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Arsenic Threat and Irrigation Management in Nepal - Preliminary Findings from the Narayani Irrigation Command Area Nepal requires the management of medium to large irrigation systems to be modernized. Low water use efficiency, low level of collection of irrigation service fees, deteriorating stage of basic infrastructure of many agency managed irrigation systems,...
FAO, (2004)
Crop Situation Update - A joint assessment of 2011 summer crops and outlook of 2011/12 winter crops Crop situation update is prepared by a joint mission of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MoAC), the World Food Program (WFP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The update is prepared twice a year (for summer as w...
WFP, FAO, MOAC, (2012)
Nepal plants olive orchards to boost farm income Nepal is not a country that comes to mind when shopping for olives or olive oil. But, that may change because of an Italian-funded FAO project that has Nepali farmers growing olives to increase incomes and food security. The project established an in...
FAO, (2013)
Technical Cooperation Programme - Terminal Report of the Project: Combating Citrus Decline Problems in Nepal Citrus is one of the most economically important fruit crops of Nepal which contributes about 37 and 32 percent of total production and area of fruit in Nepal. The existing citrus orchards are predominantly of seedling origin and plants coexist with ...
FAO, (2012)
Shifting Cultivation, Livelihood and Food Security : New and old challenges for indigenous peoples in Asia The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 13 September 2007, which was drafted with the active participation of indigenous peoples. Since then, the importance of the role that indigen...
FAO, AIPP, IWGIA, (2015)
Country Report on The State of the Nepal’s Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture Nepal is richly endowed with numerous agricultural crops and plants. The variation in temporal, altitudinal, topographical and aspects has made agricultural such biodiversity possible (Shrestha, 2007). Hence, Nepal is a safe heaven on earth for many ...
FAO, (2008)
Save And Grow In Practice Maize, Rice, Wheat: A Guide To Sustainable Cereal Production This new book looks at the application of ‘Save and Grow’ practices and technologies to the production of the world’s key food security crops – maize, rice and wheat. With examples drawn from developing countries around the world, it shows how eco-fr...
FAO, (2015)
Save And Grow In Practice: Maize · Rice · Wheat- A Guide To Sustainable Cereal Production By 2050, world annual demand for maize, rice and wheat is expected to reach some 3.3 billion tonnes, or 800 million tonnes more than 2014’s record combined harvest. Much of the increase in production will need to come from existing farmland. But one-...
FAO, (2016)
Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) And Participatory Plant Breeding (PPB) In Rice, India And Nepal Drought resistance in rice is physiologically and genetically complex, and there are a number of traits which are thought to contribute to drought resistance mechanisms. Drought-related traits are influenced by several or many genetic loci. Molecular...
TECA/FAO, (2016)
Participatory Varietal Selection: Short Duration legume Crops For Rainfed Rabi In India and Nepal Rice fallows offer a significant potential for legume cultivation in South Asia. A pilot study showed how a combination of short-duration crops, early sowing, minimal tillage and seed priming was effective in enabling farmers to grow a rainfed rabi c...
FAO, (2016)
Crop And Food Security Update-Summer Crop Nepal 2009/2010 Late start of the monsoon season and irregular distribution of rain caused a reduction in the 2009/2010 summer crop production across the country. Paddy production was down to 4.02 million MT and maize was 1.86 million MT. reduction of 11 percent and...
GON, WFP, (2010)
Improved Pit Storage Method For Ginger Rhizomes In Nepal Farmers in the Mahintada village, in the Surkhet District cultivate ginger as a major income generating cash crop to be used as food or medicine. Ginger rhizomes selected for seed purposes are stored in pits to be used in the next season. It has been...
TECA/FAO, (2016)
Participatory approaches: Client-oriented Breeding Of Rice For The Terai and Low Hills Of Nepal The high potential rice production systems have diverse biophysical and socio-economic environments, but there is a lack of rice varieties matching this diversity. A number of advanced breeding lines have recently been developed to match these produc...
FAO, TECA, (2016)
Swapping Crops [YouTube] For millennia the people of southern Nepal have grown rice - in a country where the grain is a symbol of worship, other crops are considered unworthy. But monsoon rains, which rice cultivation so desperately depends on, have become increasingly errat...
