United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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74th UN Day 2019 The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) wheel game invented by RCD office for the entertainment and sharing information about SDGs. #UNDAY #2019 #SDGs #SDGgame #RCD #UNIC #Wheel #Interaction #Involvement ...
UNIC, (2019)
Message from Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO on The Occasion of International Literacy Day The annual celebration of International Literacy Day on 8 September is an opportunity to remind the world of the importance of literacy for individuals, families, communities and whole societies. It is also an occasion to remember that literacy...
UNESCO, (2006)
Harnessing literacy as a development accelerator and a force for peace in Nepal Official statement to mark International Literacy Day, 8 September 2011 Literacy is a development accelerator and a force for peace in Nepal. However, too many people in the country still cannot read and write and hence not fully participate in the peace and development process. International Literacy Day is celebrated a...
UNESCO, (2011)
UNESCO’s New 3-year Country Programme Supports Nepal’s Peace and Development Process The UNESCO Office in Kathmandu has just released the “UNESCO Country Programming Document for Nepal 2011-2013”, the first comprehensive programme outlining the most important areas of UNESCO’s contribution to the country’s peace and development agend...
UNESCO, (2011)
Reforming the Ministry to improve education An institutional analysis of the Ministry of Education and Sports (MOES) of Nepal The study has two main objectives: first, to assess the overall capacity of MOES, its staff and constituent bodies in relation to their mandates, roles and responsibilities; second, to guide the conceptualization and preparation of a human resource d...
UNESCO, (2004)
Activities of UNESCO kathamndu Office (1998-2003) The purpose of this report is to document in brief all the activities undertaken by UNESCO Kathmandu Office since its establishment in Nepal in February 1998. This report gives a summary of the office’s activities within each of UNESCO’s sectors—Educ...
UNESCO, (2003)
Education Culture Communication and Information Sciences:Biennium Report 2004-2005-UNESCO Activities in Nepal, 2006 Since the inception of the UNESCO presence in Kathmandu in 1998 the office has gradually grown and matured into an established programme and advocacy agency in all UNESCO’s fields of competence, namely Education, Culture, Communication & Information ...
UNESCO, (2006)
Reading The Past, Writing The Future:A Report On National Literacy Campaign And Literate Nepal Mission The Jomtien decade witnessed a significant improvement in the adult literacy rates of Nepal from 35.6 percent (males 53.5% and females 19.4%) in 1991 to 48.0 percent (males 64.5% and females 33.8%) in 20011. According to the latest Annual Households...
UNESCO, (2017)
Nepal Education For All National Review Report: Final Report ( 2001 -2015 ) Nepal is a landlocked country located between China on the north and India on the east, south and west. It has 147,181 square kilometer area located between 26°22' to 30°27' latitude north and between 80° 04' and 88°12' longitude east. Geographically...
UNESCO, GoN, (2015)
नेपालमा वहुभाषी शिक्षाको विस्तर एवं उपयोग नेपाल भाषीक विविधता भएको देश हो। नेपालको जनगणना २०५८ अनुसार नेपाल म १०० भन्दा बडी जातजाति बस्छन । र तिनले ९२ भन्दा बढी भाषाहरू बोल्छन एथ्नोलग(२००५)मा नेपाल मा १२६ ओटा भाषा भएको उल्लेख गरिएको छ। नेपाल मा करिब ८०%मानिस ले नेपालीमा बोल्ने भाषा मध्य भारो...
बहुभाषी शिक्षा विस्तारक लेल सहयोगि सामग्रिः स्कुल पहुँचसँ बाहर रहलसभक समाबेशिकरण नेपल एकटा छोट भुखण्ड रहितो १११ सा बेसि जाति आ ९२ सा बेसि भाषासा विविधतापुर्ण देश बनल अछि राज्य एहन भाषीक विविधता अनुकुल नितिगत एवं कानुनि ब्यबस्था आ ओहि अनुसार नेपालक भाषासभक संरक्षण आ सम्वदर्धनक लेल प्रयास कर रहल अछि संम्बिधनमे अपन भाषा आ सास्कृतिक ...
