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Information Centre | Nepal
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FAO Animal Production and Health - Livestock Country Reviews Development of Nepal's poultry production could be divided into three distinct periods since its commencement in 1965. The period from 1965 to 1980 was primarily engaged in subsistence production,from 1981 to 2002 the period of commercialization and ...
FAO, (2014)
Livestock and dairy upgrades raise incomes and help Nepal’s food security Nepal’s small-scale dairy sector has improved the quality and safety of milk products all along the food chain, bolstering food security in the mountainous landlocked country. An FAO technical cooperation project trained Nepal’s dairy sector workers ...
FAO, (2013)
Provision of technical Assistance to the Avian Influenza Control Project: UTF/NEP/061/NEP/B June 2008 – July 2011,Final Report With the arrival of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in South Asia in 2006, the threat to Nepal significantly increased, as the country shares a long and porous border with India. In early 2006, the Government of Nepal (GON) ...
FAO, (2008)
Regional ECTAD News Edition 7: May/June 2009 This first HPAI outbreak response simulation exercise in Nepal was conducted in the high-risk district of Kaski to test and evaluate the ability of civil and technical authorities to respond effectively to an outbreak of HPAI. The event was preceded ...
FAO, (2009)
Nepal Buffalo FAO is working to improve food security and livelihoods in Asia and the Pacifics. Extreme weather events take their greatest toll on the most vulnerable groups. FAO and the Musahar people are working together to become more resilient to these events....
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, (2019)
First Regional Field Epidemiology Training Programee For Veterinarians (FETPV) For SAARC Countries Some shortcomings in the ability to rapidly detect, report and respond to Highly Pathogenic Emerging (and re-emerging) Diseases (HPEDs) in the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) region have been demonstrated as a challenge over ...
FAO, (2012)
Regional Workshop On “Strengthening Capacity to Respond to Disease” 26 –28 May 2014, Kathmandu, The Federal Democratic Republic Of Nepal The regional workshop on ‘Strengthening capacity to respond to disease emergencies’ was jointly organized by the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Crisis Man...
FAO, (2014)
Second Regional Field Epidemiology Training Programme For Veterinarians (FETPV) For SAARC Countries SAARC and the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) jointly established the Regional Support Unit (RSU) in Kathmandu, Nepal, financially supported by European Commission (EC) with an overall objective of strengthening and em...
FAO, (2013)
कृषकहरुका लागि हाते-पुस्तिका बाख्रापालन बाख्रापालनमा लागेका वा लाग्न चाहने साना किसान एवं बाख्रापालन प्रवर्द्धन कार्यमा लागेका पशुपालन तथा विकास कार्यकर्ताहरुका लागि सहयोग पुगोस् भनेर यो हाते पुस्तक तयार पारिएको हो। Publisher: GoN, FAO, Government of Spain (ES)...
GoN, FAO, ES, (2012)
Technical Assistance to the Community Livestock Development Project The Community Livestock Development Project (CLDP) was prepared with the participation of the Government and key actors in 2003, taking into account lessons learned in earlier ADB-assisted livestock development projects. ADB approved a loan for the ...
FAO, (2012)
NO PLACE LIKE HOME Discovering entrepreneurship in Khimti, Ramechhap [Youtube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgVcmz-Bq90 [Abstract]- Micro-entrepreneurs of Ramechhap who were involved in Fish farming and Pig Breeding got severely affected by the April 25 Earthquake. In June 2015, UNDP implemented the Rapid Ent...
UNDP, (2017)
Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profiles The small and landlocked Kingdom of Nepal extends from the highest peak in the world to the plains of the Terai. It lies along the slopes of the Himalaya between China and India with a land area of 147 181 km2 being 800 km from east to west, and from...
FAO, (2008)
Livestock Sector Brief - Nepal The livestock sector briefs (LSB) are intended to provide a quick overview and an approximate outlook for the livestock of the respective country using figures and quantitative indicators originating from official sources. the LSBs are complemented ...
FAO, (2005)
Livestock Services And The Poor The analysis in Chapter 1 concludes that livestock can be an indispensable part of the livelihood systems of many poor rural and urban populations in developing countries, that it can play a crucial role in farming systems and that it can decrease th...
IFAD, (2004)
Farmer's Hand Book on Pig Production Farmer's Hand Book on Pig Production For the small holders at village level. Native breeds of pig can be found throughout the country. They are a small body size compared to other exotic and crosses pig types. There name varies from region to region,...
GoN, EC, FAO, (2009)
Development of integrated multipurpose animal recording systems Animal identification and recording serves multiple purposes in a country’s livestock sector. It is a prerequisite to establish and operate any genetic improvement programme. It also contributes to animal traceability and disease control, as well as ...
FAO, (2016)
Market-led Quality Meat Production and Processing The study on 'Market-led Quality Meat Production and Processing in Nepal' is an effort to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the existing meat production and processing system being followed in country. The assessment of polices and legal frame...
FAO, (2010)
Economic analysis of animal Diseases Animal health and economics are closely linked. Any decision taken to prevent, control and eliminate an animal disease is based not only on the technical knowledge available about a particular disease but also on the effectiveness and socio-economic ...
FAO, (2016)