74th UN Day 2019
The 4 speaker (from left : Saroj Phuyal, Samriddhi Rai, Shristi KC, Bhrikuti Rai) ready for the panel discussion and Youth interaction at UN Day 2019
#UNDAY #2019 #SDGs #Panel-discussion #Speakers #Interaction #Involvement #Equality #UN74Nepal ... UNIC, (2019)
74th UN DAY 2019
Valerie Julliand, a resident coordinator providing speed mentoring to one of the youth participant for the one on one youth interaction for 5 minutes.
#UNDAY #UN@74 @SDGs #YouthInteraction #YouthInvolvement #Influencer #Globalgoals ... UNIC, (2019)
गूमस्ठाऊ ठीटी नेपालाङ पट्टको मोलक्म सम्बीढान खास्च कीटाप-छ्योट् सङ्ख्या - २
नेपालो मीघया सम्बीढान-२०६३ ओ ढारा १५९-१) कै नेपाल काट् गूमस्ठाऊ लोक्टान्टीरीक् गन्टन्टर्या लीस आछाने डेम नीठ्यान जाट्मले डेहाङ् ड होलाङ् नेपालो गूमस्ठाऊ रुप, सांगा र्रर् इसे भीटीरी बेबस्ठा जाट्च ठगनको बारे चीलीमीचीली रुपाङ डेम माडेमले । सम्बीढानसभाईर... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
राज्य आ धर्म १ नेपाल मे सहभागीतामूलक संविधान निर्माण पुस्तिका शृंखला १
कौनो भी धर्मनिरपेक्ष देश राज्य के कौनो भी काम कारवाई में धर्म के राजनैतिक भूमिका के कहियो स्वीकार ना करेला र्। इ देश में रहल सब धर्म के साथ बराबर ढंग से व्यवहार करेला आ सब के आदर करेला र्।र् इ कौनो धर्म के लोग के साथ भेदभाव ना करेके दृष्टिकोण राखेला ... CCD/UNDP, (2009)
संघिय प्रणाली, नेपाल मे सहभागीतामूलक संविधान निर्माण पुस्तिका शृंखला २
नेपाल मे संघियता अपनावे के बिषय मे निर्णय हो चुकल बा । तर्सथ नेपाल खातिर कइसन संघियता उचित होई एह बिषय मे छलफल कके संबिधानसभा के निर्णय करेके बा । एह सर्न्दर्भ मे बिगत मे हासिल भइल ज्ञान आउर अन्य संघिय प्रणाली के अनुभव से उपयोगी मार्गदर्शन प्राप्त हो... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
संघियता संवाद श्रृंखला १२ प्रस्तावित नेवा प्रदेश १-३ भदौ २०६७
नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघियविकास कार्यक्रम अर्न्तगत सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण सहयोग परियोजनाको (SPCBN) नागरिक पहुँच कार्यक्रमले संविधानसभा राज्यको पुनर्संरचना तथा राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले प्रस्ताव गरेका १४ वटै प्रदेशहरूमा गत चैत २०६६ देख... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
संघियता संवाद श्रृंखला १३ प्रस्तावित जडान प्रदेश २६-२८ कात्तिक २०६७
नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघियविकास कार्यक्रम अर्न्तगत सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण सहयोग परियोजनाको (SPCBN) नागरिक पहुँच कार्यक्रमले संविधानसभा राज्यको पुनर्संरचना तथा राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले प्रस्ताव गरेका १४ वटै प्रदेशहरूमा गत चैत २०६६ देख... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
संघियता संवाद श्रृंखला १४ प्रस्तावित शेर्पा प्रदेश८-१० पुस, २०६७
नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघियविकास कार्यक्रम अर्न्तगत सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण सहयोग परियोजनाको (SPCBN) नागरिक पहुँच कार्यक्रमले संविधानसभा राज्यको पुनर्संरचना तथा राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले प्रस्ताव गरेका १४ वटै प्रदेशहरूमा गत चैत २०६६ देख... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
संघियताः एक परिचय
यस पुस्तिकामा जटील शब्दहरुको कम प्रयोग गरिएको छ। पादटीप्पणी पनि दिईएको छैन। खास लेखकको सन्दर्भमा प्रस्तुत नगरिएकाले पढ्न र बुझ्न सजिलो छ। यसले राजनितिक छलफल वा निति निर्माणमा संलग्न ब्यक्तिहरुलाइ अत्यावस्यक बुदाहरु प्रत्यक्ष र परिणाम मुखि रुपमा प्... CCD/UNDP, (2012)
संघीय प्रणाली नेपाल मे सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण पोष्टा शृङ्खला २
नेपालके अन्तरिम संविधान-२०६३ के धारा १५९-१) नेपाल एक संघीय लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्रात्मक राज्य रहुउइया बा कैहके घोषणा कैले बा लेकिन ओम्ने नेपालके संघीयताके प्रकृति, संरचना ओ यकर अर्न्तर्गत व्यवस्था कैजैना निकायन्के बारेम विस्तृत रूपमे उल्लेख नै कै गैल ह... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
संघीय प्रणाली संवैधानिक संवाद केन्द्र नेपालय् सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण सफू-माः २
