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United Nations Population Fund The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) strives to deliver a world in which every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled. Working on the ground in some 150 countries, UNFPA expands the possibilitie...
Declaration on National Family Planning Conference The National Conference on Family Planning with the theme “Reaching the Unreached” successfully concluded on 19 March 2019 in Kathmandu issuing a six-point declaration. The two-day event was organized by the Family Welfare Division under the Ministry...
UNFPA / GON, (2019)
राष्ट्रिय परिवार योजना सम्मेलन २०७५, घोषणा पत्र नेपाल सरकार, स्वास्थ्यतथा जनसंख्यामन्त्रालय, स्वास्थ्य सेवाविभाग, परिवार कल्याण महाशाखाल संयुक्त राष्ट जनसंख्या कोष र आड्रा नेपाललगायत परिवार योजनामाकाम गन अन्य२० साझेदार संस्थाका सहकार्यमा, देश भरिका ३५० जना सहभागी साम्मिलित रही ३० भन्दा बढी प्रस्त...
UNFPA / GON, (2019)
PSA: Pregnancy Danger Signs (गर्भावस्थामा देखा पर्ने खतराका लक्षणहरु) - Youtube Abstraction: बेस्सरी टाउको दुख्नु, आँखा तिर्मिराएर धमिलो देख्नु, हात मुख सुन्निनु, अह्ररो भई काँप छुट्नु वा मुर्छा पर्नु, कडासंग तल्लो पेट दुख्नु र योनीवाट अलिकति पनि रगत बग्नु, गर्भावस्थामा देखा पर्ने ज्यानै जानसक्ने खतराका ६ लक्षणहरु हुन । Dur...
UNFPA,Nepal, (2016)
The Adolescent Experiences in-Depth: Using Data to Identify and Reach the Most Vulnerable Young Peopl Nepal 2006 Adolescence is a transitional stage of physical and psychological development that generally occurs during the period from puberty to legal adulthood (age of majority). Adolescence is usually associated with the teenage years,but its physical, psycho...
UNFPA, (2006)
National Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan (2015-2020) Nepal is aspiring to graduate from a ‘Least Developed Country’ to a ‘Developing Country’ by 2022 and is committed to improving the health status of its people through reduction in maternal, neonatal, infant and under-five mortality. In the area of F...
WHO, GoN, (2015)
Reproductive Health Research Policy Brief Number 18, January 2014 Despite political commitment and a supportive legal and policy framework, violence against women remains a significant problem in Nepal. In the 2011 Nepal Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS), more than one in five women reported a lifetime experienc...
Antenatal Care ...
UNFPA, Nepal, (2019)
Family ...
UNFPA Nepal, (2019)
Family Planning Injection ...
UNFPA, Nepal, (2019)
Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescents and Youth in Nepal: Trends and Determinants Further Analysis of the 2011 Nepal Demographic and Health Survey This report presents findings from a further analysis study undertaken as part of the follow-up to the 2011 Nepal Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS). It documents levels and trends in key indicators of sexual and reproductive health among adolesce...
A report of the Conference on Advocating Universal Access to Reproductive Health Services and Commodity Security 28-30 Less than seven years from 2015,significant changes remain to meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The countries of South Asia are likely to meet MDG5 : "Improve maternal Health",which includes reducing maternal mortality. The maternal mo...
UNFPA, (2009)
Universal Access To Reproductive Health ( Progress And Challenges ) The importance of reproductive health and access to family planning in particular are now well recognized, to not only improve women’s chances of surviving pregnancy and childbirth, but also to contribute to related issues such as gender equality, be...
UNFPA, (2016)
Addressing the Attitudes of Service Providers: Increasing Access to Professional Midwifery Care in Nepal Increasing access to professional care during labour and delivery is the central strategy in Nepal’s commitment to reducing its maternal mortality ratio. This paper outlines a number of complementary interventions used by the Nepal Safer Motherhood P...
