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A Study Of The Domestication Status Of International Covenant On Civil And Political Rights In Nepal Domestication of international instruments, broadly speaking, is a process of giving effect to the provisions enumerated in the instruments to which the state is a party at the national arena. This is also a part of fulfilling obligations accruing fr...
NHRC/UNDP, (2007)
A Summary of The Report on The 10 March 2010 Incident in which a Child and Two Women Were Killed in Banspani, Bardiya National Park By a Patrol of Jwala Dal Battalion, Nepal Army Various media sources reported the 10 March 2010 incident in which a Nepal Army patrol of Jwala Dal Battalion, Thakurdwara, deployed in Bardiya National Park shot dead two women, Devisara B.K. and Amrita B.K., and a child, Chandrakala B.K., residents...
NHRC/UNDP, (2010)
National Human Rights Commission-Annual Report 2004 The fourth annual report of the National Human Rights Commission for fiscal year 2003/04 is presented here as per in the Human Rights Commission Act 1997. Even though the second and third annual reports of the Commission have not been discussed in Pa...
NHRC/UNDP, (2004)
NHRC Nepal Annual Progress Report July 2007 – June 2008 This publication contains brief information that is published in the NHRC Annual Report of the year 2007/2008. The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of Nepal was established on May 26, 2000 under National Human Rights Commission Act of 1997. T...
NHRC/UNDP, (2008)
Trafficking in Persons (Especially on Women and Children )in Nepal The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), established in 2000, is responsible for the protection, promotion, respect for and enforcement of human rights in Nepal. It has been working against trafficking from its beginning. In its objective 3 of th...
NHCR/UNDP, (2010)
गूमस्ठाऊ ठीटी नेपालाङ पट्टको मोलक्म सम्बीढान खास्च कीटाप-छ्योट् सङ्ख्या - २ नेपालो मीघया सम्बीढान-२०६३ ओ ढारा १५९-१) कै नेपाल काट् गूमस्ठाऊ लोक्टान्टीरीक् गन्टन्टर्या लीस आछाने डेम नीठ्यान जाट्मले डेहाङ् ड होलाङ् नेपालो गूमस्ठाऊ रुप, सांगा र्रर् इसे भीटीरी बेबस्ठा जाट्च ठगनको बारे चीलीमीचीली रुपाङ डेम माडेमले । सम्बीढानसभाईर...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
राज्य आ धर्म १ नेपाल मे सहभागीतामूलक संविधान निर्माण पुस्तिका शृंखला १ कौनो भी धर्मनिरपेक्ष देश राज्य के कौनो भी काम कारवाई में धर्म के राजनैतिक भूमिका के कहियो स्वीकार ना करेला र्। इ देश में रहल सब धर्म के साथ बराबर ढंग से व्यवहार करेला आ सब के आदर करेला र्।र् इ कौनो धर्म के लोग के साथ भेदभाव ना करेके दृष्टिकोण राखेला ...
CCD/UNDP, (2009)
संघिय प्रणाली, नेपाल मे सहभागीतामूलक संविधान निर्माण पुस्तिका शृंखला २ नेपाल मे संघियता अपनावे के बिषय मे निर्णय हो चुकल बा । तर्सथ नेपाल खातिर कइसन संघियता उचित होई एह बिषय मे छलफल कके संबिधानसभा के निर्णय करेके बा । एह सर्न्दर्भ मे बिगत मे हासिल भइल ज्ञान आउर अन्य संघिय प्रणाली के अनुभव से उपयोगी मार्गदर्शन प्राप्त हो...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
संघियता संवाद श्रृंखला १२ प्रस्तावित नेवा प्रदेश १-३ भदौ २०६७ नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघियविकास कार्यक्रम अर्न्तगत सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण सहयोग परियोजनाको (SPCBN) नागरिक पहुँच कार्यक्रमले संविधानसभा राज्यको पुनर्संरचना तथा राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले प्रस्ताव गरेका १४ वटै प्रदेशहरूमा गत चैत २०६६ देख...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
संघियता संवाद श्रृंखला १३ प्रस्तावित जडान प्रदेश २६-२८ कात्तिक २०६७ नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघियविकास कार्यक्रम अर्न्तगत सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण सहयोग परियोजनाको (SPCBN) नागरिक पहुँच कार्यक्रमले संविधानसभा राज्यको पुनर्संरचना तथा राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले प्रस्ताव गरेका १४ वटै प्रदेशहरूमा गत चैत २०६६ देख...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
संघियता संवाद श्रृंखला १४ प्रस्तावित शेर्पा प्रदेश८-१० पुस, २०६७ नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघियविकास कार्यक्रम अर्न्तगत सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण सहयोग परियोजनाको (SPCBN) नागरिक पहुँच कार्यक्रमले संविधानसभा राज्यको पुनर्संरचना तथा राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले प्रस्ताव गरेका १४ वटै प्रदेशहरूमा गत चैत २०६६ देख...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
संघियताः एक परिचय यस पुस्तिकामा जटील शब्दहरुको कम प्रयोग गरिएको छ। पादटीप्पणी पनि दिईएको छैन​। खास लेखकको सन्दर्भमा प्रस्तुत नगरिएकाले पढ्न र बुझ्न सजिलो छ​। यसले राजनितिक छलफल वा निति निर्माणमा संलग्न ब्यक्तिहरुलाइ अत्यावस्यक बुदाहरु प्रत्यक्ष र परिणाम मुखि रुपमा प्...
