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Information Centre | Nepal
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74th UN Day 2019 UN-HABITAT keeping the stalls in the occasion of UN Day 2019 and showcasing all the materials, booklets , materials and agendas of the organization #UNDAY #2019 #UN-HABITAT #Agenda #Globalgoals #SDGs #UrbanDevelopment #UrbanFuture #NewUrbanAgenda ...
UNIC, (2019)
Accommodating People In The Asia-Pacific Region This publication introduces readers to the dramatic and profound changes that have taken place and are taking place in the way people live and work in the Asia-Pacific region. It describes how the unprecedented speed of transforming from predominantl...
Housing The Poor In Asian Cities: Land- A Crucial Element In Housing The Urban Poor The pressures of rapid urbanization and economic growth in Asia and the Pacific have resulted in growing numbers of evictions of urban poor from their neighborhoods. In most cases they are relocated to peripheral areas far from centres of employment ...
United Nations Human Settlements Programme: Annual Report (2009) As the challenge of urbanization takes on unprecedented dimensions, one of the most serious obstacles to policy development is the lack of appropriate policies and data at city level. If the cities of this world are to face the often simultaneous cha...
United Nations Human Settlements Programme: Annual Report (2010) UNHABITAT, the united nations agency for human settlements, helps the urban poor by transforming cities into safer, healthier, greener places with better opportunities where everyone can live in dignity. UNHABITAT works with organizations at every...
United Nations Human Settlements Programme: Annual Report (2012) For more than forty years, UN-Habitat has been leading urban and human settlements programmes throughout the world. Our efforts have been focused on supporting countries to build a brighter future for citizens in developing cities of all sizes, which...
Governing Council of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme The present report reviews progress in respect of cooperation between the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) and other entities within the United Nations system, intergovernmental organizations outside the United Nations system ...
United Nations Human Settlements Programme: Annual Report (2007) In the year of 2007, humankind as a whole crossed the Rubicon to become a predominantly urban species homo urbanus. The majority of the human population globally is now residing in urban centres, with all the attendant effects and consequences. It is...
United Nations Human Settlements Programme: Annual Report (2008) As part of efforts to ensure sustainability of local ownership of projects and policies, UN-HABITAT maximizes the use of national expertise and procurement, supporting national execution in developing and transition countries. In 2008, more than 90 p...
National Plan Of Action Nepal A broad based National Preparatory Committee, having forty four members, was formed in 1995, under the chairmanship of Honourable Minister, Ministry of Housing and Physical Planning, (MHPP). The committee includes representatives from central and loc...
The State of Asian and Pacific Cities 2015 Urban transformations Shifting from quantity to quality This report on the state of Asian and Pacific cities is the second in the series first published by UN-Habitat (the United Nations Human Settlements Programme) and ESCAP (the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) in ...
Terai Landscape Conservation Nepal’s western Terai, with its extensive areas of sal and chure forest, grasslands, wetlands and major river systems, is an important home for globally significant biodiversity including: 1. Royal Bengal tigers, Asian one-horned rhinoceroses, wild ...
GoN, WTLCP/UNDP, GEF, (2011)
SDGs in Nepal Goal 15: Info-graphics Where do Nepal’s seven provinces stand in terms of each of the Sustainable Development Goals? This series of info-graphics developed by United Nations Nepal in partnership with Nepal in Data and published in the Republica national daily, illustrates ...
UNDP, (2018)
Joint Inter Agency Mission to Mid-Western Region The continuing conflict in Nepal has left an estimated 12,000 people dead, and caused significant population displacement – both internally and externally, including large numbers across the border to India.Issues regarding the total number of displa...
Gender Mainstreaming Impact Study The objective of this impact assessment is to identify how the water and sanitation initiatives implemented under the Water Sanitation and Infrastructure Branch of UN-HABITAT, have strategically mainstreamed gender aspects in its various initiatives ...
