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Agree On One Thing Next Week, Urges UNICEF. Agree On Children Help Them Get Their Vitamin A and Help Them Go To School UNICEF has urged all parties to the conflict to agree on one thing next week: children.“Two things happen next week that are of vital importance to the children of Nepal,” UNICEF’s Representative, Dr Suomi Sakai, said today. “Baishak 3(Sunday, Apri...
UNICEF, (2006)
74th UN Day 2019 A participant enjoying the battle rope exercise under instruction of Fitness instructor of Gymkhana fitness in the stall kept by the WHO in UN Day 2019. #UNDAY #2019 #SDGs #Globalgoals #Fitness #Goal5 #WHO #Health #Instructor #Exercise #Battlerope #...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 On the occasion of UN day, WHO presenting the gym and fitness equipment's collaborating with Gymkhana Fitness focusing on Goal no 3 Good health and Well being. #UNDAY #2019 #WHO #SDGs #Goal5 #Health #Wellbeing #Fitness #Globalgoals #Lifestyle #Nutri...
UNIC, (2019)
Decentralised Planning for the Child Programme-Baseline Survey Report of Six Districts This report contains findings of a baseline study conducted by His Majesty's Government of Nepal in close cooperation with six District Development Committees and UNICEF. The purpose of this report is to generate district level knowledge in order to ...
GON- UNICEF, (2000)
Planning for the Child-Baseline Survey Report of Chitwan District-Decentralized Planning for the Children Programme This report contains findings of a baseline study conducted by His Majesty's Government of Nepal in close cooperation with Chitwan District Development Committee and UNICEF. The purpose of this report is to generate district level knowledge in order ...
GON- UNICEF, (1999)
Essential Reproductive Health Care to be Delivered to Conflict-Affected Populations It is recognized that reproductive health plays a critical role in the comprehensive development process. It will, however, take a long time to address these concerns nation-wide. “The project will address immediate reproductive health needs of women...
UNFPA, (2007)
Compassionate Care: Proceedings of Workshops ln June 2003, the ILO-IPEC Nepal held a technical meeting entitled: Psycho-Social Rehabilitation and Occupational Integration of Child Survivors of Trafficking and Other Worst Forms of Child Labour. [ILO-IPEC (2003) Creating a Healing Environment. Vo...
ILO, IPEC, (2004)
Joint Statement Of The External Development Partners In Health Regarding Critical And Growing Shortages Of Essential Medical Supplies In Nepal We the undersigned express our deepest concern at critical and growing shortages of essential and life-saving medicines and supplies at health care facilities across Nepal, as well as ongoing fuel supply issues that are severely impeding service deli...
Evaluation of Academic Detailing Programme on Childhood Diarrhoea Management by Primary Healthcare Providers in Banke District of Nepal Academic detailing, an educational interventionism, in which a trained healthcare professional visits clinicians in their offices to provide evidence-based information, has been used as a major tool to improve rational use of medicines since i...
WHO/UNICEF, (2013)
World Health Organization The World Health Organization (WHO) plays a critical role within the United Nations system as the directing and coordinating authority for international health. Its wide-ranging remit involves providing leadership on increasingly complex global healt...
UNAIDS, WHO, (2015)
Epidemiology & Disease Control Division: Health Assessment Form Highlights: 1.Summary Findings for the Health Sector 2.Findings 3.Health Impact 4.Health response capacity: resources that are functioning and close to the affected area 5.Other vital needs: present availability 6.Critical constraints 7.Concl...
GoN, WHO, (2014)
Nepal National Health Accounts 2009/10 - 2011/12 Health care financing has become global concern encompassing many economic and social policies. Accounting for resources in the health is envisioned to address the supply and demand of resources and understanding the structure of the health economy. ...
Community Partnerships Broaden Access to Maternal and Neonatal Health Care In Nepal, mountainous terrain, difficult weather conditions and the scarcity of roads are an obstacle for rural families in need of maternal or neonatal care. In regions where a single foot path winding its way through the mountains is all that conn...
