United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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Evaluation of the Impact of the BRIDGE Program in Nepal Final Evaluation Report 2008 – 2018 As the use of BRIDGE in Nepal has been both extensive and long-term, this evaluation is also a timely opportunity to provide the global BRIDGE partnership with information on whether it is providing the necessary guidance to potential users of BRIDGE...
ESP, UNDP, (2018)
Shanti Theeng, 27 years old, is a returnee migrant from Kuwait, who lives in Banaspati toll, Hetauda – 13, Makwanpur with her husband and daughter. Shanti Theeng steered her journey towards empowerment with her husband’s support by choosing an unconventional occupation for earning and sustaining her livelihood. She now operates/drives an e-rickshaw and is seen as an inspiration by other women, w...
UN Women, (2018)
Labour Market Information and Employment services (LIFE) Project This project is to facilitate smoother transitions to training and work through expanded public employment services for rural youth in Nepal. The project will build up the capacity of public Employment Services Centres (ESCs) to identify job growth p...
ILO, (2015)
Project Title : Institutional Capacity Building Of Tribhuvan University. Journalism education was initiated in Nepal in 1976 as the Journalism Department of the Tribhuvan University (TU) was established with support from UNESCO. Today, there are three universities and approximately 170 colleges giving training in journali...
UNESCO, (2012)
Report On HMG/UNDP/ILO Tripartie National Seminar On The Development Of BAsic Vocational Training In Nepal ( 30th April - 2nd May 1990 ) In the plan for development, human resources have been regarded as one of the most effective means of stimulating economic growth. It takes skilled manpower to discover and exploit natural resources, to develop technology, to poduce goods and carry o...
HMG, UNDP, ILO, (1990)
Technology-based Vocational Training for Marginalized Girls (TVT-G) The project has made significant gains in market-oriented and gender-responsive technical and vocational skills to out-of -school girls and young women who basically do not have access to formal technical and vocational education and training, and to...
UNESCO, (2006)
In Ramechhap, back to fishing again - Youtube Abstraction: Purna Bahadur Majhi of Khimti DC, Ramechhap returned his hometown after spending few difficult years as a migrant worker abroad. When he returned his village, he was determined to start something of his own. But his friends and relatives...
UNDP,Nepal, (2016)
Financial Education for Youth - Trainee's Guide Young people are in transition from childhood to adulthood, from financial dependency to independence. Their role in society is changing and they have new economic responsibilities. It is essential to equip young women and men with financial knowledg...
ILO, (2011)
Decentralised Planning for the Child Programme (Udayapur) Nepal ranks at 144th out of 174 countries in terms of the Human Development Index (UNDP,1999). It is the poorest social sector performer in the entire South Asia region,the situation of children and women is worse. Nepal has ratified both Convention ...
GoN, UNICEF, (2000)
Civil Society of Karnali to establish a network on Monitoring of ESCR JUMLA- Twenty-two members of Civil Society Organizations of Karnali and Mid Western Region who participated in a workshop on Monitoring of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR) organized by National Human Rights Commission Jumla Sub Offic...
Nepal: Labour Migration Should be a Choice [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPGgXWbNnyo&t=61s [Abstract]- Every year, thousands of young women from Nepal leave their country to work abroad. But many who make the decision don't have the basic skills needed for their new jobs over...
ILO, (2017)
Education, Training And Skills: Women Migrant Workers In ASEAN This Policy Brief considers skills supply and demand in ASEAN in relation to women migrant workers, making recommendations to policy-makers, development partners, social partners and civil society that can improve access for women to skills developm...
UNWOMEN, ILO, (2015)