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Accommodating People In The Asia-Pacific Region This publication introduces readers to the dramatic and profound changes that have taken place and are taking place in the way people live and work in the Asia-Pacific region. It describes how the unprecedented speed of transforming from predominantl...
Housing The Poor In Asian Cities: Land- A Crucial Element In Housing The Urban Poor The pressures of rapid urbanization and economic growth in Asia and the Pacific have resulted in growing numbers of evictions of urban poor from their neighborhoods. In most cases they are relocated to peripheral areas far from centres of employment ...
United Nations Human Settlements Programme: Annual Report (2009) As the challenge of urbanization takes on unprecedented dimensions, one of the most serious obstacles to policy development is the lack of appropriate policies and data at city level. If the cities of this world are to face the often simultaneous cha...
United Nations Human Settlements Programme: Annual Report (2010) UNHABITAT, the united nations agency for human settlements, helps the urban poor by transforming cities into safer, healthier, greener places with better opportunities where everyone can live in dignity. UNHABITAT works with organizations at every...
United Nations Human Settlements Programme: Annual Report (2012) For more than forty years, UN-Habitat has been leading urban and human settlements programmes throughout the world. Our efforts have been focused on supporting countries to build a brighter future for citizens in developing cities of all sizes, which...
Brochure on Green Homes Promoting Sustainable Housing in Nepal UN-Habitat is addressing urban climate change agenda through Cities and Climate Change Initiatives (CCCI). Collaborating with European Union under SWITCH Asia call for Sustainable Consumption and Production, UN-Habitat and partners are promoting sust...
Eco-Home for Sustainable Water Management: A Case Study in Kathmandu, Nepal Problems associated with the lack of clean drinking water and polluted water bodies are common to many cities in developing countries. With rapid urbanization and increasing pressure on city governments, who often lack adequate financial as well as h...
Global Sanitation Fund Programme in Nepal : Annual Report 2014 The Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) is a multi-donor trust fund established by the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) to help large numbers of poor people to attain safe sanitation services and adopt good hygienic practices. Accor...
Project Information Sheet Catalytic Support on Land Issues A decade-long conflict in Nepal ended in November 2006 with the signing of a Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) between the Maoists and the Government of Nepal. Despite the political and democratic progress since the end of the conflict, Nepal conti...
Shelter and Settlements Vulnerability Assessment : Nepal 25 April/ 12May Earthquakes Response ( June 2015 ) On 25 April 2015, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal with its epicentre in Lamjung District, approximately 81km northwest of the country capital, Kathmandu. Intense tremors, and subsequent aftershocks, landslides, and avalanches caused widesprea...
Community-level Wastewater Management An old settlement of the Newars indigenous to the Kathmandu Valley, Madhyapur Thimi Municipality (MTM) is today a rapidly burgeoning peri-urban centre. Because it was declared a municipality only in 1996, most of its infrastructure, including its se...
Solid Waste Management Technical Guideline For Municipalities Of Nepal With rapid urbanization and changing consumption patterns, solid waste management (SWM) has be-come a major challenge in Nepal’s urban entres, particularly the larger cities. Open waste piles are a common site and the work of municipalities’ is of-te...
GoN, UNHABITAT, (2008)
Governing Council of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme The present report reviews progress in respect of cooperation between the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) and other entities within the United Nations system, intergovernmental organizations outside the United Nations system ...
Shelter Cluster Nepal: Recovery And Reconstruction Working Group The Recovery and Reconstruction Working Group (RRWG) is co-chaired by UN Habitat and IOM, with support from the Shelter Cluster, with the objective to provide a platform for coordination, strategic planning, and technical guidance for agencies involv...
Traditional Water Management System Of Kathmandu Valley: Challenges And Opportunities Highlights: It is guided by resource conservation 1. Taar land (rainfed land) is utilized for settlements 2. To leave arable land for agriculture 3. To protect settlements from flood 4. The protection strategy against enemies 5. Clustered settl...
United Nations Human Settlements Programme: Annual Report (2007) In the year of 2007, humankind as a whole crossed the Rubicon to become a predominantly urban species homo urbanus. The majority of the human population globally is now residing in urban centres, with all the attendant effects and consequences. It is...