A Report On CRAFT Implementation For In-Season Wheat Yield Forecasting (Winter 2014/15) In Nepal Crop yield forecasting refers to the prediction of crop yield or production prior to harvesting. Reliable, timely and accurate crop yield forecasts can provide crucial information for food security planning, particularly in the context of climate var...
GoN, WFP, CGIAR, CCAFS, (2015)
Crop Situation Update Highlights: 1. The production of wheat and barley is estimated at 1.9 million mt, and 37 thousand mt respectively. This is an increase in production of 2 percent and 6 percent respectively compared to 2011/12 winter season. The Central Development ...
GoN, FAO, WFP, (2013)
Crop Situation Update - Issue 7 (December 2007) This update reflects the situation on the recent harvest of summer crop (paddy, maize and millet) in 38 districts covered by the field surveillance of the WFP’s Food Security Monitoring and Analysis System (FSMAS). Various reports and estimates from...
WFP, (2007)
Crop Situation Update, Issue No. 8 ( April 2008) Highlights: 1. Communities in the Hills and Mountains of the Far- and Mid- Western Development Regions face a serious threat to food insecurity due to poor winter crop production (20-40 percent crop loss). This, coupled with rising food prices and h...
WFP, (2008)
Crop Situation Update, Issue No. 9 ( February 2009) Highlights: 1. According to a rapid WFP survey, more than 70% of surveyed 247 farmers in 20 districts expect a poor to very poor winter crop production due to lack of rainfall. 2. In 2008, the paddy production was at a record level with an estimate...
WFP, (2009)
Crop Situation Update, Issue No. 6 ( July 2007) At the request of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of Nepal (MoAC), a joint FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission (CFSAM) was conducted from 20 March to 8 April 2007. The overall objective of the assessment was to develop an un...
WFP, (2007)
Crop Situation Update - Issue 6 (July 2007) At the request of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of Nepal (MoAC), a joint FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission (CFSAM) was conducted from 20 March to 8 April 2007. The overall objective of the assessment was to develop an und...
WFP, (2007)
Crop Situation Update, Issue No. 5 ( March 2007) Following the WFP supported National Crop and Food Security Assessment conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives (MoAC) in November 2006, a joint FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment (CSFAM) is currently ongoing (from 19 March -6 ...
WFP, (2005)
South Asia Regional Workshop on Contingency Planning for Management of Wheat Rust Diseases Wheat rust diseases threaten wheat crops in South Asia as well as in other important wheat producing regions. The global wheat rust disease programme of FAO foresees the strengthening of the work on management of wheat rust diseases in South Asia as ...
FAO, (2012)
A Report on In-season Paddy Yield Forecasting (Summer 2015) using CRAFT in Nepal Crop yield forecasting refers to the prediction of crop yield or production prior to harvesting. Reliable, timely and accurate crop yield forecasts can provide crucial information for food security planning, particularly in the context of climate var...
GoN, CCAFS, WFP, (2015)
Final Project Evaluation - The Dhaulagiri Irrigation Development Project - Main Report (May 1996) DIDP started as a typical single-sector project which has grown gradually resulting finally in a multi-sectoral project by adding other irrigation-related components. This way of implementation is much preferable to an integrated approach. Which ofte...
ILO, (1996)
Crop Situation Update January 2007 Issue 4 For the third consecutive year, drought conditions have severely affected agricultural crop production in Nepal. Following signs of early paddy crop failure and reports about farmer’s inability to start planting, especially in the Eastern Terai, the ...
WFP, (2007)
CONTRACT FARMING IN NEPAL (Introducing pay as you go water access) According to the Department of Customs, Nepal imported farm products worth Rs215.50 billion in the last fiscal year, up 10% year on year1. This new finding came as a huge surprise to most people as Nepal is a country primarily driven by the agricultu...
UNCDF, (2018)
Crop Situation Update: A joint assessment of 2014/15 Winter Crops Highlights: 1. The Crop Situation Update is published twice a year by the Ministry of Agricultural Development (MoAD), the World Food Programme (WFP), and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). It is one component of the Nepal food security mo...
