Ecosystem Based Adaption in Mountain Ecosystems in Nepal
The Ecosystem based adaption in mountain ecosystem project is a global project aiming to strengthen the capacities of countries that are vulnerable to impacts of climate by helping them adapt and dulld resilient ecosystems and efficient use of its se... UNDP, (2016)
Ecosystem based adaptation - A case from Panchase [YouTube]
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[Abstract] - In 2014 (2070) heavy rainfall during the monsoon season resulted in a massive landslide in Saunepani. The landslide caused massive destruction to the farm of local resident Bir... UNDP, (2018)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Wetlands in Nepal
The project will build capacity and legal and policy frameworks for an ecosystem approach to wetland conservation and sustainable use. The project will ensure that national policies and planning frameworks identity and protect wetlands of global biod... UNDP, (2011)
Landscape Level Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal's Western Terai Complex
The project is designed to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in the western part of Nepal’s Terai Arc Landscape by establishing effective management systems and building capacity for the conservation and sustainable us... UNDP, (2012)
The Ecosystem based Adaptation (EbA) in mountain ecosystems project is a global project aiming to strengthen the capacities of countries that are vulnerable to impacts of climate change by helping them adapt and build resilient ecosystems and efficie... UNDP, (2015)
Newsletter Simsar: Brief Introduction of a Wetland Site- Vol 2 (Dec 2008)
The devastating flood due to the breach of Koshi spur on 18 August, 2008 has resulted into a large scale damage to human and property loss. The flood has impacted a large section of the Koshi-Tappu Wildlife Reserve (KTWR) in the eastern side and its ... GoN, IUCN, UNDP, CSUWN, (2008)
Newsletter Simsar: News in Brief- Vol 3 (April 2009)
CSUWN teamed together with DNPWC & other conservation partners to mark the World Wetland Day (WWD) on Feb 02, 2009. On this occasion, a billboard depicting the theme Upstream-Downstream: Wetlands connect us all was inaugurated by Mr. Surya Prasad Jo... GoN, UNDP, (2009)
Newsletter Simsar: Brief Introduction of a Wetland Site - Issue 1, Vol 1 (July 2008)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Wetlands in Nepal (CSUWN) is a joint undertaking of the Government of Nepal/Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation (MFSC), Global Environment Facility (GEF), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and IUCN ... GoN, IUCN, UNDP, GEF, (2008)
Community Based Landslide Treatment in Nepal
Frequent landslides in mid-hill districts have caused damage to productive land at the lower basin and affected human settlements and agriculture activities both upstream and downstream. Extensive areas of productive land were left fallow because of ... FAO, (2013)
Land Seizure in three Mid Western Tarai Districts - Issue No. 26
Land ownership patterns and its inequities are recognized as one of root causes of the decade long armed conflict in Nepal, a period when large plots of public and private land as well as properties were seized by mainly Maoists. Leading Maoists note... UNRCHCO, (2011)
UNDP Support to the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 15: Protect, Restore and Promote Sustainable Use of Terrestrial Ecosystems
Efforts to eradicate poverty, reduce inequalities and advance inclusive growth are directly linked to how we manage our planet’s terrestrial ecosystems and the goods and services that they provide. Terrestrial ecosystems– the different landscapes tha... UNDP, (2016)
The Koshi River Basin: Reducing Flood Risk
The Kosi River has a demonstrated history of changing river paths, making it a complicated and dynamic river to address flood risks. In October 2011, the World Bank undertook a rapid assessment of the 15 Kilometre section of the eastern Kosi embankme... UNDP, (2012)
Ecosystem Based Adaptation in
Mountain Ecosystems in Nepal
Project Completion Report
The project was funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) - through its International Climate Initiative - and jointly implemented by the International Union for the Conservation of Natur... UNDP, (2016)
Nepal Biodiversity Resource Book Protected Areas, Ramsar Sites, and World Heritage Sites
UNEP’s mission is to provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations. Acting as a ca... GoN, ICIMOD, UNEP/UNDP, (2007)