Rural Enterprises and Remittances Project Samriddhi
Rural Enterprise and Remittance (RER)/SAMRIDDHI1 is an IFAD-funded project that aims at providing sustainable sources of income to poor households, migrant families and returnees in the Eastern and Central Regions of Nepal, by supporting the creation... IFAD, (2015)
High Value Agriculture Project in Hill and Mountain Areas (HVAP) IFAD
High Value Agriculture Project in Hill and Mountain Areas has now reached 12,033 households (89% of full project target of 13,500 hh) across 120 VDCs as of 15 Dec 2015. These households had already achieved an average increase in net annual income of... IFAD, (2016)
Breaking New Ground Leasehold Forestry in Nepal (February 2004)
Forest areas in Nepal decreased at a rate of 1.7 percent every year between the end of the 1970s and the mid 1990s. Land degradation leads to soil erosion spelling disaster for poor rural households who are forced to spend more time collecting fodder... IFAD, (2004)
IOE Independent Office of Evaluation 2003-2013: Accountability and Learning for Better Rural Livelihoods (Number 24, May 2013)
In 2012, the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD undertook the second country programme evaluation (CPE) in Nepal, assessing the IFAD-Nepal partnership over the period 1999-2012. During this period IFAD’s activities focused on: (i) rural poverty... IFAD, (2013)
National Roundtable Workshop Coorganized by the Government of Nepal and IFAD
1. Registration of the participants
2. Statement by Mr Ashwani Muthoo, Acting Director, Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE), IFAD
3. Statement by Ms Lakshmi Menon, Head, Corporate Services Department, IFAD
4. Presentation of Findin... GoN, IFAD, (2013)
Nepal: Western Uplands Poverty Alleviation Project ( Phase III Design Report )
WUPAP is being implemented in three phases under the Flexible Lending Mechanism of IFAD with a loan effectiveness date of 01 Jan 2003, current completion data of 31 Mar 2014, and is currently in Phase II. Phase I of the project was completed in FY 20... IFAD, (2012)
Nepal: Western Uplands Poverty Alleviation Project Supervision Report
WUPAP is being implemented in three phases under the Flexible Lending Mechanism of IFAD with a loan effectiveness date of 01 January 2003, completion date of 31 March 2016, closing date of 30 September 2016, and is currently in its final Phase III. P... IFAD, (2015)
Environmental And Climate Change Assessment
This report is a product of staff of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the findings and conclusions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of its Member States or their representatives to its Executive Boar... IFAD, (2013)
Improved Seeds for Farmers Programme: Supervision Report
A mission from the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) visited Nepal from the March 17 to April 2nd, 2015 to undertake the supervision of the Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK) or the Improved Seeds for Farmers Programme (... IFAD, (2015)
Water Conservation and Management: Evaluation Synthesis
With water being increasingly considered both a constraint to development and an opportunity for investments that can reduce poverty, the Executive Board, when approving the 2013 evaluation work programme at its December 2012 session, requested the I... IFAD, (2014)
Western Uplands: Western Uplands Poverty Alleviation Project
From 16 March – 31 March 2014, Government of Nepal and IFAD fielded a Mission to jointly review the performance of the Western Uplands Poverty Alleviation Project (WUPAP) and its achievements since the last Phase III Review of March 2013. The mission... IFAD, (2014)
Nepal Western Uplands Poverty Alleviation Project (WUPAP)
WUPAP is being implemented in three phases 2 under the Flexible Lending Mechanism of IFAD with a loan effectiveness date of 01 Jan 2003, current completion data of 31 Mar 2014 and is currently completing Phase II. Phase I of the project was completed... IFAD, (2012)
Nepal: Country Programme Evaluation
Nepal is a low-income country with a population of 30.49 million and a per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of US$642. The population is mainly concentrated in rural areas (about 83 per cent). Nepal‘s economy is dominated by agriculture, which acc... IFAD, (2013)
Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (Improved Seeds for Farmers Programme)
Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram1 is an IFAD funded operation to support accelerated agricultural growth. It aims at developing the formal seed sector as well as improving smallholder livestock through improved partnership with the private secto... GoN, IFAD, (2012)
Managing Risks and Designing Products for Agricultural Microfinance
Globally, 1.2 billion people are extremely poor (surviving on less than USD a day), and three quarters live in rural areas. Poverty is predominantly a rural phenomenon. Extremely poor people spend more than half of their income to obtain (or produce)... CGAP, IFAD, (2006)
Rural Youth: Evaluation Synthesis
This evaluation synthesis was undertaken at a time when the effects of the 2008 financial crisis were having serious repercussions for a generation of young people,who constituted a large proportion of the populations of many developing countries, in... IFAD, (2014)
This bulletin consists of statement of Ms Laxmi Menon, Head of IFAD's Corporate Service Department regarding the National Roundtable Workshop jointly organized by Government of Nepal and IFAD. The workshop is the culmination of the Nepal Country Prog... IFAD, (2013)
Addressing climate change in Asia and the Pacific
The average temperature in the Asia and Pacific region could rise by some 0.5 to 2 degrees Celsius by 2030 and between 1 and 7 degrees Celsius by 2070. Annual rainfall is also expected to increase in several parts of Asia while arid and semi-arid are... IFAD, (2011)
Managing Forests, Sustaining Lives, Improving Livelihoods Of Indigenous
Peoples And Ethnic Groups In The Mekong Region, Asia
It is estimated that there are 350-400 million indigenous people living in 70 countries of the world. Two thirds of these people live in Asia and about 50 per cent of them live below the poverty line. Despite the lack of monetary income, indigenous p... IFAD, (2013)
President’s Report: Proposed Grants To The Republic Of Nepal For Adaptation For Smallholders In Hilly Areas Project (ASHA)
Building on the successes of IFAD’s community development, agricultural production and environmental protection projects in Nepal, the Adaptation for Smallholders in Hilly Areas Project (ASHA) aims to strengthen the adaptive capacity of communities a... IFAD, (2014)
Indigenous Peoples and Sustainable Development
About 1.2 billion people in the world today live on less than one dollar a day. Recognizing that such levels of poverty are unacceptable, the international community made a commitment at the United Nations Millennium Summit in September 2000 to achie... IFAD, (2003)
Republic of India: Country Programme Evaluation Approach paper (June 29)
As decided by the Executive Board in its 113th session (December 2014), the Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE) of IFAD will undertake in 2015 a Country Programme Evaluation (CPE) in India. This will be the second CPE conducted by IOE in this coun... IFAD, (2015)
Remittances And Financial Literacy
In line with its mandate to expand the reach of financial services into rural areas,the Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR) is leading the way in testing models that bring migrants’ funds to recipient families quickly, safely, conveniently and a... UNCDF, IFAD, (2006)
IFAD to Support Loan and Grant to Enhance Sustainable Agricultural Growth in Nepal
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) will extend a loan and grant of
US$39 million to the Government of Nepal to finance the Improved Seeds for Farmers Programme (Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram in Nepali) with the goal o... IFAD, (2012)
Rural Women’s Leadership Programme
This report brings together the main lessons from the Rural Women’s Leadership Programme (RWLP), implemented by the Policy and Technical Advisory Division of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), with support from the Government... IFAD, (2014)
Gender In Agriculture Sourcebook
Agriculture is central to the livelihoods of the rural poor and in the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Agriculture can be the engine of growth and is necessary for reducing poverty and food insecurity, particularly in sub-Sahar... IFAD, FAO, WB, (2009)