GoN, FAO, WFP , EU, (2014)
Crop Situation Update - Joint Assessment Mission of 2013 Summer Crops and Outlook of 2013/14 Winter Crops Growing condition for summer crops were favorable in 2013: average rainfall July- September was the largest in the last five years and supply of fertilizer by Agricultural Inputs Company Limited (AICL) improved dramatically compared to last year. Hen...
GoN, FAO, WFP, (2013)
The spillover effects of seed producer groups on non-member farmers in mid-hill communities of Nepal Rice farmers in the mid-hills region of Nepal are vulnerable to drought, which can drastically reduce yields. Stress-tolerant rice varieties (STRVs) can mitigate this vulnerability, as can having a high seed replacement rate and using best management...
IFAD, (2020)
The right to practice shifting cultivation as a traditional occupation in Nepal : A case study to apply ILO Conventions Nos. 111 (Employment and Occupation) and 169 (Indigenous and Tribal Peoples) Many indigenous peoples (or nationalities) in Nepal practice shifting cultivation; it is their traditional occupation and part of their cultural identity. It is an integrated farming system, locally known as khoriya or basme, and considered by many a...
ILO, (2008)
Crop Situation Update - August 2006, Issue 1 Paddy is the main cereal crop in Nepal, followed by wheat, maize, millet, and barley. 46% of the total of 3.35 million hectares of cultivated land, i.e. 1.54 million hectares, is covered by paddy. The summer crop production figures during past ...
WFP, (2006)
Crop Situation Update - October 2006, Issue 3 As reported in the previous Crop Situation Updates, the drought has had a profound impact on the production levels of the main summer crops. To verify some of the earlier findings with regard to crop losses (especially paddy) and the consequent food ...
WFP, (2006)
Crop Situation Update-September 2006, issue 2 The period from August to September marks the growing and early harvesting period for paddy and maize. The crop situation update provides a brief overview on the current crop situation and outlook for these main crops, particularly in the 32 distric...
WFP, (2006)
Emergency Alert - 5 (April 2009) Highlights: 1. Estimated winter crop losses are between 30 percent to 70 percent. 2. Rising prices and crop failure have resulted in a significant increase in household food insecurity. 3. 30 percent of rural households throughout the country are ...
WFP, (2009)
Crop Situation Update A Joint Mission of 2012 Summer Crops and Outlook of 2012/13 Winter Crops Highlights: 1. The 2012/13 summer cereal crop output is estimated at 6.8 million metric tons (mt) with 4.5 million mt of paddy, 2.0 million mt of maize and 0.3 million mt of millet. This represents a reduction of 10.0 percent overall, with 11.0, 8.0...
GoN, FAO, WFP, (2013)
Zero/Minimum Tillage In Rice-Wheat System In Nepal Growing of rice and wheat in sequence in Nepal is common, it constitutes the major cropping system in the Terai region of Nepal. The average yields of rice rarely exceed 3 t ha-1 and wheat yields invariably remain within 1?2 t ha-1. These yields are ...
FAO, (2016)
World Fertilizer Trends and Outlook to 2019 The World fertilizer trends and outlook to 2019 is the latest in a series of annual reports that result from meetings of FAO Plant Production and Protection (AGP) and Statistics (ESS) Divisions, and the Fertilizer Organization Working Group, in which...
FAO, (2016)
Nepal Improved Seeds For Farmers Programme - Supervision Report The Improved Seeds for Farmers Programme (ISFP) was approved by the IFAD Executive Board on 15 September 2012 for a Loan and a Grant of USD 19.5 million equivalent both. The total programme cost is 59.7 million, with Heifer International’s financing ...
IFAD, (2014)
Strengthening Of Community Seed Production Groups (CSPG) In Nepal The seed replacement rate in Nepal is very low and this should be increased to at least 25-33% from the current level of 4.7% in the country. Farmers have been growing deteriorated seeds of crop varieties for many years without replacement. Farmers p...
FAO, (2016)
Tunnel Farming For Off-Season Vegetable Cultivation In Nepal Nepal ranks among the most vulnerable countries to extreme climate events. In general, rural areas where the population heavily depends on agriculture are the most vulnerable. High temperature during summer months and foggy weather combined with prol...
FAO, (2016)