United Nations Human Settlements Programme: Annual Report (2008) As part of efforts to ensure sustainability of local ownership of projects and policies, UN-HABITAT maximizes the use of national expertise and procurement, supporting national execution in developing and transition countries. In 2008, more than 90 p...
Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration In A Post Disaster Context: Lessons and Applications from Nepal Information on people-to-land relationships that is documented in a land administration system is crucial to any recovery from a natural disaster. Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration (FFP LA), with special attention given to the poor and vulnerable i...
UN-HABITAT, (2019)
National Plan Of Action Nepal A broad based National Preparatory Committee, having forty four members, was formed in 1995, under the chairmanship of Honourable Minister, Ministry of Housing and Physical Planning, (MHPP). The committee includes representatives from central and loc...
Urban Basic Services Branch: Water for Asian Cities Programme UN-Habitat launched the Water for Asian Cities (WAC) Programme in partnership with the Governments of Asia and the Asian Development Bank in 2003 at the Third World Water Forum and since then it has implemented numerous projects in the South Asia reg...
Resource Efficient Built Environment: Methodologies and Lesson Learned  Climate change is a reality and the era of cheap energy is over. There is urgency to adopt cleaner ways of generating and using energy. Building sector being one of the major consumers of energy and consequently, one of the major polluters, they also...
Develop An Information Base And Strategies For Environmental Improvement Of Bagmati River And Its Territory Rivers have very high environmental value; environmental status of the river indicates the environmental status of any region in the world. Rivers in Nepal not only have environmental value it also has high social, cultural and historical value. Bagm...
GoN, UNHABITAT, (2008)
Global Sanitation Fund Programme In Nepal Government of Nepal formulated the National Sanitation and Hygiene Master Plan in 2011 to set up appropriate systems and institutional mechanisms for accelerating sanitation coverage in a planned and coordinated manner. As a result, ODF campaigns are...
Kathmandu Valley, Nepal - Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment UN-Habitat’s Cities and Climate Change Initiative promotes enhanced climate change mitigation and adaptation in developing country cities. This document is an initial output of the Cities and Climate Change Initiative activities in the Kathmandu Vall...
The State of Asian and Pacific Cities 2015 Urban transformations Shifting from quantity to quality This report on the state of Asian and Pacific cities is the second in the series first published by UN-Habitat (the United Nations Human Settlements Programme) and ESCAP (the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) in ...
FINAL REPORT OF PARTICIPATORY LAND USE PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT - Participatory Land Use Planning and Implementation in Designated districts: Surkhet, Nawalparasi, and Morang (Project No.: PROJ/UNH/CSLIP/NEP/2014-01) AOC14-007/ (D375) The project “Participatory Land Use Planning and Implementation in Designated Districts: Surkhet, Nawalparasi and Morang” is first exercise in the area of participatory land use planning in Nepal. It was initiated in March 26, 2014 and was completed ...
Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) Country Level Engagement in Nepal - Securing Land and Property Rights For All Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) is alliance of more than 77 national, international, governmental, non-governmental and academic institution hosted by UN-Habitat with the motto of securing land and property rights for all. After the devastating earth...
Water, Environmental Sanitation and Hygiene Programme for Urban Poor The current global trend of urbanisation is putting pressure on our eco-system and is linked to poverty. Nepal is struggling with the most rapid urbanisation trend in the South Asian Sub-continent with approximately 15% of its total population living...
Methodology For Mapping Urban Poor: The Tool To Reach Inclusive Democracy All national development plans and policies in Nepal were aiming to reduce poverty from the beginning. However, the reality is very different. Even after the endeavour of last five decades, the achievement is nominal. Most of these endeavours to serv...
Conflict Sensitivity Topic Guide, Final Draft – 20 August 2014 Reflection among aid actors after the devastating genocide in Rwanda led to the realization that humanitarian and development actors contributed to increasing tensions and exacerbating the conflict.Aid interventions have since been understood to beco...
Beneficiaries’ immediate woes fade away Four months after the devastating earthquake, difficulties of affected people are gradually reducing. However, there is a long way before they recover completely. Realizing the urgent need to support vulnerable people to protect themselves from the ...
Annual Report 2009: Water and Sanitation Trust Fund The poor performance of most water utilities in the developing world has long been a stumbling block in achieving water and sanitation for all. Heavy water losses, poor customer service, intermittent supplies, lack of metering, untrained staff and a ...