समुदयक सदस्यसभक लेल पुस्तिका नेपल एकटा छोट भुखण्ड रहितो १११ सा बेसि जाति आ ९२ सा बेसि भाषासा विविधतापुर्ण देश बनल अछि राज्य एहन भाषीक विविधता अनुकुल नितिगत एवं कानुनि ब्यबस्था आ ओहि अनुसार नेपालक भाषासभक संरक्षण आ सम्वदर्धनक लेल प्रयास कर रहल अछि संम्बिधनमे अपन भाषा आ सास्कृतिक ...
Education Experts Meet To Discuss Child-Friendly Schools In South Asia Education experts from the South Asia region are meeting this week in Kathmandu to discuss and determine what it takes to make schools child friendly in effort to provide a quality education for all girls and boys. The four-day workshop is part of th...
UNICEF, (2009)
South Asia Education Officials And Donors Convene In Nepal For Education For All (EFA) Mid-Term Policy Review Conference Education Ministers and other high-level education officials from countries in South Asia, along with major education donors and development agencies will meet in Kathmandu from 16-19 June 2008 to discuss ways to ensure the delivery of quality Educat...
UNESCO, (2008)
English Teaching ( College Of Education, Kathmandu) ( 22 December 1966 - 12 November 1968) Much of the material in this final report has already been presented in my three earlier reports to Unesco all of which ( but particularly the first) should be read in conjuction with this. The reports of my unesco colleagues, T.A. Richardson and A. ...
UNESCO, (1969)
World Data on Education - 7th edition (2010/11) The vision of school education is to prepare citizens dedicated to promote and protect democracy and human rights, who should possess attributes like dignity of labour, committed to education, enterprising, disciplined, and capable enough to withstan...
UNESCO, IBE, (2011)
Status, Trends and Challenges of Education For All in South Asia (2000-2015): A Summary Report #Education #EducationForAll #SouthAsia #SAARC This summary report has been developed as a sequel to analytical study of Status, trends and challenges of EFA in South Asia (2000 – 2015), conducted by the National University of Education Planning and Management (NUEPA), India, with the technical a...
UNESCO, (2015)
समाहित शिक्षा र बालमैत्री विद्यालय Tool kit for Inclusive Education and Child Friendly School नेपलमा समाहित शिक्षाको विकास र विस्तारका लागि सहयोग पुर्याउने उद्देश्यले यो विद्यालयका लागि सहयोगी सामग्रि तयार पारिएको छ। ...
GoN, UNESCO, (2003)
UNESCO Kathmandu’s Celebration Of The International Literacy Day (ILD) And National Education Day (NED) UNESCO Office in Kathmandu joined a Steering Committee formed by MOE under the leadership of the Minister Renu Kumari Yadav in order to celebrate the International Literacy Day and National Education Day on September 8, 2008. On the 7th, 8th and 9t...
UNESCO, (2008)
Ensure Rights of Persons With Disabilities to Education in Federal Nepal Over 70 participants including 50 persons with disability representing four development regions gathered in Kathmandu on 16 and 17 January to discuss ways of ensuring the rights to education for persons with disability in federal Nepal.The wor...
स्थलगत बुलेटिन तरिका जिल्लामा अनौपचारिक रुपमा रोजगार कामदारहरु नेपालको अनौपचारिक क्षेत्र ठुलो जसले करिब एक करोड १० लाख मानिसहरु कुल कामदारको ९० प्रतिसत लाई रोजगारी दिनुका साथै नेपालको कुल गाह्सथ्य उत्पादनमा ५१ प्रतिसतको योगदान गर्ने अनुमान गरिएको छ । अनौपचारिक क्षेत्रको सबै भन्दा ठुलो अन्सा कृषिले वोगतेको भएता ...
UNRCHC, (2011)
WFP Provides Laptops to Students in Dadeldhura Schools The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in Nepal today announced the launch of the One Laptop per Child(OLPC) pilot project in Dadeldhura district in partnership with Open Learning Exchange Nepal(OLE Nepal)and Nepal Government's Department o...
WFP, (2009)
Literacy Status in Nepal (Literacy rate by age group 15 -24) The literacy rate status by age group 15 – 24 is analyzed in 84.7 percent for total in the country where as it is analyzed 80.2 percent for female and 89.9 percent for male in the country. #LiteracyStatusInNepal #LiteracyRate...