UNICEF, (2003)
Success Factors for Women’s and Children’s Health Nepal has made significant progress in improving the health of women and children and is on track in 2013 to achieve Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 4 (to reduce child mortality) and 5A (to reduce maternal mortality). This review provided an oppo...
WHO, (2015)
Basic Health and its Sub-sectors in Far Western and Mid Western Region (4 July 2011) This map shows basic health and its sub sectors in Far western and Mid Western Region. It shows basic health sector coverage, infectious disease control service, health care service and health infrastructure. #PUBLICHEALTH #HEALTH #HEALTHCARE #DI...
UNRCHCO, (2011)
Nepal- Health Sector in Mid and Far Western Regions (4 July 2011) This map shows health sectors in Mid and Far Western Regions. It includes reproductive health, disease control, basic health, basic nutrition, drinking/ water sanitation, health education, health general, STD/HIV/AIDS, family planning and health infr...
UNRCHCO, (2011)
Nepal- Health Sectors and Programmes in Mid and Far Western Regions (28 July 2011) This map shows the health sectors and programmes in Mid and Far Western region. It includes reproductive health, disease control, basic health, basic nutrition, drinking/ water sanitation, health education, health general, STD/HIV/AIDS, family plann...
UNRCHCO, (2011)
Nepal Political Economy Analysis Briefing Note : Factors That Shape The Prioritization And Allocation Of Resources For Reproductive, Maternal And Newbron Health Nepal has made some dramatic and rapid progress in Reproductive Maternal Newborn and Child Health (RMNCH), despite being a low income country with high levels of poverty, difficult geography, and conflict. The Total Fertility Rate fell from 4.6 birth...
UNICEF, (2015)
An everyday family planning hero Family planning creates a world of possibilities for women. That’s what keeps Kabita trekking on hills to supply contraceptives in remote areas of Sudurpaschim Pradesh in Nepal. Video Quality: 720p HD Audio Quality: High Video Location: Sudurpa...
UNFPA, (2019)
Why comprehensive sexuality education is important Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is not just about sex. It's about relationships, gender, protecting one's health, well-being and dignity. All young people must be informed through CSE. And this must be guided by human rights. To strengthen ...
UNFPA, (2019)
Assignment Report on Health Laboratory Services (WHO Project: Nepal 0010) Reference: Miss Nelson, J.R. (1968). Assignment Report on Health Laboratory Services (WHO Project: Nepal 0010), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The Public Health Laboratory, Kathmandu (Nepal), started functioning in the first week of May 1967. T...
WHO, (1968)
Assignment Report on Production of Rehydration Fluids for Cholera Control in Nepal (WHO Project: SEARO 144) Reference: Dr. Andrey, P. (1967). Assignment Report on Production of Rehydration Fluids for Cholera Control in Nepal (WHO Project: SEARO 144), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The re-hydration fluid is produced in a limited quantity, in government...
WHO, (1967)
Assignment Report on The Training Programme for Auxiliary Health Workers in Nepal: The Role of The Auxiliary Health Workers' Training School, Kathmandu (WHO Project: Nepal 0021) Reference: Dr. Dowling, M.A.C. (1970). Assignment Report on The Training Programme for Auxiliary Health Workers in Nepal: The Role of The Auxiliary Health Workers' Training School, Kathmandu (WHO Project: Nepal 0021), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iri...
WHO, (1970)
Bulletin of the World Health Organization - Cost-effectiveness of Cataract Surgery in a Public Health Eye Care Programme in Nepal Reference: Marseille, E. (1999). Bulletin of the World Health Organization - Cost-effectiveness of Cataract Surgery in a Public Health Eye Care Programme in Nepal, WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ Programme planners and policy-makers are turning ...
WHO, (1996)
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2004 - Postage stamps as a health promotion tool in the Nepalese community Reference: Pramanik, T.; Pramanik, S.; Chanda, R. (2004). Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2004 - Postage stamps as a health promotion tool in the Nepalese community, WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ Over the last 15 years th...