नेपाःया अन्तरिम संविधान २०६३ या घारा १५९ -१)कथं नेपाः छगू संघीय लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्रात्मक राज्य जुइ धकाः घोषणा याःगु दुसां नेपाःया संघीयताया प्रकृति, संरचना व थुकीे दैगु निकाययात कयाः ब्याक्कं खँ न्हृयथनातःगु मदु । संविधानसभां थ्वः फुक्कं खंय् क्वःछ... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
संङीय प्रणाली नेपालमा सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण पुस्तिका शृङ्खला २
नेपालको अन्तरिम संविधान(२०६३ को धारा १५९-१) ले नेपाल एक संघीय लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्रात्मक राज्य हुनेछ भनी घोषणा गरेको छ तर त्यसमा नेपालको संघीयताको प्रकृति,संरचना र यस अर्न्तर्गत व्यवस्था गरिने निकायहरूबारे विस्तृत रूपमा उल्लेख गरिएको छैन । संविधानसभा... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
साङ्गिय प्रनालि नेपाल्रि मोक्कोन् हयुल्बासे बोकिन्सि हयुल्ठिम् सोबा गे डाङ् - २
नेपाल्से साङ्गियता किन्बा निर्नय लासिजिन्बा मुला । होराङ् ताबासे लामा हयुल्ठिम्सभासे नेपाल्ला लागिरि खाराङ्बा साङ्गियता ज्याबा ताला बिबा ताम् छलफल लासि निर्नय लातोला । चु सर्न्दर्भरि ङाच्छा याङ्सि जिन्बा ग्यान् थेन् स्यान् साङ्गिय प्रनालिला अनुभवजुगु... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Inter-Agency Thematic Report:Consolidated by OCHA Nepal
During the 11 years of conflict an estimated 100,000 – 200,000 Nepalese were displaced due to protection and other related concerns. A majority of this group preferred to remain anonymous and blend with host communities for fear of persecution, eithe... UNOCHA, (2007)
Report of the Secretary-General on the Request of Nepal for United Nations Assistance in Support of its Peace Process
The present report is submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 1740 (2007), in which the Council established the United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN). In response to the formal request by the Government of Nepal and the Communist Party of... UNMIN, (2007)
United Nations Electoral Expert Monitoring Team Starts Work In Nepal
The United Nations Electoral Expert Monitoring Team (EEMT), established under the mandate of the Security Council Resolution 1740, began this week the first of a number of visits it will make to Nepal during the Constituent Assembly electoral process... UN, (2007)
प्रेस वक्तव्य (मार्च १३, २००७)
माओवादी अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डले आफूहरुसंग क्याम्पबाहिर पनि अझै थुप्रै हतियार र सेना रहेको भनी आज प्रकाशित समाचारमा नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघीय मिसनको ध्यानाकृष्ट भएको छ । नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघ महासचिवका प्रतिनिधि ईयान मार्टिनले आज यस विषयमा माआ... UNMIN, (2007)
प्रेस वक्तव्य- २०६४ असोज १४ (१ अक्टोबर २००७)
हिजो सुदूरपशिचम क्षेत्रमा अन्मिनको सवारी साधनको दुर्घटनामा दुई जना नेपालीको निधन भएकोमा नेपालस्थित संयुत्त राष्ट्र्संघीय मिसन अन्मिन गहिरो दुःख व्यक्त गर्दछ। दिवङ्गत व्यक्तिहरुका परिवारजनप्रति अन्मिन हार्दिक समवेदना व्यक्त गर्दछु।
असोज १३ गते (३० स... UNMIN, (2007)
प्रेस विज्ञप्ति: ईयान मार्टिन: संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघीय महासचिवका विशेष प्रतिनिधि (२९ माघ २०६३)
तराईमा भैरहेको मृत्यु, चोटपटक र सम्पतिहानिबारे आफ्नो खिन्नता व्यक्त गर्दै मैले अघिल्लो प्रेस विज्ञप्ति शुरु गर्नु परेको थियो, तर आज म सरकारी टोली र जनजाति लगायतका मधेशी संस्थाहरुका प्रतिनिधिहरुबीच हुन लागेको वार्ताबाट यो विज्ञप्ति शुरु गर्न पाउँदा हर... UNMIN, (2007)
प्रेस विज्ञप्ति: राष्ट्रसंघीय महासचिवका विशेष प्रतिनिधि इयान मार्टिन (२०६४ बैशाख १८ गते)
नेपालमा संविधानसभाको सफल चुनाव, जसले स्थायी शान्तिको लागि योगदान दिनेछ, त्यसमा योगदान दिनु नै अन्मिनको मुख्य उद्देश्य हो। यो सालका मनसुन अगावै त्यस्तो चुनाव गर्न सम्भव भएको भए हामी धेरै नै खुशी हुन्थ्यौँ। यो ढिलाइ, जसलाई साधारणतया अब अवश्यंभावीको रुप... UNMIN, (2007)
संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघका महासचिवको नेपालस्थित विशेष प्रतिनिधि : इयान मार्टिनका : प्रेस वक्तव्य: चैत्र ८ २०६३ (मार्च २२, २००७)
यहाँहरुलाई थाहा नै होला यो प्रेस सम्मेलन हिजो रौतहटमा भएको हत्याबारे थाहा पाउनुअगावै आयोजना गर्ने निधा गरिएको थियो । उक्त घटनाले नेपालसँगै विश्व समुदायलाई समेत स्तब्ध तुल्याएको छ । यस्ता घटना हुन नदिन सकिन्थ्या र सक्नुपथ्र्यो । म अर्को के कुरामा पनि ... UNMIN, (2007)
संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघीय महासचिवको स्वकीय प्रतिनिधि : इयान मार्टिनको प्रेस विज्ञप्ति (माघ १२, २०६३)
म हालसालै तराईमा घटेका मृत्यु, चोटपटक तथा जनधनको क्षतिबाट मर्माहत भएको कुराबाटै थाल्छु । साथै संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघबाट यी सबै घटनाहरुप्रति व्यक्त गहिरो चिन्ताबारे पनि जानकारी गराउन चाहन्छु । वास्तवमा यो कुराका सम्बोधन गर्नु राष्ट्रिय दायित्व हुन आउँछ । ... UNMIN, (2007)
More Women In law, a Must for Justice In Nepal
Nepal's legal system will continue to fail women until at least one-third of legal professionals are female, said United nations development programmer deputy resident representative, ghulam isaczai, earlier today during the launch of ... UNDP, (2006)
OHCHR - Nepal Reiterates Its Call For Non-violent Demonstrations and Political Rallies
On the eve of planned rallies in Janakpur and Nepalgunj, OHCHR -Nepal is reiterating its call to all concerned actors to exercise restraint and take the necessary steps to ensure that violence will not recur at this critical time in the peace process... UNOHCHR, (2008)
Secretary-General Warmly Congratulates Nepal’s First President
The Secretary-General warmly congratulates Dr.Ram Baran Yadav on his election as the first President of the Republic of Nepal. He calls on all parties to cooperate in forming a new Government which will carry forward Nepal’s peace process.... UN, (2008)
The Secretary-General Address To The Constituent Assembly Of Nepal
United Nations agencies and the UN Mission worked closely with the Nepal Red Cross to transport tonnes of relief supplies to people in need. The UN Country Team continues to help the Government in its ongoing relief and resettlement efforts. The elec... UN, (2008)
संघियता संवाद प्रस्तावित श्रृंखला ९ कर्णाली प्रदेश २९-३१ असार २०६७
नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघियविकास कार्यक्रम अर्न्तगत सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण सहयोग परियोजनाको (SPCBN) नागरिक पहुँच कार्यक्रमले संविधानसभा राज्यको पुनर्संरचना तथा राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले प्रस्ताव गरेका १४ वटै प्रदेशहरूमा गत चैत २०६६ देख... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
संघियता संवाद श्रृंखला १ प्रस्तावित १३-१५ चैत २०६६ लिम्बुवान प्रदेश
वर्तमान राज्यको प्रारम्भदेखि विद्यमान एकात्मक शासन व्यवस्थाबाट संघिय संरचनातर्फ लाग्नेक्रममा हाल नेपाल एक सङ्क्रमणकालीन चरणमा रहेको छ । संविधानसभाको राज्यपुनर्संचना र राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले १४ प्रदेशहरू सम्मिलित संघिय संरचनाको सिफारिस गर्दै ... CCD/UNDP, (2010)
संघियता संवादश्रृंखला १० प्रस्तावित १-३ साउन २०६७ खप्तड प्रदेश
नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघियविकास कार्यक्रम अर्न्तगत सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण सहयोग परियोजनाको (SPCBN) नागरिक पहुँच कार्यक्रमले संविधानसभा राज्यको पुनर्संरचना तथा राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले प्रस्ताव गरेका १४ वटै प्रदेशहरूमा गत चैत २०६६ देख... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
संघियता संवादश्रृंखला २ प्रस्तावित किरात प्रदेश
वर्तमान राज्यको प्रारम्भदेखि विद्यमान एकात्मक शासन व्यवस्थाबाट संघिय संरचनातर्फ लाग्नेक्रममा हाल नेपाल एक सङ्क्रमणकालीन चरणमा रहेको छ। संविधानसभाको राज्य पुनर्संरचना र राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले १४ प्रदेशहरू सम्मिलित संघिय संरचनाको सिफारिस गर्दै... CCD/UNDP, (2010)
संघियता संवादश्रृंखला ३ प्रस्तावित मिथिला-भोजपुरा- कोच-मधेश प्रदेश
