74th UN Day 2019
On the occasion of UN day 2019, UN volunteer and World Food Program putting and explaining their stall and presenting their materials to the visitors and participant.
#UNDAY #2019 #SDGs #UNVolunteers #WFP #Spreadyourgoals2030 #Goal2 #UNvolunteers #... UNIC, (2019)
“Nearly One-Quarter of the Population Lives on Less than USD 1 per Day”
Nepal suffers from chronic food insecurity, severe and recurrent natural disasters, poor health and sanitation infrastructure, and water and energy scarcity. These factors combined with political instability and civil unrest result in a dire humanita... FAO, (2010)
GIEWS Country Brief Nepal
The most affected areas are where wheat and barley play an important role in household food security; Early prospects favourable for 2010 wheat crop, 2009 cereal harvest estimated at below 2008 level, Higher cereal imports in 2009/10, Rice prices ha... GIEWS/FAO, (2010)
FAO Publications 2015
Over the last 70 years, FAO has made an important contribution towards helping the millions of hungry people all over the world. Still, according to the most recent trends, around 800 million people go to bed hungry. If we adopt a “business as usual”... FAO, (2015)
Mapping The Vulnerability Of Mountain Peoples To Food Insecurity
Mountains cover 22 percent of the world’s land surface and are home to some 915 million people, representing 13 percent of global population. Mountains also provide between 60 and 80 percent of the earth’s fresh water. Yet, in spite of this global re... FAO, (2015)
AUD 1 Million For WFP Emergency Food Deliveries And Rural Assistance Projects
In response to an appeal by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP),
Australia pledged AUD 1 million to assist emergency food deliveries for drought-affected people in western Nepal as well as the chronically RURAL food-insecure. AUD 500,000 ... WFP, (2006)
European Commission Donates €1.5 Million To Feed Bhutanese Refugees In Nepal
The United Nations World Food Programme has welcomed a €1.5 million donation to its Bhutanese refugee operation in Nepal from the European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO). At a cost of nearly €18.5 million, WFP aims to provide food ai... WFP, (2007)
U.S. Gives $2 Million To WFP For Bhutanese Refugees In Nepal
The UN World Food Programme (WFP) in Nepal welcomed a US$2 million donation from the United States to provide essential food aid to more than 108,000 Bhutanese refugees who have been living in camps in the eastern part of the country for the last 16 ... WFP, (2007)
US Team Visits WFP’S Emergency Food Aid Operations In Midwestern Nepal
An eight member team of representatives from the United States Agency for International Development, visited drought-impacted communities in Humla and Jumla
districts. The United States government has contributed approximately US$2 million of in-kin... WFP, (2007)
WFP Begins Food Distributions to Flood Victims in Western Terai
Today, people in the most flood-affected districts of Banke and Bardiya started receiving an emergency relief package of rice, oil, lentils and salt from the United Nations World Food Programme. Distributions in Kailali should also start early next w... WFP, (2007)
WFP Launches International Appeal For 60,000 Flood Victims In Nepal
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in Nepal has initiated an emergency humanitarian response to provide an estimated 60,000 flood-affected people with food aid for up to three months. The Nepal Government requested WFP’s assistance after n... WFP, (2007)
WFP Starts Emergency Food Deliveries For Drought-Affected Western Nepal
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in Nepal has started transporting
emergency food assistance to support over 225,000 people in the Far- and Mid-western regions affected by this winter’s drought. To jumpstart the process, WFP is borrowi... WFP, (2006)
Nepal Food Security Bulletin Issue No. 27
1. As expected, between January and March the food security situation deteriorated in parts of the Mid- and Far-WesternHill and Mountain districts. This is primarily attributed to the poor summer crop production in November/December 2009... WFP, EU, (2010)
FAO/WFP Food Security Assessment Mission to Nepal