IFAD’s Engagement With Cooperatives: A Study In Relation To The United Nations International Year of Cooperatives- Evaluation Synthesis
The Evaluation Committee of IFAD‘s Executive Board requested the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) to prepare an evaluation synthesis on the Fund‘s engagement with cooperatives, in the context of the International Year of Cooperatives, 2... IFAD, (2013)
Nepal Country Strategic Opportunities Programme
This COSOP supports the relevant government policies and is consistent with the IFAD strategic framework. It is based on an analysis of the current national context, and in particular of the challenges linked to: slow economic growth, climate change,... IFAD, (2013)
President’s Report Proposed Grant To Nepal For The Poverty Alleviation Fund Project – Phase II
The Poverty Alleviation Fund was launched as a community-driven development instrument for addressing the interrelated problems of rural poverty and social exclusion. In April 2004, the International Development Association (IDA) provided a grant of ... IFAD, (2007)
President's Memorandum: Proposed Supplementary Financing To The Federal Democratic Republic Of Nepal For The Poverty Alleviation Fund Project- Phase II
The Poverty Alleviation Fund was launched as a community-driven development instrument for addressing the interrelated problems of rural poverty and social exclusion. In April 2004, the International Development Association (IDA) provided a grant of ... IFAD, (2012)
President's Report: Proposed Loan And Grant To The Government Of Nepal For The Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (Improved Seeds For Farmers Programme)
Nepal is classified as a low-income food-deficit country. Agriculture is central to the national economy, with nearly 80 per cent of all households (3.4 million) an 66 per cent of the national labour force depending principally on the sector for thei... IFAD, (2012)
Programme Management Department: IFAD’s Operational Framework For Scaling Up Results
Given the large-scale problem of reducing rural poverty that it is mandated to address and the limited resources available from official development assistance (ODA), IFAD needs to increase the impact of every dollar it invests in agriculture and rur... IFAD, (2015)
Report And Recommendation Of The President: To The Executive Board On A Proposed Financial Assistance- To The Kingdom Of Nepal For The Western Uplands Poverty Alleviation Project
Project-area districts account for approximately 226 000 households, for a total of some 1.2 million people, most of whom are food-insecure because they are unable to grow sufficient food on their small and marginal holdings to feed the family for th... IFAD, (2001)
The Use Of Remittances And Financial Inclusion
There is a direct correlation between financial exclusion and poverty. An estimated two billion or 38 per cent of working-age adults globally have no access to financial services delivered by regulated financial institutions, with 73 per cent of poor... IFAD, WB, (2015)
Assessment of Rural Poverty: Asia and the Pacific
When the poor define their poverty, they talk about a range of dimensions they consider important. Income is only one of these many dimensions. Although the Asia and the Pacific Region has made impressive progress in the last three decades in economi... IFAD, (2002)
Custodians Of Culture and Biodiversity: Indigenous Peoples take charge of their challenges and opportunities
The study reviewed 1095 proposals for solutions to rural poverty, proposed by the indigenous peoples and their organisations. The data, consisting of just proposals, had inbuilt limitations. Yet,it provided a valuable insight into the complexity of i... IFAD, (2010)
Nepal: Poverty Alleviation Project in Western Terai
The overall project design was flexible for implementation so that concerns arising as it
progressed in the field could be addressed. This was one of the major strengths of the project. The project called for coordination amongst the different agenc... IFAD, (2007)
IFAD CPE Workshop Remarks delivered by Mr. Madhu Kumar Marasini, JS, IECCD
Pleasure to congratulate you all on the successful completion of the very important Nepal Country Programmer Evaluation Workshop.On behalf of MOF I would like to thank you all for your efforts and active participation throughout the workshop.worksho... IFAD, GON, (2013)