UNICEF, (2008)
संकटको अवस्थामा प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य सेवाका लागी न्युनतम प्ररम्भिक सेवा सामग्री (एम​,आइ,एस​,पि)तालिम एस आर एच समन्वयकर्ताका लागि नेपाल सरकार गृह मन्त्रालय द्वारा मुलुकमा दैवि प्रकोप उद्वार ऐन ,२०३९ अनुसार विपद प्रतिक्रियाका क्रियाकलापहरु भैरहेका तथा विपद व्यवस्थामा राष्टिय रणनिति,२०६६ अनुसार विपद जोखिम व्यव्स्थापनका सबै च​ऋहरुको सु-संचालन तथा समन्वय गर्न राषटीय स्तरको विपद प्र...
UNFPA, GoN, (2014)
Government of Nepal and UNFPA sign new CPAP for 2013 - 2017 Mr. Madhu Kumar Marasini, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Finance, on behalf of Government of Nepal and Mr. Najib M. Assifi, UNFPA Representative a.i/Officer-In-Charge signed today a new United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Country Programme Action P...
UNFPA, (2013)
व्यवस्थित परिवार स्वास्थ्य र विकासको आधार व्यवस्थित परिवार भनेकै सुखी परिवार हो । परिवारको योजना कसरी गर्ने, यसका फाइदा के-के हुन, परिवारको योजनाका साधनहरु के-के हुन भन्ने बारे जानकारी प्रदान गर्न यो सामग्री तयार पारिएको हो । #familyplanning #healthanddevelopment #unfpa...
Ministry of Health and Population/ UKaid/ UNFPA & Sunaulo Parivar Nepal, (2019)
Realizing the Potential The report, scheduled for publication in early 2014, reflects the views of States and stakeholders and shows that the Programme of Action has significantly contrib- uted to tangible progress: fewer women today are dying in pregnancy and childbirth; s...
UNFPA, (2013)
Sexual and Reproductive Health of Young People in Asia and the Pacific A significant proportion of young people in the region are sexually active, and while for many the onset of sexual activity is associated with marriage, an increasing number are initiating sex before marriage. The available information indicates that...
National Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan 2015-2021 Nepal is aspiring to graduate from a ‘Least Developed Country’ to a ‘Developing Country’ by 2022 and is committed to improving the health status of its people through reduction in maternal, neonatal, infant and under-five mortality. In the area of Fa...
UNFPA, GoN, (2015)
Paras Khadka on importance of the Golden 1000 Days [Youtube] Abstract : Paras Khadha shares his thuoghts about Golden 1000 days and invites the public to join him. Duration : 00:01:12 Location : Nepal Time and topic of scene: 00:00:00 - Start 00:00:04 - Appearance of Paras Khadka 00:00:24 - Paras K...
UNICEF Nepal, (2017)
Basic Profile of Early Childbirth in Nepal Early pregnancy and childbirth are important issues in many countries. Early childbirth is associated with higher health risks for the mother and the child as well as higher fertility. It may lead girls to drop out of school. In most countries, most ...
WB, (2016)
Family Planning in Humanitarian Settings -Youtube Abstraction:Reproductive health services, including family planning, are crucial for women and girls in humanitarian crises like the Nepal earthquake. This video features voices of a woman from Sindhuli district of Nepal affected by the devastating e...
UNFPA,Nepal, (2016)
Facility Based Assessment for Reproductive Health Commodities and Services: The Global Programme to Enhance Reproductive Health Commodity Security (GPRHCS) is a unique and effective mechanism to deliver results in key priority countries. This UNFPA programme operates as a thematic pooled fund with a focused mission to ensur...
UNFPA, (2014)
State Of World Population 2015 Right now, more people are displaced by crisis than at any time since the cataclysm of the Second World War: an estimated 59.5 million. Natural disasters now affect 200 million people a year. For some, the setbacks are temporary. For others, they may...
UNFPA, (2015)
सुरक्षित मातृत्व तथा प्रजनन स्वास््य अधिकार ऐन नेपालको संविधानदृारा प्रदत्त महिलाको सुरक्षित मातृत्व तथा प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य सम्बन्धी हकको सम्मान ,संरक्षण र परिपूर्ति गर्नको लागि मातृत्व तथा प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य सेवालाई सुरक्षित, गणस्तरीय, सर्वसुलभ र पहुँच योग्य बनाउने सम्बन्धमा आवश्यक व्यवस्थ गर्न वा...