Nepal is characterized by low levels of human development and incomes. According to UNDP Human Development Report 2006, Nepal ranks 138 among 177 nations in terms of the Human Development Index, 156 in terms of GDP per capita in Purchasing Power Pari... WFP, FAO, (2007)
Nepal and FAO : Building Food and Nutrition Security through Sustainable Agricultural Development
Nepal and FAO have enjoyed close cooperation since the country joined FAO in 1951. During more than 60 years of partnership, FAO has implemented over 200 projects, ranging from policy advice and capacity development to technical support and agricultu... FAO, (2015)
Nutrition Handbook for Community Mobilisers
This Handbook targets all professionals engaged in the improvement of the health and nutrition status of vulnerable households in Nepal; it is specifically tailored to Community Health Workers, Agricultural and Livestock Extensions Workers, Teachers ... FAO, (2009)
Community-Based Therapeutic Care Feasibility Assessment Report
The Community-Based Therapeutic Care (CTC) approach can possibly provide a cost-effective strategy for malnutrition rehabilitation in Nepal. The approach focuses on early identification and treatment through simple medical protocols and Ready-to-Use ... UNICEF, (2007)
UN Newsletter - Vol. 58 (March 2016)
The Government of Nepal, in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), has today launched a National Action Plan to eradicate hunger from the country by 2025. The National Action Plan on the Zero Hunger Init... UN, (2016)
Climate Risk and Food Security in Nepal - Analysis of Climate Impacts on Food Security and Livelihoods
Food security in Nepal is highly sensitive to climate risks. This report presents the finding of analysis carried out to find the relationship between climate variables and food security indicators. The analysis has three main objectives:(1) to ident... CCAFS, CCAFS, CGIAR, UNDP, WFP, (2013)
IMPACT EVALUATION SYNTHESIS - Synthesis Report of the Evaluation Series on the Impact of Food for Assets (2002 – 2011) And lessons for building livelihoods resilience
The report synthesizes the main findings from evaluations in Bangladesh, Ethiopia,Guatemala, Nepal, Senegal and Uganda that assessed the impact of WFP’s food for assets(FFA) activities and identified lessons on how to improve the orientation of food... WFP, (2014)
Evaluation Quality Assurance System
The purpose of the TOR is to provide key information to stakeholders about the proposed evaluation, to guide the evaluation team and specify expectations that the evaluation team should fulfil. The TOR were reviewed by key stakeholders and inputs tak... WFP, FAO, UNICEF, WHO, DFATD CANADA, (2014)
Global Financial Crisis, Volatile Food Prices, make Agricultural Focus Urgent, UN Human Rights Food Expert tells UN Commission on Sustainable Development.
NEW YORK / GENEVA -- The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Mr. Olivier De Schutter, has outlined some of the crucial choices that must be made to design more sustainable food systems in a world facing climate change and declinin... OHCHR, (2009)
Videos of FAO’s Assistant Director-General for Asia and the Pacific region Ms Kundhavi to project sites in Pokara, Nepal from 20-21 April 2019
FAO’s Assistant Director-General for Asia and the Pacific region Ms Kundhavi Kadiresan visited FAO’s project sites in Pokara, Nepal from 20-21 April 2019.
In Pokhra, she visited Rupa Lake Restoration and Fisheries Cooperative and Fisheries Research ... FAO, (2019)
Videos of FAO’s Assistant Director-General for Asia and the pacific region Ms Kundhavi to project sites in Pokara, Nepal from 20-21 April 2019
FAO’s Assistant Director-General for Asia and the Pacific region Ms Kundhavi Kadiresan visited FAO’s project sites in Pokara, Nepal from 20-21 April 2019.
In Pokhra, she visited Rupa Lake Restoration and Fisheries Cooperative and Fisheries Research ... FAO, (2019)
Videos of FAO’s Assistant Director-General for Asia and the Pacific region Ms Kundhavi to project sites in Pokara, Nepal from 20-21 April 2019
FAO’s Assistant Director-General for Asia and the Pacific region Ms Kundhavi Kadiresan visited FAO’s project sites in Pokara, Nepal from 20-21 April 2019.
