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अनमिन प्रेस विज्ञप्ति (चैत्र २७, २०६३ ) नेपाली सेनाको हतियारको दर्ता र भण्डारण कार्य शुरु नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघीय मिसनले आज नेपाली सेनाको हतियारहरुको दर्ता र भण्डारण कार्य छाउनी ब्यारेक काठमाडौमा शुरु गरेको छ । दर्ता एवं भण्डारण प्रकृयामा ३ दिन भन्दा बढी समय लाग्ने देखिन्छ । नेपाली सेनाले करीब ८५० वटा हतियार राष्ट्रसंघीय मिसन टिम...
UNMIN, (2007)
प्रेस विज्ञप्ति: अनमिनले नेपाली सेनाका हातहतियारको दर्ता र भण्डारण कार्य सकेको छ (चैत्र २९, २०६३) हतियार तथा सेना व्यवस्थापन अनुगमन सम्बन्धि सम्झौता (एएमएमएए) अनुसार नेपाल स्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघीय मिसनले नेपाली सेनाका हातहतियारहरुको दर्ता र भण्डारणको तीन दिने प्रकृया आज छाउनी व्यारेक काठमाडौमा समापन गरेको छ । यस कार्यले नेपाली सेनाको हातहतियारक...
UNMIN, (2007)
प्रेस विज्ञप्ति: पश्चिम नेपालमा हातहतियारको दर्ता र भण्डारण कार्य समाप्त (२७ माघ, २०६३) राष्ट्र संघीय अनुगमनकर्ताहरु द्वारा नेपालको पश्चिम भागको हातहतियार भण्डारण र दर्ताको काम समाप्त भएको छ । या कुरा नेपालस्थित महा–सचिवका विशेष प्रतिनिधि ईयान मार्टिनले शुक्रवार आफ्नो कैलाली र सुर्खेतस्थित जनमुक्ति सेनाका शिविरस्थलहरुको भ्रमण पछि पुष्टि...
UNMIN, (2007)
OHCHR-Nepal Calls for an End to Violence by All Sides in Chitwan protests OHCHR-Nepal is extremely concerned about the use of live ammunition by police. One person was reportedly killed and several others injured, three critically, after police fired live ammunition in Tandi of Ratnanagar Municipality, Chitwan District, on...
OHCHR, (2009)
Refugee Management UNHCR's main objectives in Nepal were to support the Government, in identifying and implementing durable solutions for Bhutanese refugees, with a focus on re-registration of camp populations, re-settlement of refugees and issuance of basic documents;...
UNHCR, (2006)
संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघिका महासचिवको सन्देश माइनसम्बन्धि सचेतना तथा माइन एक्सनमा सहयोगका लागि अन्तराष्ट्रीय दिवस बारुदि सुरुङहरु भ​एका कम्तिमा पनि ६८ वाटा प्राभावित राष्ट्रका लाखाै महिला,पुरुष तथा बालबालिकाहरु आफ्नो ज्यान जाला,अङ्भङ्ग होला या रोजिरोटी खोसियला भन्ने डरमा बाचिरहेका छन​। सुरक्षित साथ हिडेर काम गर्न वा पढ्न जाने, गाईवस्तु चाराउने र बजार जाने उनिहरु...
UN, (2008)
UNMIN Factsheet 2 - Monitoring the Management of Arms and Armed Personnel UNMIN’s mandate for the monitoring of arms and armed personnel of the Nepal Army and the Maoist army reflects the requests and commitments of the then Seven-Party Alliance Government and the CPN (Maoist) in three key peace process documents; their re...
UNMIN, (2006)
Homemade Bomb Thrown Inside Compound Of OHCHR-Nepal Office In Nepalgunj Improvised explosive device IED was thrown into the compound of OHCHR nepal regional Office in nepalgunj on 13 February at about 8:10 pm. no OHCHR staff was in the building at the time of the explosion, which caused no material damage. Shortly after ...
UNHR, (2009)
New Victim-Activated Explosions Nepal This surveillance system relies on media reportsas its primary source of information, whereas the ‘Victim Information System’ about explosions which will be led by Informal Sector Service Centre (INSEC) from March 2006 relies on information from vict...
UNICEF, (2006)
UNSCR 1325 AND FEMALE EX-COMBATANTS - CASE STUDY OF THE MAOIST WOMEN OF NEPAL The situation of women combatants and the roles they can play in conflict transformation and peace building is an area which has received minimal attention in the women, peace and security (WPS) agenda over the past 15 years. This is despite consiste...