UNFPA, (2019)
परिवार नियोजनका गाहक र सेवा प्रदायकका लागि निर्णय सामगी नेपाली सस्करण, २०७१ गाहक र सेवा प्रदायकका लागि सामगी एस प्रकार छ १ गर्भावती भए नभएको एकिन गर्न प्रसनावली ,२ कुन साधन सेवागाहिलाई उपुक्त हुन छ ? ,३ साधना प्रभावकारीता तुलना गर्ने ,४ सस्त्री प्रजजन प्रणाली ,५ महिनाबारी चक्र , ६ पुरुष प्रजजन प्रणाली, ६ पुरुष प्रजजन प...
UNFPA, GoN, (2014)
Male and Female Condoms For Refugees in Nepal As part of a global agreement to address the reproductive health information and service needs available to refugees around the world, the United Nations Population Fund-UNFPA Nepal handed over some 700,000 male condoms and 5,000 female condoms to...
UNFPA, UNHCR, (2006)
Early Marriage in Nepal web series second episode [YouTube] URL:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AB8ftkmgsSc&t=329s Duration :0:00 - 7.57 Rating :[U] Video quality:360p Timeline: 0.5 sec :Rakesh and Payal run away from the home. 0.55 sec : Payal is afraid of her parents. 1.17 sec :Rakesh says...
UNFPA, (2017)
Integrating Reproductive Rights into the Work of National Human Rights Institutions of the Asia Pacific Region Reproduction is an elemental, life-changing common experience for much of humanity. Yet each year more than 120 million couples have an unmet need for contraception, 80 million women have unintended pregnancies (45 million of which end in abortion); ...
UNFPA, (2011)
TERMS OF REFERENCE UNFPA UNFPA will be implementing the UNFPA Nepal Family Planning Project (UNFPP)-funded by United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID) for the period of four years (December 2016 to December 2020). The project aims to contribute in imp...
UNFPA, (2017)
TERMS OF REFERENCE UNFPA UNFPA Ensures effective implementation of programme strategies Thorough analysis and research of the political, social and economic situation in the country related to gender equality and reproductive rights.It performs its work through constant moni...
UNFPA, (2017)
Leaving No One Behind (TA3.07) SAE Method Training Workshop: Combining Data Sources to Generate Small Area Estimates for Family Planning The purpose of developing a Small Area Estimation (SAE) method is to better identify the areas where the need for family planning support are the greatest, in order to geographically target investment to enhance family planning. UNFPA aims to streng...
UNFPA, (2017)
निर्णय पुस्तिकाको प्रयोग: परिवार नियोजनका ग्राहक र सेवा प्रदायकका लागि बुदाहरु: १. पहिलो खण्डको छेउमा भएका फुर्का (side tabs) हरुबाट नयाँ ग्राहकलाई परिवार नियोजनको उपयुक्त साधन छनौट गर्न र पुनः आएका ग्राहकको आवश्यकताहरु पुरा गर्न सहयोग गर्दछ ।सामान्यतया परामर्श सेवा छेउमा भएका कुनै एक फुर्काबाट दिन सकिन्छ । २. साधन खण...
UNFPA, (2014)
National Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan 2015-2021 Nepal is aspiring to graduate from a ‘Least Developed Country’ to a ‘Developing Country’ by 2022 and is committed to improving the health status of its people through reduction in maternal, neonatal, infant and under-five mortality. In the area of Fa...
UNFPA, the Family Health Division/ MoHP, (2014)
बृहत्तर यौनिकता शिक्षा: शिक्षक स्रोत सामग्री धेरैजसो किशोरकिशोरीहरू विद्यालयमा हुने भएकाले किशोरकिशोरीहरू यौनिक व्यवहारका लागि सक्रिय हुनुभन्दा पहिले नै धेरै किशोरकिशोरीहरूलाई बृहत्तर यौनिकता शिक्षा दिनका लागि विद्यालय क्षेत्रले ठूलो अवसर प्रदान गर्दछ । विद्यालयको पाठ्यक्रममा समावेश गरेर र स्वा...