Youth: A Guidance Note Designing Programmes that Improve Young Rural People’s Livelihoods
Awareness is growing of the importance of young people to the future of rural communities. In recent years the number of projects targeting young rural people has grown, but more needs to be done. These initiatives can be expanded by developing more ... IFAD, (2013)
Nepal Country Programme Evalution Concept Note On The National Roundtable Workshop
The Independent Office of Evaluation IOE of the evaluation process,a national roundtable workshop is held at the end of each Undertaken IOE.The Nepal CPE national roundtable workshop will be co-organized by the Government of Nepal and IOE,in close c... IFAD, (2013)
Nepal Country Programme Evaluation - Alleviating Rural Poverty in a Fragile Environment
Nepal,the poorest country in Asia, has a fragile natural resource environment and governance framework.The population of 30.49 million is ethnically and culturally diverse and mainly concentrated in rural areas. The economy is
dominated by the agri... IFAD, UNDP, WB, (2013)
Nepal Country Programme Evaluation - National Roundtable Workshop, Kathmandu, 23 January 2013
The Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD is an integral division in the organizational architecture of the Fund. However, our independence as an office is primarily derived by the fact that we report directly to the Executive Board of IFAD. The m... IFAD, (2013)
Impact brief: High-Value Agriculture Project in Hill and Mountain Areas
Objective: The primary objective of HVAP was to reduce rural poverty and improve food security through enhanced value chains for high-value agricultural commodities in the hill and mountainous areas of Nepal. The project employed a unique approach br... IFAD, (2018)
Key Results of High-Value Agriculture Project in Hill and Mountain Areas (HVAP) Impact Assessment
Project Objective: To reduce rural poverty and improve food security in the hill and mountainous areas of Nepal.
Inputs and activities:
1. Development of inclusive value chains
2. Strengthening of service markets
There were 107,860 total be... IFAD, (2018)
Rural women's leadership programme in grass-roots organizations: a case study in Nepal
There is a gap between women’s major contribution to agricultural production, marketing and rural livelihoods, and their limited voice in making decisions that affect them, their livelihoods and their communities. In response, IFAD, with support from... IFAD, (2018)
Rural Women’s Leadership Programme Madagascar, Nepal, the Philippines and Senegal Good Practices and Lessons Learned (2010-2013)
This report brings together the main lessons from the Rural Women’s Leadership
Programme (RWLP), implemented by the Policy and Technical Advisory Division of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), with support from the Governmen... IFAD, (2014)
Investing In The Rural Poor: IFAD's Rural Sector Performance Assessment (RSP)
1. Harvesting of the 2011 winter crops, mainly wheat is completed in the low lying area and will continue until the end of June in the hilly areas.
2. The early estimates point to a record wheat harvest at 1.74 million tonnes, some 12%... RSP/IFAD, (2012)
Nepal: High Value Agriculture Project In Hill And Mountain Areas (Project Design Document)
The project has been designed within the context of the IFAD Country Strategic Opportunities Programme 2007-2012 and responds directly to key government policy initiatives as expressed in its Poverty Reduction Strategy, which is also its Tenth Plan. ... IFAD, (2009)
IFAD Policy for Grant Financing in Relation to the Debt Sustainability Framework
The report of the Consultation on the Seventh Replenishment (GC 29/L.4) adopted by the twenty-ninth session of the Governing Council of IFAD recommended that commencing in 2007, IFAD should adopt the IDA model of a debt sustainability framework (DSF)... IFAD, (2007)
Good Practices In Participatory Mapping
3“Maps are more than pieces of paper. They are stories, conversations, lives and songs lived out in a place and are inseparable from the political and cultural contexts in which they are used.” The general aims and specific objectives of participator... IFAD, (2009)
Western Uplands Poverty Alleviation Project Supervision Report
WUPAP is being implemented in three phases 2 under the Flexible Lending Mechanism of IFAD