UNESCO, (2013)
निति निर्माता लोग के पुस्तिका , कार्याकरम संचालक लोग के पुस्तिका, समुदायन के सदस्यान के पुस्तिका ई पुस्तिका घर के भाषा में पाढाई लिखाई आ सिकाई पार आधारीत मतृभासा पर आधरित बहुभाषीक शिक्षा का बार मे जनकारि देवेला । मतृभासा पर आधारित बुहुभासि शिक्षा के उदेश्य अल्पसंख्यक भासिक समुदाय के लईकालईकिन के आउ भासा सिखाईला साथे आपन घर के भासा आ सांस्कृतिक...
सबल आधार प्रर्म्मभीक बाल हेरचाह र शिक्षा सार-संक्षप प्रार्म्भिक बाल हेरचाहा तथा शिक्षा कर्यकरमले बालबालिको शरिरिक हित संज्ञतमक तथा मानसिक सिप र सामजिक तथा संवेगात्मक बिकसलाइ सघाउछ। यस्ता कर्यक्रम हरुमा सहभागि भयका बालबालिका हरुको प्राथमिक बिधयालय मा पार्नै पर्भाब वरण गरी साद्द्य छैन। संयुक्त अधीराज्य...
UNESCO, (2006)
Literacy Status in Nepal (Literacy Rate By Age Group 15 +) Literacy mapping can help us to better: (i) identify the priority target groups, ( ii) determine the kind of literacy programmes that can be most effective for each of these target groups; and ( iii) plan, organize and implement appro...
UNESCO, (2013)
Literacy Status in Nepal (Literacy Rate By Age Group 5 +) The literacy rate trend by age 5+ is seen little decreasing in 2011 in compare to previous CBS population survey 2001. The annual growth rate for literacy rate age 5+ is 1.2 percent and it implies that the overall literacy rate may not be reached at ...
UNESCO, (2013)
Transforming Teaching and Learning in Asia and the Pacific: Case Studies From Seven Countries The question of what and how students should learn has been occupying a central place in debates on education in many countries in the Asia-Pacific region (UNESCO, 2014). In response to these debates, countries in the region are increasingly introduc...
UNESCO, (2015)
Evaluation of the Meena Communication Initiative The “Meena Communication Initiative” (MCI) is a 13 episode animated film series. The heroine, Meena, is shown as a role model for girl children as well as a catalyst for reflection and discussion on gender discrimination in childhood. The issues cove...
VaRG, UNICEF, (2003)
A National Equivalency Program Framework for Promoting Lifelong Learning in Nepal 2072. The quest to achieve progress has made governments realize that building their strengths and capabilities is essential in order to achieve success. Governments need to focus on technology while doing so,and the approach that will enable them to accom...
GON/UNESCO, (2015)
3F CRISIS: Impact on Education - Quarterly Monitoring Report (October–December 2009) Highlights: 1. The use of coping mechanisms that negatively impact on children‘s education has remained more or less stable between the third and fourth quarters of 2009; however, there has been a slight increase in the practices of reducing educati...
UNICEF, GoN, RIDA, (2009)
Girls in Science and Technology Education: A Study on Access, Participation and Performance of Girls in Nepal This study was undertaken essentially to achieve four objectives, viz. to review curricular and research materials from gender lens, identify stakeholders’ perspective towards girls’ access to and participation in Science and Technology Education (ST...
UNESCO, (2005)
Education For All National Review Report (2001-2015) Nepal is a landlocked country located between China on the North and India on the east, south and west. It has 147,181 square kilometer area located between 26°22’ to 30°27’ latitude north and between 80° 04’ and 88°12’ longitude east. Geographically...
UNESCO, GoN, (2015)
Developing a Non-Formal Education Management Information System (NFE-MIS) ( September 2014) Ensuring quality of education through both formal and non-formal provisions of education has been the most crucial challenge towards achieving the Education for All (EFA) goals1 in Nepal. Equally challenging has been to systematically monitor progres...
UNESCO, GoN, (2014)
Policy Advancing Option For Higher Education Improving Transition and Access to Higher Education in Nepal By and large, higher education in Nepal has been confined to a privileged class. There has been some change after the restoration of democracy in 1990. Now Nepal has entered a multi-university era to make education accessible to the people of vario...