CCD/UNDP, (2012)
संघीय प्रणाली नेपाल मे सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण पोष्टा शृङ्खला २ नेपालके अन्तरिम संविधान-२०६३ के धारा १५९-१) नेपाल एक संघीय लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्रात्मक राज्य रहुउइया बा कैहके घोषणा कैले बा लेकिन ओम्ने नेपालके संघीयताके प्रकृति, संरचना ओ यकर अर्न्तर्गत व्यवस्था कैजैना निकायन्के बारेम विस्तृत रूपमे उल्लेख नै कै गैल ह...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
संघीय प्रणाली संवैधानिक संवाद केन्द्र नेपालय् सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण सफू-माः २ नेपाःया अन्तरिम संविधान २०६३ या घारा १५९ -१)कथं नेपाः छगू संघीय लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्रात्मक राज्य जुइ धकाः घोषणा याःगु दुसां नेपाःया संघीयताया प्रकृति, संरचना व थुकीे दैगु निकाययात कयाः ब्याक्कं खँ न्हृयथनातःगु मदु । संविधानसभां थ्वः फुक्कं खंय् क्वःछ...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
संङीय प्रणाली नेपालमा सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण पुस्तिका शृङ्खला २ नेपालको अन्तरिम संविधान(२०६३ को धारा १५९-१) ले नेपाल एक संघीय लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्रात्मक राज्य हुनेछ भनी घोषणा गरेको छ तर त्यसमा नेपालको संघीयताको प्रकृति,संरचना र यस अर्न्तर्गत व्यवस्था गरिने निकायहरूबारे विस्तृत रूपमा उल्लेख गरिएको छैन । संविधानसभा...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
साङ्गिय प्रनालि नेपाल्रि मोक्कोन् हयुल्बासे बोकिन्सि हयुल्ठिम् सोबा गे डाङ् - २ नेपाल्से साङ्गियता किन्बा निर्नय लासिजिन्बा मुला । होराङ् ताबासे लामा हयुल्ठिम्सभासे नेपाल्ला लागिरि खाराङ्बा साङ्गियता ज्याबा ताला बिबा ताम् छलफल लासि निर्नय लातोला । चु सर्न्दर्भरि ङाच्छा याङ्सि जिन्बा ग्यान् थेन् स्यान् साङ्गिय प्रनालिला अनुभवजुगु...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
MICRO ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME This compilation of 108 success stories contains accounts of micro-entrepreneurs supported and promoted by the Micro-Enterprise Development Programme (MEDEP). A majority of micro-entrepreneurs established by MEDEP support are running their enterprise...
MoICS, UNDP, (2018)
UNDP Annual Report 2012/2013 2012 marked the beginning of a process of reinvigorating the global development agenda. At Rio+20, the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, UN Member States agreed that sustainable development is the only viable path forward, based on integrate...
UNDP, (2013)
Leading the Voice of Voiceless People:My Voice for Dignified Life- Mental Health and Human Rights As a reflection of the high priority placed on the promotion and protection of human rights of mentally disabled persons, the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of Nepal has included it in its Strategic Plan 2015-20. In this regard, the NHRC Str...
NHRC-UNDP, (2017)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 47 November 2010 "In the Know" is the 47th issue of November 2010 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines: Nepal among the ‘top ten movers’; Launch of National Adaptation Programme of Action—NAPA; Climate Change Knowledge Management Cent...
UNDP, (2010)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 45 September 2010 "In the Know" is the 45th issue of September2010 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines: Gender-responsive policing in post conflict countries; Voter registration starts; Nepal launches its third Millennium Development ...
UNDP, (2010)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 46 October 2010 "In the Know" is the 46th issue of October 2010 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines: Election Commission receives additional US$ 2.1m support for voter registration; Rebuilding lives - Ms. Shrestha during the trainin...