UNWOMEN, (2015)
RSG Karin Landgren's Interview on Kantipur TV Just over a week ago, the United Nations Security Council extended the mandate of the United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) by four months. That means UNMIN will remain with us till 15th of September. This is the 6th time UNMIN's term has been exte...
UNMIN, (2010)
नेपाल माओवादि सेनाको शिविरहरुबाट नाबालिगहरुको बिदाईलाई अन्तिम रुप दिन बालबालिका तथा सशस्त्र द्वोन्द्वसम्बन्धि महासचिवका बिशेष प्रतिनिधिले नेपाल भर्मण गर्ने भ्रमणको मुख्य उद्देश्य सन २००७ मा संयुक्त राष्ट्रसघको अगुवाईमा सम्पन्न प्रमाणीकरण प्रक्रियामा नाबालिगका रुपमा प्रमाणीत माओवादी सेनाका करिव ३००० जना सदस्यको बिदाइको प्रगतिको सुनिश्चितता गर्नु हो। प्रमाणीकरण प्रक्रिया सम्पन्न भ​एलगतै ती सबै बालबालिकाहर...
UNRCO, (2009)
Return And Reintegration Of Children Associated With Armed Forces And Armed Groups: Global Lessons Learned and Challenges In Nepal Highlights: 1. CAAFAG is any person under 18 years of age who is part of any kind of regular or irregular armed force or armed group of any nationality who is used in any capacity, including but not limited to those who bear arms / combatants as wel...
UNICEF, (2006)
News Flash: Awareness Raising Workshop for Decision-makers and Sharing Best Practices for Implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention in Nepal from 9-10 June 2014 The second national workshop on the implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) will be held in Kathmandu, Nepal 9-10 June. The workshop is part of an assistance programme for Nepal and is organised by the United Nations Office for Disa...
Peace and Disarmament Education Survey 2014 This report serves as a baseline study for UNRCPD’s peace and disarmament education (PDE) project and identifies further needs that can be addressed by the programme in the future. During May and June 2014, UNRCPD, together with the Comparative Educa...
UNRCPD, (2014)
प्रेस वक्तव्य: हतियार अनुगमनकारी व्यवस्थाको निरन्तरतासम्बन्धी सहमति भ​एकोमा अन्मिनद्वारा स्वागत आज मध्यरातमा अन्मिन बन्द भ​एपछि हतियार तथा सेनाको अनुगमनलाई निरन्तरता दिने सम्बन्धमा नेपाल सरकार तथा एकिकृत कम्युनिष्ट पार्टी(माओवादि) बीच हिजो राति सहमति भ​एकोमा नेपालका लगि महासचिवका प्रतिनिधि करिन लनग्रेनले स्वागत गर्नुभ​एको छ। संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघ...
UNMIN, (2011)
Press Release: United Nations, Government of Nepal and UCPN-M sign action plan for discharge of Minors Disqualified from the Maoist Army The UCPN-M has been listed as a party to conflict recruiting and using children in five Annual Reports of the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict. The party needs to fully comply with the Action Plan in order to be removed from this list...
News Letter: Opportunities and Challenges on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation - International Conference in Korea The 13th Republic of Korea-United Nations Joint Conference on Disarmament and Non-proliferation Issues provided a good opportunity to discuss a variety of issues related to the implementation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), and thus, b...
UNRCPD, (2015)
अन्मिन विवरणिका ६ (माईन एक्सन) माइन एक्सन भन्नाले बारुदी सुरुङ मात्र नभइ सकेट बम जस्ता घरेलु विष्फोटक उपकरण र अन्य विष्फोटनशील पदार्थलाई समेत सम्झनु पर्दछ। माइन एक्सनका पाँच कार्यक्षेत्रहरु छ्नः १ विष्फोटकलाई हटाउने २ माइन जोखिम शिक्षा ३ पैरवी ४ विष्फोटकको थुप्रोलाई ५ पीडितहर...
UNMIN, (2007)
Press Conference by Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Nepal The United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) was expected to remain in the South Asian monarchy-turned-republic for a further six months, as major political parties struggled to form a unified Government after almost a decade of civil war, Ian Martin,...
UN, (2008)
Press Release 73rd Meeting of Joint Monitoring Coordination Committee Participants at the meeting, including representatives of the Nepal Army and the Maoist army, discussed the reports connected to the killing of Ram Hari Shrestha. JMCC chairman General Wilhelmsen shared the results of the preliminary inquiry conducte...