Participatory Land Use Planning: part of Catalytic Support on Land Issues Competing interests on land, land-use, land tenure and shelter are some of the root causes of conflict in the country. The Comprehensive Peace Accord (CPA), Interim Constitution of Nepal and repeated commitments of political players amply justify the...
अनौपचारिक बस्तीका बासिन्दा शहरी गरीबहरुको आवासको आवश्यकता सम्बोधन गर्न​ तयार पारिएको निर्देशिका : शहरी गरीब आवास कार्यक्रम निर्देशिका (प्रस्तावित) विश्वव्यापी शहरीकरणले तीब्रता लिइरहेको बर्तमान अवस्थामा दिगो बसोबासलाई बढावा दिने एउटा महत्वपूर्ण अग्रणी संस्थाका रुपमा यु.एन ह्याविट्याट रहेको छ । यस संस्थाले नेपालमा शहरी बिकास, आवास, पानी तथा सरसफाई, जोखिम न्यूनीकरण, वातावरण तथा जलवायु परिवर्तन लग...
International Organization for Migration Nepal Mission Overview - January 2018 Established in 1951, IOM is the leading inter-governmental organization field of migration and works closely with governmental,intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. With 169 member states,a further 8 states holding observer status and 393 ...
IOM, (2018)
Water for Asian Cities Programmer Nepal (Annual Report 2006) The WAC Programme is supporting the implementation of the water and sanitation related Millennium Development Goals and targets (MDGs) in Asian cities, specifically promoting pro-poor governance, water demand management, increased attention to enviro...
Summary Report Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration A Country Level Implementation Strategy for Nepal this intensive study report highlights on the concept of Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration. Sustainable land management, prosperous life and development of all is the vision of the new land policy of the Government of Nepal which is currently under...
UN-Habitat, (2018)
The UN-HABITAT: Water and Sanitation Trust Fund Annual Report 2008 The twin phenomena of urbanization, and the proliferation of slums and shanty-towns, together pose the most daunting challenge to human settlements today.Unsound dwellings, overcrowding, and lack of basic infrastructure, characterize neighbourhoods w...
हरित आवास - नेपालमा दिगो आवास प्रबर्धन स्वस्थकर जीवन​, वातावरणमैत्री जीवन पद्घती र धरती प्रतिको जिम्मेवारीबाट अमिप्रेरित भएर हरित आवासको प्रबर्धन गरिएको हो । आवास निर्मणमा हाल भइरहेको प्राकृतिक साधन स्रोतहरु माथिको अनियन्त्रित दोहन कम गर्न तथा जलवायु परिवर्तनको प्रमुख कारक तत्व हरित ग्यास...
Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration A Country Level Implementation Strategy for Nepal this intensive study highlights on the concept of Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration. Sustainable land management, prosperous life and development of all is the vision of the new land policy of the Government of Nepal which is currently under intens...
UN Habitat, (2018)
State of the World’s Cities 2010/2011: Bridging the Urban Divide Cities – whether large or small, whole neighbourhoods, city centres, suburban or peri-urban areas – offer human beings the potential to share urban spaces, participate in public and private events and exercise both duties and rights. These opportunit...
URBSAN-07 Urban Sanitation Proceedings of the National Workshop Although urbanisation is a relatively new phenomenon in Nepal and only about 15 percent of the total population lives in urban areas, the rate of urbanisation is very high resulting into 50 percent of the population in urban areas by 2035. The rapid ...
GoN, UNHABITAT, WA, (2007)
Compact Rural Settlements Development Strategy for Nepal: A Policy Brief The inhabitants in the dispersed settlements in rural areas of Nepal show a distinct gradient in their living conditions largely governed by the degree to which they have access to resources, information, and services. Te high production oriented vil...
GoN, UNHABITAT, (2013)
Promoting Sustainable Housing in Nepal (Brochure Green Homes Project) Green Homes - the Sustainable Housing is an initiative that promotes housing systems which reduce pressure on natural resources and carbon emissions, thus resulting in human wellbeing, social equity, and promotion of green economy. Energy efficiency...
