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74th UN Day 2019 International Labour Organization (ILO) Nepal's staffs at their stall during UN Day 2019 #UNDay #UNDay2019 #ILO #UNDay74 #DecentWork #SocialJustice...
ILO, (2019)
Evaluation Summaries - Sustainable Elimination of Child Bonded Labour in Nepal: Phase II The Government of Nepal abolished the Kamaiya system (a form of bonded labour in agriculture) in July 2000 through an enactment: “The Kamaiya Labour Prohibition Act-2001”. Although the Act is named after one system of bonded labour (the Kamaiya syste...
ILO, (2012)
Executive Summary - From conflict to cooperation: Labour market reforms that can work in Nepal From conflict to cooperation examines the rhetoric and evidence concerning labour market rigidities in Nepal. The study provides a comprehensive review of the Nepalese labour market over the last twenty years, looking at the impact of historical, pol...
ILO, (2008)
From Conflict to Cooperation: Labour market reforms that can work in Nepal This book reviews the history of labour relations in Nepal and considers criticisms of the existing industrial relations system. It reports on the re-emergence of the militant Maoist trade union and the recent upsurge in strikes and demonstrations in...
ILO, (2008)
Labour Market Transitions of Young Women and Men in Nepal ( May 2014) The group of young people aged 15–29 in Nepal represents more than one-quarter (28 per cent) of the total population and, of these, over 40 per cent are teenagers aged 15–19, the youngest part of the age group. Many of the country’s youth are still i...
ILO, (2014)
Strengthening National Rural Transport Programme (SNRTP) - 2015 SNRTP is one of the largest infrastructure projects of the Government of Nepal. The project aims to assist the government in building bridges and upgrading, rehabilitating and maintaining local road networks and river crossing in 33 selected district...
ILO, (2015)
Terms Of Reference (ToR) Call For EOI: Develop Job Portal And Labour Market Database System The Labour Market Information and Employment Services (LIfE) Project is implemented by the International Labour Organization (ILO) with financial support from Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) to implement commitments of the G20 Develop...
ILO, (2017)
Decent Work Country Programme, Nepal (2013-2017) The International Labour Organization (ILO) works with governments, employers and workers organisations in its member States to promote productive employment and sustainable enterprises, social protection, international labour standards and rights at...
GoN, ILO, (2014)
ILO Publications 2013 The ILO publications website offers a diverse range of features and services: - Find information on key ILO titles- including free sample chapters for many new books. - Suscribe to our mailing list and be notified by email of new titles. - Read th...
ILO, (2013)
ILO Publications Autumn 2012 Established in 1919, and since 1946 a specialized agency of the United Nations Organization, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has focused on workplace issues, actively seeking to create decent work for all – work which is freely chosen and...
ILO, (2012)
Poverty, Migration and HIV/AIDS In Dadeldhura District, Nepal This study attempts to establish a link between migrant labour and Human Immunodeficiency Virus/sexually transmitted infection (HIV/STI), and, more importantly, between HIV/STI and the worsening socio-economic situations of affected migrated laboure...
ILO, HMG, (2002)
International Labour Organization-ILO Pledges Increased Support to Peace Process in Nepal The Prime Minister of Nepal expressed his extreme concern over the use of children in Nepal’s recently ended armed conflict and sought ILO’s support for the rehabilitation of these children in the post-conflict scenario. In a meeting with visiting IL...
ILO, (2006)
Compassionate Care: Proceedings of Workshops ln June 2003, the ILO-IPEC Nepal held a technical meeting entitled: Psycho-Social Rehabilitation and Occupational Integration of Child Survivors of Trafficking and Other Worst Forms of Child Labour. [ILO-IPEC (2003) Creating a Healing Environment. Vo...
ILO, IPEC, (2004)
Employment Sector: The Dynamics Of Employment, The labour Market And The Economy In Nepal The last two decades have been marked by much political tumult in Nepal, with many constitutional amendments and changes of government. More recently, the transformation of Nepal to a federal republic in 2007-2008 has altered the nature of politics i...