UNFPA, (2018)
Family Planning National Programme Profile The family planning national programme profile provides an overview of some key issues around access to family planning, particularly commodity security. It does not details all interventions needed at country level to provide rights-based access to ...
UNFPA, (2017)
Reproductive health following the devastating earthquake in Nepal, many health facilities were destroyed with supplies and drugs being damaged. with over 1.4 million women and girls of reproductive age affected by the earthquake, meeting reproductive health, (RH) needs ...
UNFPA, (2016)
Status of Reproductive Morbidities in Nepal In recent years,the reproductive and sexual health of women has drawn increasing attentions. High prevalence of reproductive morbidities including sexually transmitted infections are soaring among married women. This research tries to explain and put...
UNFPA, (2006)
Evaluation of the MISP for Reproductive Health Services in Post-earthquake Nepal UNFPA In April and May 2015, two devastating earthquakes hit central Nepal. More than 5 million people were affected, of whom 1.4 million were estimated to be women of reproductive age. More than 90,000 women were estimated to be pregnant, and 10,300 we...
UNFPA, (2016)
Comprehensive Sexuality Education Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) provides a full range of information, life skills and values to enable young people to make informed choices about their health and sexuality. It is rights-based, age appropriate and gender-sensitive education ...
UNFPA, (2016)
DEMOGRAPHIC DIVIDEND UNFPA Too many young people, especially from poor, rural, marginalized, excluded and high-risk groups, are unable to fully participate in society. To prepare for the future leaving no one behind, there is a need to provide the right opportunities and to em...
UNFPA, (2016)
National Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan 2015-2020 The historic people’s movement in 2006 entrenched health as a fundamental human right in Nepal (National Development Plan, 2007/2008–2010/2011), but the country has long since recognized the benefits of scaling up Family Planning (FP). This can b...
UNFPA, (2015)
National Reproductive Health Commodity Security Strategy- 2015 Nepal is a co-signatory to the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in 1994, and has committed itself to improve the reproductive health status of people throughout the nation. The National Reproductive Health Strategy of N...
UNFPA, (2015)
पुरुष-पूरूषबिच यौन सम्पर्क राख्ने वर्गको याैन सुधारका लागि साथि तथा बाह्वय सेवा सहयोगि शिक्षा वाह्य-सेवा सहयोगी कार्य कर्ता आआप्नो कार्य क्षेत्रभित्र -मुख्यतः आआप्नो सामाजिक संजाल भन्दा बाहिर) का जो खिममा पर्न सक्ने व्यक्तिहरू अर्थात् पुरुष पुरुष बिचमा यौन सर्म्पर्क राख्ने हरुको सर्न्दर्भमा भने एचआइभी संक्रमणको जो खिममा रहेका ती पुरुष पुरुष ब...
UNFPA Country Programme Document for Nepal (2018-2022) This 8th Country Programme Document of UNFPA for Nepal, approved by the Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Population Fund and the United Nations Office for Project Services, will contribute to a transform...
UNFPA, (2017)
Early Marriage in Nepal Web Series Third Episode [YouTube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvUlbXtpRAc&t=1s [Abstract] - The video is the third episode of our web series on early marriage produced on the occasion of International Day of the Girl Child (October 11, 2017) to highlight the issu...
UNFPA, (2017)
50th Anniversary of Family Planning as a Human Right [Youtube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOLQYF2QhNo [Abstract] - 50 years ago, it became official: Family planning is a human right. Yet today, this right is still under attack: unfpa.org/FP50 Throughout human history, efforts to plan, av...
UNFPA, (2018)
Early Marriage in Nepal Web Series First Episode [YouTube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMN_dGH47Jo&t=162s [Abstract] - The video is the first episode of our web series on early marriage produced on the occasion of International Day of the Girl Child (October 11, 2017) to highlight the is...
UNFPA, (2017)
Adolescent contraceptive use DATA FROM THE NEPAL DEMOGRAPHIC AND HEALTH SURVEY (NDHS), 2011 In the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, there are 6.6 million adolescents aged 10–19 years – 23.2% of the country’s total population.i Most adolescents live in rural areas, 83.4% of adolescent girls and 81.6% of adolescent boys. By age 19, the ...
WHO, (2011)