WHO, (2004)
World Health Forum Vol. 8 - Primary Health Care in Hospitals Reference: Dickinson, J. G. (1987). Primary Health Care in Hospitals, WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ A recent article in World Health Forum forcefully expressed the need for hospitals to be involved in primary health care and gave interesting e...
WHO, (1987)
एच आइ भि र एड्स सम्बन्धि जनकारि स्वास्थ्य मन्त्रालय अन्तर्गत राष्टीय एड्स तथा योनरोग नियन्त्रण केन्द्रको नोभेम्बर २००६ को तथ्यान्क अनुसार नेपाल मा ८२४४ जनतालाइ एच आइ भि संक्रमण भएको र ति मध्ये १२०४ जनालाइ एड्स भयको प्रमाणीत भइसके को भएता पनि युएनएड्सको पछिल्लो तथ्याङक अनुशार नेपाल...
Women’s and Children’s Health: Evidence of Impact of Human Rights Human rights are recognized in a number of legal instruments and other documents of the World Health Organization, including the WHO Constitution, the Declaration of Alma-Ata, the International Health Regulations and the WHO Framework Convention on T...
WHO, (2013)
National Safe Motherhood and Newborn Health-Long Term Plan (NSMNH-LTP) This revised National Safe Motherhood and Newborn Health Long Term Plan (NSMNH-LTP) 2006-2017 has been developed to be in line with the Second Long Term Plan Health Plan (1997-2017), the Nepal Health Sector Programme Implementation Plan and Millenniu...
Planning for the Child - Baseline Survey Report - Kaski District In 1998 UNICEF in collaboration with National Planning Commission, Ministry of Local Development and UNDP, initiated thDecentralised Planning for the Child Programme (DPCP) in seven of 40 districts where the UNDP-assisted Participatory Dist...
GoN, NEW ERA, UNICEF, (1999)
Planning for the Child - Baseline Survey Report - Kavrepalanchowk District In 1998 His Majesty's Government of Nepal and UNICEF initiated the Decentralized Planning for the Child Programme(DPCP) in seven districts of Nepal. The DPCP is a collaborative effort of several government agencies,the National Planning Commission ,t...
GoN, UNICEF, New ERA, (1999)
Country Cooperation Strategy at a Glance Nepal has made progress in raising the health status of its citizens. Under-five mortality has been reduced by 73% and infant mortality by 67%. Similarly, maternal mortality has been reduced by 76% between the period of 1996 and 2014. The immunizatio...
WHO, (2016)
Mid-Term Review of the 2013-2017 WHO Country Cooperation Strategy: Nepal A mid-term review was conducted from October 25th 2015 to November 7th 2015 of the WHO Country Collaboration Strategy (CCS) 2013-2017 for Nepal. The main objectives of the review were to assess the relevance of WHO CCS in terms of responsiveness to t...
WHO, (2015)
Mid-Term Review of the 2013-2017 WHO Country Cooperation Strategy: Nepal A mid-term review was conducted from October 25th 2015 to November 7th 2015 of the WHO Country Collaboration Strategy (CCS) 2013-2017 for Nepal. The main objectives of the review were to assess the relevance of WHO CCS in terms of responsiveness to t...
WHO, (2015)
Assignment Report on School Health in Nepal Reference: Dr Henderson, (1970). Assignment Report on School Health in Nepal, Nepal (WHO Project:SEARO 0175), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The National University and College of Education each have started a student health service; and it is pl...
WHO, (1970)
Training of Health Manpower in Nepal - Assignment Report (WHO Project NEP HMD 001) Reference: Professor Ellis, Harold (1980). Training of Health Manpower in Nepal - Assignment Report (WHO Project NEP HMD 001), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ Nepal, with a population in excess of 11.5 million people, has a serious shortage of med...