ILO, (2011)
Final Evaluation ILO/JAPAN ASIAN REGIONAL PROGRAM On the Expansion Of Employment Opportunities For women project (EEOW):Nepal Chapter The World Summit for Social Development (Copenhagen, 1995) called for equal participation by women and men in social, economic, political and cultural aspects of life.The Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing, 1995) stressed on the empowerment of...
ILO, (2002)
National Trade Unions join Hands With Maoist Union For Peace And Development The three major national trade unions, DECONT, GEFONT & NTUC demonstrated their commitment to the peace building process by joining hands with the maoist affiliated trade union for peace, democracy and development of the nation.comprehensive...
ILO, (2006)
Analysis of Labour Market and Migration Trends in Nepal Nepal will continue to experience an exponential increase in the working-age population that need to be provided with employment opportunities. If the current levels of growth rate persist, the working-age cohort of the counry’s population will excee...
GiZ, EU, BMZ, ILO, (2015)
Workers’ Guide to Employment and Decent Work for Peace and Resilience Recommendation (No. 205) Since its creation in 1919, the ILO has operated on the principle that universal and lasting peace cannot be established or maintained if it is not based on social justice. Every working woman and man can freely claim this aspiration, along with thei...
ILO, (2019)
A Study Report on Organisation, Negotiation and Contracting: Case Study of West Gandak and Marchawar Lift Irrigation Systems Nepal (February 2002) The ILO has been promoting “people’s participation” since the mid-1970s, particularly in the framework of the basic needs approach developed under the World Employment Programme. Participation of local communities in decisions of direct interest to t...
ILO, (2002)
CCCM Cluster Gorkha - Meeting minutes – 13 May 2015 Source: http://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/nepal/document/cccm-cluster-meeting-minutes-gorkha-hub-13-may-2015 Following from discussion on 7 May, the focus is on tracking mobility and identifying sites where people have had to leave...
CCCM Cluster Meeting Minutes - 03 May 2015 Source: http://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/nepal/document/cccm-nepal-cluster-meeting-minutes-06-may-2015 Displacement sites with significant numbers are concentrated in urban areas, with predominantly dispersed displacement in rur...
CCCM Cluster Meeting Minutes - Wednesday, 13 May 2015 Source: http://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/nepal/document/cccm-ktm-meeting-minutes-13-may-2015 Following 7.4 quake on 12th May, large numbers of families are observed going back to sleeping in pre-identified open spaces. Majority ...
General principles & operational guidelines for fair recruitment The objective of these non-binding ILO general principles and operational guidelines for fair recruitment (hereafter “principles and guidelines”) is to inform the current and future work of the ILO and of other organizations, national legislatures, a...
ILO, (2016)
Decent Work: The Bi-annual Newsletter From The ILO Country Office For Nepal (Issue 4) Highlights: 1. Workers and Constitution 2. Social Protection: Rights, Policies and Administration in the Nepal Constitution 3. Reviving and Rebuilding Lives (Human Stories) 4. Creating entrepreneurs, changing lives 5. Paradigm Shift and Employm...
ILO, (2015)
ILO-DFID Partnership Programme On Fair Recruitment And Decent Work For Women Migrant Workers In South Asia And The Middle East “Work In Freedom” Highlights: 1. Community based awareness programme and training for enabling potential migrant workers to take decision 2. Strengthen/establish migrant information centres 3. Production and dissemination of Information Education and Communication...
ILO, (2014)
The ILO In Nepal Nepal has made notable socio-economic progress in the past decade, reducing its absolute poverty rate from 42 % to 23.8 %. The country has also made the historic achievement of promulgating a new Constitution in September 2015, which enshrines the ri...