with a loan effectiveness date of 01 Jan 2003, revised completion date of 15 Jul 2016 and is currently in its final Phase III. Phase I was completed in FY 2006... IFAD, (2013)
Shanghai Poverty Conference – Scaling Up Poverty Reduction
The Hills Leasehold Forestry and Forage Development Project (HLFFDP) aimed at reducing poverty and restoring environmental balance in the Hills of Nepal by leasing small blocks of public forest land to groups of poor households, who would regenerate,... HMG,FAO,IFAD, (2004)
High Value Agriculture Project in Hill and Mountain Areas (HVAP)
This report assesses the impact of the High Value Agriculture Project in Hill and Mountain Areas (HVAP) of Nepal co-financed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Government of Nepal (GoN), and the SNV Netherlands Develop... IFAD, (2018)
Annual Report 2014
According to many indicators, West and Central region, exports are booming, foreign investment is rising, living standards are increasing, poverty rates are declining, and education and health outcomes are improving. At the same time, governance refo... IFAD, (2014)
Engagement with Indigenous Peoples: Policy
This Policy on Engagement with Indigenous Peoples aims to enhance IFAD’s development effectiveness in its engagement with indigenous peoples’ communities in rural areas. It sets out the principles of engagement IFAD will adhere to in its work with in... IFAD, (2009)
Livestock Services And The Poor
The analysis in Chapter 1 concludes that livestock can be an indispensable part of the livelihood systems of many poor rural and urban populations in developing countries, that it can play a crucial role in farming systems and that it can decrease th... IFAD, (2004)
High Value Agriculture Project in Hill and Mountain Areas Nepal (HVAP)-Supervision Report
An IFAD joint review mission was conducted jointly with the staff and managers of HVAP including staff from the Ministry of Agriculture Development (MOAD), the ago-enterprise centre (ACE) of the federation of Nepalese chambers of commerce and industr... IFAD, (2012)
Leasehold Forestry and Livestock Programme
The mission included representatives of IFAD, FAO, the Government of Finland (GoF) and the Government of Nepal (GoN). Its objective was to carry out an assessment of the programme’s performance in terms of the achievement of objectives and results. I... IFAD, (2014)
Nepal Leasehold Forestry and Livestock Programme- Joint Review Mission Report
The mission objective was to carry out a quick assessment of the programme’s performance in terms of the achievement of objectives and results. It also reviewed any issues in relation to the disbursement of the Supplementary financing IFAD had appro... IFAD, (2012)
Proposed Loan and Grant to the Government of Nepal for the High-Value Agriculture Project in Hill and Mountain Areas
To reduce poverty and social disharmony in hill and mountain areas, experience has shown that the issue of economic isolation needs to be addressed. Poverty persists in these areas because of poor infrastructure and access to services and markets. Th... IFAD, (2009)
Proposed Supplementary Financing to the Federal Democratic Republic on Nepal for the Leasehold Forestry and Livestock Programme
The leasehold forestry and livestock programme was approved by the executive board in December 2004 (EB 2004/83/R.25). The approved total programme costs are US$12.77 million. The sources of financing are:(i)IFAD with a loan of approximately US$10.49... IFAD, (2012)
IFAD Policy On Engagement With Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous peoples, living in rural areas of developing countries and facing high levels of poverty and food insecurity, are an important constituency for IFAD. In working with them, we have learned the importance of recognizing the diversity and dis... IFAD, (2012)
IFAD Country Program Evaluation (CPE) Workshop Chairman's Concluding Remarks delivered by Mr. Shanta raj Subedi, Finance Secretary
Nepal and IFAD's partnership reaches to 35 years where IFAD has supported in various areas of our important sectors such as agriculture, leasehold forestry, irrigation, poverty alleviation, rural/community development, and commercialization of smallh... IFAD, (2017)
Land Tenure Security and Poverty Reduction ( March 2015)