In Pokhra, she visited Rupa Lake Restoration and Fisheries Cooperative and Fisheries Research ... FAO, (2019)
World Food Programme
The World Food Programme (WFP) is the largest humanitarian agency tackling hunger worldwide. It has nearly 14 000 staff, who reach more than 90 million people with food assistance each year. WFP supports national and regional efforts to ensure food s... UNAIDS, WFP, (2015)
Climate risk and food security in Nepal: Analysis of climate impacts on food security and livelihoods
Food security is a priority issue in Nepal. In spite of recent progress, Nepal is amongst the most at-risk countries in the world in terms of prevalence of stunting and wasting: 42 per cent of children under 5 are stunted and 31 per cent are underwei... WFP, (2013)
Food Security - Nepal Earthquake Cluster Brief (July 2015)
An estimated 1.4 million people continue to require food assistance to meet their daily dietary requirements while 1 million people need support to protect and restore their agri-based livelihoods. Markets functionality remain limited in a large port... UNOCHA, (2015)
Multiple pathways link transportation and market access to food security. These include agricultural performance, food availability, prices and incomes. This report uses data from the 2011 Nepal Living Standards Measurement Survey to identify connect... WFP, (2017)
GIEWS Country Brief-Nepal
Harvesting of the 2014 main season rice crop was completed by mid-December. FAO estimates this year’s rice production at 4.6 million tonnes, down 9 percent from last year’s bumper level but close to the average of the past five years. The decrease is... FAO, GIEWS, (2014)
विश्व खाद्य कार्यक्रमको नेपालगञ्ज स्थित गोदाममा पहेलो चिरिएको केराउ
आज व्यवस्थापिका संसदको राष्ट्रिय विपद व्यवस्थापन अनुगमन समितिले विश्व खाद्य कार्यक्रमका नेपालगञ्ज स्थित गोदामको निरिक्षण गरेको छ। उनीहरुले नमुना जाँचका लागि चामल र पहेला चिरिएको केराउ दुबै लिएर गएका छन् । त्यसबेला भुकम्प प्रभावितहरुका लागि नेपालगञ्ज ... WFP, (2015)
Nepal: A Perilous Mountain Journey to Deliver WFP Food
Nepal: A Perilous Mountain Journey to Deliver WFP Food
Aftershocks, landslides and monsoon rains are the challenges WFP faces in reaching remote communities with food in Nepal's high-altitude areas. The Larke Pass - situated at 5,000 metres above s... WFP, (2015)
Nepal: WFP Delivers Food To Remote Villages In Gorkha District
Nepal: WFP Delivers Food To Remote Villages In Gorkha District
WFP teams are on the ground in Nepal responding to the needs of those affected by the devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake. Marco Frattini and Zoie Jones report on one of the first food ... WFP, (2015)
WFP Nepal: A Female Logistician At The Helm Of The Warehouse
WFP Nepal: A Female Logistician At The Helm Of The Warehouse
Vijayata Shrestha is one of the first female logisticians in WFP Nepal. She manages more than 60 people in the warehouse and dispatches, on average, between 350-500 metric tons of WFP's fo... WFPHungerFeed, (2012)
Multi-sector Nutrition Plan
For Accelerated Reduction of Maternal and Child
Under-nutrition in Nepal
Government of Nepal
National Planning Commission
Forty-one per cent of children in Nepal suffer from chronic malnutrition (DHS, 2011). The process of stunting occurs between the conception period and two years of age, and is irreversible afterwards. Furthermore, the population of Nepal, especially ... GON, UN, (2012)
Right to Food at Country Level : E-Newsletter 2013
The FAO Project “GCP/GLO/324/NOR - Integrating the Right to Adequate Food and Good Governance in National Policies, Legislation and Institutions” (in short, Right to Food at Country Level) is a continuation of Norway’s support to the right to food, a... FAO, (2013)
Zero Hunger Challenge (2015)
Nepal has committed to undertake Zero Hunger Challenge declared by the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development, held in Brazil in 2012 and reemphasized by ESCAP’s 69th Commission Session, held in April 2013. It entails ending hunger, food insecu... FAO, (2015)