ILO, (2016)
Work In Freedom: Preventing Trafficking Of Women And Girls In South Asia And The Middle East- Promoting Education, Fair Recruitment, Safe Migration And Decent Work For millions of poor people in South Asia, migration is an important livelihood strategy to escape poverty for themselves and their families. They move long distances in pursuit of jobs and earnings to remit home. Some migrate from poor to richer reg...
ILO, (2013)
Brief on Work in Freedom Programme in Nepal For many in Nepal, migration is an important alternative to the realities of home. People move long distances in pursuit of jobs for varying reasons ranging from economic aspirations or loss of habitat resulting from processes of economic transformat...
ILO, (2016)
HIV/AIDS And Working Children in Nepal There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that in Nepal (1) increasing numbers of children are being driven into the labour market by the HIV infections and deaths of their parents, and (2) that working children have a high risk of contracting H...
ILO, (2004)
When the Safety of NEPALI Migrant Workers Failes The number of deaths among Nepali citizens during their employment abroad is a serious concern to all those involved in any way for the safety and well-being of migrant workers. It is an emerging issue affiliated with the surge in the outflow of mig...
ILO, (2016)
Creating a Healing Environment ( Volume I: Proceedings ) Psycho-Social Rehabilitation and Occupational Integration of Child Survivors of Trafficking and Other Worst Forms of Child Labour Today, tens of thousands of children and women across South Asia live in sexual servitude, victims of duplicity, coercion and illegal transportation. While trafficking and the abduction of persons for sexual purposes have existed on the sub-continent...
ILO, (2002)
World Social Protection Report 2014/15: Building Economic Recovery, Inclusive Development And Social Justice Social protection policies play a critical role in realizing the human right to social security for all, reducing poverty and inequality, and supporting inclusive growth – by boosting human capital and productivity, supporting domestic demand and fac...
ILO, (2014)
Forced Labour of Adults and Children in the Agriculture Sector of Nepal, ILO Country Office for Nepal- Series no. 11 Forced labour, modern day slavery and human trafficking are subjects of widespread international concern and action. The International Labour Organization’s two Conventions on forced labour, the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29) and the Aboliti...
ILO, (2013)
An Inventory Of Micro Insurance Schemes In Nepal Twenty-one organizations that have been operating micro-insurance schemes 1 were surveyed in this study. Also, newly planned schemes are examined, further described in Part 4. As far as possible, this study tries to include all the organizations tha...
ILO, (2004)
Combating Trafficking In Children For Labour Exploitation In The South Asia: Report On South Asian Consultation (12-14 October) A South Asian sub-regional consultative workshop on "Combatting trafficking in children for labour exploitation" was held by the International Labour Organization (lLO) under its Intemational Programme on Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) from 12 to...
ILO, (1998)
The Training For Rural Gainful Activities (TRUGA) Project: An Evaluation Of Women's Participation And Benefits (11th June) Purpose and plan of the study: The following is an evaluative study of the TRUGA Project and Methodology as regards women's participation and benefits. The objectives of the study are as follows (See Annex III for the Terms of Reference); - To revi...
ILO, (1993)
Bureau of Employers Activities in Nepal (ACT/EMP) Employers' organizations in all countries have one common key asset: their enterprises. Successful enterprises play a critical role in creating employment and improving living standards. Employers' organizations help to create a favourable environmen...
ILO, (2015)
Commercial Application of New Indigenous Technologies : A Case Study of Nepal (October 1984) Within the framework of the Technology and Employment Programme, this study is the first in a series on the role of national institutions in the commercialisation of indigenous technologies. The objectives of this study on Nepal undertaken by Madhab...
ILO, (1984)
Employment And Basic Needs In Nepal : A preliminary Analysis Of Problems And Policies Nepal has a geographical area as large as that of Bangladesh the archetype of a densely populated c^juntry - but lass than a sixth of the population of the latter.The low density of population is largely misleading., however, in view of the scarcity ...