Land is fundamental to the lives of poor rural people. It is a source of food, shelter, income and social identity. Secure access to land reduces vulnerability to hunger and poverty. But for many of the world’s poor rural people in developing countri... IFAD, (2015)
ASHA: Adaptation For Smallholders In Hilly Areas - Final Project Design Report
Building on the successes of previous IFAD assisted projects, both in terms of community development, agriculture production and environmental protection in Nepal, the Adaptation for Smallholders in Hilly Areas (ASHA) Project, with the support of the... IFAD, (2014)
Corporate-level Evaluation : IFAD’s Capacity to Promote Innovation and Scaling Up
The evaluation found that, since the mid-1990s, concerted efforts had been made to incorporate innovation into the Fund’s key policy and strategy documents. This is demonstrated by the inclusion of innovation, learning and scaling up as on... IFAD, (2010)
Country Strategic Opportunities Programme (COSOP) - IFAD Nepal 2013-2018
Ongoing project:Western Uplands Poverty Alleviation Project,Leasehold Forestry and Livestock Programmer,Poverty Alleviation Fund,High-Value Agriculture Project in Hill and Mountain Areas,Improved Seeds for Farmers Programmer.multi stakeholder;Country... IFAD, (2013)
Enabling Poor Rural People To Overcome Poverty In Nepal
Despite some progress in poverty reduction in recent years,Nepal remains one of the poorest countries in the world, with a Human Development Index of 0.463, placing it 157th out of 187countries listed in the United Nations Development Programme’s Hum... IFAD, (2013)
High Value Agriculture Project in Hill and Mountain Areas (HVAP)-I Supervision report
A Joint Review Mission was conducted with the staff and managers of HVAP including staff from the Ministry of Agriculture Development (MOAD), the Agro-Enterprise Centre (AEC) of the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) and... IFAD, (2013)
High Value Agriculture Project in Hill and Mountain Areas -Mid-term Review Report
A joint IFAD and GoN (Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Agricultural Development) mission conducted the mid-term review (MTR) of the High Value Agricultural Project in Hill and Mountain Areas (HVAP) from 5 to 23 January 2014. The mission was split ... IFAD, (2014)
High Value Agriculture Project in Hill and Mountain Areas- Nepal
A Joint Review Mission was conducted with the staff and managers of HVAP including staff from the Ministry of Agricultural Development (MOAD), the Agro-Enterprise Centre (AEC) of the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) an... IFAD, (2015)
Report and Recommendation of the President of IFAD to the Executive Board on a Proposed Financial Assistance to the Kingdom of Nepal for the Leasehold Forestry and Livestock Programme
Nepal has an estimated population of 24.12 million and a population density of 169 persons/km2. The economy has undergone considerable changes over the last ten years. Following adoption of a liberal market-oriented economic policy and a number of re... IFAD, (2004)
Statement Of Ms Lakshmi Menon, Head Of IFAD’s Corporate Services Department - National Roundtable Workshop, Nepal Country Programme Evaluation
This unique opportunity to address the participants of this National Round Table Workshop,which has been jointly organized by the Government of Nepal and IFAD.the best wishes that Dr Kanayo Nwanze, the President of IFAD sends with me for ... IFAD, GoN, (2013)
Top-Up for Leasehold Forestry and Livestock Programme (LFLP) - Report and Annexes
The Leasehold Forestry and Livestock Programme (LFLP- 2004/2014) is a follow-on project to the earlier Hill Leasehold Forest and Forage Development Project (HLFFDP – 1993-2003) which was implemented in 10 Districts by the Department of Forests, the D... IFAD, (2012)
Validated Technologies For Rice-based Systems of the Churia and Middlle Hills-Nepal
IFAD Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) No. 706 titled Managing Rice Landscapes in the Marginal Uplands for Household Food Security and Environmental Sustainability is an IRRI‐led research project implemented in collaboration with national research org... IRRI, IAAS, NARC, IFAD, (2004)
The spillover effects of seed producer groups on non-member farmers in mid-hill communities of Nepal
Rice farmers in the mid-hills region of Nepal are vulnerable to drought, which can drastically reduce yields. Stress-tolerant rice varieties (STRVs) can mitigate this vulnerability, as can having a high seed replacement rate and using best management... IFAD, (2020)