UGC, UNESCO, (2008)
Building UNESCO National Education Support Strategy (UNESS) Nepal 2008-2013 Building a prosperous, modern and just Nepal that is economically independent and free from poverty is the key priority of the Government of Nepal (GoN). Achieving employment-oriented, pro-poor and broad based economic growth and appropriate human re...
Review of Research Literature on Girl's Education in Nepal The main aim of this study was to review the existing research on girls’ education in Nepal. The study examined the role of educational research in policy-making in relation to girls’ education. The review included research reports and evaluation stu...
UNESCO, (2004)
Winning People’s Will For Girl Child Education: Community Mobilisation for Gender Equality in Basic Education-A Case Study Nepal’s approach to education is changing and recent developments towards increasingly child-friendly education, and inclusive schooling are encouraging. The growth in NFE initiatives has allowed for greater access to education for many people tradit...
UNESCO, (2005)
Education For All National Plan of Action The campaign of Education For All started off by the World Conference of Jomtein in 1990 has put immense impetus on the development of education in the country. The current achievement in the educational development in Nepal at the basic and primary ...
GoN, UNESCO, (2003)
Education Remains Under Attack In Nepal Says UNESCO Report Attacks on teachers and students continue to be a matter of grave concern in Nepal, says a report entitled “Education under Attack 2010” that was launched by UNESCO on 10 February at United Nations Headquarters in New York. In Nepal, after the 2006...
UNESCO, (2010)
International Literacy Day Celebrates The Power Of Women’s Literacy As 4.5 Million Adult Women Are Still Illiterate In Nepal As International Literacy Day will be observed worldwide on 8 September to celebrate the “Power of Women’s Literacy”, more than 4.5 million women in Nepal still cannot read and write, keeping many of them marginalized and poor. In Nepal, as in othe...
UNESCO, (2010)
Remittances And Financial Literacy In line with its mandate to expand the reach of financial services into rural areas,the Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR) is leading the way in testing models that bring migrants’ funds to recipient families quickly, safely, conveniently and a...
UNCDF, IFAD, (2006)
UNESCO and Japan Support Innovative Efforts To Increase Literacy In Rural Areas UNESCO yesterday launched a Japanese-funded project to boost literacy through non-formal settings in remote rural areas. The project will provide technical support to empower marginalized population groups through literacy and subsequently cont...
UNESCO, (2010)
UNESCO Science Report 2010 Shows Nepalese Government’s Focus on Science Research But Stresses Major Challenges at Universities The Government of Nepal has enacted major plans to strengthen scientific research and development in order to bolster economic and social progress, but the country still faces significant challenges in science and technology, including improving ...
UNESCO, (2010)
2014 Annual Results Report: Child Education Following major improvements between 2000 and 2007, global progress has stalled both in enrolment and the number of out-of-school children. The stall in progress since 2007 is largely due to the insufficient capacity of many education systems around ...
UNICEF, (2014)
A Resource Material on Education and Federalism in Nepal In Nepal, the drafting of the first constitution of the Federal Republic of Nepal by the Constituent Assembly is underway and it is expected to be completed by the end of 2014. During the writing process of the constitution, the question of state re...
A Study on Knowledge, Attitudeges, Practices and Beliefs the Context of HIV/AIDS Among Out -Of - School -Street Based Children in Kathmandu and Pokhara Every minute of every day a child contracts HIV and more than 500,000 children under 15 are dying each year due to AIDS. It is estimated that worldwide 2.2 million children under 15 are currently living with HIV/AIDS.The first case of HIV was reporte...
Democcracy, Gender Equality and Woman's Literacy : Experience From Nepal Literacy in Nepal followed the Hindu Varnashramic caste line. Even the indigenous people (IP or ethnic groups) followed hierarchical values in imparting literacy education. This implies that the Nepali culture and the political system did not make an...
UNESCO, (2004)
Meeting The Goals of Education for All Compilation The Thematic Report The World Education Forum on Education for All (EFA), held in Dakar, Senegal in April 2000 adopted the Dakar Framework for Action (DFA), Education for All: Meeting our Collective Commitments. The Dakar Framework for Action lists six major EFA goals t...