ILO, (1982)
Gender Responsive Recovery for Sustainable Peace (GRRSP) Gender Responsive Recovery for Sustainable Peace (GRRSP), a joint project of UN Women, ILO and FAO, has been developed to strengthen the implementation of national commitments to women’s empowerment and gender equality in the context of Nepal’s peac...
ILO, (2015)
ILO-DFID Partnership Programme on Fair Recruitment and Decent Work for Women Migrant Workers in South Asia and the Middle East “Work in Freedom” The development objective of this project is to reduce the incidence of trafficking of women and girls from India, Bangladesh and Nepal through economic, social, and legal empowerment. Migrant women and girls are empowered and prevented from being t...
ILO, (2014)
Nepal Earthquake April 2015 Preliminary Employment Impact Assessment ( May 2015) On 25 April an earthquake measuring 7.8-magnitude struck Nepal, the most severe to hit the country since 1934. The epicentre was 81 km northwest of the capital city, Kathmandu. The earthquake had a severe impact on 14 of the country’s 75 districts. O...
ILO, (2015)
ILO Conventions And Nepal The General Conference of the International Labour Organization, Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its Third Session on 25 October 1921, and having decided upon the adoption of ...
UNIC, ILO, (2000)
Way out of Informality Facilitating formalization of informal economy in South Asia The informal economy (IE) in Bangladesh, India and Nepal is estimated to absorb 50 to 60 percent of the non-agricultural working population (comprising wage labourers, the self-employed, unpaid family labourers, piece-rate workers and other hired lab...
Occupational Safety and Health Development in Nepal (SHIELD) The project aims to initiate a comprehensive plan for promoting occupational safety and health services and reforming labour inspection system in Nepal in line with the International Labour Standards the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Conventio...
ILO, (2015)
Rural Poverty and The Small Farmers' Development Programme in Nepal (October 1979) The purpose of this paper is to describe and evaluate an exceptionally interesting and innovative experiment to generate higher incomes and employment among the rural poor in Nepal in a participatory framework. By way of introduction to this programm...
ILO, (1979)
FAIR RECRUITMENT INITIATIVE - Fostering fair recruitment practices, preventing human trafficking and reducing the costs of labour migration In today’s globalized economy, workers are increasingly looking for job opportunities beyond their home country in search of decent working conditions. In addition, millions of workers migrate internally. Public and private employment agencies, when...
Cooperatives And The Sustainable Development Goals: A Contribution To The Post-2015 Development Debate The United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have successfully drawn the world’s attention to the significance of ending extreme poverty and exclusion. But, time is running out on meeting all the targets by the end of 2015. To maintain the ...
ILO, (2014)
EMPLOYMENT-FOCUSED DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT AND RECONSTRUCTION IN ASIA AND THE PACIFIC: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF RECENT DISASTERS IN INDIA, JAPAN, NEPAL, AND THE PHILIPPINES Over the past several years, large-scale natural disasters including earthquakes, typhoons, floods, and landslides have hit the Asia and Pacific region, leaving in their wake devastation not only in terms of extensive human casualties and massive pro...
ILO, (2016)
World Employment Programme Research: Institutional And Organisational Aspects Of Promoting The Use OF Water Turbines In Nepal Hydropower is the major indegenous energy source of Nepal. The theoretical hydropower potential of the country has been estimated at 83,000 MW out of which 27,000 MW is considered to be economically exploitable. Besides large-, medium- and small- sca...
ILO, (2009)
Nepal- Country Report : Labour Laws, the Business Environment and Growth of Micro and Small Enterprises This study is based on a survey of micro- and small enterprises (MSEs) in Nepal and provides a better understanding of the legal and regulatory factors that can aid or inhibit growth, quality of jobs and employment creation in MSEs in Nepal. It is a ...
Norad, ILO, (2014)
Forced Labour of Adults and Children in the Agriculture Sector of Nepal This report on “Forced Labour of Adults and Children in the Agricultural Sector in Nepal” presents the results of a survey carried out by a team of experts affiliated to the Central Department of Population Studies (CDPS), Tribhuvan University, Kathm...