वर्तमान राज्यको प्रारम्भदेखि विद्यमान एकात्मक शासन व्यवस्थाबाट संघिय संरचनातर्फ लाग्नेक्रममा हाल नेपाल एक सङ्क्रमणकालीन चरणमा रहेको छ । संविधानसभाको राज्य पुनर्संरचना र राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले १४ प्रदेशहरू सम्मिलित संघिय संरचनाको सिफारिस गर्द... CCD/UNDP, (2009)
संघियता संवादश्रृंखला ४ प्रस्तावित १६-१७ बैशाख २०६७ सुनकोशी प्रदेश
नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघिय विकास कार्यक्रम अर्न्तगत सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण सहयोग परियोजनाको (SPCBN) नागरिक पहुँच कार्यक्रमले संविधानसभा राज्यको पुनर्संरचना तथा राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले प्रस्ताव गरेका १४ वटै प्रदेशहरूमा गत चैत २०६६ द... CCD/UNDP, (2009)
संघियता संवादश्रृंखला ५ प्रस्तावित तमुवान प्रदेश ३१ वैशाख - २ जेठ २०६७
नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघियविकास कार्यक्रम अन्तगर्त सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण सहयोग परियोजनाको
(SPCBN) नागरिक पहुँच कार्यक्रमले संविधानसभा राज्यको पुनर्संरचना तथा राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले प्रस्ताव गरेका १४ वटै प्रदेशहरूमा गत चैत २०६६ दे... CCD/UNDP, (2009)
संघियता संवादश्रृंखला ६ प्रस्तावित ४-६ जेठ २०६७ नारायणी प्रदेश
नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघियविकास कार्यक्रम अर्न्तगत सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण सहयोग परियोजनाको (SPCBN) नागरिक पहुँच कार्यक्रमले संविधानसभा राज्यको पुनर्संरचना तथा राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले प्रस्ताव गरेका १४ वटै प्रदेशहरूमा गत चैत २०६६ ... CCD/UNDP, ()
संघियता संवादश्रृंखला ७ प्रस्तावित १०-१२ असार २०६७ मगरा
नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघियविकास कार्यक्रम अर्न्तगत सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण सहयोग परियोजनाको (SPCBN) नागरिक पहुँच कार्यक्रमले संविधानसभा राज्यको पुनर्संरचना तथा राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले प्रस्ताव गरेका १४ वटै प्रदेशहरूमा गत चैत २०६६ देख... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
संघियता संवादश्रृंखला ८ प्रस्तावित लुम्बिनी-अवध थारुवान प्रदेश १४-१६ असार, २०६७
नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघियविकास कार्यक्रम अर्न्तगत सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण सहयोग परियोजनाको (SPCBN) नागरिक पहुँच कार्यक्रमले संविधानसभा राज्यको पुनर्संरचना तथा राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले प्रस्ताव गरेका १४ वटै प्रदेशहरूमा गत चैत २०६६ देख... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Local Capacity Development Investments for MDG Localization in Nepal
Nepal has undergone significant political change in the recent years. The election of the Constituent Assembly has been completed and the country has been declared a Republic state by demolishing the history of a Kingdom which remained in power for 2... UNDP, (2008)
CA Elections 2008: Breakdown of Winning Candidates by Age (as of 15 April)
Number of winning candidates by age:
25-35: 53 (26%)
36-45: 66 (32%)
46-55: 73 (35%)
56-73: 14 (7%)... UNOCHA, (2008)
CA Elections 2008: Elected Candidates by Caste/Ethnic Group (As of 14, April)
1. Percentage of elected candidates by caste ethnic group
2. Administrative boundaries
3. Elected candidate by caste and ethnic.... UNOCHA, (2008)
Nepal Operational Space: 1 to 31 May, 2008
The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. An IED exploded near the Norwegian Embassy. In the month of May, most operational work an... UNOCHA, (2008)
Nepal : CA Election 2008 under FPTP - Breakdown of Elected Candidates by Gender
(22 April 2008)
This map shows percentage of elected candidates by Gender on 2008.
Male - 87.9%
Female - 12.1%
#Nap #Nepal #Gender ... UNOCHA, (2008)
Nepal : CA Election 2008 under FPTP - Elected Candidate by Political Party (22 April, 2008)
This map shows percentage of elected candidate by political party on 2008.