Gender Mainstreaming Impact Study The objective of this impact assessment is to identify how the water and sanitation initiatives implemented under the Water Sanitation and Infrastructure Branch of UN-HABITAT, have strategically mainstreamed gender aspects in its various initiatives ...
Participatory Land Use Planning: part of Catalytic Support on Land Issues Competing interests on land, land-use, land tenure and shelter are some of the root causes of conflict in the country. The Comprehensive Peace Accord (CPA), Interim Constitution of Nepal and repeated commitments of political players amply justify the...
Sani News : Vol.4, Issue No. 1 ( January - June 2015 ) Highlights: 1. Global Sanitation Fund Programme response to nepal earthquake. 2. Sanitation at the time of earthquake. 3. Sanitation champions in action. 4. Bardiya declared first ODF terai district. 5. Poor community in saptari declared ODF. 6...
Shelter Provisions for the Most Vulnerable before & during the Monsoon More than three quarters of a million houses collapsed or are damaged during the recent earthquake in April and May, 2015. To respond to this enormous task, the Government of Nepal appealed the international community to support country’s emergency s...
अनौपचारिक बस्तीका बासिन्दा शहरी गरीबहरुको आवासको आवश्यकता सम्बोधन गर्न​ तयार पारिएको निर्देशिका : शहरी गरीब आवास कार्यक्रम निर्देशिका (प्रस्तावित) विश्वव्यापी शहरीकरणले तीब्रता लिइरहेको बर्तमान अवस्थामा दिगो बसोबासलाई बढावा दिने एउटा महत्वपूर्ण अग्रणी संस्थाका रुपमा यु.एन ह्याविट्याट रहेको छ । यस संस्थाले नेपालमा शहरी बिकास, आवास, पानी तथा सरसफाई, जोखिम न्यूनीकरण, वातावरण तथा जलवायु परिवर्तन लग...
Maya Fact Sheet #1 Urban Mobility in Kathmandu - Status and Trends Nepal is one of the fastest urbanizing countries in Asia with more than 5% average growth rate (World Bank, 2012), and Kathmandu Valley (KV) is perhaps one of the fastest urbanizing cities. With increasing economic growth and rapid urbanization, the ...
Poverty Mapping, Gender Assessment and Need Identification - Attariya Attariya is a growing urban area of Kailali District in Far Western Development Region. It is one of nodal center, located at the crossing of Dhangadi-Dedeldhura Highway (North-South) and East-West Highway. The project area, Attaria Nagar Bikash Sa...
Water for Asian Cities Programmer Nepal (Annual Report 2006) The WAC Programme is supporting the implementation of the water and sanitation related Millennium Development Goals and targets (MDGs) in Asian cities, specifically promoting pro-poor governance, water demand management, increased attention to enviro...
Water Movement in Patan: With Reference to Traditional Stone Spouts in Nepal (2008) Lalitpur Sub-metropolitan City is the second largest city in Kathmandu Valley encompassing 15.43 square kilometre area. The main town popularly known as Yala in Newari and Patan in Nepali; is the main township on the North of the municipal area that ...
Maya Fact Sheet # 3 Cycling in Kathmandu Valley - Pedal Power for Equity and Sustainability Rapid increase in motorization, particularly in developing countries, has huge economic, environmental, social and health cost from increasing traffic Congestion, road fatalities, air pollution and carbon emissions. In this Context, cycling offers an...
Maya Fact Sheet # 5 - Air Quality Status and Management in Kathmandu Valley Air pollution has become a serious environmental concern and a public health risk in Kathmandu Valley. Studies show that the concentration of particulate matter less than 10 microns (PM 10) in the Valley’s ambient air is already several times higher ...
Catalytic Support on Land Issues Land issues have existed for centuries and are deeply entrenched in the Nepalese society and linked to the structures of feudal land ownership and informal land tenure. Land issues are recognized as one of the root causes of the 10-year conflict. If ...
Rainwater Harvesting: Re-Popularising an Indigenous Technology to Avert a Water Crisis (April 2008) In response to the water crisis and to realize KV’s potential to harvest rainwater, UN-HABITAT, in coordination with the NGOFUWS and in partnership with the Ministry of Physical Planning and Works (MPPW) and WaterAid Nepal (WAN), launched the innovat...