ILO, (2013)
International HIV/AIDS Workplace Education Programme SHARE Strategic HIV/AIDS Responses by Enterprises Nepal is considered a low prevalence country. Prevention efforts have focused on sub- populations who are more vulnerable than the general population, including migrant workers. Nepal has faced continuous political strife, including armed conflict in...
ILO, (2007)
The ILO in Nepal Nepal has made notable social-economic progress in the past decade, reducing absolute poverty rate from 42 per cent in 1995/96 to 23.8 per cent in 2013. The Nepali labour force grew at the rate of 2.6 percent per annul during the same period. The tot...
ILO, (2015)
Labour Migration for Employment - A Status Report for Nepal: 2015/2016 - 2016/2017 Foreign employment continues to be the most significant motivation for international migration from Nepal. In the past consecutive fiscal years 2015/2016 and 2016/2017, the Department of Foreign Employment (DOFE) issued 786,564 permits for foreign em...
GoN, ILO, (2018)
From Protocol to Practice:A Bridge to Global Action on Forced Labour (The Bridge Project)2015 “50 for Freedom” is a campaign led by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and its partners, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and the International Organization of Employers (IOE). The campaign aims at promoting ratification ...
ILO, (2015)
The ILO in Nepal The International Labour Organization (ILO) is the UN specialized agency dealing with work and workplace issues, and related rights and standards. Its overarching goal is to achieve decent work for all so everyone benefits from working conditions tha...
ILO, (2016)
Issue Paper: Fair Recruitment in International Labour Migration Between Asia and the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries Migrant recruitment issues have come to the forefront of the international agenda in the recent past. Reducing the costs of labour migration is one of the UN Secretary General’s Eight-Point Agenda for Action items presented to 2013 UN High Level Dial...
ILO, (2015)
Migration and Child Labour Exploring Child Migrant Vulnerabilities and Those of Children Left-Behind The working paper attempts to describe the correlation between migration and child labour by reviewing secondary data of migrant children with or without their families, and children left-behind by their migrant parents. Within a context of migration...
ILO, (2010)
A 15-point declaration made by the third labor conference held in Kathmandu from 19-21 July 2012 Highlights: 1. Labor law is a basic law. It is equally applicable across the country. This conference agreed to bring all labor sectors/areas in the ambit of law. And, shows its commitment to introduce by laws as per the policy of ‘one law multiple ...
ILO, (2012)
ILO Technical Cooperation – Child Labour (2014) Highlights: 1. Supporting the time-bound program on the elimination of the worst forms of child labour in Nepal. 2. Creating an enabling environment for the elimination of the worst forms of child labour and reducing the incidence of selected worst...
ILO, (2014)
International Labour Migration : A rights-based approach (March 27, 2010) Each year millions of women and men leave their homes and cross national borders in search of greater security for themselves and their families. “Throughout human history, migration has been a courageous expression of the individual’s will to overco...
ILO, (2010)
A Study of Girls and Women Employed in The Restaurants of Selected Cities in Nepal In the early 1990s, with the introduction of liberal market policies, different types of work emerged for women, particularly in the business sector, in Nepal. Restaurants (dance, dohori, and cabin restaurants) are attractive to women seeking employm...
ILO, (2006)
Country Diagnostics Studies - Nepal: Critical Development Constraints (2009) Nepal’s performance in terms of economic development has lagged behind that of the other South Asian economies despite the important reforms made during the 1990s. In per capita terms, the growth was even less favorable: Nepal’s per capita gross dome...
ILO, (2009)
Final Assessment Of Key Effects- Monitoring Survey Records of Dhaulagiri Irrigation Development Project The Dhaulagiri Irrigation Development Project (DIDP) funded by Danish Development Cooperation (DANIDA) was a technical cooperation project of His Majesty's Government of Nepal (HM/N) and the International Labour Organization (ILO). The Project was im...