UNMIN, (2008)
PRESS RELEASE: Nepalese Army and UN Mine Action Team Recommence Demining The mines in Jaalbhanjyang were originally laid on a steep hillside by the army to protect a strategic telecommunications tower during the decade-long civil war. The minefield has already claimed the life of a 10-year-old boy and injured a deminer. ...
UN, (2008)
Press Release: UNMIN Welcomes Agreement On Follow-on Arms Monitoring Arrangements (15 January, 2011) Representative of the Secretary-General in Nepal Karin Landgren welcomes the agreement reached last night between the Government of Nepal and the Unified Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist on arrangements to continue the monitoring of arms and armies af...
UNMIN, (2011)
Press Release:100th meeting of Joint Monitoring Coordination Committee To commemorate THE 100th meeting of the Joint Monitoring Coordination Committee (JMCC), the Representative of the Secretary-General in Nepal Karin Landgren, addressed the members of the JMCC, paying tribute to their consistent engagement in this crit...
UNMIN, (2009)
Press Statement (Ceasefire code of conduct) The Secretary-General, has written to the Minister of Defence, reiterating UNMIN’s view that any new recruitment by the Nepal Army or the Maoist army would be a breach of the Ceasefire Code of Conduct, the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the Agreem...
UNMIN, (2008)
Secretary General’s Annual Report on Children and Armed Conflict The report covers compliance and progress in ending six grave violations against children by parties to armed conflict: recruitment and use of children,killing and maiming of children, rape and other grave sexual violence, abductions, attacks on scho...
UN, (2009)
Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict: Press Conference in Kathmandu (5 Dec 2008) It is my pleasure to introduce to you Radhika Coomaraswamy, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict. It’s a post that Secretary-General Kofi Annan appointed her to in April 2006 and Secretary-general Ban Ki...
UNMIN, (2008)
अन्मिन​ विवरणिका २ - हतियार र सशस्त्र जवान व्यवस्थापनको अनुगमन नेपाली सेना र माओवादी सेनाका हतियार र सशस्त्र जवान व्यवस्थापनको अनुगमन बारे अन्मिनको कार्यादेश तत्कालीन सातदल गठबन्धनको सरकार र नेकपा (माओवादी) ले शान्ति प्रक्रियाका तीन मुख्य दस्तावेज मार्फत ग​रेको अनुरोध एवं प्रतिबद्धतामा आधारित छ: १. संयक्त राष्ट...
UNMIN, (2006)
UNMIN: Press Release (11 December 2007) In the final week of UNMIN's verification activities in the cantonments, the purpose of the visit is to offer political representatives of the Seven-Party Alliance an opportunity to see for themselves the verification process and to be briefed on tha...
UNMIN, (2007)
UN Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific The UN Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific (UNRCPD) assists countries in the Asia and Pacific region in achieving their peace, security and disarmament goals, through provision of substantive support; coordination of act...
UNRCPD, (2008)
हतियार अनुगमन सम्बन्धि अन्मिनको कार्यादेशका सम्बन्धमा प्रेस विज्ञप्ति (२०१० फेब्रुअरी १६) हातहतियार तथा सेनाको व्यवस्थापनको अनुगमनसम्बन्धि सम्झाैताअन्तर्गत नेपाली सेना र माओवादि सेनाको व्यवस्थापनको दायित्व उनिहरुकै आ-आपनै चेन अफ कमाण्डअन्तर्गत रहन्छ। कुनै पनि सेना शिविर र ब्यारेकको प्रत्यक्ष ब्यवस्थापन गर्न अन्मिनलाई अनुरोध गरिएको छैन। आ-...
UNMIN, (2010)
UNICEF PROGRAMME FOR THE REINTERGATION OF CHILDREN ASSOCIATED WITH ARMED FORCES AND ARMED GROUPS IN NEPAL The Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) between the Communist Party of Nepal – Maoists (CPN-M) and the Government of Nepal (GoN) saw the end of an internal armed Conflict that had played out across Nepal for over a decade. As with most armed conflict...
UNICEF, (2008)
Year in Review 2009: The United Nations Takes on a Range of Tough Global Challenges 2009 was the year in which the world absorbed the full impact of the worst global economic setback since the Great Depression, was startled by the arrival of a novel influenza virus that quickly reached pandemic scale, and was shocked by a crisis in ...