UNHABITAT, GoN, (2008)
Sani News: Vol. 2 Issue 2 (April-June 2013) Chris Williams, Executive Director (ED) of Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) and Mark Willis, Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) Program Manager (PM) visited Sindhupalchowk on May 15 2013 to observe the sanitation movement and...
1 Issue 1 SANI NEWS A PROGRAMME OF WSSCC A Quaterly e-bulletin of Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) Programme Nepal April to June 2012 Vol. 1 Issue 1 GSF spreads its wings in Mid & Far Western Nepal After more than a year of planning, coordination and preparatory work, Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) programme finally spread its wings to the field in Mid and Far Western Development Region Nepal and launched sanitation campaigns in Bajura and Bar...
SANI NEWS A Quaterly e-bulletin of Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) Programme Nepal October-December 2012 Vol. 1 Issue 3 FIVE VDCs ARE DECLARED AS ODF WITH GSF SUPPORT With full ownership of the government and development partners, five Village Development Committees (VDCs) have been declared ODF with facilitation of the Global Sanitation Fund Programme (GSF) intervention in the past three months. Of those ODF d...
SANI NEWS A Quaterly e-bulletin of Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) Programme Nepal July-December 2013 Vol.2 Issue 3 Bhaktapur declared first ODF district in Kathmandu Valley President Ram Baran Yadav declared Bhaktapur as the first Open Defecation Free (ODF) district in Kathmandu Valley and the 10th in the country during the public opening of the Fifth South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN-V) held in Kathmandu...
Struvite Recovery from Urine at Community Scale in Nepal: Final Project Report Phase I (March 2009) The concept of ecological sanitation (further referred to as EcoSan) and its worldwide promotion to ameliorate the sanitary situation of people and communities in developing countries has been a success story in many aspects. For the people who could...
Summary Report Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration A Country Level Implementation Strategy for Nepal this intensive study report highlights on the concept of Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration. Sustainable land management, prosperous life and development of all is the vision of the new land policy of the Government of Nepal which is currently under...
UN-Habitat, (2018)
Sani News - Vol. 4 Issue 2 (July-December 2015) With support from Central Emergency Relief Fund (CERF)/UNICEF, UN-Habitat assisted in the revival of more than 5000 toilets in the earthquake affected districts of Dolakha, Sindhupalchowk, Nuwakot and Bhaktapur. This has paved the way for reviving th...
Solid Waste Management in the World's Cities: Water and Sanitation in the World's Cities 2010 A good solid waste management system is like good health: if you are lucky to have it, you don’t notice it; it is just how things are, and you take it for granted. On the other hand, if things go wrong, it is a big and urgent problem and every- thing...
The UN-HABITAT: Water and Sanitation Trust Fund Annual Report 2008 The twin phenomena of urbanization, and the proliferation of slums and shanty-towns, together pose the most daunting challenge to human settlements today.Unsound dwellings, overcrowding, and lack of basic infrastructure, characterize neighbourhoods w...
Using Minecraft For Youth Participation In Urban Design And Governance The purpose of this paper is to outline UN-Habitat’s approach to using information and communication technology (ICT) as an enabler to encourage youth participation in urban design and governance. UN-Habitat believes that ICT can be a catalyst to im...
ग्लोबल स्यानीटेसन फण्ड ग्लोबल स्यानीटेसन फण्ड कार्यक्रम सरसफाइ क्षेत्रमा लगानी बृद्धि गरी अधिकतम गरिब जनताहरुलाई सुरक्षित सरसफाइ सेवा प्रदान गर्न र स्वच्छता सम्बन्धी उपयुत्त बानी व्यहोरा अनुसरण गर्न सहयोग प्रदान गर्नको लागि खडा गरिएको विश्वव्यापी कोष हो । ग्लोबल स्यानीटेसन...
हरित आवास - नेपालमा दिगो आवास प्रबर्धन स्वस्थकर जीवन​, वातावरणमैत्री जीवन पद्घती र धरती प्रतिको जिम्मेवारीबाट अमिप्रेरित भएर हरित आवासको प्रबर्धन गरिएको हो । आवास निर्मणमा हाल भइरहेको प्राकृतिक साधन स्रोतहरु माथिको अनियन्त्रित दोहन कम गर्न तथा जलवायु परिवर्तनको प्रमुख कारक तत्व हरित ग्यास...
Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration A Country Level Implementation Strategy for Nepal this intensive study highlights on the concept of Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration. Sustainable land management, prosperous life and development of all is the vision of the new land policy of the Government of Nepal which is currently under intens...
UN Habitat, (2018)
State of the World’s Cities 2010/2011: Bridging the Urban Divide Cities – whether large or small, whole neighbourhoods, city centres, suburban or peri-urban areas – offer human beings the potential to share urban spaces, participate in public and private events and exercise both duties and rights. These opportunit...
Sani News: A Six Month E-Bulletin of Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) Programme Nepal With support from Central Emergency Relief Fund (CERF)/UNICEF, UN-Habitat assisted in the revival of more than 5000 toilets in the earthquake affected districts of Dolakha, Sindhupalchowk, Nuwakot and Bhaktapur. This has paved the way for reviving th...
Tools For The Assessment of School and Hospital Safety for Multi-hazards in South Asia - (Hospital Safety) Toolkit Book 2: Retro Maintenance Major Asian cities are located, by and large, across flood plains or in coastal areas. Over 50% of the urban populations are living in small and medium size cities with less than 500,000 populations that are growing faster and may not be able to cope...
URBSAN-07 Urban Sanitation Proceedings of the National Workshop Although urbanisation is a relatively new phenomenon in Nepal and only about 15 percent of the total population lives in urban areas, the rate of urbanisation is very high resulting into 50 percent of the population in urban areas by 2035. The rapid ...
GoN, UNHABITAT, WA, (2007)
The Ripple Effect: Impacting Communities Through Public Private Partnerships for Water and Sanitation Promoting augmentation of the source through pilot demonstration of Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) Systems and linking it with the Human Values based Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Education (HVWSHE) in the selected schools of Bhopal, Indore, Gwal...
Compact Rural Settlements Development Strategy for Nepal: A Policy Brief The inhabitants in the dispersed settlements in rural areas of Nepal show a distinct gradient in their living conditions largely governed by the degree to which they have access to resources, information, and services. Te high production oriented vil...
GoN, UNHABITAT, (2013)
Eco-Friendly Living for a Sustainable Planet (Brochure) The construction materials we use consumes a lots of energy. We also use energy in our homes mainly for lightning, cooking,space heating and transportation. The use of fossil fuels such as petroleum and coal causes air pollution and also contributes ...
Global Sanitation Fund Programme Nepal (Brochure) The Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) is a pooled global fund to boost expenditure on sanitation and hygiene to help large number of poor people to attain safe sanitation services and adopt good hygiene practices. The purpose of GSF is to help large nu...
GoN, UNHABITAT, (2013)
Global Sanitation Fund Programme Nepal The Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) is a pooled global fund to boost expenditure on sanitation and hygiene to help large number of poor people to attain safe sanitation services and adopt good hygiene practices. It is estimated that 2.5 billion people, ...
Promoting Sustainable Housing in Nepal (Brochure Green Homes Project) Green Homes - the Sustainable Housing is an initiative that promotes housing systems which reduce pressure on natural resources and carbon emissions, thus resulting in human wellbeing, social equity, and promotion of green economy. Energy efficiency...
Status and Strategy for Faecal Sludge Management in The Kathmandu Valley In the Kathmandu Valley, around 70% of the households dispose their excreta directly into the sewer line while remaining 30% of the households still depend on onsite systems such as pit latrines and septic tanks. Te practice of using onsite system is...
Tools For The Assessment of School and Hospital Safety For Multi-Hazards in South Asia - (School Safety) Toolkit Book 1: New Design Major Asian cities are located, by and large, across flood plains or in coastal areas. Over 50% of the urban populations are living in small and medium size cities with less than 500,000 populations that are growing faster and may not be able to cope...
Water for Asian Cities Programme (Annual report 2009) Annual Report 2009 outlines the key achievements made by the UN-HABITAT’s WAC Programme in India, Nepal and Pakistan between January and December 2009 with support from the WSTF and significant contribution from governments, partners and local commun...