WHO, (1980)
The Right To Health In The Constitutions Of Member States Of The World Health Organization South-East Asia Region This brief survey examines references to the right to health in the constitutions of the 11 Member States in the World Health Organization (WHO) South-East Asia Region (SEAR). The right to the highest attainable standard of health (referred to as the...
WHO, (2011)
Health Sector Response to Gender-Based Violence: An assessment of the Asia Pacific Region In the past few decades gender-based violence (GBV) has been recognised as a worldwide problem, crossing cultural, geographic, religious, social and economic boundaries. In 2006, the United Nations Secretary General released an in-depth study on all ...
UNFPA, (2010)
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Health Care Facilities: Status in Low- And Middle-Income Countries And Way Forward Adequate water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) are essential components of providing basic health services. The provision of WASH in health care facilities serves to prevent infections and spread of disease, protect staff and patients, and uphold the ...
WHO, UNICEF, (2015)
Nutrition Surveillance Reports Health Assessment Programme: Issue No.1, (January–June 2011) Malnutrition among refugee children aged 6–59 months is a critical public health concern due to the heightened disease vulnerability of this age group and the food insecurity facing refugee populations. As part of refugee health assessments at key lo...
IOM, OIM, (2011)
Nutrition Surveillance Reports Health Assessment Programme: Issue No.2, (January–December 2011) Under nutrition among refugee children aged 6–59 months is a critical public health concern due to the subsequent increased morbidity and mortality in this age group and the food insecurity facing refugee populations worldwide. As part of the refugee...
IOM, OIM, (2011)
Nutrition Surveillance Reports Health Assessment Programme: Issue No.3, (January–December 2012) Under nutrition among refugee children aged 6–59 months is a critical public health concern due to the subsequent increased morbidity and mortality in this age group and the food insecurity facing refugee populations worldwide. As part of the refugee...
IOM, OIM, (2012)
Effectiveness of Reproductive Health Camp Model for Documentation and Provision of Comprehensive Services to Survivors of Sexual Violence The information is based on the Sexual Violence Documentation Project Jointly Implemented in Nepal by UNFPA & UNICEF ( with support from UN Peace Fund Nepal) in partnership with NGOs such as HHESS, ADRA Save the Children, CWIN, TPO & Advocacy Forum. ...
A PROFILE OF ADOLESCENT GIRLS IN NEPAL NEPAL MICS 2014 FURTHER ANALYSIS REPORT ON ADOLESCENTS In an increasingly globalized and connected world, Nepali adolescents face a number of key and unique challenges to realize their full potential. Based on findings from the latest round of the Nepal Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), this rep...
UNICEF, (2016)
Assignment Report on Strengthening of Health Services, Nepal Reference: Dr Coates W.H., (1971). Assignment Report on Strengthening of Health Services, Nepal(WHO Project: NEPAL 0003), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ Assistance to the WHO project Nepal 0003, " Training of Health Assistants", commenced in Jun...
WHO, (1971)
Assignment Report on Health education in Nepal Reference: Dr Fodor John T., (1972). Assignment Report on Health education in Nepal, Nepal (WHO Project: NEPAL 0019), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The writer visited Nepal from 12 July to 20 August 1972, as a short-term consultant under WHO pro...
WHO, (1972)
Assignment Report on Health Laboratory Services, Nepal Reference: Dr Henderson R.J. (1971). Assignment Report on Health Laboratory Services, Nepal (WHO Project: SEARO 0159), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ In consultation with the national authority, (1) to collect relevant data concerning the organiz...
WHO, (1971)
Development of Health Services in Nepal - Assignment report (WHO Project NEP SHS 001) Reference: Kesavalu, P. G. (1976). Development of Health Services in Nepal - Assignment report (WHO Project NEP SHS 001), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ With the establishment of Bir Hospital in Kathmandu, at the turn of the century, the seed was...
WHO, (1976)
Golden 1000 Days The 1,000 days between a woman’s pregnancy and her child’s 2nd birthday offer a unique window of opportunity to shape healthier and more prosperous futures. The right nutrition during this 1,000 day window can have a profound impact on a child’s abil...