GoN, UNESCO, (2003)
The Education Sector Reseponce to HIV/AIDS in Nepal Young people remains to be vulnerable to HIV infection. There is a need to continuously support a comprehensive education and prevention program that focuses on safe and responsible behavior, continnum of care and support, and reduction or total elim...
Education and Federalism National Symposium Held Today in Kathmandu A National Symposium on Education and Federalism was held at the Hotel de L’Annapurna in Kathmandu today. The Symposium was organised by the Education and Federalism Support Group(EFSG), a group of local education experts interested in how education...
UNESCO, (2009)
Kathmandu Conference on Higher Education Policy in Nepal A Conference on Higher Education Policy in Nepal will take place from 10 to 11 February 2011 in Kathmandu. The event will provide a forum to discuss perspectives of higher education in Nepal and the development of a comprehensive national highe...
UNESCO, (2011)
New Figures on Nepal’s Education Achievements in Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2011 Nepal has made significant improvements in terms of enrollment at all levels of education, according to the Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2011. For example, the number of children enrolled in primary education increased by 1.2 million ...
UNESCO, (2011)
UNESCO Kathmandu Office’s Education Response to Natural Disaster in Nepal This case study is part of an evaluation of UNESCO’s role in education in emergencies and protracted crises. It examines the institutional response of UNESCO to the earthquakes that hit Nepal in spring 2015 and, more specifically, the frameworks and ...
UNESCO, (2016)
Innovative approaches of learning through family literacy on agenda of UNESCO workshop (Kathmandu, 27 February 2013) In Nepal, your literacy status depends on whether you are a boy or a girl, a man or a woman. It is linked to your income, the caste or ethnicity, to which you belong, the mother tongue that you speak, the region where you live, or the ...
UNESCO, (2013)
UNESCO and NFEC focus on life skills in non formal education (2013 July 22-25) Integrating life skills training makes education more relevant to the lives of learners as they help young and adult people to develop capacity, values and attitudes to improve their professional skills, enabling them to take contr...
UNESCO, NFEC, (2013)
Gender, Jobs and Education: Prospects and Realities in Nepal Gender, Jobs and Education: Prospects and Realities in Nepal is part of the series of studies undertaken in Cambodia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Nepal and Vietnam. Consolidating all the country studies, UNESCO Bangkok has published a synthesis report entit...
UNESCO, (2014)
Deadline Extended for ‘Women’s Literacy’ Open Photography Contest! The deadline of the Women’s Literacy’ Open Photography Contest organized by UNESCO on the occasion of International Literacy Day has been extended to 8 September 2015. Recognizing that powerful images can produce impact to affect social change, the o...
UNESCO, (2015)
A Study on Gender Responsive Budgeting Gender equality is one of the dimensions and an integral part of the social justice,inclusion and social rights.Gender main streaming and empowerment through equality measures are fundamental strategies for ensuring gender equality in every aspect of...
Using Locally Resourced Low Cost Material to Extend Young Children Learning This booklet is to support ECD facilitators and those that work with young children in Nepal. It uses examples from individual children’s responses to Young children are inventive in using materials they find around them as tools for play and learni...
UNESCO, (2008)
Facebook Page Launched for International Literacy Day Celebration (05.08.2015 ) Highlights: 1. International Literacy Day is celebrated every year on 8 September 2015. This year, a Facebook page has been launched by UNESCO and the Non-formal Education Centre to provide a platform of discussion and sharing among the general publ...
UNESCO, (2015)
Open Photography Contest on ‘Women’s Literacy’ (2015-07-27) In collaboration with the Non Formal Education Center, UNESCO is organizing an open photography contest with the theme of ‘Women’s Literacy’. Recognizing that powerful images can produce impact to affect social change, the objective of the contest i...
UNESCO, (2015)
Planning Effective Delivery Of Education In A Federal State Funded with a budget of USD 378,000 by the United Nations Peace Fund for Nepal (UNPFN), the project contributes to Nepal’s peace and development process by fostering constructive dialogue and planning leading to progress in constitution making. “Thi...
Planning Effective Delivery Of Education In A Federal State What are possible models for Nepal’s education system in the future federal state structure? This question is at the center of the new two year project “Planning effective delivery of education in a federal state” that UNESCO will present at a meetin...