Food Security Bulletin -18
The monsoon created havoc in many of the Terai districts and caused landslides
in numerous Hill and Mountain areas,severely impacting the food security
status of poor households, many of whom lost their houses, food stocks,and assets. The monsoon r... WFP, (2007)
Food Security Bulletin -19
The past couple of months were characterized by ongoing bandhs in the Terai, resulting in shortages of fuel and other essential items and rising food
prices across Nepal. Price rises in coarse rice were further exacerbated by
the ongoing ban on exp... WFP, (2008)
Household Food Security in Nepal
Within a corporate effort to better understand country-specific food security issues, WFP Nepal, with the technical assistance of the 'Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping' (VAM) branch of WFP headquarters, undertook this comprehensive food security an... WFP, (2006)
OHCHR-Nepal and World Food Programme Welcome Supreme Court’s Order To Ensure Food Supply
Two of the United Nations’ leading agencies have welcomed an order from the Supreme
Court of Nepal calling on the Government to supply food to 12 food-scarce districts in the Mid- and Far-Western regions. The Office of the High Commissioner for Huma... UNOHCHR, (2008)
WFP Appeals For Free Passage For Food Aid
The United Nations World Food Programme is appealing to members of the Nepal Transport Union to allow the free passage of WFP convoys attempting to deliver food assistance to over 50,000 drought-affected people in Mid- and Far Western Nepal and over ... WFP, (2006)
WFP Expands Nepal Operations To Reach 2.5 Million Hungry
The UN World Food Programme (WFP) in Nepal announced today plans to expand operations to feed 2.5 million people in the country, doubling existing efforts to reach hungry people who are struggling with the compounded effects of high food prices, the ... WFP, (2008)
EMOP (Phase II): Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme (BSFP) n Nutrition Cluster Target Districts: (June – July 2015)
BSFP Response on the areas affected by earthquake.
NOTE: All the datas are expressed in map, table, graph and photos.... WFP, (2015)
National Micro-nutrient status Survey Report 2016
The Nepal National Micronutrient Status Survey (NNMSS) assessed micronutrient status among representative populations in Nepal, including specifically the status of vitamins A, iron, folic acid, iodine, zinc and the condition of anemia. To assess nut... GoN- UNICEF, (2016)
Infant and Young
Child Feeding Practices
as Associated with Child
Nutritional Status in Nepal
Analysis of the Nepal Demographic Health Survey, 2011
This report is based on a further analysis study undertaken as a follow-up to the 2011 Nepal Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS). Funding for the further analysis of the survey was provided by the European Union (EU), through the Regional Maternal a... GON, UNICEF, European Union, (2011)
Multiple Indicator
Cluster Survey
December, 2015
The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), National Planning Commission Secretariat of the Government of Nepal, would like to acknowledge the technical and financial support it has received from UNICEF Nepal since 2009 to implement the Nepal Multiple In... GON, MICS, UNICEF, (2015)
United Nations Children’s Fund
Regional Office for South Asia
- Mobilizing community volunteers to combat Vitamin A Deficiency Disorders in Nepal
For every child
Health, Education, Equality, Protection
Behind the endless vistas of its stunning Himalayan snow peaks lay a malady that had slithered around Nepal for centuries until the new millennium dawned. It tormented a number of people even though the symptom, common and ephemeral, was deemed an in... UNICEF, (2003)
Management Response to the Recommendations of the Summary Report of the Evaluation of the Impact of Food for Assets on Livelihood Resilience in Nepal (2002-2010)