ILO, (1999)
Sexual Harassment at the Workplace in Nepal A taboo until recently, the issue of sexual harassment at the workplace is gaining gradual recognition as a problem of discrimination against women as workers at the workplace. It is an issue that interfaces with two concerns: violence against women...
ILO, (2004)
South Asia Labour Migration Governance Project Migration in south Asia is largely South-South and is characterized by low and semi-skilled workers migrating with fixed-term contracts. The primary destination for South Asian migrant workers is the Arab Gulf States, which rely on foreign labour to ...
ILO, (2014)
Travel Smart – Work Smart A guide for Nepali migrant workers in the United Arab Emirates Every day many Nepalis – like you – enter the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for work. Most of the newly arrived expatriates join the workforce without experiencing any major problem. But some encounter tough times. There are ways to avoid these sorts of...
ILO, EU, (2015)
आदिवासी तथा जनजाति सम्बन्धी महासन्धि, १९८९ (नं. १६९) सन्बन्धी जानकारी : अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय श्रम सब्गठनका त्रिपक्षीय साझेदारहरुका लागि पुस्तिका यस पुस्तिकाले आदिवासी जनजाति महासन्धि, १९८९ (नं. १६९) सम्बन्धी अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय श्रम सब्गठनका अब्गका केही अत्यावश्यक प्रश्नको उत्तर दिने लक्ष्य लिएको छ । रोजगारदाताका क्रियाकलापसम्बन्धी ब्युरो ९ब्ऋत्रब्ःए० र कामरदारका क्रियाकलापसम्बन्धी ब्युरो (ACTRAV...
ILO, (2013)
बालश्रम अन्त्यका लागि सामाजिक सुरक्षा विस्तार : बालश्रम विरुद्ध विश्व दिवस ( १२ जुन २०१४ ) सामाजिक सुरक्षा मानवअधिकारको सुनिश्चितताका लागि र आर्थिक तथा सामाजिक विकासका लागि अर्थपूर्ण रहेकोछ । सामाजिक सुरक्षाले शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य उपचार तथा पोषणमा पहुँच सुनिश्चित गनुका साथै बालश्रम विरुद्धको अभियानमा महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निर्वाह गर्दछ । यस वर्ष ...
ILO, (2014)
बालश्रम विरुद्ध विश्व दिवस (१२ जुन २०१३ ) घरेलु बालश्रम सम्बन्धमा: १. वैतनिक अथवा अवैतनिक श्रमिकको रुपमा अरुको घरमा काम गर्ने १४ वर्ष मुनिका बालबालिकाहरु २. रोजगारिमा संलग्न हुन पाउने न्यूनतम उमेर पुगेका तर १८ वर्ष भन्दा कम उमेरका बालबालिकाहरु जो जोखिमयुक्त घरेलु श्रममा संलग्न छन ३. विद्य...
The Dynamics of Employment, the Labour Market and the Economy in Nepal The low rate of growth and its pattern, the predominantly poor and rural nature of the economy, the high level of illiteracy, the several impediments to structural transformation, and, in fact, the de-industrialization of the economy are reflected in...
ILO, (2011)
Workforce diversity and reservation policy in Nepal: A strategic approach to strengthening women’s voice and visibility in formal employment sector While the private sector in Nepal, although expanding, is still small to generate adequate employment opportunities, government public service, UN agencies, multilateral and bilateral agencies, and INGOs remain important hubs for employment. Started ...
ILO, (2018)
Decent Work Country Programme for Nepal Nepal has undergone considerable turbulence in its attempt to embrace more open political and economic systems.This situation was further deepened, culminating in the royal take-over in October 2002. result, the power struggle developed into a tree...
ILO, (2012)
Green Job in Asia Project Nepal Many countries of the Asia and the Pacific region have voluntarily committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 or carbon intensity per unit of GDP. In this regard, directing the Asian economy toward an environmentally sustainable and low c...