UNESCO, (2013)
School Sector Reform Plan 2009-2015 Emerging social, economic and political arenas of Nepal have contributed to the change in people perceptions and have raised their aspirations for better education. Equally, the global and global contexts and trends have also triggered ...
GoN, UNDP, (2009)
Strengthening Cooperative Management Training And Education ILO/DANIDA/78/NEP/2 Nepal : Evaluation Report Made Jointly By: Representatives Of His Majesty's Government Of Nepal: Danish International EducationalDevelopment Agency ILO ( 17- 28 Feburary 1986) The Project Document provides for an evaluation of the ILO/DANIDA supported Project for the Strengthening of Cooperative Management, Training and Education approximately two years after the beginning of the Project. A Tripartite Evalauation has, ther...
ILO, (1986)
Joint Statement On The Importance Of Education Education is not a privilege but a fundamental right of education. All should therefore join hands to ensure unhindered and equal access to education at all times including during and after disaster, political strife and conflict. In addition, educat...
UNICEF, (2015)
Secondary Education Regional Information Base: Country Profile NEPAL This publication is part of series of Secondary Education Regional Information Base Country Profiles developed by the Education Policy and Reform(EPR)Unit in collaboration with the Assessment, Information Systems, Monitoring and Statistics (AIMS) Uni...
UNESCO, (2008)
An Alternative Approach to Educational Planning for Employment Promotion in Nepal Materials contained in this paper were assembled for a study of the educational system in Nepal as part of a report on employment and income distribution in Nepal - The Challenge For Nepal prepared by the ILO Asian Regional Team for Employment Promot...
UNESCO, (1974)
Quality With Equity Annual Report-2003 About 20 percent of primary school-age children in Nepal are out of school and almost one third of the total students enrolled in grade one drop out before they reach grade 5. Furthermore, issues related with the quality and equity in the primary edu...
COPE, MLD/UNDP, (2003)
TVET Final Report 2076 This annually updated publication provides all the information related to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programmes currently being run in the country. The report has incorporated the data of 16 public training providers under...
UNDP, (2020)
UNESCO Office in Kathmandu : Six Monthly Report (January- June 2005) During thefirst6 months of 2005, UNESCO's activities, as well as those of other UN agencies and bilateral international development partners, have been overshadowed by the so called "Royal take-over" and the declaration of the State of Emergency by H...
UNESCO, (2005)
Using locally resourced low cost materials to extend young children’s learning, 2008 Young children are inventive in using materials they find around them as tools for play and learning. A rubber band, a stick, a strip of cloth, materials frequently discarded by others as waste or junk, provoke children individual thinking, play and ...
UNESCO, (2008)
National Conference on Community Owned Primary Education Programme Kathmandu, 13 June, 2002 Community Owned Primary Education Programme (COPE), which has been implemented by HMGN in six educationally backward districts of Nepal with the assistance of the UNDP since April 2000, is now in the third year of implementation. A total of 120 sch...
COPE/UNDP, (2002)
Happy International Literacy Day'17 #LiteracyDay [Youtube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j80lhwm-5kA [Abstract]- Digital technology has the power to reach the unreached and improve the quality of education. Happy International Literacy Day! शिक्षाको अवसरबाट बञ्चित समुदायसम्म यसको पहुँच र ग...
UNESCO, (2017)
स्थलगत बुलेटिन दैलेखका सामुदायिक बिधालयहरु सथानिय दृष्टिकोण सन् १९५० को दसक सम्म नेपालमा शिक्षा राजा वा रानाका परिवारसंग निकट सम्बन्ध भएकाहरुका लागि मात्र उपलब्ध थियो । सन् १९५१ मा राना परिवारको निरंनकुस सासन समापत भएपछि सथानिय लगानीकर्ताको सहयोगबात् सामुदायिक स्तरमा बिधयलयहरु सथापना गन समुदायहरुका लागि बाटो ...
UNRCHC, (2012)
How Liberal is Nepal’s Liberal Grade Promotion Policy? This paper estimates the magnitude of liberal grade promotion in public schools in Nepal by comparing the pass rate in internally administered exams with the pass rate in the district-exam whose scores determine grade transition. The pass rate in th...