UNDP, (2010)
दिगो बिकास लक्ष्यहाँरु वार्शिक पर्‍तिबेदन २०१७ सन २०१६ मा दिगो बिकास लक्ष्यको पर्‍तिबेदन पर्‍काशन गर्ने विश्व्कै पहिलो राष्ट्र नेपाल हो । वर्तमान बिकास सम्ब्न्धी बिस्तृत विवरन एबम दिगो विकास लक्ष्यको पारम्भिक आधार उक्त प्रतिबेदनमा उल्लेख छ । प्रतिबेदनले दिगो बिकास लक्ष्य कार्ययोजना र कार्यान्व्य...
UNDP, (2016)
Supporting Nepal to Build Back Better: Key Achievements in UNDP’s Earthquake Response Two devastating earthquakes hit Nepal in April and May of 2015. The death toll climbed to over 8,700 while more than 22,000 people were injured. Out of 75 districts in Nepal, 33 were affected by the earthquakes,14 of which were heavily damaged. In th...
UNDP, (2015)
Evaluation of the Impact of the BRIDGE Program in Nepal Final Evaluation Report 2008 – 2018 As the use of BRIDGE in Nepal has been both extensive and long-term, this evaluation is also a timely opportunity to provide the global BRIDGE partnership with information on whether it is providing the necessary guidance to potential users of BRIDGE...
ESP, UNDP, (2018)
Ginger Production and Processing Technology Dissemination in Dang, Nawalparasi and Parbat Districts Micro-Enterprise Development Programme (MEDEP) is implemented by His Majesty's Government, Nepal (HMG/N), Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies (MOICS), with technical and financial supports of the United Nations Deve...
MEDEP/UNDP, (2003)
Micro Enterprises Development for Poverty Alleviation -Volume 2 (Kailali District) Though having the potential to develop,the micro-enterprise sector could not grow significantly in the recent past due to lack of access to services. In order to address this issue, the GoN has been according high priority to the development of micro...
Micro-Enterprises Development for Poverty Alleviation Volume II (Sindhupalchowk) The concept of 'Community Forestry' (CF) was formally launched in Nepal in 1978. It was given high priority by 'Master Plan for Forestry Sector' (MPFS) developed in 1989 (FINIDA, 1989). The CF is concerned with people's participation in 'Protection',...
MEDEP/UNDP, (2013)
Rebuilding Nepal: Three Years On Three years have passed since the earthquakes of April and May 2015 rattled Nepal to its very core. The country is well into the recovery and reconstruction phase today; while significant progress has been made in expediting private house reconstruct...
UNDP, (2018)
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development The Sustainable Development Goals aim to end poverty by 2030. World leaders have set a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. Eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge ...
UNDP, (2016)
Conflict Prevention Program (CPP) Since the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2006, many important steps have been taken to successfully bring a definitive conclusion to the armed conflict. Some key aspects of the peace process, however, have not been fully implemented ...
UNDP, (2006)
More Women In law, a Must for Justice In Nepal Nepal's legal system will continue to fail women until at least one-third of legal professionals are female, said United nations development programmer deputy resident representative, ghulam isaczai, earlier today during the launch of ...
UNDP, (2006)
Nepal Climate Change Support Programme (NCCSP) The Nepal Climate Change Support Programme (NCCSP) continues to build the capacity of vulnerable communities to adapt to the negative effects of climate change. Nepal Climate Change Support Programme (NCCSP), a leading project in the area of climate ...
UNDP, (2017)
Nepal Climate Change Support Programme The programme aims to mainstream climate change into Nepal's national development agenda, contribute to poverty reduction, livelihood diversification and community resilience. This will ensure that the most urgent and immediate adaption actions are i...
UNDP, (2016)
Monitoring Protocol for Indicator Species (Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve and Ghodaghodi Lake Area) An indicator species is any biological species whose presence, absence, or relative well being in a given environment is indicative of the health of its ecosystem as a whole. Numerous plant and animal species are used as indicator, along with organis...
CSUWN, GEF, UNDP, (2011)
PPPUE Annual Progress Report 2002 The rapid proliferation of urban enclaves across Nepal has sharply increased the demand for basic urban services while simultaneously rendering a negative impact on the urban environment itself. Because municipalities are severely hamstrung due to in...
PPPUE/UNDP, (2002)
PPPUE Annual Progress Report 2003 For PPPUE Nepal, the year 2003 has primarily been about further strengthening, augmenting and extending the foundation upon which public private partnership activity in the area of urban service in based. There have been concerted and broad-based eff...