(Wrong File) Nepal: Poverty Alleviation Project In Western Terai
The long-term development objective of the project was to realise the sustainable increases in income and well-being of target group households in project area communities. The strategies adopted to achieve this goal were to increase the empowerment ... IFAD, (2007)
IFAD Signs US$ 7.6 Million Loan And US$ 7.6 Million Grant For High - Value Agriculture Project In Nepal
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) works with poor rural people to enable them to grow and sell more food, increase their incomes and determine the direction of their own lives. Since 1978, IFAD has invested over US$12billion ... IFAD, (2010)
Nepal Country Strategic Opportunities Programme
This country strategic opportunities programme (COSOP) is the second for Nepal and provides a review of opportunities for IFAD’s contribution to poverty reduction, reconciliation and post-conflict reconstruction over six years (2007-2012). It articul... IFAD, (2006)
Fighting Poverty And Land Degradation With Leasehold Agreements
The Hills Leasehold Forestry and Forage Development Project was launched by the Government of Nepal in 1989. Its goal was to reduce poverty and restore degraded environments in the Middle Hills by leasing small blocks of public forest land to groups ... IFAD, (2002)
Leasehold Forestry And Livelihood Programme (LFLP)-Nepal
The mission included for the first time representatives of all external stakeholders in the Programme: IFAD, FAO and the Government of Finland (GOF). This has greatly improved the effectiveness of the mission as issues and recommendations could be di... GoN, IFAD, (2012)
Document of the International Fund for Agricultural Development, Evaluation of IFAD’s Capacity as Promoter of Replicable Innovations in Cooperation with other Partners Understanding at Completion Point and Executive Summary
This volume contains the Understanding at Completion Point of this evaluation as well as its Summary Report discussed in the Evaluation Committee of 18 February 2002. The Main Reports of the evaluation (Phase I and Phase II) are available on request ... IFAD, (2002)
Nepal – Western Uplands Poverty Alleviation Project - Appendix 7 – Learning and Innovation
As WUPAP moves from Phase II to III, the following sections reflects on some of the main lessons to be drawn from the implementation of the project to date. It reviews the five key lessons registered in the Joint Review Mission: 4-23 April 2012- Supe... IFAD, (2013)
Nepal 1100001724: RERP Supervision Report June 2020
The halfway oversight strategic the Supervision Mission of September 2019. RERP has been delegated an issue venture since its first Supervision Mission in December 2017 which presumed that issues in the undertaking were the consequences of huge issue... IFAD, Samriddhi - Rural Enterprises and Remittances Project, (2020)
Achieving The Millennium Development Goals By Enabling The Rural Poor To Overcome Their Poverty
At the Millennium Summit in September 2000, world leaders undertook the commitment to halve by 2015 the proportion of people in the world whose income is less than one dollar a day and the proportion of people who suffer from hunger. They also pledge... IFAD, (2003)
Nepal Improved Seeds For Farmers Programme - Supervision Report
The Improved Seeds for Farmers Programme (ISFP) was approved by the IFAD Executive Board on 15 September 2012 for a Loan and a Grant of USD 19.5 million equivalent both. The total programme cost is 59.7 million, with Heifer International’s financing ... IFAD, (2014)
Scaling Up Results In Land Tenure Security
Equitable access to land and tenure security for IFAD’s target groups are essential for rural development and poverty eradication. Tenure security influences the extent to which farmers are prepared to invest in improvements in production and land ma... IFAD, (2015)
Stories From The Field: Nepal’s ‘Poorest Of The Poor’ Reap The Benefits Of Innovative Leasehold Project
In the Middle Hills district of Nepal, an IFAD-funded project has helped reverse environmental degradation and bring people out of poverty. As a result of the project’s impressive impact, the government adopted a leasehold forest policy in 2002 and i... IFAD, (2008)