UNICEF, (2015)
Health Planning and Programming in Nepal - Assignment Report (WHO Project: NEP SHS 005) Reference: Nguyen, Van C. (1976). Health Planning and Programming in Nepal - Assignment Report (WHO Project: NEP SHS 005), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The lack of accurate and relevant information needed for planning and evaluation of health s...
WHO, (1976)
Improvement of Malaria Laboratory Services in Nepal - Assignment Report (WHO Project ICP MPD 001) Reference: Rooney, William (1977). Improvement of Malaria Laboratory Services in Nepal - Assignment Report (WHO Project ICP MPD 001), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The writer was assigned to Nepal from 14 March to 10 May 1975 to assist the Natio...
WHO, (1977)
Long-term Health Plans in Nepal - Assignment Report (WHO Project: NEP SHS 001) Reference: Dr. Sepulveda, C. (1975). Long-term Health Plans in Nepal - Assignment Report (WHO Project: NEP SHS 001), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ Long-term planning is not a mere extension of mid-term planning into the future. It represents a d...
WHO, (1975)
Strengthening of Health Services in Nepal - Assignment Report, WHO Project: NEP SHS 001 (Nepal 0021) Reference: Tewari, T. R. (1975). Strengthening of Health Services in Nepal - Assignment Report, WHO Project: NEP SHS 001 (Nepal 0021), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ While the Health Planning Unit in the Ministry of Health has become operational,...
WHO, (1975)
Strengthening of The Monitoring and Review Component of The National Health Strategy Nepal This report is based on a joint mission to Nepal by Ties Boerma, WHO Geneva, Jyotsna Chikersal, WHO‐SEARO, Peter Hansen, GAVI, Daniel Low‐Beer, Global Fund, 18‐20 April 2011. The scale‐up for better health is unprecedented in both potential resources...
WHO, SEARO, (2011)
Veterinary Public Health in Nepal - Assignment Report (WHO Project ICP VPH 001) Reference: Abdussalam, M. (1977). Veterinary Public Health in Nepal - Assignment Report (WHO Project ICP VPH 001), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The purpose of the visit was to review the national veterinary public health situation especially in...
WHO, (1977)
UNDAF Annual Report in 2015 This annual report shows the collective achievements of the UNCT, together with the Government of Nepal (GoN) in 2015, on the jointly established UNDAF outcomes. In 2015, the UNDAF implementation was marked by significant contextual challenges. On A...
UN, (2017)
UNFPA Asia and the Pacific: Regional Programme For Asia and the Pacific at a Glance UNFPA’s Asia and the Pacific Regional Office (APRO) was established in July 2008 in Bangkok, Thailand, and became fully staffed and operational in early 2009, to provide a key link between UNFPA’s organization-wide vision, strategies, policies and an...
UNFPA, (2010)
Government Provides Assurances on WFP Food Safety The World Food Programme welcomed assurances received today from the Government of Nepal that its food was not the source of a diarrhea outbreak in the Mid and Far West of Nepal. The Secretary expressed the Government’s support and appreciation of W...
WFP, (2009)
Obstetric Fistula Every day, almost 800 women die from pregnancy complications. For every woman who dies, 20 or more are injured or disabled. One of the most serious injuries of childbearing is obstetric fistula, a hole in the birth canal, caused by prolonged, obstruc...
UNFPA, (2011)
Promoting The Health Of Left-Behind Children Of Asian Labour Migrants: Evidence For Policy And Action Despite the political discourse on migration becoming an important issue in the global development agenda, the mental and physical health implications for left-behind children of migrant workers have received less attention. And the current evide...
IOM, MPI, (2015)
Assignment Report on Health Laboratory Services, Nepal Reference: Dr Nehaul B.B.G. (1972). Assignment Report on Health Laboratory Services, Nepal (WHO Project: NEPAL 0010), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The writer would like to express his sincere thanks to the Minister of Health and his staff and t...