PPPUE/UNDP, (2003)
संघियता संवाद प्रस्तावित श्रृंखला ९ कर्णाली प्रदेश २९-३१ असार २०६७ नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघियविकास कार्यक्रम अर्न्तगत सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण सहयोग परियोजनाको (SPCBN) नागरिक पहुँच कार्यक्रमले संविधानसभा राज्यको पुनर्संरचना तथा राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले प्रस्ताव गरेका १४ वटै प्रदेशहरूमा गत चैत २०६६ देख...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
संघियता संवाद श्रृंखला १ प्रस्तावित १३-१५ चैत २०६६ लिम्बुवान प्रदेश वर्तमान राज्यको प्रारम्भदेखि विद्यमान एकात्मक शासन व्यवस्थाबाट संघिय संरचनातर्फ लाग्नेक्रममा हाल नेपाल एक सङ्क्रमणकालीन चरणमा रहेको छ । संविधानसभाको राज्यपुनर्संचना र राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले १४ प्रदेशहरू सम्मिलित संघिय संरचनाको सिफारिस गर्दै ...
CCD/UNDP, (2010)
संघियता संवादश्रृंखला १० प्रस्तावित १-३ साउन २०६७ खप्तड प्रदेश नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघियविकास कार्यक्रम अर्न्तगत सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण सहयोग परियोजनाको (SPCBN) नागरिक पहुँच कार्यक्रमले संविधानसभा राज्यको पुनर्संरचना तथा राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले प्रस्ताव गरेका १४ वटै प्रदेशहरूमा गत चैत २०६६ देख...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
संघियता संवादश्रृंखला २ प्रस्तावित किरात प्रदेश वर्तमान राज्यको प्रारम्भदेखि विद्यमान एकात्मक शासन व्यवस्थाबाट संघिय संरचनातर्फ लाग्नेक्रममा हाल नेपाल एक सङ्क्रमणकालीन चरणमा रहेको छ। संविधानसभाको राज्य पुनर्संरचना र राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले १४ प्रदेशहरू सम्मिलित संघिय संरचनाको सिफारिस गर्दै...
CCD/UNDP, (2010)
संघियता संवादश्रृंखला ३ प्रस्तावित मिथिला-भोजपुरा- कोच-मधेश प्रदेश वर्तमान राज्यको प्रारम्भदेखि विद्यमान एकात्मक शासन व्यवस्थाबाट संघिय संरचनातर्फ लाग्नेक्रममा हाल नेपाल एक सङ्क्रमणकालीन चरणमा रहेको छ । संविधानसभाको राज्य पुनर्संरचना र राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले १४ प्रदेशहरू सम्मिलित संघिय संरचनाको सिफारिस गर्द...
CCD/UNDP, (2009)
संघियता संवादश्रृंखला ४ प्रस्तावित १६-१७ बैशाख २०६७ सुनकोशी प्रदेश नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघिय विकास कार्यक्रम अर्न्तगत सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण सहयोग परियोजनाको (SPCBN) नागरिक पहुँच कार्यक्रमले संविधानसभा राज्यको पुनर्संरचना तथा राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले प्रस्ताव गरेका १४ वटै प्रदेशहरूमा गत चैत २०६६ द...
CCD/UNDP, (2009)
संघियता संवादश्रृंखला ५ प्रस्तावित तमुवान प्रदेश ३१ वैशाख - २ जेठ २०६७ नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघियविकास कार्यक्रम अन्तगर्त सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण सहयोग परियोजनाको (SPCBN) नागरिक पहुँच कार्यक्रमले संविधानसभा राज्यको पुनर्संरचना तथा राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले प्रस्ताव गरेका १४ वटै प्रदेशहरूमा गत चैत २०६६ दे...
CCD/UNDP, (2009)
संघियता संवादश्रृंखला ६ प्रस्तावित ४-६ जेठ २०६७ नारायणी प्रदेश नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघियविकास कार्यक्रम अर्न्तगत सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण सहयोग परियोजनाको (SPCBN) नागरिक पहुँच कार्यक्रमले संविधानसभा राज्यको पुनर्संरचना तथा राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले प्रस्ताव गरेका १४ वटै प्रदेशहरूमा गत चैत २०६६ ...