#Map #Elected #Nepal #Politics... UNOCHA, (2008)
Nepal : Reports of Bandhs/Blockades - 1 January to 30 September, 2007
The density of events – indicated by shading on the map – represents the total number of bandhs / blockades\ that have been observed, as reported to OCHA and the UN Department of Safety and Security. These include transportation blockades, and closur... UNOCHA, (2007)
Nepal : Reports of Bandhs/Blockades - 1 January to 31 December, 2007
The density of events – indicated by shading on the map – represents the total number of bandhs / blockades\ that have been observed, as reported to OCHA and the UN Department of Safety and Security. These include transportation blockades, and closur... UNOCHA, (2007)
NEPAL : Reports of Bandhs/Blockades - 1 to 30 November, 2007
The density of events – indicated by shading on the map – represents the total number of bandhs / blockades\ that have been observed, as reported to OCHA and the UN Department of Safety and Security. These include transportation blockades, and closur... UNOCHA, (2007)
Nepal CA: Election 2008 Under FPTP - Breakdown of Elected Candidates by Age (22 April, 2008)
This map shows data about CA elections 2008. It presents the percentage of breakdown of elected candidates by age.
#Election #Map #District... UNOCHA, (2008)
NEPAL: Number of Registered Voters per Polling Centre by Constituency (08 April, 2008)
This map shows the number of registered voters per polling centre by Constituency of Nepal as of 08 April, 2008. ... UNOCHA, (2008)
Electoral Support Project-Phase II
The project concentrated on providing technical advice and operational support for the CA elections in phase I 2008-2012, whereas phase II 2012-2018 is responding to the need for continued capacity building of the ECN to organize credible elections w... UNDP, (2017)
Federalism dialogues 13 - Proposed Jadan province - 12-14 November, 2010
The UNDP/SPCBN/CCD Federalism Dialogue on the proposed Jadan province was held in Simikot, Humla from November 12th to14th. 2010. This was the thirteenth in the Federalism Dialogue series to discuss the report of the CA CSRDSP. The proposed Jadan pro... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Federalism Dialogues Series 3 - Mithila-Bhojpura - Koch - Madhesh Provnce - 24-26 April, 2010
The Mithila-Bhojpura-Koch- Madhesh province represents 11 districts: Bara, Parsa, Sarlahi, Jhapa, Rautahat, Sunsari, Mahottari, Saptari, Morang, Dhanusa, Siraha and part of Udaypur as well. It contains a total of 948 VDCs (Village Development Committ... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Federalism Dialogues series 4 - Proposed Sunkoshi Province - 29-30 April, 2010
The UNDP/CCD organized its 4th Federalism Dialogue in Charikot for the proposed
Sunkoshi province. Sunkoshi province includes 176 VDCs (including two municipalities) of five districts − Dolakha, Okhaldhunga, Ramechhap, Sindhuli and Udayapur. Non-e... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Federalism Dialogues Series 5 - Tamuwan Province - 11-13 August, 2010
Tamuwan province has been created to recognize the identity of the Tamu (Gurung) ethnic group, as it is considered the place of origin of the Tamu ethnic group. The Tamuwan province includes 138 VDCs of 6 districts namely, Dhading, Gorkha, Manang, Mu... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Federalism dialogues Series 7 -Proposed Magarat province - 24- 26 June, 2010
The UNDP/CCD held its 7th Federalism Dialogue in Tansen, the proposed capital city of Magarat province. This province has been created to recognize the identity of the Magar ethnic group, considering their high density in this area. This proposed Mag... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Federalism dialogues series8 - Proposed Lumbini - Awadh - tharuwan province - 28-30 June, 2010
The UNDP/CCD held its 8th federalism workshop for the proposed Lumbini-Awadh-Tharuwan province in the proposed capital, Ghorahi. This province has been created to recognize the ethnic identity, language and historical area of the local Indigenous peo... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Federalism dialogues1 - proposed limbuwan province - 26-28 March, 2010
Limbhuwan province includes 217 VDCs(Village Development Committees) in seven districts:Dhankuta,Ilam,Morang,Panchthar,Sankhwasabha,Tapelejung and Terhathum.Though the proposed Limbuwan province is highly dense with people of Limbu ethnicity,other po... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Federalism dialogues10 -Proposed Khaptad province - 17-19 July, 2010
The 10th UNDP/SPCBN/CCD Federalism Dialogue was held in Dadeldhura of the proposed Khaptad province, from July 17 to July 19 2010 to discuss the CA CSRDSP.This province has been created to recognize the historical identity of the Khas community livin... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Federalism dialogues11-Proposed Tamsaling province - 11-13 August, 2010
