Nepal Peace Trust Fund: Fund Released vs Fund Distributed (as of June 2008)
This map is prepared based on the data received from Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction (MoPR), Nepal Peace Trust Fund, Third Quarterly Progress Report for the period of 15 January – 15 May 2008. The bar-charts of each district reflect the funds re... UNOCHA, (2008)
Nepal Peace Trust Fund: Registered IDP by District of Origin (as of June 2008)
This map is prepared based on the data received from Ministery of Peace and Reconstruction (MoPR), Nepal Peace Trust Fund, Third Quarterly Progress Report for the period of 15 January – 15 May 2008. The background shading of each district represents ... UNOCHA, (2008)
Country Programme Action Plan 2018-2022
The Basic Cooperation Agreement (BCA) concluded between the Government and UNICEF on 21 February 1996 provides the basis of the relationship between the Government and UNICEF. This CPAP for the period of 2018 to 2022 is to be interpreted and implemen... GON, UNICEF, (2018)
The Use Of Remittances And Financial Inclusion
There is a direct correlation between financial exclusion and poverty. An estimated two billion or 38 per cent of working-age adults globally have no access to financial services delivered by regulated financial institutions, with 73 per cent of poor... IFAD, WB, (2015)
Project Overview 2010 and 2011 - Nepal Rastra Bank Enhancing Access to Financial Services (EAFS) Project
Nepal has three decades of experience in micro finance. Micro finance programmes contribute to poverty alleviation, and have been implemented throughout the country. The Government of Nepal recognizes micro finance as a particularly effective develop... EAFS/UNDP, (2011)
Decentralized Financing and Development Programme NEP/99/C01
United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) provides financial and technical resources to support development activities in the least developed countries (LDCs). UNCDF has worked in Nepal since 1975 and Nepal is one of its 15 concentration countr... UNCDF, GoN, (2002)
Donor Transparency Initiative for Aid Effectiveness
The Paris Declaration of 2005 and the Accra Agenda for Action, 2008 are the current agenda of the international donor community on making aid more effective (Box 1). The successful implementation of this agenda will decrease transaction costs, increa... UNDP, UNICEF, (2011)
Invitation for Project Proposals from NGOs and CBOs
The Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme of the United Nations Development Programme(UNDP) in Nepal invites project proposals from local NGOs and Community Based Organizations(CBOs) for the Community Development and Knowledge Management... GEF/SGP/UNDP, (2012)
ASHA: Adaptation For Smallholders In Hilly Areas - Final Project Design Report
Building on the successes of previous IFAD assisted projects, both in terms of community development, agriculture production and environmental protection in Nepal, the Adaptation for Smallholders in Hilly Areas (ASHA) Project, with the support of the... IFAD, (2014)
Today, the National Planning Commission and the United Nations Country Team in Nepal published the approved United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for 2013 -2017. The UNDAF lays out a common development strategy for the UN Country T... GoN, UN, (2012)
Government of Nepal
National Planning Commission
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
Capacity Development for Development
Effectiveness Facility for Asia Pacific
Financing climate change development needs, which are increasingly demanding more
financial resources, is as much a challenge as developing both short- as well as long-term programmes for effective climate adaptation and mitigation. Several issues f... GON, UNDP, UNEP, (2011)
युरोपियन युनियन - यूएनएचसीआर प्रेस विज्ञप्ति, युरोपियन युनियनको आर्थिक सहयोगमा निर्मित खानेपानी योजना र प्रहरी चौकीको पूर्वी नेपाल, दमक उदघाटन
झापाको दमक नगरपालिका स्थित युरोपियन युनियनको आर्थिक सहयोगमा निर्माण भएका दुम्से खानेपानी योजना र बेलडाँगी प्रहरी चौकीको मंगलबार भएको छ । दुईटै योजना युरोपियन युनियनले यूएनएचसीआरलाई २०११ देखि २०१४ सम्मकोलागी दिएको २९५०००० यूरो (४०४,८६३,८९३ नेरु) को स... UNHCR, (2014)
Basic Agreement Between His majesty's Government of Nepal and The United Nations Capital Development Fund
The United Nation Capital Development Fund (hereinafter referred to as the "UNCDF") was established by the General Assembly of The United Nations to provide assistance to developing countries in the development of their economics by supplementing exi... HMG, UNCDF, (1984)
Nepal 1100001724: RERP Supervision Report June 2020
The halfway oversight strategic the Supervision Mission of September 2019. RERP has been delegated an issue venture since its first Supervision Mission in December 2017 which presumed that issues in the undertaking were the consequences of huge issue... IFAD, Samriddhi - Rural Enterprises and Remittances Project, (2020)