संघियता संवादश्रृंखला ७ प्रस्तावित १०-१२ असार २०६७ मगरा नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघियविकास कार्यक्रम अर्न्तगत सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण सहयोग परियोजनाको (SPCBN) नागरिक पहुँच कार्यक्रमले संविधानसभा राज्यको पुनर्संरचना तथा राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले प्रस्ताव गरेका १४ वटै प्रदेशहरूमा गत चैत २०६६ देख...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
संघियता संवादश्रृंखला ८ प्रस्तावित लुम्बिनी-अवध थारुवान प्रदेश १४-१६ असार, २०६७ नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघियविकास कार्यक्रम अर्न्तगत सहभागितामूलक संविधान निर्माण सहयोग परियोजनाको (SPCBN) नागरिक पहुँच कार्यक्रमले संविधानसभा राज्यको पुनर्संरचना तथा राज्य शक्तिको बाँडफाँड समितिले प्रस्ताव गरेका १४ वटै प्रदेशहरूमा गत चैत २०६६ देख...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Joint Programme Nepal LGCDP The Local Governance and Community Development Programme (LGCDP) is a national programme managed and implemented by the Ministry of Local Development (MoLD) and is aimed at improving the system of local governance and community development. The MoLD,...
Nepal Agricultural Policy and Strategies for Poverty Alleviation and Food Security Nepal is one of the world’s least developed nations, with low per capital income(US$249), and generally low social-economic indicators. Infant mortality, at 64 per 1000 live Birth is the highest such figure in South Asia.Indicators of life expectanc...
UNDP/ FAO, (2003)
NHRI Background Briefs: Assessing the Capacity of National Human Rights Institutions in South Asia to Address Discrimination and Human Rights Relating to HIV, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (June 2012) Conservative societal attitudes in South Asia towards sexual orientation and gender identity have a significantly adverse impact on the lives and rights of men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender people and people living with HIV (PLHIV). The re...
UNDP, (2012)
China recovery aid for flood-affected households in the Terai [YouTube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eVYxkMPsSs [Abstract]- UNDP, with funding support from the Government of the People’s Republic of China, has provided recovery support to over 31,800 families affected by the 2017 floods over the last...
UNDP, (2018)
Industrial Development Perspective Plan:Vision 2020 The approach is to a large extent an academic one, as the report draws from a massive set of statistics, qualitative data and existing studies that it tries to compile and analyse in a rigorous, holistic manner. A separate document extracts from this...
GoN, UNDP,UNIDO, (2002)
Local Capacity Development Investments for MDG Localization in Nepal Nepal has undergone significant political change in the recent years. The election of the Constituent Assembly has been completed and the country has been declared a Republic state by demolishing the history of a Kingdom which remained in power for 2...
UNDP, (2008)
Communication for Development Strengthening the Effectiveness of the United Nations Communication for Development (C4D) makes a difference to human development. C4D prioritizes communication systems and processes that enable people to deliberate and speak out on issues important to their own well-being. Its role in empowerment proce...
MaKing The MDGs Work: From Advocacy Through Implementation To Acceleration And Beyond 2013 is a defining moment in the MDG timeline, with countries focusing efforts towards accelerating progress while at the same time drawing lessons from their MDG experience to help shape the post-2015 development agenda. These elements defined UN...
UNDP, (2013)
Supporting Nepal In Building Back Better: National Reconstruction Planning And Implementation (August 2015) UNDP is assisting Nepal to recover from the devastating earthquakes. With a comprehensive programme spanning three years, UNDP focuses on four main areas of work: assisting the Government in its recovery planning and implementation, revitalizing live...
UNDP, (2015)
Gender Responsive National Communications Toolkit This toolkit is an initiative of the UNDP Gender Team and the UNDP–UNEP Global Support Programme. It is designed to strengthen the capacity of national government staff and assist them in integrating gender equality into the development of National C...
UNDP, UNEP, GEF, (2015)
Supporting Nepal In Building Back Better: Demolition And Debris Management (August 2015) UNDP is assisting Nepal to recover from the devastating earthquakes. With a comprehensive programme spanning three years, UNDP will focus on four main areas of work: assisting the Government in its recovery planning and implementation, revitalizing l...
UNDP, (2015)
Supporting Nepal In Building Back Better: Disaster And Climate Risk Management (August 2015) UNDP is assisting Nepal to recover from the devastating earthquakes. With a comprehensive programme spanning three years, UNDP focuses on four main areas of work: assisting the Government in its recovery planning and implementation, revitalizing live...
UNDP, (2015)
Electoral Support Project-Phase II (ESP-II) The project concentrated on providing technical advice and operational support for the CA elections in phase I 2008-2012, whereas phase II 2012-2018 is responding to the need for continued capacity building of the ECN to organize credible elections w...
UNDP, (2017)
Alternative uses of pre-tax fossil-fuel subsidies per year This note performs a series of arithmetic comparisons of the estimated global amount of pre-tax fossil-fuel subsidies (FFSs) distributed per year to offer an understanding of what they cost across the developing world. A first exercise focuses on wha...
