Assignment Report on Pharmaceutical and Medical Stores Management, Nepal (WHO Project: SEARO 0143)
Reference: Ley, J.S. (1970). Assignment Report on Pharmaceutical and Medical Stores Management, Nepal (WHO Project: SEARO 0143), WHO. URL-
Nepal is divided for administrative purpose into 14 zones consisting of 75 districts... WHO, (1970)
Assignment Report on Quality Control of Drugs, Nepal (WHO Project: SEARO 0154)
Reference: Hewitt, William (1969). Assignment Report on Quality Control of Drugs, Nepal (WHO Project: SEARO 0154), WHO URL-
The writer visited several institutions dealing with the production, distribution and quality contr... WHO, (1969)
World Health Forum Vol. 16 - Community Financing for Essential Drugs in Nepal
Reference: Chaulagai, Chet Nath. (1995). World Health Forum Vol. 16- Community Financing for Essential Drugs in Nepal, WHO. URL-
The Government of Nepal is committed to providing basic health services for all its citizens t... WHO, (1995)
Training of Health Manpower in Nepal - Assignment Report (WHO Project: NEP HMD 001)
Reference: Dr. Begbie, G. H. (1975). Assignment Report - Training of Health Manpower in Nepal, WHO. URL- The terms of reference of the assignment were: (1) to advice the Dean of the Institute of Medicine, Tribhuvan University... WHO, (1975)
Assignment Report on Nursing Education and Services
Reference: Miss Tabbanor M.I. (1973). Assignment Report on Nursing Education and Services in Nepal, Nepal (WHO Project: NEPAl 0002), WHO. URL- The writer was the ninth nurse to be assigned by WHO to a project in cooperation w... WHO, (1973)
Assignment Report on Nursing Education and Services, Nepal
Reference: Miss Higgins M.M. (1972). Assignment Report on Nursing Education and Services in Nepal, Nepal (WHO Project: NEPAl 0002), WHO. URL- This report deals with the further development of the assistant nurse midwife progr... WHO, (1972)
Assignment Report on Medical Education (Anaesthesiology) in Nepal
Reference: Dr Burtles R. (1974). Assignment Report on Medical Education (Anaesthesiology) in Nepal, Nepal (WHO Project: NEPAL 0021), WHO. URL- The writer is happy to acknowledge the great help afforded him by Dr B.R. Baidya, ... WHO, (1974)
Assignment Report on Medical Stores Management in Nepal (WHO Project: Nepal 0032)
Reference: Garmana, A. (1974). Assignment Report on Medical Stores Management in Nepal (WHO Project: Nepal 0032), WHO. URL- The writer was assigned to Nepal to assist the Department of Health Services in preparing a plan for ... WHO, (1974)
Assignment Report on Nursing Education and Services in Nepal
Reference: Miss Ellen Perry. (1974). Assignment Report on Nursing Education and Services in Nepal, Nepal (WHO Project: NEPAl 0002), WHO. URL- The main task in this assignment in connection with WHO Project Nepal 0002, Nursing... WHO, (1974)
Assignment Report on the Proposed Establishment of a Medical College in Nepal
Reference: Professor Arnott W.M., (1964). Assignment Report on the Proposed Establishment of a Medical College in Nepal, Nepal (WHO Project: NEPAL 15), WHO. URL- There are no reliable vital statistics apart from the census fi... WHO, (1964)
Self-Medication and its Impact on Essential Drugs Schemes in Nepal : A Socio-Cultural Research Project
Reference: Kafle Kumud K., Gartoulla Ritu P., (1993). Self-Medication and its Impact on Essential Drugs Schemes in Nepal : A Social-Cultural Research Project, Nepal, WHO. URL- The overall objectives of the study were to gathe... WHO, (1993)
WHO South-East Asia Region
1. eHealth foundation actions
2. Policy framework
3. Legal and ethical frameworks for eHealth
4. eHealth expenditures and their funding source
5. eHealth applications.... WHO, (2010)
Medium-Term Programme For Development Of Traditional Medicine: Nepal (9-24 September)
1. Review the situation with regard to traditional medicine (TRM) in order to formulate a
medium-term programme for its development and strengthening.
2. Formulate a general work plan for implementation of activities in TRM for the 199... WHO, (1997)
Community-Based Therapeutic Care Feasibility Assessment Report
This report reflects the contributions of the many people that during the past weeks have shared with us their ideas, knowledge, and experiences about nutrition in Nepal. It was a grat if ying experience that when we set out to explore the opportunit... UNICEF, (2007)
Nepal Pharmaceutical Country Profile (September 27, 2011)
This Pharmaceutical Country Profile provides data on existing socio-economic and health-related conditions, resources, regulatory structures, processes and outcomes relating to the pharmaceutical sector of Nepal. The aim of this document is to compil... Gon, WHO, (2011)
Medical Spending and Health Outcome in Nepal: Problems With Technology or its Distribution?- Subhash Pokhrel1 & Rainer Sauerborn1
Nepal indicates that how a health system works in terms of fair distribution of such technologies and financing perhaps mat-ters most. Childhood mortality in many developing countries remains higher among poorer people and the gap between rich and po... WHO, (2003)
Women Reproductive Health Morbidity - Study Findings
The United Nations Population Fund - UNFPA released today the findings of the report Reproductive Health Morbidity Needs Assessment in Nepal. The joint UNFPA/ WHO (World Health Organization) study was carried out by the Institute of Medicine, Tribhuv... UNFPA, (2006)
Management Of Obstetric Fistula For Health Care Providers – On-The-Job Training: Learner's Guide (March 2014)
Many mothers needlessly die each year due to complications of pregnancy and childbirth. The maternal mortality ratio in the developing world ranges from 500 to 1,000 deaths per 100,000 live births. For each mother who dies, there are an estimated 16 ... UNFPA, GON, (2014)