ढुङ्गा माटोको घरमा जस्ता तारको प्रविधि बुइँगल सहित एक तल्ला र दुई तल्ला भवनमा
यो प्रविधि पुर्णरुपमा आधारभुत निर्माण सामाग्री जस्तै गारो निर्माणको लागि ढुङ्गा र माटो, छानोको संरचनाको लागि कर्कट जस्तापाता र मध्य तल्लाको लागि काठको
चिरपटहरुमा माटोको प्रयोगमा आधारित छ । बुइँगल सहितको एक तल्ले र दई तल्ले भवनहरु नेपालको पहाडि क्षेत... UNDP, (2019)
ईटाको गारोमा सिमेन्ट मसला जोडाईमा सुरक्षित आवास निर्माण सम्बन्धि हाते पुस्तिका
यो हाते पुस्तिका भुकम्प प्रतिरोधी ग्रामिण भवन निर्माण अन्तर्गत भारत सरकारद्धारा सहयोग प्राप्त, नेपाल आवास पुनर्निर्माण परियोजना गोरखामा
संलग्न दक्ष मिस्त्री (आवास निर्माण साथी) का लागि तयार पारिएको हो । यो पुस्तिका नेपाल सरकार भवन निर्माण संहिता एबम... -UNDP, (2019)
This report summarizes the findings of a documentation exercise undertaken from April to July 2016 with the intent to chronicle and assess the role of volunteerism in the response to the 2015 Nepal earthquake which killed at least 8,790 people and oc... UNV, (2017)
Community Awareness Event
Youth of Dhading district participates in a community awareness event on protection and use of open spaces in the event of a disaster, organized in September 2019 in collaboration with local authorities. During 2019, awareness raising events were org... IOM, (2019)
Report on the Situation of Women, Children and Households
The development of children and women is an integral part of the all-round development of the country. His Majesty’s Government of Nepal has shown its commitment to the development of children and women through various conventions. His Majesty’s Gove... UNICEF,HMG/N, (2001)
United Nations in Nepal
This UNDP video features work the organization is doing in collaboration with the authorities in Nepal to assist the recovery of those affected by the recent earthquakes such as a cash-for-work programs creating short term jobs. Qualified and trained... CathNews, (2015)
Nepal is one of the hot spots for disaster and is ranked as 11th most vulnerable country in the world for earthquake. As Nepal lies in the seismic prone area with frequent occurrence of devastating earthquakes, the buildings need to be designed and c... UNDP, (2017)
Demolition of Houses can be Dangerous
1. Protect your head, hands, and feet from hazardous / falling objects
2. Work in pairs
3. Cordon off the area and inform your neighbours prior to beginning demolition
4. Be aware of associated hazards (fire, electricity, falling obje... GoN, UNDP, (2015)
Nepal Urban Housing Sector Profile
Today, the housing situation in Nepal, especially for the urban poor, remains far from adequate. Indeed, urban dwellers in Nepal have been finding it increasingly difficult to afford housing due to rapid price rises in land.
Such is the challeng... UN-HABITAT, (2010)
Urbanization: The Role the Poor Play in Urban Development
Rapid urbanization is happening across Asia, with more and more people in need of housing. Providing adequate housing to everyone in our cities is not an impossible goal. It’s possible to solve the serious housing problems, if we can begin to see urb... UNHABITAT, UNESCAP, (2008)