This document responds to an impact evaluation of WFP’s cash- and food-for-assets
(C/FFA) activities in Nepal, particularly in the context of disaster reduction. The evaluation was part of a series on the impact of food for assets on livelihood resi... WFP, (2013)
A Report From The Office Of Evaluation: Strategic Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of WFP Livelihood Recovery Interventions
This evaluation examines the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of WFP’s support to people’s recovery of their livelihoods after disasters. The objectives of this evaluation were to assess how far WFP interventions are me... WFP, (2009)
WFP‘s Role In Ending Long-Term Hunger: A Strategic Evaluation – Vol. II Annexes
Hunger, undernutrition and food insecurity are nested concepts, however there is disagreement among specialists about what these terms mean and how they relate to each other. According to the World Hunger Series1; hunger is a condition in which peopl... WFP, (2011)
WFP's Role In Ending Long-Term Hunger: A Strategic Evaluation – Vol. I Full Report
The evaluation's terms of reference identify three WFP activities as its focus: mother-and-child health and nutrition (MCHN); school feeding; and food for work/food for assets (FFW/FFA). The aim of this evaluation is to assess the contribution of the... WFP, (2011)
Documenting the process
of developing the Nepal
Multi-sector Nutrition Plan
and identifying its strengths
and weaknesses
Report of a research project
his research report was commissioned by UNICEF in Nepal, which aims to document the process of development of the Multi-sector Nutrition Plan. The study was undertaken in November through December, 2013, using in-depth qualitative research methods fo... UNICEF, European Union, (2017)
National Planning Commission
Central Bureau of Statistics
Nepal Thematic Report on
Food Security and Nutrition
In collaboraƟon with:
World Food Program
World Bank
This Report describes the long-term trends of food security and nutrition
outcomes in Nepal over the past fifteen years and analyzes various factors
affecting the outcomes, offering comprehensive descriptions about the
complex and imminent issu... UNICEF, AusAID, (2013)
Trends and Determinants of
Maternal and Child Nutrition
in Nepal
Further Analysis of the Nepal Demographic and
Health Surveys, 1996-2011
Kathmandu, Nepal
August 2013
Nepal has made considerable progress in reducing major micronutrient deficiencies over the past decade and a half; it is one of the few countries in the world that is on track to meet the micronutrients-related goals of the 1990 World Summit for Chil... GON, UNICEF, (2013)
CROP SITUATION UPDATE - Joint Assessment Mission of 2013 Summer Crops and Outlook of 2013/14 Winter Crops.
1. The 2013 summer crop (paddy, maize, millet, and buckwheat) output was estimated at 7.67 million metric tons (mt), an increase of 12.10 percent compared to last year and 11.90 percent compared to the five-year average or ‘normal’ level... GoN, FAO, WFP, (2013)
IMPACT EVALUATION-Evaluation of the Impact of Food for Assets on Livelihood Resilience in Nepal A Mixed Method Impact Evaluation Annex Vol II – VDC Profiles.
Many roads have been constructed within the last 15 years with funding from WFP and
others. These roads have contributed to livelihood improvements through increased
mobility of people and goods and subsequent markets that have developed. Entrepren... IOD PARC, WFP, (2013)
Nepal Food Security Bulletin - Year 2014, Issue 41.
This issue covers the period of mid-November 2013 to mid-March 2014,the second trimester of Nepalese Fiscal Year 2070/71. This bulletin is primarily based on the outcomes of NeKSAP district food security network (DFSN) meetings held in 72 of 75 distr... GoN, WFP, (2014)
SYNTHESIS of Impact Evaluations Food for Assets for Livelihoods Resilience Terms of Reference - Final 12 Dec 2013.