UNDP, (2021)
Nepal Multidimensional Poverty Index 2021: Report Nepal has made substantive progress in reducing the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) from 30.1 percent (NMICS 2014) to 17.4 (2019 NMICS) percent over the timeframe of five years. This latest MPI Report reaffirms that Nepal is heading in the right...
Next Practices: Innovations in the COVID-19 social protection responses and beyond The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated large-scale, rapid responses from governments to ensure that the negative effects of the crisis on people’s livelihoods are mitigated. Countries with more well-established social protection systems in place prio...
UNDP, (2021)
Federalism dialogues 13 - Proposed Jadan province - 12-14 November, 2010 The UNDP/SPCBN/CCD Federalism Dialogue on the proposed Jadan province was held in Simikot, Humla from November 12th to14th. 2010. This was the thirteenth in the Federalism Dialogue series to discuss the report of the CA CSRDSP. The proposed Jadan pro...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Federalism Dialogues Series 3 - Mithila-Bhojpura - Koch - Madhesh Provnce - 24-26 April, 2010 The Mithila-Bhojpura-Koch- Madhesh province represents 11 districts: Bara, Parsa, Sarlahi, Jhapa, Rautahat, Sunsari, Mahottari, Saptari, Morang, Dhanusa, Siraha and part of Udaypur as well. It contains a total of 948 VDCs (Village Development Committ...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Federalism Dialogues series 4 - Proposed Sunkoshi Province - 29-30 April, 2010 The UNDP/CCD organized its 4th Federalism Dialogue in Charikot for the proposed Sunkoshi province. Sunkoshi province includes 176 VDCs (including two municipalities) of five districts − Dolakha, Okhaldhunga, Ramechhap, Sindhuli and Udayapur. Non-e...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Federalism Dialogues Series 5 - Tamuwan Province - 11-13 August, 2010 Tamuwan province has been created to recognize the identity of the Tamu (Gurung) ethnic group, as it is considered the place of origin of the Tamu ethnic group. The Tamuwan province includes 138 VDCs of 6 districts namely, Dhading, Gorkha, Manang, Mu...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Federalism dialogues Series 7 -Proposed Magarat province - 24- 26 June, 2010 The UNDP/CCD held its 7th Federalism Dialogue in Tansen, the proposed capital city of Magarat province. This province has been created to recognize the identity of the Magar ethnic group, considering their high density in this area. This proposed Mag...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Federalism dialogues series8 - Proposed Lumbini - Awadh - tharuwan province - 28-30 June, 2010 The UNDP/CCD held its 8th federalism workshop for the proposed Lumbini-Awadh-Tharuwan province in the proposed capital, Ghorahi. This province has been created to recognize the ethnic identity, language and historical area of the local Indigenous peo...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Federalism dialogues1 - proposed limbuwan province - 26-28 March, 2010 Limbhuwan province includes 217 VDCs(Village Development Committees) in seven districts:Dhankuta,Ilam,Morang,Panchthar,Sankhwasabha,Tapelejung and Terhathum.Though the proposed Limbuwan province is highly dense with people of Limbu ethnicity,other po...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Federalism dialogues10 -Proposed Khaptad province - 17-19 July, 2010 The 10th UNDP/SPCBN/CCD Federalism Dialogue was held in Dadeldhura of the proposed Khaptad province, from July 17 to July 19 2010 to discuss the CA CSRDSP.This province has been created to recognize the historical identity of the Khas community livin...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Federalism dialogues11-Proposed Tamsaling province - 11-13 August, 2010 The 11th Federalism Dialogue was held in proposed province Tamsaling from August 11 to 13,2010 at Hetauda municipality,an industrial estate. The province includes 317 Village Development Committees (VDCs) and 2 Municipalities from the following ten d...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Federalism dialogues12 - Proposed Newa province - 17-19 August, 2010 Newa province includes 116 Village Development Committees (VDCs) including 7 Municipalities of 5 districts: Bhaktapur (18 VDCs), Kathmandu (59 VDCs), Kavrepalanchowk (12 VDCs), Lalitpur (25 VDCs) and Makwanpur (2 VDCs). The province is dominated by t...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Federalism dialoguesSeries 6 - Proposed Narayeni Province - 18-20 May, 2010 The 6th of the SPCBN/CCD Federalism Dialogues was held from 18-20 May 2010 in Bharatpur (Chitwan), the proposed capital city of Narayani province. The proposed province comprises the adjoining VDCs and Municipalities of eleven districts: Chitwan, Dha...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Federalism Dialouges series 14 - Proposed Sherpa province - 23-25 December, 2010 The proposed Sherpa province includes 36 Village Development Committees (VDCs) of 5 districts: Solukhumbu (15 VDCs), Dolakha (9 VDCs), Okhaldhunga (6 VDCs), Sankhuwasabha (1 VDC) and Sindhupalchowk (5 VDCs). The province is dominated by the Sherpa po...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Federalism Dialouges Series 9 - proposed Karnali province - 13-15 July, 2010 The proposed Karnali province includes 319 VDcs (including 2 municipalities) of 11 districts: Bajura ( 11 VDCs), Dailekh ( 55 VDCs), Dolpa ( 12 VDCs), Humla ( 5 VDCs), Jajarkot ( 30 VDCs), Jumla ( 30 VDCs), Kalikot (30 VDCs), Mugu ( 18 VDCs), Rukum (...