सरसफाइ प्रणाली र प्रविधिहरुको संग्रह सरसफाइ मानव जीवनको स्वास्थ्य, स्वच्छता, सुविधा र सुसंस्कारसँग गाँसिएको छ । भनिन्छ सरसफाइमा गरिन प्रत्येक १ रुपैयाँको लगानीबाट ९ रुपैयाँ बराबरको प्रतिफल प्राप्त हुन्छ । तर, सरसफाइमा गरिने लगानीबाट हासिल हुने प्रतिफलहरुको दिगो उपयोग र उचित सरसफाइले वात...
UNHABITAT, GoN, (2012)
Global Sanitation Fund Nepal - A Programme of WSSCC (Investing in sustainable sanitation and hygiene) GSF Programme in Nepal: • Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) Programme provides USD 5 million for 5 years to promote sanitation and hygiene in Nepal targeting more than 1,750,000 population. • National Coordinating Body (NCB) led by the Government provid...
Safe Drinking Water to Quench Urban Thirst Lalitpur Sub-Metropolitan City (LSMC), the second biggest city in Kathmandu Valley, is home to 162,991 residents, mostly of whom are indigenous Newars. For the people who live in the core settlements of what is fondly known as “Te City of Fine Arts,”...
Sanitation Marketing Strategies for Nepal Sanitation coverage in the country is 62%. There is tremendous progress in sanitation since 2010 in Nepal. As of mid 2013, only 22% of the total VDCs, 11% of the districts and 14% of the total municipalities of Nepal have been declared ODF. The Sanit...
Bagmati Action Plan (2009-2014) The Bagmati river is one of the important river systems of Nepal with high cultural and aesthetical values. However, in the absence of planned and coordinated restoration and conservation efforts, environmental degradation and cultural erosion of the...
GoN, NTNC, (2009)
"Partner for Safe Water" - Initiative for the Promotion of Household Water Treatment in Urban Centers Several people have benefited from the “Partnership for Safe Water” project. This is evident from the different voices shared by residents of the programme areas. Tulsi from Choche Tole, Lalitpur started using Piyush, a chlorine solution, to treat hi...
Country Programme Document 2014-2015 Nepal On request by Government of Nepal World Bank is supporting a Nepal Urban Governance and Development Programme (UGDP). This UGDP will address the basic delivery of services and priority infrastructure in six key municipalities – Mechinagar, Dhankuta, ...
Marking World Habitat Day 2012 in Nepal World Habitat Day has been observing globally on every first Monday of October since 1986. Marking World Habitat Day 2012, UN-Habitat, Nepal jointly with Government of Nepal (GoN) and various other stakeholders conducted various activities in Nepal u...
Sani News- Vol.3, Issue 2, July-December 2014, Sani News is a six month e-bulletin of Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) Programme Nepal, 3rd volume of 2nd issue of July-December 2014. This newsletter consists of the following headlines: Bajura & Arghakhanchi become the 16th and 17th THE 16TH AND 17TH...
Sphere Revision – Shelter, Settlement and NFI Chapter (2010 Edition) The Sphere handbook is a relevant and ‘living’ document for emergency response that has improved the accountability of humanitarian agencies in recent years. In order to maintain the relevance and usefulness in disaster response, Sphere needs...
UNHABITAT - Country Activities Report 2011 Despite progress on women’s rights, rights to land and security of tenure are not enjoyed equally by women and men in many parts of the world. Gender issues related to land are complicated. They involve sensitive social and cultural territories and c...
कौसी खेती तालिम निर्देशिका पुस्तिका आफ्नो घरको कौसी,बरन्दा,छ्त आदी स्थलमा आफुलाई दैनिक उपभोग गर्नुपर्ने बालिहरु जस्तै तरकारी,फलफुल​, मसलाबालि, आदिको खेति खेति गर्ने प्रविधिलाई क्औसि खेति भनिन्छ्​। विशेषगरी शहरी क्षेत्र जहाँ खेती गर्ने जग्गा हुदैन तथा जग्गाको अभवले घर मात्र अवस्थित हुन्...
Addressing Arsenic Problem in Nepal Access to safe drinking water is one of the key targets of the United Nations’ millennium development goals and is a crucial foundation for sustainable poverty reduction. However, the natural occurrence of arsenic in groundwater has proven to be a se...
Shelter Provision for the Most Vulnerable Households Disasters are painful to all but, when it comes to deprivations, the poor suffer the most and among them the most vulnerable faces (i.e women-headed households, single women, people with disabilities, elderly and children, marginalized ethnic groups ...