UN, (2009)
New Victim-Activated Explosions Nepal – 2005 Surveillance System Based on Media Reports Providing an ongoing snapshot of the Explosive Device problem in Nepal; Establishing priorities for Mine Action activities: Mine Risk Education, Advocacy and Victim Assistance. This surveillance system relies on media reports as its primary source ...
UNICEF, (2005)
Press Statement (20 July 2007) At today’s meeting between the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary- General (SRSG) Ian Martin and Maoist Chairman Prachanda, each accompanied by political and military colleagues, it was agreed to prepare to resume the second stag...
UNMIN, (2007)
Press Statement: 10 April 2007 Registration and Storage of Nepal Army Weapons Begins Under the Agreement on Monitoring of the Management of Arms and Armies (AMMAA), the Nepal Army agreed to register and safely store under UNMIN monitoring an equivalent number of weapons to those stored by the Maoist army. The number of weapons stored...
UNMIN, (2007)
Press Statement: Ian Martin Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General (16 July 2007) "I want to update you in particular on the two main aspects of UNMIN’s mandated support to the peace process: the monitoring of arms and armed personnel, and electoral support. As you know, the second stage of registration and verification of Maoist ...
UNMIN, (2007)
Press Statement: UNMIN Completes Registration and Storage of Nepal Army Weapons (12 April 2007) The United Nations Mission in Nepal today completed a three-day process of registration and storage of Nepal Army weapons at the Chhauni Barracks in Kathmandu, in accordance with the Agreement on the Monitoring of Management of Arms and Armies (AMMAA...
UNMIN, (2007)
Clearing the Air: Karin landgren UNMIN is in Nepal in support of Nepal’s nationally-driven peace process, with specific tasks related to the monitoring of the management of arms and armies.Intended by the Security Council as a focused mission of limited duration, the Mission is now...
UNMIN, (2010)
Press Statement : Ian Martin Personal Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General We have also seen significant progress in moving forward with the UN monitoring of arms and armies. The full advance contingent of 35 UN monitors is now in Nepal. Monitors have been deployed to operate out of offices in Nepalgunj and Kathmandu,...
UNMIN, (2007)
Press Statement: Arms Registration and Storage Concluded in Western Nepal (10 February 2007) Arms registration and storage by U.N. monitors in the western part of Nepal has now been concluded, confirmed Ian Martin, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Nepal, following a visit Friday to cantonment sites of the PLA in Kailali...
UNMIN, (2007)
Report of the Secretary-General on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict The present fifth report on the protection of civilians in armed conflict is submitted pursuant to the request of the President of the Security Council containedin his statement of 14 December 2004 (S/PRST/2004/46). 2. Five years ago, in April 2000,...
UN, (2005)
Agreement Between the Government Talks Team comprising the Seven Parties and the Federal Republic National Front, Nepal In keeping with the spirit of the movements of the Limbuwan, Khambuwan, Tamangsaling, Tharuhat and Dalit women; ending all forms of discrimination that evolved over a period of 239 years, because of the centralized feudal state, against the aspiratio...
UNMIN, (2008)
Agreement Letter (13 September 2007) The fourth phase of talks between the Talks Team of the Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction and Chure Bhawar Pradesh Ekta Samaj, Nepal was conducted on 13 September 2007 (27 Bhadau 2064) at the Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction in a cordial envir...
UNMIN, (2007)
Agreement on the Management of Arms and Armies In Keeping with letters to the United Nation (UN) Secretary -General of 9 August and the comprehensive peace accord of 21 November 2006.Guaranteeing the fundamental rights of the Nepali people to take part in the constituent assembly election in a fr...
UNMIN, (2006)
Agreement Reached Between the Government Talks Team Comprising Seven Parties and the Federal Limbuwan State Council The feudalist and centralized state authority and unitary state structure has exploited, oppressed and isolated the people of Limbuwan from mainstream. (The Federal Limbuwan Statue Council) has been expressed its dissatisfaction over it. Realizing th...
UNMIN, (2008)
Decisions of the Seven-Party Meeting A meeting of the top leaders of the seven parties was held today, 23 December 2007 (2064 Pus 8) at the Prime Minister’s residence in Baluwatar. Although the parties had differing views on the various topics that were discussed, the following decision...
UNMIN, (2007)
Directives for Supervision, Control, Direction and Code of Conduct for Maoist Army Combatants A Special Committee (SC) for Supervision, Integration and Rehabilitation of Maoist Army Combatants constituted pursuant to Article 146 of Interim Constitution of Nepal,2063,has approved the following directives for supervision, Control, Direction and...