CCD/UNDP, (2011)
Forms of Government - Nepal Participatory Constitution Building Booklet Series No. 5 Centre There are approximately 200 existing political systems around the world and each has its distinct features and characteristics. Ancient Greek philosophers classified governments as monarchy, aristocracy, polity, tyranny, oligarchy and democracy. Stat...
CCD/UNDP, (2009)
Local Governance and Community Development Programme - Second Trimester Progress Report The Local Governance and Community Development (LGCDP) is a national programme with an over-aching goal to contribute towards poverty reduction through inclusive responsive and accountable local governance and participatory community-led development....
MOLD-UNDP, (2010)
Local Self Governance - Nepal Participatory Constitution Building Booklet Series No. 4 Effective decentralization is an element of good governance and an expression of democratic practice. It is also a prerequisite for effective and efficient public administration. It is recognized that elected local authorities, alongside national and...
CCD/UNDP, (2009)
Participatory Constitution Making Process - Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal Booklet Series No. 10 A constitution is the primary law of a state. All laws are based on it. It establishes the structure, functions, procedures, powers, and duties of a government. A constitution also identifies the rights held by citizens. A constituent assembly is use...
CCD/UNDP, (2009)
Recognizing Diversity and Social Inclusion in the Constitution - Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal Booklet Series No. 9 The Constituent Assembly (CA) is engaged in drafting a new Constitution for Nepal. The CA is a representative body in its own right. It includes a larger number of women, indigenous peoples, marginalized caste and minority groups than have ever parti...
CCD/UNDP, (2009)
Rights of Indigenous Peoples - Nepal Participatory Constitution Building Booklet Series No. 6 Centre The term indigenous generally designates people who were the "original" inhabitants of a given territory, i.e. people who were already there before the currently dominant ethnic group arrived or established state borders. This is easier to establish ...
CCD/UNDP, (2009)
State and Religion - Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal Booklet Series No. 1 Nepal is a country with religious, social and cultural diversity. There are several religious and ethnic groups in the country. The 2001 Census classified the population of Nepal into six broad religious categories: Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Christian...
CCD/UNDP, (2009)
The Independent Judiciary - Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal Booklet Series NO. 8 An independent judiciary is able to make its decisions and operate as an institution free from outside influence, including from political parties, government agencies, and individuals. An independent judiciary is also a branch of government that ope...
CCD/UNDP, (2009)
The Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2063 (2007) - As Amended by the First to Third Amendments In 1990,Nepal adopted its fifth and first fully democratic constitution. Although there were many good features about that constitution, it failed to satisfy the demands of many Nepalese.There was also a sense that the 1990 Constitution had limited i...
CCD/UNDP, (2008)
Being LGBT In Asia: नेपाल देशीय प्र​तिवेदन : समलिङ्गी, महिला, पुरुष, द्विलिङ्गी तथा तेस्रोलिङ्गी (LGBT) व्यक्ति र नागिरक समाजका लागि कानुनी तथा सामाजिक वातावरणको विषयमा सहभागितामूलक समीक्षा तथा विश्लेषण यस प्रतिवेदन नेपालका (LGBT) मानिस र संगठनह का लागि काननी र सामाजिक वातावरणको साथसाथै अप्रिल ​२०१४ मा काठमाडौमा सम्पन्न​ भएको नेपाल राष्ट्रिय​ (LGBT) सामुदाियक संवाद कायर्क्रम (संवाद कायर्क्रम) का बहस र निष्कषर्हरूको समीक्षा गरेको छ । यसले LGBT अधिकार...
Human Rights Accord Between The Goverment of Nepal & The Commuist Party of Nepal- Maoist (CPN-M) Draft The people of nepal have expressed their overwhelming desire for development, peace and human rights as evidenced by the view of the people expressed in the recent peaceful pro-democratic movement.the declaration of ceasefire by the communist Party o...