WB, (2016)
Education for All 2000-2015 Achievements and Remaining Challenges in Nepal: A Brief Summary In 2000, representatives of governments from 164 countries, international organizations, donor agencies and non-governmental actors adopted at the World Education Forum on Education for All (EFA) the Dakar Framework for Action, comprising 6 goals to ...
UNESCO, (2015)
LET US LEARN EDUCATING THE HARDEST TO REACH Nepal This report consists of disparities that persist in educational achievement between girls and boys and among ethnic minorities, especially in remote rural areas. In Nepal, Let Us Learn uses a multi-pronged approach to get more children into school, ...
UNICEF, (2011)
Educator Knowledge of Early Childhood DevelopmentEvidence from Eastern Nepal Early childhood is a crucial period for the cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and language development of children. Of the 200 million children who do not reach their developmental potential worldwide, 66 percent live in South Asia. This paper ...
WB, (2020)
UNESCO In Nepal UNESCO, one of the 14 United Nation bodies,was founded in 1946 in the aftermath of the two devastating world wars. It is UNSECO's specific mission to lay the foundations for international peace and the common welfare of humanity. This is done by prom...
UNESCO, (1999)
Baseline Survey of the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) of Parents/Guardians on Early Childhood Development and Primary Education in Nepal Education is a fundamental right of children. It is the responsibility of parents and guardians and the government to provide educational services. Along with education, appropriate care is also necessary for young children. Therefore, parents and gu...
UNICEF, (2009)
बिकासको प्रवर्तक र शान्तिको संबाहक शक्तिका रुपमा नेपालमा साक्षरताका प्रयास साक्षरता नेपालका विकासको प्रवर्तक र शान्तिको संबाहक शक्ति हो । तर अझै पनि थुप्रै नेपाली जनताहरु निरक्षर भएका हुनाल तिनीहरु शान्ति र बिकासका प्रक्रियामा पूर्ण सहभागिता जनाउन सकिरहेका छैनन् । प्रत्येक बर्ष शान्तिका लागि साक्षरता’ भन्ने नाराका साथ ८ सि...
UNESCO, (2011)
Education Support to VMLRs Education Support is offered for a maximum of four years. Support to Government schools and Community Colleges include admission fees, school fees, school uniform, tuition fees and stationery. The participants receive a monthly spend of 1,800...
UNDP, (2014)
नेपाली बिस्वविधालयहरुका प्रत्रकारिता पाठयकर्म युनेस्कोको नमुना पाठ्यकर्म तथा मिडिया विकास सूचकका द्बिस्तिबिन्दुबाट बिस्लेस्न् नेपाली बिस्वविधालयहरुका प्रत्रकारिता पाठयकर्म युनेस्कोको नमुना पाठ्यकर्म तथा मिडिया विकास सूचकका द्बिस्तिबिन्दुबाट बिस्लेस्न् नेपालमा पत्रकारिता शिक्षा मात्रा र गुन्नात्मक दुवै तवरले उलेख विकास भएको छ । नेपालमा बिस्वबिधालयको पाठयकर्ममा पत्रकारिता...
UNESCO, (2014)
Unlock Teacher’s Potential to Enhance Quality of Learning, Reveals New UNESCO Report The report, which serves as an authoritative reference for education policy makers,development specialists, researchers and the media, describes why quality teachers are essential to enhancing the quality of learning. “Fifty-seven million children ar...
UNESCO, (2014)
Education in Emergencies in Education Sector Planning: The Case of Nepal Nepal has seen a great deal of conflict and an increasing number of natural disasters over the last decade. These natural disasters have also been increasing in strength. UNICEF and Save the Children, the global co-leads of the Education Cluster, h...
UNICEF, (2010)
National Education Accounts In Nepal Expenditure for education 2009-2015 The National Expenditure in Education amounts Parents are contributing 97.4 billion Nepalese to NRPs 196.8 billion in 2014-15, an effort close to Rupee which makes up for about half (48.8%) of the NRPs 7,000 per inhabitant. It covers expenditure tota...
GoV, UNESCO, (2016)
UNDAF District Profiles: Education UN RCHCO has prepared UNDAF District Profiles for 23 districts identified as lowest performing on development in the Nepal Country Analysis 2011. People from these districts are among the vulnerable groups whose status will be monitored to assess the...
