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Information Centre | Nepal
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Project Information Sheet Catalytic Support on Land Issues A decade-long conflict in Nepal ended in November 2006 with the signing of a Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) between the Maoists and the Government of Nepal. Despite the political and democratic progress since the end of the conflict, Nepal conti...
FINAL REPORT OF PARTICIPATORY LAND USE PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT - Participatory Land Use Planning and Implementation in Designated districts: Surkhet, Nawalparasi, and Morang (Project No.: PROJ/UNH/CSLIP/NEP/2014-01) AOC14-007/ (D375) The project “Participatory Land Use Planning and Implementation in Designated Districts: Surkhet, Nawalparasi and Morang” is first exercise in the area of participatory land use planning in Nepal. It was initiated in March 26, 2014 and was completed ...
Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) Country Level Engagement in Nepal - Securing Land and Property Rights For All Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) is alliance of more than 77 national, international, governmental, non-governmental and academic institution hosted by UN-Habitat with the motto of securing land and property rights for all. After the devastating earth...
Conserving Wetlands Nepal’s wetlands house a wealth of plant and animal biodiversity and are an important resource for the livelihoods of surrounding communities. However, many of these wetlands, and particularly those in the heavily populated southern Terai plains, are...
CSUWN/ UNDP, (2011)
Catalytic Support on Land Issues Land issues have existed for centuries and are deeply entrenched in the Nepalese society and linked to the structures of feudal land ownership and informal land tenure. Land issues are recognized as one of the root causes of the 10-year conflict. If ...
स्थलगत बुलेटिन नवलपरासी र रुपन्देहीमा असूरक्षित भूस्वामित्व भूमिको असमान बितरण, नेपालमा गरिबी निवारण तथा कृषि बिकासमा अड्चन पैदा गर्ने एउटा कारक तत्व हो । नेपालको बिस्तृत शान्ति सम्झोतामा असमान भुमि बितरण लाई दन्दको मूल कारणका रुपमा मानिएको छ । तेसै गरि नेपालका विकास साझेदारहरुले पनि एस बिसयको महत्वलाई येसर...
UNRCHC, (2011)
Catalytic Support On Land Issues In Nepal Despite the political and democratic progress since the end of the armed conflict between the Maoists and the Government in 2006, Nepal continues to face multiple land issues and land related disputes. Many of these are deeply entrenched in Nepales...
IOM, (2015)
स्थलगत बुलेटिन स्थलगत बुलेटिन जग्गा कब्जा सम्बन्धि भ्रम र वास्तविकताहरु; पुर्र्वका जिल्लाहरुबाट पाप्त केहि घटना यस स्थलगत बुलेटिन जग्गा कब्जा सम्बन्धि भ्रम र वास्तविकताहरु; पुर्र्वका जिल्लाहरुबाट पाप्त केहि घटना यतिहासिक रुपमा नै नेपालमा भुमि कांगेसको पहिलो निर्वाचन सरकारले सन् १९५९ मा भुमिहित तथा पीछडीएका किसानहरुका माझमा आफनो समथनलाई बडाउनका लागि भूमिसुधार...
UNRCHC, (2011)
Sustainable Development in the 21st Century: Sustainable Land Use for the 21st Century Recent trends on global demand for food and bioenergy change – which are closely linked to food and energy price spikes and volatility – have raised concerns on the impact of LUCC change on biodiversity and other environmental impacts. Additionally, ...
UN, (2012)
Land Tenure Security and Poverty Reduction ( March 2015) Land is fundamental to the lives of poor rural people. It is a source of food, shelter, income and social identity. Secure access to land reduces vulnerability to hunger and poverty. But for many of the world’s poor rural people in developing countri...
IFAD, (2015)
Locally Present Land Tenure Typology in Nepal Land is not only the natural resource generating economically productive base for its inhabitants but also one of the fundamental sources of culture, social relations, political power, identity and belongingness for the human society. Therefore, land...
BIOGAS TECHNOLOGY: A TRAINING MANUAL FOR EXTENSION The aims of this study were to determine the current status and key issues of the forestry sector, identify driving forces which will impact forest and forestry of Nepal, develop probable scenarios for the future and insight on Nepal’s forest and for...
FAO, (2009)
Scaling Up Results In Land Tenure Security Equitable access to land and tenure security for IFAD’s target groups are essential for rural development and poverty eradication. Tenure security influences the extent to which farmers are prepared to invest in improvements in production and land ma...
IFAD, (2015)