WHO, (1972)
Assignment Report on Occupational Health Programme, Nepal Reference: Dr Christensen Herbert E.(1974). Assignment Report on Occupational Health Programme, Nepal (WHO Project: NEPAL 0021), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The writer would like to acknowledge the invaluable assistance received from the offic...
WHO, (1974)
Hospital and Health Centre Design in Nepal - Assignment Report, WHO Project: NEP SHS 001 (Nepal 0021) Reference: Cordes, J. A. (1970). Hospital and Health Centre Design in Nepal - Assignment Report, WHO Project: NEP SHS 001 (Nepal 0021), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The terms of reference for the assignment covered the following aspects: (1) to...
WHO, (1975)
Public Health Ophthalmology in Nepal - Assignment report (WHO Project: SE ICP OCD 002) Reference: Dr. Nizetic, B. (1976). Public Health Ophthalmology in Nepal - Assignment report (WHO Project: SE ICP OCD 002), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The present state of eye health services and available manpower, which is similar to that in...
WHO, (1976)
World Health Statistics 2015 - World Health Statistics indicators The adolescent birth rate, technically known as the age-specific fertility rate provides a basic measure of reproductive health focusing on a vulnerable group of adolescent women. There is substantial agreement in the literature that women who become...
WHO, (2015)
Baseline Survey Report: Parsa District: Decentralized Planning For The Children Programme (June 1999) In 1998 UNICEF in collaboration with National Planning Commission, Ministry of Local Development and UNDP, initiated the Decentralized Planning for the Child Programme (DPCP) in seven of 40 districts where the UNDP-assisted Participatory District Dev...
Baseline Survey Summary Report Of Seven Districts: Decentralized Planning For The Child Programme (September 1999) In 1998 UNICEF in collaboration with National Planning Commission, Ministry of Local Development and UNDP, initiated the Decentralized Planning for the Child Programme (DPCP). The program was launched in seven of districts where the UNDP-assisted Par...
UNICEF, NPC, MLD, (1999)
Improving Neonatal & Child Health and Development in South-East Asia The South-East Asia (SEA) Region accounts for about a quarter of the world’s population. However, it contributes about 28% of the total under-five child deaths globally, second only to Africa. Over the years, Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 4 on re...
WHO, (2012)
Kaski District Health Services, Nepal Reference: Bichmann Wolfgang, Chaulagai Cheth Nath. (1993). Kaski District Health Services, Nepal, WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ Kaski district lies in the hills of the western region. Like Nepal in general, much of the district is inaccessible ...
WHO, (1993)
WHO Working Group on Psychoactive Substance Use and Primary Health Care/Community Involvement in Health Reference: (1996). WHO Working Group on Psychoactive Substance Use and Primary Health Care/Community Involvement in Health, Nepal , WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The meeting and the support for implementing Phase II of the project have been gene...
WHO, (1996)
Promoting The Health Of Left-Behind Children Of Asian Labour Migrants: Evidence For Policy And Action Despite the political discourse on migration becoming an important issue in the global development agenda, the mental and physical health implications for left-behind children of migrant workers have received less attention. And the current evidence ...
IOM, MPI, (2015)
Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS)-Nepal GSHS Questionnaire Highlights: 1. This survey is about your health and the things you do that may affect your health. 2. Students like you all over your country are doing this survey. 3. Students in many other countries around the world also are doing this survey. ...
WHO, GSHS, (2015)
Twenty-Second Session Of The South-East Asia Advisory Committee On Health Research The twenty-second session of the South-East Asia Advisory Committee on Health Research (SEA/ACHR) was held at the B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS), Dharan, Nepal,from 22 to 26 April 1996. Eleven members of the SEA/ACHR, seven specia...
WHO, (1996)
Regional Workshop on National Nutrition Surveillance (30 November–2 December 2009) The World Health Organization’s Regional Office for South-East Asia (WHO-SEARO), in collaboration with the Department of Nutrition for Health & Development, WHO-HQ and the Ministry of Public Health and Family Welfare, Government of Nepal, organized a...
