child labour in Nepal has become an essential element of a national development strategy to achieve sustainable growth and protect human rights. His Majesty’s Government of Nepal has r...
IPEC/ILO, (2001)
Nepal Child Labour Report Based on Data Drawn from the Nepal Labour Force Survey -2008 The Nepal Child Labour Report is the first statistical report of its kind in Nepal utilizing large‐scale survey data. The report is based on the data collected through the Nepal Labour Force Survey 2008, the questionnaire for which was designed to in...
ILO, (2012)
Towards Achieving the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour as Priority (ACHIEVE) Child labour remains a persistent problem in Nepal. According to the Nepal Child Labour Report 2010, of the total 1.6 million children (5-17 years) in child labour, 621,000 are estimated in hazardous work, 60 percent of which are girls. The project p...
ILO, (2015)
No Easy Exit: Migration Bans Affecting Women From Nepal Since large numbers of Nepali women began migrating for domestic work, reports have emerged of hardships experienced abroad, ranging from labour exploitation to physical and sexual abuse. Although some women report positive migration experiences, as ...
ILO, (2015)
Occupational Health and Safety Assessment of Child workers in the Brick Industry, Nepal Almost 30,000 children, 5‐17 years old, are estimated to be working in the brick factories of Nepal. And this number appears set to grow given the increasing demand for bricks to support the current rate of urbanization. Poverty, conflict, lack of o...
ILO, (2014)
Child Soldiers for Adult Wars: Exploitation in Nepal and Sri Lanka ILO Convention No. 182 on Worst Forms of Child Labour (WFCL) defines the forced recruitment of children for use in armed conflict as an unconditional worst form of child labour. The Convention stipulates that each member State shall identify and reac...
ILO, (2006)
Compiled Field Reports from Dhanusha, Siraha, Saptari, Dang, Banke, Bardiya, Kailali and Kanchanpur Districts of Nepal The World Day against Child Labour (WDACL) is observed worldwide on 12 June and serves as a catalyst for the growing worldwide movement against child labour. The International Labour Organization (ILO) launched the first World Day against Child Labou...
ILO, (2009)
Good Practices on The Role of Trade Unions in Protecting And Promoting The Rights of Migrant Workers in Asia The designations employed in ILO publications, which are in conformity with United Nations practice, and the presentation of material therein do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the International Labour Offi...
ILO, (2015)
NHRC-Nepal on the Rights of the Migrant Workers An Overview The National Human Rights Commission has been involved in a number of ways to contribute to the respect, protection and promotion of human rights since its formation in 2000. In recent years, NHRC has extended its activities on the rights of migrant ...
UNRC/UNDP, (2012)
Child Labour Situation in Nepal This report focuses on the study on child labour situation in Nepal with nationally representative sample. The present study is not from a separate survey on child labour but as a piggy bag of the Employment Survey, 1995/96. Samples were selected sep...
ILO, (1996)
Successful Strategies and Experiences in Combating Child Bonded Labour in Nepal Nepal ratified the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Convention No. 182 in 2004, committing to “take immediate and effective measures to prohibit and eliminate all the worst forms of child labour”. To assist Nepal in eliminating bonded labour...
ILO, (2011)
Nepal Situation of Child Porters: A Rapid Assessment The exploitative practice of child labour has come to be recognised as a major socioeconomic problem. Child labour jeopardises children's potential to become productive adults, robbing them of their health, their education and their prospects for a b...
ILO, (2001)
स्थलगत बुलेटिन मानिसहरु अछाम र बाजुरामा आप्रबासी श्रमिकका मुद्दाको परिदृश्य विगत केहि दशकहरु यता आप्रबासी कामदार नेपालको बिकासको मुख्य विशेषता रही आएको छ र वर्तमानमा यसले नेपालको कुल गाहर्यस्थ उत्पादनमा २० प्रतिशत भन्दा बढीको योगदान दिन्छ । विश्व बैंकको अनुमान अनुसार सन् २०११ मा २० लाख बढी भन्दा मानिसहरु विदेशमा काम गरिरहेक...
UNRCHCO, (2013)
UNICEF Nepal Country Office Combating Child Labour in Nepal With the support of UNICEF, targeted municipalities are continuously updating and revising the data collection and monitoring forms and procedures in line with the recently adopted case management guidelines. The objective of the contribution is s...
UNICEF, (2016)
Travel Smart – Work Smart A guide for Nepali migrant workers in Kuwait Highlights: 1.Every day many Nepalis – like you – enter Kuwait for work.Most of the newly arrived expatriates join the workforce with-out experiencing any major problem. But some encounter tough times 2.Regardless of your legal status, you are enti...
ILO, EU, (2015)
Report on Employment Relationships in the Brick Industry in Nepal ILO has been collaborating with the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) for producing data on decent work as its contribution to the Nepal Government’s initiatives to protect the fundamental rights of the Nepali people as envisaged in Nepal’s Constitu...
UNICEF, ILO, GON, (2021)
Travel Smart – Work Smart A guide for Nepali migrant workers in Qatar Every day many Nepalis – like you – enter Qatar for work.Most of the newly arrived expatriates join the workforce without experiencing any major problem but some encounter tough times.There are ways to avoid these sorts of difficult situations.And if...
ILO, EU, (2015)
Savings and Credit Associations and Remittances: The case of Far West Nepalese Labour Migrants in Delhi, India Over the past decades, Nepal has witnessed a significant increase in outward migration. Remittances into the country have increased accordingly. Caused by poverty and inequality, labour migration is the most important economic support for Far West Ne...
ILO, (2003)
Work In Freedom (ILO-DFID Partnership Programme On Fair Recruitment And Decent Work For Women Migrant Workers In South Asia And The Middle East- 2014 Work in Freedom is a five-year, inter-regional initiative that is taking a targeted approach to prevent the trafficking of women and girls in South Asia and the Middle East.a The development objective is to reduce the incidence of trafficking of wome...
ILO, (2014)
Work In Freedom (ILO-DFID Partnership Programme On Fair Recruitment And Decent Work For Women Migrant Workers In South Asia And The Middle East)- 2015 Work in Freedom is a five-year, inter-regional initiative that is taking a targeted approach to prevent the trafficking of women and girls in South Asia and the Middle East. a The development objective is to reduce the incidence of trafficking of wom...
ILO, (2015)