ILO, AusAID, (2012)
Green Jobs in Nepal Green Jobs have become an emblem of a more sustainable economy and a society that preserves the environment for present and future generations and is more equitable and inclusive of all people and all countries. The rationale for green growth and cle...
ILO, AusAID, (2015)
In Their Own Words... Nepal The Lives of Young Stone Crushers Samjhana Rajbansi, a 14-year-old student, has been crushing stone for the last five years with chores in the household, herding, and working as a stone crusher. Their family of six is striving to earn enough to cover the everyday basic needs as well ...
ILO, (2006)
NEPAL L.E.D. DIARY – JULY 2008 While the July LED Diary feature was to have been “Eco-Enterprise Value Chain Upgrading”, it was decided to devote this month’s feature instead to a mid-year status overview on LED Programming in Dhanusha and Ramechhap Districts to facilitate upcomin...
ILO, LED, GoN, (2008)
World of Work Report 2014 Developing with Jobs Since the eruption of the financial crisis in 2008 much of the global policy debate has focused on advanced economies and their ability to cope with the impacts of the crisis. During this period, a major policy shift has taken place in developing co...
ILO, (2014)
Child migrants in child labour: An invisible group in need of attention ‘Children on the Move’ is an umbrella definition which brings together a multitude of categories in which children have been divided; it includes children who have been trafficked,children who migrate and children displaced by conflict and natural di...
ILO, (2012)
Advocacy For Rights And Good Corporate Governance (UNNATI-Inclusive Growth Programme In Nepal) The overall objective of the UNNATI-Inclusive Growth Programme in Nepal is to promote sustainable and inclusive growth to reduce poverty and raise the living standards of the people.This is a new initiative under the partnership between the Governmen...
ILO, (2016)
Forced Labour And ILO Protocol (P29) The objective of the Bridge Project is to effectively eliminate traditional and modern slavery/forced labour systems and to significantly reduce contemporary forms of forced labour, which are often linked to human trafficking. The project aims to ...
ILO, (2016)
From Protocol to Practice: A Bridge To Global Action On Forced Labour (The Bridge Project) The objective of Bridge Nepal is to effectively eliminate traditional and modern slavery/forced labour systems and to significantly reduce contemporary forms of forced labour, which are often linked to human trafficking. The project aims to put f...
ILO, (2016)
Integrated Programme On Fair Recruitment (FAIR) The ILO plans to test its first model on fair recruitment in the Jordanian garment sector. The proposed pilot intervention has been designed in collaboration with the flagship ILO programme Better Work Jordan and the social partners to eliminate dece...
ILO, (2016)
PROMOTING INFORMED POLICY DIALOGUE ON MIGRATION, REMITTANCE AND DEVELOPMENT IN NEPAL Migration from Nepal is not a new phenomenon, but it has been on the increase in recent years, with the majority of flows consisting of low-skilled migrants moving to Malaysia or the Middle East for temporary work contracts in such fields as construc...
ILO, (2016)
Strengthening The National Rural Transport Programme  It is the largest infrastructure project of Government of nepal.The project aims to assist the government in building bridge and upgrading,rehabilitating and maintaining local road network river crossing structure in 36 districts across Nepal.The ILO...
ILO, (2016)
Way Out Of Informality:Facilitating Formalization Of Informal Economy In Nepal (WOI) The project aims at facilitating formalization of informal businesses and employment relationships and discourage informalization of formal economy firms and jobs in Nepal and in South Asia.Large decent work deficits in the rapidly growing informal e...
ILO, (2016)
Appraisal of the Karnali Employment Programme as a Regional Social Protection Scheme Public works programmes combine the objectives of providing social protection through short term paid employment and improvement or preservation of infrastructure and other assets. They are being adopted in different forms by many countries to reach ...