Food for Assets (FFA) programmes form one of WFP’s largest areas of investment over time. Measured by food tonnage, and level of direct expenses between 2006-10, FFA programmes were the second largest of WFP’s food distribution modalities, after Gene... WFP, (2013)
Food Insecurity Worsens In Nepal
A series of natural disasters in 2006 and 2007 have severely impacted on crop production in Nepal, placing a significant number of people at risk of food insecurity, according to the joint report released this week by the UN World Food Programme (WFP... WFP, (2007)
Food Security - Nepal Earthquake Cluster Brief (June 2015)
An estimated 1.4 million people need food assistance in 11 priority districts. Food security has deteriorated in all affected areas particularly in remote mountain communities where close to 70 per cent of households has poor or borderline food consu... UNOCHA, (2015)
Issue: Food Security and Livelihoods
Across 14 districts, 81 percent of respondents stated that their family’s daily food needs are being met. This is a signi cant improvement over the last round of the Food
Security and Livelihood survey (July 2016), in which only 54 percent of respon... UN, (2017)
Country Portfolio Evaluation-Nepal: An Evaluation of WFP's Portfolio Voll Full Report
The World Food Programmer (WFP) Nepal Country Portfolio evaluation covers the WFP operations implemented between 2002 and 2009: the country programmer (CP), seven protracted relief and recovery operations (PRROs), five emergency operations (EMOPs), a... WFP, (2010)
Evaluation Reports- Agenda item 7- Summary Report Of The Strategic Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of WFP Livelihood Recovery Interventions
This evaluation examined the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of WFP’s support for the recovery of livelihoods after disasters. Field-based research was carried out in Bangladesh, Colombia, Lesotho, Nepal and Uganda dur... WFP, (2009)
Evaluation Reports: Summary Report Of The Strategic Evaluation Of WFP'S Role In Ending Long-Term Hunger
In 2011 WFP’s Office of Evaluation carried out four strategic evaluations related to WFP’s strategic shift from food aid to food assistance. This strategic evaluation analysed WFP’s role in ending long-term hunger. It was carried out by a team of ind... WFP, (2012)
Summary Terms Of Reference: JOINT Strategic Evaluation Of Renewed Effort Against Child Hunger And Under-Nutrition (REACH)
In 2008 the Directors-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization, and the Executive Directors of United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and World Food Program (WFP) wrote a letter to Country Representatives... WFP, (2015)
The Food Security Atlas Of Nepal
Since 1996 Nepal has made considerable progress in reducing extreme poverty and food insecurity. Social and human development indicators, such as life expectancy, infant and maternal mortality rates, poverty incidence and adult literacy, have improve... WFP, GoN, NDRI, (2010)
New Production System Needed To Tackle Global Food Crisis, Says UN Expert.
The situation of hunger in the world is alarming. As a result of the current crisis, over 100 million more people have been driven into extreme poverty. Today, 925 million people are hungry in the world, up from 848 million in the period 2003-5. Prog... UNOHCHR, (2008)
Nutritional Impact of the Child Grant - An Evidence from Karnali Zone, Nepal
Nepal has achieved significant progress in poverty reduction since 2004, the nutritional status of children remains as a major concern (World Bank 2014). According to the Nepal Demographic and Health Survey in 2011 (NDHS), 29 per cent of children und... UNICEF, (2014)
Supporting Mothers To Breastfeed Will Improve Children’s Chances Of Survival, Says UNICEF
On the occasion of World Breastfeeding Week (1-7 August), UNICEF, along with the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) and the World Health
Organization (WHO), is recommending the provision of increased professional and informal support fo... UNICEF, (2008)
Joint Press Release of FAO Representation and WHO Country Office for Nepal ( 17 November 2014 )
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) are jointly
organizing the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2), an inclusive inter-governmental meeting on nutrition at FAO Headquarters, in Rome, from 19-21... FAO, (2014)
Press Release of FAO Representation in Nepal (16 October 2014)
World Food Day (WFD) 2014 with the theme of Family Farming: “feeding the world and caring for the earth” was observed in Nepal with much enthusiasm carrying out various awareness raising programs in Kathmandu and throughout the country.A month-long 3... FAO, (2014)
Press Release of FAO Representation in Nepal (3 March, 2015)
The Government of Nepal, Ministry of Agricultural Development (MoAD) and the FAO jointly organized today the National Stakeholders consultation workshop on Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) scheme for Nepal. The objective of the workshop was focused on... FAO, (2015)