UNMIN, (2010)
Knowledge, Attitude & Practice Survey Improvised Explosive Devices Landmines and Other Explosive Remnants of War Although Nepal has been in a post-conflict situation since April 2006, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), landmines, and other explosive remnants of war (ERW), used by both parties during the decade-long conflict and more recently by other armed gr...
UNICEF, (2008)
Awareness Raising Workshop For Decision-makers And Sharing Best Practices For Implementation Of The Biological Weapons Convention (9-10 June) The second national workshop on the implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) was held in Kathmandu, Nepal 9-10 June. The workshop was part of an assistance programme for Nepal and was organised by the United Nations Office for Disarm...
UNRCPD, (2014)
Workshop On National Implementation Of The Biological Weapons Convention (20-21 February) At the invitation of the Government of Nepal, the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA), through the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific (UNRCPD) and the UNODA-Geneva Branch, with financial...
UNRCPD, (2014)
अन्मिन प्रेस विज्ञप्ति २०६४मंसिर २५ (११ डिसेम्बर २००७) अन्मिनको तत्त्वाबधानमा आज सात दलीय गठबन्धनका प्रतिनिधिहरुले चितवनमा रहेको माओवादी सेनाको शिविरको भ्रमण गर्नु भयो। राजनीतिक दलका प्रतिनिधिहरुमा चक्र वास्तोला (नेपाली कांग्रेस), अमृत बोहरा (नेकपा एमाले), झलनाथ खनाल (नेकपा एमाले), शेखर कोइराला(नेपाली का...
UNMIN, (2007)
Press Statement Ian Martin Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General Nepal is about to enter another crucial week of political discussion and decision-making. I would like to open our interaction by suggesting three areas of action which UNMIN considers are necessary to sustain the peace process. First, maintaining th...
UNMIN, (2007)
Press Statement on UNMIN’s Arms Monitoring Mandate (16 February 2010) Recent media reports have incorrectly attributed responsibilities to UNMIN that go beyond what the parties have asked the Mission to do. UNMIN is guided by the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the Agreement on Monitoring of the Management of Arms a...
UNMIN, (2010)
Report of the Secretary-General on the Request of Nepal for United Nations Assistance in Support of its Peace Process The present report is submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 1879 (2009), by which the Council, following the request of the Government of Nepal and the recommendation of the Secretary-General, renewed the mandate of the United Nations Mis...
UN, (2009)
Secretary-General Declares Nepal Eligible for UN Peace building Fund (28 December 2007) 28 December 2007(New York) Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon declared today that Nepal is eligible to receive assistance from the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund, set up a year ago to help countries emerging from conflict consolidate their gains and av...
UNMIN, (2007)
United Nations Completes Demolition of Explosive Items at Maoist Cantonment Site Kathmandu The United Nations Mine Action Team (UNMAT) today carried out the safe destruction of the last of the explosive items stored at the seven Maoist Cantonment Sites (MCS).The demolition of 65 explosive items held at MCS 6 in Dasharathpur, district of Su...
UN, (2009)
Report of the Secretary-General on the Request of Nepal for United Nations Assistance in Support of its Peace Process (13 July 2009) The present report is submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 1864 (2009), by which the Council, following the request of the Government of Nepal and the recommendation of the Secretary-General, renewed the mandate of the United Nations Mi...
UNMIN, (2009)
Report of the Secretary-General on the Request of Nepal for United Nations Assistance in Support of its Peace Process (2 September 2010) The present report is submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 1921 (2010), by which the Council, following the request of the Government of Nepal and the recommendation of the Secretary-General, renewed the mandate of the United Nations Mi...
UNMIN, (2010)
Report of the Secretary-General on the request of Nepal for United Nations Assistance in Support of its Peace Process (28 April 2010) The present report is submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 1909 (2010), by which the Council, following the request of the Government of Nepal and the recommendation of the Secretary-General, renewed the mandate of the United Nations Mis...
UNMIN, (2010)
Statement attributable to the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General The Secretary-General is deeply saddened at the tragic death of seven members of the United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN), as well as three crew members, in the helicopter crash that occurred in a mountainous area east of Kathmandu on Monday. The ...
UN, (2008)
The Secretary General - Message on the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action The presence of landmines in at least 68 affected countries causes millions of women, men, boys and girls to live in fear of losing their lives, limbs or livelihoods while restricting their freedom to walk safely to work or school, graze livestock an...