WHO, (2010)
Assignment Report on Health education in Nepal Reference: Dr Fodor, John T. (1971). Assignment Report on Health education in Nepal, Nepal (WHO Project: Nepal 0019), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The writer visited Nepal from 6 July to 6 September 1971, assigned as a short-term Consultant und...
WHO, (1971)
Assignment Report on Health education in Nepal Reference: Miss Armstrong Blanche, (1967). Assignment Report on Health education in Nepal, Nepal (WHO Project: NEPAL 19), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ In the assignment, the Consultant was requested to assist the Government in studying the exis...
WHO, (1968)
Bulletin of the World Health Organization - Modelling the Effectiveness of Financing Policies to Address Underutilization of Children’s Health Services in Nepal Reference: Pokhrel, Subhash; Hidayat, Budi; Flessa, Steffen; Sauerborn, Rainer (2002). Bulletin of the World Health Organization - Modelling the Effectiveness of Financing Policies to Address Underutilization of Children’s Health Services in Nepal, W...
WHO, (2005)
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, Vol. 7, Nos 4/5, 2001 - Physical Fitness Status Among the Students of a Medical College in Kathmandu, Nepal Reference: Pramanik, T.; Pramanik, S. (2001). Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, Vol. 7, Nos. 4/5, 2001 - Physical Fitness Status Among the Students of a Medical College in Kathmandu, Nepal, WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ Health, which is defi...
WHO, (2001)
Health Education in Nepal-Assignment Report Reference: Dr Fodor John T., (1976). Health Education in Nepal-Assignment Report, Nepal (WHO Project: NEP HED 001), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The Purpose of the assignment were to assist the Government to identify the educational components ...
WHO, (1976)
Strengthening of family Health Services in Nepal-Assignment Report Reference: Dr Burgess w.,(1979). Strengthening of family Health Services in Nepal-Assignment Report, Nepal (WHO Project: NEP MCH 002), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ Purpose of the assignment was to review and assess the child health component of...
WHO, (1979)
Urban Community Health Volunteers Reference: Chaulagai Chet Nath, (1993). Urban Community Health Volunteers, Nepal, WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ This work was supported financially by the International Nepal Fellowship, formerly the Shinning Community Health Project. The author...
WHO, (1993)
2014 Annual Results Report: Health Overall, 2014 was a year of marking progress towards meeting global goals for reducing child mortality. Under-5 mortality has declined at a faster rate than at any other time during the past two decades, and among the poor in all regions. The global ...
UNICEF, (2014)
Emergency and Humanitarian Action (EHA) Newsletter - Issue VIII, September 2006 Summer usually tests the disaster response capacity of Nepal, when the monsoons trigger water induced disasters. This year Nepal’s Western regions were most severely affected by floods and landslides. Unlike in 2002 and 2004, where a large number of ...
WHO, (2006)
Emergency health action in Nepal- WHO Emergency and Humanitarian Action (EHA) Newsletter - Issue XI, April 2007 Transition and complexity are key terms that could be used to describe the current public health scenario in the country. Despite new conflict patterns along ethno-caste lines, Nepal appears to be moving towards a post-conflict scenario. Policy maker...
WHO, (2007)
Assessing Supply Side Constraints Affecting the Quality of Adolescent Friendly Health Services and the Barriers for Service Utilization The study team acknowledges the contribution of the community leaders, parents and adolescents in the community who received the researchers with understanding and patience and who responded to the questions on very personal matters. The study would ...
Strategy For Oral Health in South-East Asia, 2013–2020 Oral health refers to the health status of the mouth and related structures that enable an individual to eat, speak, and socialize in the absence of active disease, dysfunction, pain, discomfort, or embarrassment. Oral health is an integral component...
