Free Screening of Metropolis to Celebrate World Day for Audiovisual Heritage
The UNESCO Office in Kathmandu is organizing an open-air screening of Metropolis, a 1927 film directed by Fritz Lang, to celebrate the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage on 17 October 2011. The event is being held to raise awareness about the importa... UNESCO, (2011)
UNDP-OHCHR Toolkit for collaboration with National Human Rights Institutions
Effective national systems which protect and promote good governance, the rule of law, and the realization of human rights are important for sustainable human development. Among the components of such systems are governments which accept primary resp... UNDP/OHCHR, (2010)
एच आइ भी र एड्स सम्बन्धि अधय्यन सामग्रि
बीस्व जनस्व्स्थ्यको पर्मुख समस्या को रुपमा रहेको एच आई भी संक्रमण र त्यसको कारणबाट उत्पन्न बिभिन्न स्वस्थ्य, सामाजिक तथा आर्थिक समस्याहरुबाट नेपलि समज पनि अछुतो छैन। बिश्यष गरी देशका किशाेर-किशाेरीहारू र यूवा यूवातिहरु यस संक्रमणको चपेटामा पारीराहका ... GON, UNESCO, UNAID, (2001)
Teaching girls science, technology, engineering & maths in Nepal | UNICEF [Youtube]
Abstract : Meet the co-founders of WiSTEM, who provide children in Nepal with lessons on coding, electronics and design thinking. The organisation shows that if you empower a girl, you change the world.
Duration : 00:02:15
Location : Kathmandu... UNICEF, (2018)
सबैका लागि शिक्षा
अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय संगठनको मार्फ तबाट वा प्रइभेट क्षेत्रका दातृसंस्थाहरूसंगमिले र काम गर्ने अठोट व्यक्त गरे को छ । उनीहरुको प्र तिबद्धता अनुसारविकासोन्मुख देशसंगको साझेदारीमा गरिवी निवारण अन्तर्गत शिक्षालाई राखी जुन देशले आफ्नो शिक्षाको कार्यनीति प्रभा... UNESCO, (N/A )
Gender Responsive Non-Formal Education in Nepal: A Case Study Center for Education for All (CEFA) Nepal, 2003
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal has declared the country a Hindu Kingdom. The Hindu philosophy regarding women has been described in Mauritian by Man u, the lawgiver. The text says that women’s main duty lies in obeying and serving their fat... UNESCO, (2005)
Girls in Science and Technology Education: A Study on Access, Participation, and Performance of Girls in Nepa
In Nepal, girls started taking part in school education of late. And, those who enrolled in schools would usually come from the rich family, high caste community, city centers, district headquarters and road corridors. But with the passage of time, t... UNESCO, (2005)
Science , Research and Tchnology in Nepal
This is the Report on the Science, Research and Technology in Nepal commissioned to RONAST by UNESCO, Nepal. The Report reviews the status of Science and Technology (S&T) with specific goal to identify trends, constraints, and gaps wherein internatio... UNESCO/SCO, (2006)
The Functionning and Effictiveness of Scholarship and Incentive Schemes in Nepal
This study aims to answer a number of questions concerning the functioning and
effectiveness of scholarships and incentives intended for girls and children of disadvantaged communities. The desire to understand various incentive schemes from local ... UNICEF, (2006)
Financial Education for Youth - Trainer's Manual
Young people are in transition from childhood to adulthood, from financial dependency to independence. Their role in society is changing and they have new economic responsibilities. It is essential to equip the youth with financial knowledge and mana... ILO, (2011)
Building UNESCO National Education Support Strategy (UNESS) Nepal 2008-2013
Building a prosperous, modern and just Nepal that is economically independent and free from poverty is the key priority of the Government of Nepal (GoN). Achieving employment-oriented, pro-poor and broad based economic growth and appropriate human re... UNESCO, (2008)
Message from Irina Bokova, “Save and Savour Your Audiovisual Collections – Now”
Audiovisual records– film, video, radio and recorded sound material – mirror
human creativity and the living fabric of our cultures. They not only preserve in space and time priceless testimonies of our history but also encourage cultural dialogue... UNESCO, (2010)