Information Sheet: Water Quality Water being a universal solvent dissolves various substances that it comes into its contact. This includes minerals, chemicals, soil and microorganisms. Hence, it is very rare to find pure natural water with nothing mixed in it. The water we drink al...
UN-HABITAT Water for Asian Cities Programme Nepal (Annual Report 2008) UN-HABITAT Water for Asian Cities WAC Programmer a collaborative initiative between the UN-HABITAT,the Asian Development Bank ADB and Governments of Asia,was officially launched at the Third World Water Forum on 18 March 2003.The first Asian Ministe...
UN-HABITAT, (2008)
WATER FOR ASIAN CITIES PROGRAMME NEPAL Safe Drinking Water Healthy Sanitation - for Healthy Human Settlements UN-HABITAT initiated the WAC Programme Nepal after receiving letter of interest from Ministry of Physical Planning and Works (MPPW), the Government of Nepal (GoN) in November 2004. The overall objective of the WAC-Nepal Programme is to demonstrate in...
GoN, UNHABITAT, (2008)
Changing Communities, Changing Lives Siddhipur is a traditional Newar settlement located approximately six kilometers southeast of Kathmandu. Its 1.9 square kilometer area is home to 6,046 people in 1,308 households. It used to have grave water and sanitation problems: the water supplie...
Cities of Opportunity: Partnerships for an Inclusive and Sustainable Future Urban conditions are significant part of determinants of health of people living in cities. Urbanization grows rapidly where people migrated for social and economic purposes. Urban life-style however is not always healthy for majority of people, espe...
MaYA Fact Sheet #2 Walkability in Kathmandu Valley - Walking: Our Right-Of-Way Cities in Kathmandu Valley were traditionally designed for walking and Poviding communal space for people to meet. Large numbers of people in Kathmandu Valley still walk for their daily mobility. A recent study by the Ministry of Physical Infrastru...
Behavior Change Communication Strategy on Sanitation and Hygiene In Nepal,despite repeated emphasis in improving Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) behaviors,Behavioural Change Communication (BCC) programs are yet to be well grounded, and the strategies on BCC interventions are still in infancy. Nepal’s Sanitati...
Ground-breaking Effort: Upgrading Water and Sanitation Services Tigni, a low-income settlement in the north of Madhyapur Thimi Municipality(MTM), is one of the poorest in the municipality and, indeed, in Kathmandu Valley as a whole: more than 88 percent of residents live under the international poverty line of US...
Nepal Urban Housing Sector Profile Nepal in the process of revising its first National shelter Policy of 1996. The Urban Hosing Sector Profile Study is aimed at supporting this process, driven by the Government,for the urban part. it is meant to improve the understanding of the sector...
Sani News - Vol. 1, Issue 3 (October-December 2012) With full ownership of the government and development partners, five Village Development Committees (VDCs) have been declared ODF with facilitation of the Global Sanitation Fund Programme (GSF) intervention in the past three months. Of those ODF ...
Tools for The Assessment of School and Hospital Safety for Multi-Hazards in South Asia - (Hospital Safety) Toolkit Book 1: New Design The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city ...
Waste Water Management Plan for Madhyapur Thimi Municipality Madhyapur Thimi Municipality is one of the two municipalities established in 1997 in Kathmandu Valley. This young municipality lies in between Bhaktapur Municipality on its east and Kathmandu on west. The southern border is River Hanumante separating...
Water Movement in Patan - with Reference to Traditional Stone Spouts in Nepal (2007) Over the last decades the global water movement towards efficient and judicial use of water and its equitable distribution has gained momentum. It is not only limited to tapping new sources, but reviving traditional sources that were left with neglec...
Building Dreams Together Integrated Shelter Assisment For 235 Landless Household Affected By The Koshi Flood On the 18th of August 2008, the Koshi River burst through its eastern embankment and inundated signifcant areas in Sunsari district in eastern Nepal. Flooding resulted in mass destruction of homes, asset depletion, and displacement of communities fro...
Country Programme Document 2008 – 2009 - Nepal UN-HABITAT had been present in Nepal intermittently since the late 1980s engaging in a number of technical assistance programmes in the field of human settlements development. In 2005, the Water for Asian Cities was launched in the country focusing ...