ILO, (2010)
Combining Value Chain Development And Local Economic Development- ILO Value Chain Development Briefing Paper Local Economic Developments “a participatory development process that encourages partnership arrangements between the main private and public stakeholders of a defined territory, enabling the joint design and implementation of a common development st...
ILO, (2010)
Evaluation Unit (EVAL): Employment Creation and Peace Building based on Local Economic Development The project Employment Creation and Peace Building through Local Economic Development (EmPLED) aims at contributing to employment intensive and inclusive economic growth in two poor districts in Nepal, Dhanusha (in the plains) and Ramechhap (in the h...
ILO, (2010)
ILO Asia-Pacific Working Paper Series: Case studies of policy coherence initiatives in developing Asia (August 2012) Recognizing the relationship between macroeconomic, employment and social protection policies and their link to poverty reduction and inclusive development, some countries in developing Asia have pursued various initiatives towards greater policy coh...
ILO, (2012)
ILO Technical Cooperation : Child Labour - Sustainable elimination of child bonded labour in Nepal (Phases I- II) Results and Outcomes: 1. 3,000 working children below 18 years (in domestic work, agriculture, and brick kilns) from the targeted families withdrawn and another 6,600 children below 18 years identified for prevention from child labour. 2. 4,000 chi...
ILO, (2014)
Realizing A Fair Migration Agenda: Labour Flows between Asia And Arab States - Summary Report Of The Interregional Experts Meeting (3-4 December 2014) In December 2014, the two-day experts meeting on Realizing a Fair Migration Agenda: Labour Flows between Asia and Arab States was held in Kathmandu, Nepal. The purpose of the meeting was for leading experts to identify and discuss key issues and a wa...
ILO, (2015)
Sectoral Activities Programme - Working Paper 187: Informal Labour In The Construction Industry In Nepal It is now widely recognised that construction activity plays a vital role in the process of economic growth and development, both through its products (infrastructure, buildings) and through the employment created in the process of construction itsel...
ILO, (2002)
South Aisan Project Against Debt Bondage : Findings On Debt Bondage : Baseline Study into Vulnerability To Debt Bondage In Banke District Nepal The freedom to choose work is a fundamental pillar of Decent Work. However, this freedom is not always respected. Forced labour is more pervasive than often realized, largely due to the invisibility of forced labour arrangements. There are many diffe...
ILO, (2002)
South Aisan Project Against Debt Bondage : Findings On Debt Bondage : Long-term Farm Labour Systems In Kavre Palanchok and Sarlahi Districts, Nepal The project has been initiated as a response to ILO Convention 182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labour (1999), and to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (1998). The latter explicitly recognizes the obligation of the Organ...
ILO, (2002)
Study on Demand Side of Trafficking of Children and Women in Nepal Human trafficking is a criminal, clandestine and collaborative act. It is a commercial, multidimensional phenomenon with indivisibility of supply and demand. It encompasses a range of abusers, different forms of abuse, and varies in the type and de...
ILO, (2006)
Investigating the Worst Forms of Child Labour No. 2 Nepal Trafficking in Girls With Special Reference to Prostitution: A Rapid Assessment The exploitative practice of child labour has come to be recognized as a major socio-economic problem. Child labour jeopardizes children’s potential to become productive adults, robbing them of their health, their education and their prospects for a ...
IPEC/ILO, TU, CDPS, (2001)
Community Infrastructure Development in Urban Area - Creating Jobs While Improving Low-Income Urban Settlements Poverty in the world is becoming more and more urbanised, mainly as a result of the general urbanisation of the world’s population, both due to natural urban population growth and because of a steadily increasing influx from rural areas into cities a...
ILO, (2009)
ILO Approves US$500,000 Projects to Combat Child Labour The International Labour Organization (ILO) has approved eight new Action Programmes worth US$575,291 to combat child labour and support Kamaiya and Haruwa/Charuwa adults and their children. The work is being funded by con...
ILO, (2008)