UN, (2008)
Report of the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict in Nepal The report indicates that although grave violations of children’s rights have decreased significantly since the signing of the comprehensive ceasefire agreement, violations against children have not ceased. The report notes that substantial numbers o...
UNMIN, (2008)
Nepal Highlights Progress And Challenges on UN MineAction Awareness Day Landmines and other explosive devices have killed or injured 197 Nepalis since the end of the conflict in 2006. these explosions could have been prevented. landmines and other remnants of war such as improvised explosive devices used durin...
UNICEF, (2009)
Adults Must Make Sure That Children Are Not Involved in Rallies The high number of children injured in recent demonstrations in kathmandu and other locations should be a matter of deep concern to all nepalis.organizers of rallies must ensure that children are not being tasked to find missiles, tyres or other impl...
ज्ञान, धारणा र व्यवहार सम्बन्धी अध्ययन घरेलु निर्मित विष्फोटक पदार्थ, बारुदी सुरु· तथा अन्य विष्फोटजन्य अवशेषहरु नेपाल गत २००६ अप्रिलदेखि द्वन्द्व समाप्त भएपछिको अवस्थामा भएता पनि एक दशक लामा द्वन्द्वको समयमा द्वन्द्वरत पक्षबाट प्रयोग भएका र हाल आएर विभिन्न हतियारधारी समूहले प्रयोग गरेका विभिन्न प्रकारका घरेलु निर्मित विष्फोटक पदार्थ, बारुदी सुरुङ्ग तथा अन्य वि...
UNICEF, (2008)
Rehabilitation - Update (UNIRP) This update provides an overview of how the United Nations Inter-agency Rehabilitation Program (UNIRP) has been supporting the Verified Minors and Late Recruits (VMLRs) of the Maoist ex-combatants in their return to civilian life with sustain...
UNIRP/UNDP, (2013)
Rehabilitation - Update UNIRP United Nations Inter-agency Rehabilitation Programme (UNIRP) was established in June 2010 following the signing of the Action plan between the Unified Communist Party of Nepal – Maoist (UCPN-M), the United Nations and the ...
UNIRP/UNDP, (2013)
Socioeconomic Rehabilitaon of Verified Minors and Late Recruits The past two years have seen remarkable changes in the lives of Verified Minors and Late Recruits (VMLRs), following their discharge from the Maoist cantonments in 2010. Many of the VMLRS have started to make a positive impact on the community throug...
UNIRP/UNDP, (2010)
Adoption Should Always be The Last Resort Kathmandu, 10 March 2007: UNICEF hopes that the International Conference on Inter-Country Adoption being held in Kathmandu 11-13 March 2007 will lead to the ratification of the Hague Convention on Inter-Country Adoption and the adoption of national l...
UNICEF, (2007)
UNICEF concerned that children a casualty of recent demonstrations UNICEF has expressed its deep concern at reports that children have been injured, arrested and detained in the recent demonstrations in Kathmandu and other cities. “Children have no place being near demonstrations that could turn violent,” UNICEF Rep...
UNICEF, (2006)
Report of the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict in Nepal The report indicates that although grave violations of children’s rights have decreased significantly since the signing of the comprehensive ceasefire agreement, violations against children have not ceased. The report notes that substantial numbers...
UN, (2008)
प्रेस विज्ञप्ति (२०६४ चैत ८ गते) २०६४ चैत ७ गतेका दिन अवैध हातहतियार राखेको अभियोगमा बाब्बु सिंह ठाकुरलाई गिरफ्तार गरिएको बेहोरा नेपाल प्रहरीले नेपालस्थित राष्ट्रसंघीय मिसनलाई जानकारी गराएको छ। यी अभियोगहरुको निक्यौंल गर्ने काम प्रहरी र अदालतको कार्यक्षेत्रमा पर्द्छ। बाब्बु सिंह ठा...
UNMIN, (2008)
संयुक्त राष्ट्र्संघका महासचिवका विशेष प्रतिनिधि: इयान मार्टीनद्वारा जारी प्रेस वक्तव्य (२०६४ फागुन १६ गते) सात दलीय गठबन्धन र संयुक्त लोकतान्त्रिक मधेशी मोर्चाबीच आज भएको सम्झौताको म हार्दिक स्वागत गर्छु। यो सम्झौताको कार्यान्वयन उपयुक्त वातावरणमा समावेशी संविधानसभाको निर्वाचनका लागि एउटा मह्त्वपूर्ण योगदान हुनेछ्। English Version: http://un.info.np/Ne...
UNMIN, (2008)