The 11th Federalism Dialogue was held in proposed province Tamsaling from August 11 to 13,2010 at Hetauda municipality,an industrial estate. The province includes 317 Village Development Committees (VDCs) and 2 Municipalities from the following ten d... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Federalism dialogues12 - Proposed Newa province - 17-19 August, 2010
Newa province includes 116 Village Development Committees (VDCs) including 7 Municipalities of 5 districts: Bhaktapur (18 VDCs), Kathmandu (59 VDCs), Kavrepalanchowk (12 VDCs), Lalitpur (25 VDCs) and Makwanpur (2 VDCs). The province is dominated by t... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Federalism dialoguesSeries 6 - Proposed Narayeni Province - 18-20 May, 2010
The 6th of the SPCBN/CCD Federalism Dialogues was held from 18-20 May 2010 in Bharatpur (Chitwan), the proposed capital city of Narayani province. The proposed province comprises the adjoining VDCs and Municipalities of eleven districts: Chitwan, Dha... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Federalism Dialouges series 14 - Proposed Sherpa province - 23-25 December, 2010
The proposed Sherpa province includes 36 Village Development Committees (VDCs) of 5 districts: Solukhumbu (15 VDCs), Dolakha (9 VDCs), Okhaldhunga (6 VDCs), Sankhuwasabha (1 VDC) and Sindhupalchowk (5 VDCs). The province is dominated by the Sherpa po... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Federalism Dialouges Series 9 - proposed Karnali province - 13-15 July, 2010
The proposed Karnali province includes 319 VDcs (including 2 municipalities) of 11 districts: Bajura ( 11 VDCs), Dailekh ( 55 VDCs), Dolpa ( 12 VDCs), Humla ( 5 VDCs), Jajarkot ( 30 VDCs), Jumla ( 30 VDCs), Kalikot (30 VDCs), Mugu ( 18 VDCs), Rukum (... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
खुला सरकार र खुला संसद
लोकतन्त्रलाई परिणाममुखी बनाउन शासन पद्धतिको सुधारमा सरकार र नागरिकबीच साझेदारी गर्ने नयाँ अवधारणा स्थापित भैरहेको छ । शासन सुधार प्रक्रियामा आम नागरिकलाई मागकर्ता वा दबाबकर्ताका रूपमा मात्र सीमित नराखी उनीहरूको सक्रिय र सुसूचित सहभागिता एवं सिर्जनशील... Freedom Forum/ UNDP, (2019)
Education and Civil Conflict in Nepal - Christine Valente
Between 1996 and 2006, Nepal experienced violent civil conflict as a consequence of a Maoist insurgency, which many argue also brought about an increase in female empowerment. This paper exploits variations in exposure to conflict by birth cohort, su... WB, (2013)
Press Statement (Informal Translation from Nepali)
With the beginning of the second term of the Commission, as always, trying to make human rights informed work more effective.The Commission has also, on various occasions, informed the public about important activities. the same connection... NHRC/UNDP, (2005)
A Review and Analysis of the 2009 Civil Society Public Submissions to the Constituent Assembly
Nepal is currently undergoing an historic political transition. The first phase of the transition from 10 years of armed conflict was marked by the signing of a peace accord between the Government of Nepal and the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) in... CCD/UNDP, (2010)
Time is Short for the Parties to Create Conditions for UNMIN’s Orderly Departure
In 61 days, UNMIN’s mandate will expire. Two months have already passed since the Government requested a final extension, and the Security Council agreed. Under the four-point agreement of 13 September, UNMIN was to be asked to stay for a final four ... UNMIN, (2011)
CA Elections 2008: Winning Candidates by Political Party (as of 15 April)
This map shows data about CA elections 2008. It presents the percentage of winning political party.... UNOCHA, (2008)
Nepal: Constituent Assembly Election 2013 under FPTP - Elected Candidates by Political Party
This map shows Constituent Assembly Election result 2013 and elected candidates by political party.... UNRCHCO, (2013)
स्थलगत बुलेटिन सुदुरपसिचमका सथानिय शान्ति समितिहरुको एक सिहावलोकंन
शान्ति पर्ननिर्माण र सथापना नेपाल सरकारको तिन बर्से मस्योदा योजना अवधारनाप्रत्र (२०१० / ११-२०१२/ १३ ) क महत्वपुर्ण पक्ष हुन् । सो प्रत्रले केन्द्रित र सथानिय तह दुबैमा शान्ति सयन्त्र सथापना र कार्यान्वयन गर्ने कुरामा जोड दिएको छ सथानिया शान्ति समिति... UNRCHC, (2011)
Enhancing the capacity of the member of CLCs
Enhancing the capacity of the member of CLCs
This year, the UNDP’s Electoral Support Project (ESP) and UNESCO with support from the European Union organized a five-day workshop in Bhaktapur from 5-9 August 2019 where members of 22 Community Learning... UNDP, (2019)
Nepal: Ban Congratulates Newly-Elected Prime Minister
15 August 2008 – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today warmly congratulated Pushpa Kamal Dahal – who goes by the name Prachanda – on his election as Nepal's first Prime Minister since the South Asian nation abolished the monarchy and declared itself a ... UNMIN, (2008)
नेपालमा संविधान निर्माण