Marking World Habitat Day 2012 in Nepal World Habitat Day has been observing globally on every first Monday of October since 1986. Marking World Habitat Day 2012, UN-Habitat, Nepal jointly with Government of Nepal (GoN) and various other stakeholders conducted various activities in Nepal u...
Sphere Revision – Shelter, Settlement and NFI Chapter (2010 Edition) The Sphere handbook is a relevant and ‘living’ document for emergency response that has improved the accountability of humanitarian agencies in recent years. In order to maintain the relevance and usefulness in disaster response, Sphere needs...
Land Ownership Patterns and related Issues–Examples from Banke District - Issue no. 13 Land ownership in Nepal has always been unequal, like most of South Asia where feudal systems prevail. Such unequal ownership meant few households owned large tracts of land, which they leased out among poorer households for cultivation, while the ma...
UNRCHCO, (2011)
Nepal Urban Housing Sector Profile Nepal in the process of revising its first National shelter Policy of 1996. The Urban Hosing Sector Profile Study is aimed at supporting this process, driven by the Government,for the urban part. it is meant to improve the understanding of the sector...
Myths and Realities of Land Capture: Some Stories From the Eastern Districts - Issue No.16 In the 1990s, the communist parties raised the slogan of “land to the tillers” in their election campaigns, enabling them to expand their support base in the Tarai where they were alleged by rival parties to be indirectly supporting the capture of pu...
UNRCHCO, (2011)
Informally employed workers in two Tarai cities - Issue 4 The informal sector in Nepal is large, employing around 11 million people (90% of the total workforce)and is estimated to contribute 51% to Nepal’s GDP. The largest part of the informal sector is agricultural but with urbanization and rural-urban m...
UNRCHCO, (2011)
Country Programme Document 2008 – 2009 - Nepal UN-HABITAT had been present in Nepal intermittently since the late 1980s engaging in a number of technical assistance programmes in the field of human settlements development. In 2005, the Water for Asian Cities was launched in the country focusing ...
Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards - Chapter 4: Minimum Standards in Shelter, Settlement and Non-Food Items The Sphere handbook is a relevant and ‘living’ document for emergency response that has improved the accountability of humanitarian agencies in recent years. In order to maintain the relevance and usefulness in disaster response, Sphere needs to keep...
Nepal Country Impact Study - Document 03 This document is an internal Nepal country impact study of initiatives supported by UN-HABITAT’s Water and Sanitation Trust Fund (WSTF) undertaken by a team of international consultants. The objective of the WSTF is to bring in new investment and ide...
Addressing Water & Sanitation Services in Peri-urban Areas With the rapid urbanization in the country, extension and management of water supply and sanitation infrastructures have emerged as a challenge in Nepal. The low investment made; particularly in peri-urban and poor settlement areas; has resulted in t...
CIUD, WaterAid, UN HABITAT, (2008)
Methodologies for Mapping the Poor, Gender Assessment & Initial Environmental Examination The Water for Asian Cities (WAC) Programme, is a collaborative initiative between the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Governments of Asia. The WAC Programme was officially launched at the ...
Stone masonry in mud mortar houses using GI wire technology From extreme weather patterns that threaten food security to rising sea levels that mean catastrophe for coastal communities, climate change impedes all elements of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is not just major disaster events that w...
UNDP, GON, (2020)
Reconstruction of Conflict-damaged Infrastructure in Achham District - Issue 40 The more than a decade long armed conflict had devastating effects in Achham district. A total of 330 people were killed in the district and hundreds were wounded, displaced, and many disappeared. The conflict had a profound impact...
UNRCHCO, (2012)
Challenges And Way Forward In The Urban Sector: Sustainable Development In the 21st century (SD21) Urban issues have risen high on many agendas that deal with global questions. Most of the world’s resources are consumed in cities, where the majority of people live. It has become obvious that the value of a single “green” building or eco-labeled pr...
UN, (2012)