UNRCHCO, (2013)
Publications Catalogue 2016 Drawing on data gathered from 139 countries, the third Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE III) reviews progress in implementing the Belém Framework for Action, the set of recommendations made by governments at the Sixth Internationa...
UNESCO, (2015)
विद्यालय स्तरको शैक्षिक तथ्याङक २००८—०९ डडेल्धुरा ( Flash Report I, 2008-09 Dadeldhura ) प्राकृतिक सून्दरताले सूशोभित यस जिल्लाको नाम डडेल्धुरा कसरी रहन गयो भन्ने सम्वन्धमा विभिन्न किम्वदन्तीहरु छन् । यस सन्दर्भमा यस सन्दर्भमा यो जिल्लाको नाम डडेल्धुरा रहनू पुर्व यसलाई वागखोड ( बाघ को गुफा ) तल्लो खलंगा, मल्लो खलंगा, स्वार खलंगा आदि नाम...
GoN, UNESCO, (2009)
Education Financial Planning in Asia Implementing Medium-Term Expenditure Frameworks Public education in Nepal has been transformed since the 1950s by a national initiative to promote school enrolment and build schools. The growth of primary schools has been such that about 91 percent of households have access to a primary school wit...
UNESCO, (2010)
जीवनको लक्ष्य यो फोटोकथा युनिसेफ/नेपालद्वारा किशोरकिशोरीहरुको लागि संचालित कार्यक्रमहरुमा पूरक सामग्रीको रूपमा प्रयोग गर्न तयार पारिएको हो। फोटोकथाका सबै पात्रहरु काल्पनिक हुन्। यिनीहरूको कुनै जीवित वा म्रित व्यक्तिसँग सम्बन्ध रहन गएमा त्यो एउटा सहयोग मात्र हुनेछ​...
UNICEF, (2002)
Achieving Literacy for all: NFE-MIS Report 2013-14 Ensuring quality of education through both formal and non-formal provisions of education has been the most crucial challenge towards achieving the Education for All (EFA) goals1 in Nepal. Equally challenging has been to systematically monitor progres...
UNESCO, GoN, (2014)
Dalits in India and Nepal: Policy Options for Improving Social Inclusion in Education Dalits are a particular caste group found in South Asia, largely in Nepal and India, where the manifestation of their social exclusion is very similar. Despite certain measures, the issues surrounding Dalits are still embedded deep in the social stru...
UNICEF, (2007)
Literacy Status in Nepal (Literacy rate by age group 15-24 ) First of all Literacy mapping study is based upon the different core EFA indicators. These different EFA indicators are considered as major factor for strengthening the existing Planning strategies in NFEC. Here literacy rate by age 15 – 24 indictor ...
UNESCO, (2013)
A Resource Material on Education and Federalism in Nepal 2014 In Nepal, the drafting of the first constitution of the Federal Republic of Nepal by the Constituent Assembly is underway and it is expected to be completed by the end of 2014. During the writing process of the constitution, the question of state r...
Evaluability Assessment of the Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme (PBEA) The Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme (PBEA) is a four-year (2012-2015) programme funded by the Government of the Netherlands (GoN), currently being implemented in 14 countries. The strategic vision of the programme is to “strengthen re...
UNICEF, (2013)
Regional Analysis Report UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office Two factors shaped UNICEF’s work in the East Asia and the Pacific region in 2013 – the economic growth experienced over recent years, which has meant that most countries in the region are now middle-income countries, and the prevalence of natural dis...
UNICEF, (2014)
नेपालमा प्रारम्भिक बालनीति पुनरावलोकन (अध्ययन प्रतिवेदन) नेपालमा अनिवार्य शिक्षाको कुनै प्रावधान छैन । यहाँ अधिकारमा आधारित शैक्षिक प्रावधान अहिले सम्म पनि बन्न सकेको छैन । आधारभूत र प्राथमिक शिक्षा निशुल्क छ । प्राथमिक बाल हेरचाह र शिक्षालाई आधारभूत शिक्षाको एउटा अङ्गको रूपमा समावेश गरिएपनि प्रायजसो सबै अ...
UNESCO, (2008)