NHRC/UNDP, (2006)
Human Rights Situation Of Nepalese Migrant Workers - Observation and Monitoring Report Migration is a global phenomenon. In Nepal, migration for foreign employment is turning into reality of many Nepali families. However, the violation and abuse of the rights of Nepali migrant workers has been a crucial issue and a number of labor dest...
NHRC/UNDP, (2013)
Identification of NTFP Based Micro-Enterprises in Parbat: Opportunities, Constraints and Strategies for Development This report is a summary of the results of MA&D workshops organized by MEDEP and ANSAB in Parbat on December 4-6, 1999 to initiate the process of NTFP based microenterprise development. The Micro-Enterprise Development program (MEDEP) was started in ...
MEDEP/UNDP, (1999)
Micro- Enterprises Development for Poverty Alleviation- Volume 2 (Analytical Summary of Research Reports) There were 18 reports (14 theses: 1 Doctoral, 10 Master, and 4 Bachelor; and 4 research reports: 2 commodity feasibility studies and 2 district feasibility studies) reviewed. This section presents the analytical summary of these theses and reports....
MEDEP/UNDP, (2013)
Turning Tradition to New Ends:Improving Water Mills in Nepal - Case Study 8 (Environment and Energy) Despite this progress, 800 million people in the region remain without access to electricity and almost 2 billion rely on the traditional use of biomass for cooking. In Nepal, for example, only 40 percent of the population has access to electricity d...
UNDP, (2011)
UNDP Annual Report 2006 2006 was a year of major transition for the UNDP Programme due to the changed political context. UNDP focused its efforts on reorienting its programme to meet current needs and strengthened its operational capacity to assist with post-conflict recove...
UNDP, (2006)
खुला सरकार र खुला संसद लोकतन्त्रलाई परिणाममुखी बनाउन शासन पद्धतिको सुधारमा सरकार र नागरिकबीच साझेदारी गर्ने नयाँ अवधारणा स्थापित भैरहेको छ । शासन सुधार प्रक्रियामा आम नागरिकलाई मागकर्ता वा दबाबकर्ताका रूपमा मात्र सीमित नराखी उनीहरूको सक्रिय र सुसूचित सहभागिता एवं सिर्जनशील...
Freedom Forum/ UNDP, (2019)
ढुङ्गा माटोको घरमा जस्ता तारको प्रविधि बुइँगल सहित एक तल्ला र दुई तल्ला भवनमा यो प्रविधि पुर्णरुपमा आधारभुत निर्माण सामाग्री जस्तै गारो निर्माणको लागि ढुङ्गा र माटो, छानोको संरचनाको लागि कर्कट जस्तापाता र मध्य तल्लाको लागि काठको चिरपटहरुमा माटोको प्रयोगमा आधारित छ । बुइँगल सहितको एक तल्ले र दई तल्ले भवनहरु नेपालको पहाडि क्षेत...
UNDP, (2019)
Nepal Human Development Report 2009 Previous Nepal Human Development Reports and the reports of many other organizations have successively mapped underlying patterns of exclusion, disadvantage and vulnerability in Nepal. While the proportion of Nepalis living in extreme poverty has low...
UNDP, (2009)
Report for UNDP Nepal of the Outcome Evaluation Mission On Gender This evaluation assesses Nepal’s efforts to develop gender responsive national and local level policies and plans over the period 1999 to 2003, and toassess UNDP’s contribution to this outcome, in tandem with other actors in the development sector an...
UNDP, (2004)
Report on Gender Mapping in the Field of Elections ‘Gender Mapping in the Field of Elections’ is a pioneering step towards promoting gender equality in the field of elections in Nepal, identifying gender gaps in the electoral processes and the election management body, as well as providing recommenda...
GON-UNDP, (2010)
United Nations Development Assistance Frame work For Nepal The United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) forms the overall framework for the United Nations Country Team’s (UNCT) work between 2013 and 2017. This document comprises three main parts. The first part describes t...
UNDP, (2012)
United Nations Development Assistance Framework For Nepal 2008-2010 Following ten years of conflict, the April 2006 People’s Movement and the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in November 2006, Nepal is now in a transition towards democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights. The people...
UNDP, (2010)
Power to the people Syaurebhumi Grid Connection [Youtube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ydVUOC0Wt8&t=89s [Abstract] - The recent interconnection of the 23kW Syaurebhumi micro-hydro plant to the national grid has raised hopes for the sustainability of small scale hydropower projects in Ne...
UNDP, (2018)