नेपालमा नयाँ संविधान निर्माणका लागि सहयोग गर्न युएनडीपी प्रतिबद्ध रहे अनुरूप संवधानिक परामर्श सहायता एकाइद्वारा २०६३ फागुन १९ र २० गते (सन् २००७ मार्च ३ र ४) नेपालमा संविधान निर्माण विषयमा काठमाडौमा यो सम्मेलनका आयोजना गरिएको थियो । संविधान निर्माणका... CCD/UNDP, (2007)
नागरिक सचेतना र सहभागिता अभियान २०६६
संविधानसभामा संविधान निर्माण गर्ने प्रक्रिया अगाडि बढिरहेको छ । यसका विभिन्न बिषयगत समितिहरूल आफ्नो तोकिएको कार्यक्षेत्र अन्र्तगतका अवधारणापत्र तथा प्रारम्भिक मस्यौदा सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन तयार गरिसकेका छन् । संविधान निर्माणका कतिपय महत्वपूर्ण सवालहरू÷ब... CCD/UNDP, (2010)
संघियता संवाद श्रृंखला ११ प्रस्तावित तामसालिङ प्रदेश २६-२८ साउन २०६७
नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघियविकास कार्यक्रम अर्न्तगत सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण सहयोग परियोजनाको (SPCBN) नागरिक पहुँच कार्यक्रमले संविधानसभा राज्यको पुनर्संरचना तथा राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले प्रस्ताव गरेका १४ वटै प्रदेशहरूमा गत चैत २०६६ देख... CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Extension of UNMIN and Peace Process in Nepal
UN has adopted the resolution to extend the UNMIN’s tenure after the Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal and UCPN(M) Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal, signed the four point agreement on September 13, 2010, renewing the peace deal and agreeing upon UNMIN's e... UNMIN, (2010)
सात दल सम्मिलित सरकारी वार्ता समिति र संघिय लिम्बुवान राज्य परिषदबिच मिति २०६४।१।२६ मा भएको सहमति
नेपाल मा कायम रहेको सामन्ति,केन्द्रिकत शासन सत्ता र एकात्मक राज्य संरचनाले लिम्बुवानवासि जनतालाई राज्यको मुलधारबाट पाखालगाई शोषाण,उत्पिडन गरेको र त्यसका विरुद्व आफ्नो असन्तुष्टी जाहेर गर्दै आएका र ऐतिहासिक जनाअान्दोलन २०६२।६३ को मर्म र भावनालाई सम्बो... UNMIN, (2008)
Participatory Constitution Making in Nepal: Issues of Process and Substance - Post Peace Agreement Constitution Making in Nepal Volume I
A new Constitution for a new Nepal drafted and adopted by an elected and inclusive Constituent Assembly (CA) is a key element of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) of November 2006 that ended a decade long Maoist insurgency. Elections were held ... UNDP, SPCBN, (2014)
The Federalism Debate in Nepal - Post Peace Agreement Constitution Making in Nepal Volume II
A new Constitution for a new Nepal drafted and adopted by an elected and inclusive Constituent Assembly (CA) is a key element of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) of November 2006 that ended a decade long Maoist insurgency. Elections were held ... UNDP, SPCBN, (2014)
UNMIN Newsletter Fact Sheet 4 (United Nations Monitoring in Support of the Peace Process)
UNMIN and a number of UN agencies have a role in monitoring the situation throughout the country in order to assist Nepal create the conditions for a free and fair Constituent Assembly Election. The UN monitoring role relates to five areas:the manage... UNMIN, (2008)
UNMIN Newsletter Fact Sheet 5 (UN Agencies Supporting Nepal’s Peace Process)
The UN Country Team (UNCT) is made up of all UN agencies operating in Nepal, and is coordinated by the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator. Most UN agencies present in Nepal have been established for a long time, in order to support and implemen... UNMIN, (2008)
UNMIN Newsletter Factsheet 1
UNMIN is a special political mission established by the United Nations Security Council, Resolution 1740, to support the peace process in Nepal: in particular, to assist in the conduct of the Constituent Assembly election in a free and fair atmospher... UNMIN, (2006)
UNMIN Newsletter: Fact Sheet 7 (Children and Politics)
Nepali law defines children as people below the age of 16 years while international law defines children as being under 18. Nepal ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1990 and Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed... UNMIN, (2008)
Remarks by Frederick Rawski, Head of OHCHR Eastern Regional Office
at Human Rights and Peace Rally, Biratnagar
10 October 2007
This bulletin includes the remarks by Frederick Rawski, the head of the Eastern Regional Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights regarding the Jana Andolan and support for the peaceful protest movement and the work of human ri... UNOHCHR, (2007)
Decentralize Planning for the Child Programme Achham Districts Development Committee Nepal
Nepal ranks at 144th out of 174 countries in terms of the Human Development Index (UNDP,1999).It is the poorest social sector performer in the entire South Asia region, the situation of children and women in worse. Nepal has ratified both CEDAW and C... UNICEF, (2000)
Functional Analysis And Assignment Of Government
The Ministry of General Administration (MoGA), Government of Nepal has executed a
project titled Project to Prepare the Public Administration for State Reforms (PREPARE) since March 2013 in cooperation with the United Nations Development Program
(U... UNDP, (2015)
Election Commission: Press Briefing