WHO, (2013)
Nepal’s Every Newborn Action Plan Government of Nepal Ministry of Health 2016 The intrinsic link between the survival and health of newborns, stillbirths and the survival, health and nutrition of all women of reproductive age, including before, during, between and after pregnancy is clear. The Nepal's Every Newborn Action Pla...
GoN, UNICEF, WHO, (2016)
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Executive Board Second Regular Session 2017 12-15 September 2017 Comments by the United States UNICEF Draft Country Programme Document, Nepal, 2018-2022 One of the key considerations for a successful health program is timely procurement and efficient supply chain management, particularly for child health products, including vaccines. They may also want to engage and play a stronger role in the public...
UNICEF, (2017)
Expanding Health-Care Access in the United States This paper focuses on the ways in which women in the United States are impacted by the 2010 passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (usually referred to as ACA or ‘Obamacare’). The ACA’s three main goals of expanding access, increas...
UNWOMEN, (2015)
SDGs in Nepal Goal 3 : Info-graphics Where do Nepal’s seven provinces stand in terms of each of the Sustainable Development Goals? This series of infographics developed by United Nations Nepal in partnership with Nepal in Data and published in the Republica national daily, illustrates h...
UNDP, (2018)
Study on Selected Reproductive Health Morbidities among Women Attending Reproductive Health Camps in Nepal, 2016 The study on Selected Reproductive Health Morbidities among Women Attending Reproductive Health Camps was conducted primarily to determine Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP), Obstetric Fistula, Cervical Cancer and Human Papillomavirus among women aged 15-4...
GoV, UNFPA, (2016)
Migration Health Center An IOM medical practitioner shares a light moment with a migrant child vising IOM migration health center. IOM Nepal provides support to the Government of Nepal and Nepali migrants both in terms of access to high-quality health services and promote e...
IOM, (2018)
Baseline Survey Report: Decentralized Planning For The Children Programme Nepal ranks at 144th out of 174 countries in terms of the Human Development Index (UNDP,19999). It is the poorest social sector performer in the entire South Asia region, the situation of children and women is worse. Nepal has ratified both CEDAW and...
South Asia Carries Bulk of Maternal and Child Under-Nutrition, says UNICEF Most of the world’s chronically undernourished under fives–83 million children are in South Asia, according to a new UNICEF report: ‘Improving Child and Maternal Nutrition,’ released today. Global child under-nutrition is concentrated to just 24 coun...
UNICEF, (2009)
Lives Of Children And Women In The Mid and Far Western Regions of Nepal ''Nepal Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (NMICS) 2010'' Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS)is a large survey conducted every few years in counties across the world with UNICEF support. It allows governments, including the Government of Nepal, to check whether they are achieving their targets on child...
GoN, UNICEF, MICS, (2010)
The Thirty-First Session of WHO South-East Asia Advisory Committee on Health Research In 1959, the World Health Assembly established the WHO Global Advisory Committee on Medical Research (ACMR). This Committee was mandated to review the WHO research programme and advise the Director-General on WHO research polices and priorities. The ...
WHO, (2009)
UNFPA in Asia and the Pacific: Because Everyone Counts UNFPA’s work is guided by the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for 2015. Each provides benchmarks for national efforts to reduce poverty, promote health and gender equality...
UNFPA, (2010)
Health Facility Mapping Survey 2009/2010 The application of field and objectives of a GIS can be varied,and concerned a great number of questions linking social and physical problems. GIS is being used by different sectors where there exists spatial reference and correlation. As health is l...
GoN, SAIPAL, WHO, (2010)
Health And Nutrition - The Nepal Multiple Indicator Surveillance (First Cycle : January to March 1995) The Nepal Multiple Indicator Surveillance (NMIS) is a reiterative process designed to gather data on key problems in the country, provide this information to planners in a timely manner and help establish an operational framework for decentralization...
Success Factors for Women’s and Children’s Health Nepal is one of 10 low-and middle-income countries (which also include Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Peru, Rwanda and Viet Nam) with a high maternal and child mortality burden that in 2012 were on...