Karnali Drought Response Standard Project Report 2016 - World Food Programme in Nepal, State of (NP)
Geography plays a critical role in determining the degree of food insecurity in Nepal.Nepal was ranked as ‘serious' on the 2015 Global Hunger Index. The remote and mountainous Mugu and Jumla districts of Karnali are particularly vulnerable, with lim... WFP, (2016)
United Nations Cental Emergency Response Fund Allocates US$5 Million to Nepal
More than 200,000 Nepalis will receive help to address food insecurity and support for life-saving response to children under five, thanks to a US$ 5 million allocation this week from the United National Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF). “This ... UNRCHCO, (2012)
Country Portfolio Evaluation - NEPAL: An Evaluation of WFP‘s Portfolio Vol II Annexes
Country Portfolio evaluations (CPE) encompass the entirety of WFP programme related activities during a specific period. They evaluate the performances and results of the portfolio as a whole and provide evaluative insights to make evidence-based str... WFP, (2010)
A Report on the Food Security Impact of the 2015 Earthquake- Nepal
This report highlights the findings of a household food security assessment as well as district food security network meetings carried out between 8-20 May to inform the food security response for the Nepal 2015 earthquakes. The assessments were carr... WFP, GoN, (2015)
Poverty, food insecurity, under nutrition and morbidity in Nepal are characterized by regional variation.Factors such as proneness to natural disasters, distribution and quality of land, access to education and health facilities, level of infrastruct... GoV, WFP, (2014)
WFP Nepal
Country Brief
Nepal Country Programme (CP 200319) supports the Government of Nepal in enhancing the food and nutrition security of vulnerable communities and increasing resilience to disasters. The CP covers four areas:
Livelihood creation provides seasonal emplo... WFP, (2017)
WFP Nepal
Country Brief
The Country Programme (CP) supports the Government of Nepal in enhancing the food and nutrition security of vulnerable communities and increasing resilience to disasters. The CP covers four areas:Livelihood creation provides seasonal employment and l... WFP, (2017)
Nepal Food Security Bulletin
In this reporting period district food security networks (DFSN) classified 6 Village Development Committees (VDCs) in Surkhet, namely Taranga, Lekhparajul, Hariharpur, Tatopani, Ghatgaon and Dharapani, as highly food insecure (Phase III). The floods ... WFP, GoN, (2015)
High-Level Delegation From the EU Parliament Visits UNICEF- Supported Programmes in Nepal
The EU has contributed a grant of €20 million to UNICEF to tackle under-nutrition in five Asian countries,including Nepal, which received €3.2 million from the EU for the period 2010-2014. This funding is supporting a comprehensive package of measure... UNICEF, (2011)
विश्व खाद्य कार्यक्रमको विश्वव्यापी चित्रकला प्रतियोगितामा नेपालको “शून्य भोक” चित्रकला पुरस्कृत
बझाङ जिल्लाका १४ वर्षीय धन बहादुर बोहरा संयुक्त राष्ट्र् संघ विश्व खाद्य कार्यक्र्मले आयोजना गरेको चित्रकला प्रतियोगितामा पुरस्कृत भएका छन् ।
विजयी चित्रले मानिस, बाली र फलफुल भएको रुख भित्रको एक संसार प्रस्तूत गरेको छ । नेपालबाट कुल १० चित्रहरु छनौ... WFP, (2014)
Nepalese “Zero Hunger” Ddrawing Wins Prize in WFP’S Global Children's Art Competition
urteen-year-old Dhan Bahadur Bohara of Bajhang district of Nepal has been named as one of the winners in a global children design competition, organized by the United Nations World Food Programmer WFP The winning drawing depicts a world inside of a t... WFP, (2014)
Statement of the United Nations World Food Programme from Country Representative in Nepal, Richard Ragan, On the Safety of WFP Food
The United Nations World Food Programme(WFP) takes the allegations by INSEC that our food is unfit for human consumption seriously. Protecting the lives of Nepal’s most vulnerable is at the heart of WFP’s interest. We have a rigorous food quality co... WFP, (2009)
Forest-reliant communities in Asia need policies to better protect their tenure, livelihoods and ensure their food security ( 12 February 2015 )
1. Kathmandu, Nepal – 12 February 2015 – A momentum is growing across Asia to better protect the tenure and livelihoods of millions of people who rely on access to forest lands with three countries stepping forward to further secure thes... FAO, (2015)
Press Release of FAO Representation in Nepal ( 4 December 2014 )
1. A 3-day workshop on The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT) of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the context of National Food Security (VGGT) was concluded in Kathmandu on 4 December, 2014.
2. Supports an... FAO, (2014)
Evaluation of the Impact of Food for Assets on Livelihood Resilience in Nepal (2002 – 2010).