1. In the Press Briefing of 11 April 2008, a list of polling stations was made available where the election was postponed and cancelled. The election has been postponed/cancelled in an additional 75 polling stations of 19 constituencies ... UNMIN, (2008)
Final UN Report Before Historic Polls In Nepal Warns Of Violence, Intimidation
Momentum continues to build ahead of this Thursday's historic Constituent Assembly elections in Nepal, but violent clashes and acts of intimidation involving supporters of political parties are marring the campaigning, the United Nations says today i... UN, (2008)
Security Council Urges Nepalese To Respect Electoral Outcome After Peaceful Vote
The Security Council today congratulated the people of Nepal on the “largely peaceful” Constituent Assembly election held on 10 April, and urged them to abide by the outcome of the historic polls.In a statement read out to the press by Ambassador Dum... UN, (2008)
United Nations Convenes Meeting With Maoist leaders On International Support To Peace Process
The United Nations today convened a meeting between the Maoist leadership and the international donor community, UNMIN and UN agencies, to discuss international support to Nepal’s ongoing peace process. Maoist Chairman Prachanda and Dr Baburam Bhatta... UNMIN, (2008)
Nepal Reports of Protests/Rallies: Apr.1 - Apr.18, 2006
The numbers of political protests and rallies went up after the Seven (Political) Party Alliance began its nationwide demonstrations on 6 April. The protests have been most intense in Banke (Mid West), Chitwan (Central region), Kaski (West) districts... UNOCHA, (2006)
Arbour Welcomes Nepal’s Constituent Assembly Elections
The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour
congratulated the people of Nepal on Thursday’s elections for a Constituent
Assembly, which she described as a crucial advance in the country’s historic
transition, and one tha... UNOHCHR, (2008)
OHCHR-Nepal Calls on Political Actors To Ensure Respect For Human Rights in CA Elections
OHCHR-Nepal is urging all political actors to respect the political rights of all others participating in the Constituent Assembly election process. Attacks on political cadres this week in Ramechhap district, in which at least four persons were seri... UNOHCHR, (2008)
OHCHR-Nepal Urges The Government to Respect The Rights To Assembly And Expression
OHCHR-Nepal is very concerned that Nepal Police appear to have dispersed, in some instances with excessive use of force, peaceful protests that have taken place in front of the United Nations building in Kathmandu in recent days. The right to peacefu... UNOHCHR, (2008)
What Happens After The Polls Close?
1. On 10 April when the polling has officially ended, all the ballot boxes from all polling centres of the constituency have to be delivered by the Polling Officers to the Returning Officer at the district headquarter. During the transpo... UNMIN, (2008)
World of Work Report 2014 Developing with Jobs
Since the eruption of the financial crisis in 2008 much of the global policy debate has focused on advanced economies and their ability to cope with the impacts of the crisis. During this period, a major policy shift has taken place in developing co... ILO, (2014)
स्थलगत बुलेटिनमा ब्यासी/ साैका तथा प्रस्तावित '' स्वायत क्षेत्र ''
नेपालको संबिधान सभाले संबिधानसभा निय्मावोली अनुसार राज्य पूर्णसरचना तथा राज्य सक्ति बाडफाडक लागि २०६८ सालको मङ्सिर सन् २००८ को डीसिम्बेरमा एक ४३ सद्सयीय बिसयगत समिति राज्य पुनसरर्चना तथा राज्यसक्ति वाडफाड समितिको गठन गर्यो । सो समितिको जिमेवारी स... UNRCHC, (2012)
Under Secretary General for Political Affairs, Jeffrey Feltman Press Statement – 14 January 2015
The press statement stresses the strong and long-term commitment of the United Nations to Nepal’s development and democratic stability. Nepal has given so much to the causes of the United Nations, including through significant contributions to peacek... UN, (2015)
नेपालको संबिधानमा निर्वाचन र यससंग सम्बन्धित केहि जानकारी
प्रस्नोतर शैलीमा तयार गरिएको 'नेपालको संबिधानमा निर्वाचन र यससंग सम्बन्धित केहि जानकारी' नामक पुस्तक पुस्तिका निर्वाचनको काममा संलग्न रहने आयोग र अन्तर्गत कार्यरत कर्मचारी , मतदाता शिक्षा कार्यकर्ता , राजनीतिक दल , मतदाता , विद्यार्थी , शिक्षक लगायत... ESP/UNDP, (2016)
Unfortunate Moms and Unfortunate Children-Impact of the Nepali Civil War on Women’s Stature and Inter-generational Health
This paper analyzes the long-term health impacts of Nepal’s 1996–2006 civil conflict. It exploits the heterogeneity in conflict intensity across villages and birth cohorts to document long-term health and intergenerational impacts. The analysis finds... World Bank Group, (2019)
EFA Movement and Nepal’s Progress Amidst Violent Conflict
The World Declaration on Education for All held in Dakar in 2000 (the Dakar Framework of Action – DFA) realized that the targets were tough to achieve as many developing countries were reeling to emerge from the hegemony of dictatorial regime to a de... UNESCO, (2015)