United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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A Study Report on Organisation, Negotiation and Contracting: Case Study of West Gandak and Marchawar Lift Irrigation Systems Nepal (February 2002) The ILO has been promoting “people’s participation” since the mid-1970s, particularly in the framework of the basic needs approach developed under the World Employment Programme. Participation of local communities in decisions of direct interest to t...
ILO, (2002)
Farmer Field Schools On Integrated Plant Nutrient Systems There are different ways of carrying out agricultural extension. Farmer field schools represent a participatory approach that directly reaches farmers and addresses their day-to-day problems. The concept of farmer field schools builds on the belief t...
TECA/FAO, (2016)
Nepal: High Value Agriculture Project In Hill And Mountain Areas (Project Design Document) The project has been designed within the context of the IFAD Country Strategic Opportunities Programme 2007-2012 and responds directly to key government policy initiatives as expressed in its Poverty Reduction Strategy, which is also its Tenth Plan. ...
IFAD, (2009)
Agricultural Technology For Development ( Seventieth session ) Agriculture in a broad sense, comprising crops, livestock, fisheries and forest products, presents both a major challenge and a potential solution in terms of sustainable development. Land degradation and soil health, scarcity of and competition for ...
UN, (2015)
Policy Brief Civil Society collaboration in measuring impact of adaptation investments: the case of agriculture in Nepal Nepal’s experience in collaborative research has led to a better understanding of how government systems and processes combined with the potential of CSOs for evaluating the effectiveness of climate investments can help planners in taking necessary s...
Gov., (2019)
Field Activities: Ginger project (23 March 2015, Jhapa) Dr Somsak Pipoppinyo, FOA Representative, visited Ginger Competitiveness Project sites in the districts of Jhapa, Ilam and Panchthar. He was accompanied by Assistant FOA Representative Dr Binod Saha, Programme Officer Arjun Singh Thapa, FAO Nepal an...
FAO, (2015)
Document of the International Fund for Agricultural Development, Evaluation of IFAD’s Capacity as Promoter of Replicable Innovations in Cooperation with other Partners Understanding at Completion Point and Executive Summary This volume contains the Understanding at Completion Point of this evaluation as well as its Summary Report discussed in the Evaluation Committee of 18 February 2002. The Main Reports of the evaluation (Phase I and Phase II) are available on request ...
IFAD, (2002)