Maya Fact Sheet # 3 Cycling in Kathmandu Valley - Pedal Power for Equity and Sustainability
Rapid increase in motorization, particularly in developing countries, has huge economic, environmental, social and health cost from increasing traffic Congestion, road fatalities, air pollution and carbon emissions. In this Context, cycling offers an... CANN, UN HABITAT, (2013)
Maya Fact Sheet # 5 - Air Quality Status and Management in Kathmandu Valley
Air pollution has become a serious environmental concern and a public health risk in Kathmandu Valley. Studies show that the concentration of particulate matter less than 10 microns (PM 10) in the Valley’s ambient air is already several times higher ... CANN, UN HABITAT, (2014)
Study Shows Significant Impact Of Industrial Development In BhairahawaLumbini Road In Lumbini
The industries in the Bhairahawa-Lumbini road, the area along the highway
between Bhairahawa and Lumbini in Nepal’s Rupandehi District, have a major
impact on water, soil, air, flora and fauna, health and heritage of Lumbini, the birthplace of Budd... UNESCO, (2013)
WHO voxpop Pollution [YouTube]
[Source URL]-
[Abstract] - The role towards controlling the day to day increasing pollution
[Video Quality] - 480p
[Video Location] - Nepal
[Content Rating] - [G]
[Duration] - 1:40
0:1... WHO, (2018)
Nepal: Environmentally Sound Management of POPs Pesticides and Disposal of PCBs
This report presents the Mid‐term Evaluation (MTE) of the UNIDO project entitled “Nepal:Environmentally Sound Management of POPs Pesticides and Disposal of PCBs"
... UN, (2013)
Improved Cookstoves with Loan Facility - Nepal Animation : Youtube
Abstraction: The upfront cost of the renewable energy technology like improved cookstove is one of the major barriers for the low-income households to install the system. Credit facility makes it easier for such households to install the system and p... UNCDF, (2018)
Independent terminal evaluation:NEPAL
Environmentally sound management and disposal of PCBs
The main purpose of this terminal evaluation was to assess the performance of
the project (in terms of relevance, effectiveness and efficiency), and determine its impacts (actual and potential) including their sustainability and to propose a set of ... UN, (2015)