Nepal has a population of approximately 31 million and ranks 157th of 187 countries in the United Nations Development Programme’s 2012 Human Development Index. Despite improvements over the last 15 years, poverty, food insecurity and chronic under nu... WFP, (2013)
IMPACT EVALUATION - Evaluation of the Impact of Food for Assets on Livelihood Resilience in Nepal-A Mixed Method Impact Evaluation (Annex Vol I).
Food for Assets (FFA) programmes form one of WFP’s largest areas of investment over time. Measured by food tonnage, and level of direct expenses between 2006-10, FFA programmes were the second largest of WFP’s food distribution modalities, after Gene... IOD PARC, WFP, (2013)
IMPACT EVALUATION - Evaluation of the Impact of Food for Assets on Livelihood Resilience in Nepal-A Mixed Method Impact Evaluation.
(Evaluation Report)
This evaluation, conducted by an independent team between January and July 2013, assessed the outcomes and impacts of the food-for-assets (FFA) components of two WFP programmes in Nepal: country programme (CP) 100930 (2002–2007) and protracted relief... IOD PARC , WFP, (2013)
Child Poverty and Disparities in Nepal
Nepal Report 2010
Children living in poverty. More than a third of Neapl's 12.6 million children the foundation for tomorrows parents and leaders live below the national poverty line. THis is not all. Measured by the factors that constitutes a child's wellbeing, an ev... UNICEF, (2010)
WFP Nepal
Country Brief
The Country Programme (CP) supports the Government of Nepal in enhancing the food and nutrition security of vulnerable communities and increasing resilience to disasters.The CP covers four areas:
1. Livelihoods creation provides seasonal employment ... WFP, (2016)
A Nutrition Survey in Nepal - Assignment Report (WHO Project: SEARO 0097)
Reference: Dr. Pourbaix, Philippe (1974). A Nutrition Survey in Nepal - Assignment Report (WHO Project: SEARO 0097), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The nutritional state of the Nepalese population has become a matter of concern for the national a... WHO, (1974)
Nepal and FAO- Building food and nutrition security through sustainable agricultural development
Nepal and FAO have enjoyed close cooperation since the country joined FAO IN 1951. During more than 65 years of partnership, FAO has implemented significant number of projects and programs, ranging from policy advice and capacity development to techn... FAO, (2016)
Expert Consultation On “Strengthening The Food Security Phase Classification Method In Nepal”
The present report summarizes the results of the “expert consultation” on “Strengthening the Food Security Phase Classification Method in Nepal”, held on the 2nd of June 2008 at the Dhokaima Café, Patan Dhoka – Lalitpur. The consultation was convened... WFP, (2008)
Management Response To The Recommendations Of The Summary Report Of The
Strategic Evaluation Of WFP'S Role In Ending Long-Term Hunger
The evaluation report recognizes many of the challenges in developing policies and strategies, and in choosing appropriate instruments for delivering food assistance. WFP’s expanded range of instruments reaches beyond donor-sourced bulk food shipment... WFP, (2012)
Summary Of Price Impact Assessment Findings: Working Draft
1. Deterioration of the terms of trade(Wage/Price coarse rice) by about 15% both in the mountains and hilly areas, against 9% in the Terai. For 19% of HH that are extreme poor, only 1 month of food needs covered by their own production a... WFP, (2008)
Towards Zero Hunger in Nepal. A Strategic Review of Food Security and Nutrition 2018
For Nepal, ending hunger and improving nutrition for all its citizens will be
a significant task, but one that is within its grasp. The country has already
made great strides in reducing undernourishment and stunting. However,
the prevalence of bo... Gov/National Planning Commission, (2018)
Crop Prospects And Food Situation
1. FAO’s first forecast for global wheat production in 2016 points to a small decrease, with lower outputs expected in Europe and the United States of America.
2. COUNTRIES IN NEED OF EXTERNAL ASSISTANCE: FAO estimates that, globally, 3... FAO, (2016)
Dolakha District Food Security Bulletin
The district was affected by the 25 April earthquake and major aftershock on 12 May (with the epicenter in Dolakha), with severe impact on livelihood activities, like agriculture, livestock, tourism, and infrastructure (hydropower/road construction).... GoN, WFP, (2015)