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“Nearly One-Quarter of the Population Lives on Less than USD 1 per Day” Nepal suffers from chronic food insecurity, severe and recurrent natural disasters, poor health and sanitation infrastructure, and water and energy scarcity. These factors combined with political instability and civil unrest result in a dire humanita...
FAO, (2010)
Arsenic Threat and Irrigation Management in Nepal - Preliminary Findings from the Narayani Irrigation Command Area Nepal requires the management of medium to large irrigation systems to be modernized. Low water use efficiency, low level of collection of irrigation service fees, deteriorating stage of basic infrastructure of many agency managed irrigation systems,...
FAO, (2004)
Crop Situation Update - A joint assessment of 2011 summer crops and outlook of 2011/12 winter crops Crop situation update is prepared by a joint mission of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MoAC), the World Food Program (WFP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The update is prepared twice a year (for summer as w...
WFP, FAO, MOAC, (2012)
Executive Brief Nepal Earthquakes (April 2015) Highlights: 1. A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal on 25 April with dire humanitarian consequences: millions of people are affected in 39 districts of Western and Central Regions, out of 75 districts countrywide. 2. Although agricultural damage...
FAO, (2015)
Executive Brief Nepal Earthquakes (June 2015) Hightlights: 1.FAO is supporting Government-led efforts to address food security and livelihood needs in six districts most severely affected by the earthquakes: Nuwakot, Dhading, Gorkha, Rasuwa, Dolakha and Sindhupalchowk. 2. The Nepal Food Securi...
FAO, (2015)
FAO Nepal News Bulletin Bi-monthly Number 02– March, 2015 (Prepress edited copy) Highlights: 1. Experts emphasize on strengthening forest tenure for sustaining livelihoods 2. Regional Workshop on Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management 3. Policy assistance for Biosecure food security 4. Avian Influenza status in Nepal 5. Di...
FAO, (2015)
FAO Nepal News Bulletin Number 01-January 2015 Highlights: 1. Zero Hunger Challenge Initiatives launched in Nepal 2. Nepal observes 34th World Food Day-2014 3. Building capacity of farmers to achieve food security and nutrition 4. Nepal identifies challenges and opportunities for improved Gov...
FAO, (2015)
FAO Nepal News Bulletin Number 03– May 2015 This monthly issue of May contents are: 1. Devastating earthquakes increase the threat of food insecurity in Nepal 2. Italy provides EUR 400 000 to help earthquake-affected farmers in Nepal 3. Houses collapsed and stores of grain are buried 4. Am...
FAO, (2015)
GIEWS Country Brief Nepal The most affected areas are where wheat and barley play an important role in household food security; Early prospects favourable for 2010 wheat crop, 2009 cereal harvest estimated at below 2008 level, Higher cereal imports in 2009/10, Rice prices ha...
GIEWS/FAO, (2010)
Implications of the WTO Membership on the Nepalese Agriculture Following years of negotiations, Nepal was offered WTO Membership in September 2003 during the fourth WTO Ministerial at Cancun, Mexico. Nepal became 147th Member of the WTO on 23 April 2004 after ratifying the Membership. The WTO Agreements cover a...
GoN, FAO, UNDP, (2004)
Nepal plants olive orchards to boost farm income Nepal is not a country that comes to mind when shopping for olives or olive oil. But, that may change because of an Italian-funded FAO project that has Nepali farmers growing olives to increase incomes and food security. The project established an in...
FAO, (2013)
Nepal: Country Report to the FAO International Technical Conference on Plant Genetic Resources Nepal is located between the People's Republic of China to the north and the Republic of India to the south, east and west; and lies on the Mid-Himalayan mountain section of Asia. It extends from 26o22' N to 30o 27' N latitudes and 80o4' E to 88o12' ...
NARC, FAO, (1995)
Technical Cooperation Programme - Terminal Report of the Project: Combating Citrus Decline Problems in Nepal Citrus is one of the most economically important fruit crops of Nepal which contributes about 37 and 32 percent of total production and area of fruit in Nepal. The existing citrus orchards are predominantly of seedling origin and plants coexist with ...
FAO, (2012)
The Impact of Agriculture-Related WTO Agreements on The Domestic Legal Framework inThe Kingdom of Nepal Under the term of its accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO),Nepal committed to review existing law and regulations to ensure compliance with several technical Agreements affecting trade in agriculture goods,including the General Agreement o...
FAO, (2006)
Training Manual for Combating Citrus Decline Problem in Nepal (July 2011) Although, Citrus is grown in 53 mid- hill districts of Nepal, it is now being extended to terai (for instance, kagati, kinnow) area too. The total area is 33898 ha, out of which only 22903 ha is productive. The total production is 2, 59,191 MT; howev...
FAO, (2011)
FAO Publications 2015 Over the last 70 years, FAO has made an important contribution towards helping the millions of hungry people all over the world. Still, according to the most recent trends, around 800 million people go to bed hungry. If we adopt a “business as usual”...
FAO, (2015)
Mapping The Vulnerability Of Mountain Peoples To Food Insecurity Mountains cover 22 percent of the world’s land surface and are home to some 915 million people, representing 13 percent of global population. Mountains also provide between 60 and 80 percent of the earth’s fresh water. Yet, in spite of this global re...
FAO, (2015)
Pro-poor Policy Approaches to Address Risk and Vulnerability at the Country Level The programme “Pro-poor Policy Approaches to Address Risk and Vulnerability at the Country Level” (GCP/RAS/276/IFA and TCP/RAS/3405) is financially supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and International Fund ...
FAO, IFAD, GON, (2015)
Shifting Cultivation, Livelihood and Food Security : New and old challenges for indigenous peoples in Asia The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 13 September 2007, which was drafted with the active participation of indigenous peoples. Since then, the importance of the role that indigen...
FAO, AIPP, IWGIA, (2015)
Country Report on The State of the Nepal’s Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture Nepal is richly endowed with numerous agricultural crops and plants. The variation in temporal, altitudinal, topographical and aspects has made agricultural such biodiversity possible (Shrestha, 2007). Hence, Nepal is a safe heaven on earth for many ...
FAO, (2008)
Enhancing Capacities for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management for Sustainable Livelihoods in Agriculture Sector - Project Findings and Recommendations The project is the follow-up of the previous FAO-UNDP joint project entitled UNJP/NEP/005/UNJ. Since the previous project was for short period (January 2010 to December 2011), it was realized that concrete recommendations...
FAO, (2013)
FAO Animal Production and Health - Livestock Country Reviews Development of Nepal's poultry production could be divided into three distinct periods since its commencement in 1965. The period from 1965 to 1980 was primarily engaged in subsistence production,from 1981 to 2002 the period of commercialization and ...
FAO, (2014)
FAO Statistical Yearbook 2013- World Food and Agriculture Good statistics are needed to monitor the progress of development. The better the data, the better policies can be designed to protect vulnerable populations. And, without good data, it is impossible to evaluate or determine the impact of policies. T...
FAO, (2013)
FAO/WFP Food Security Assessment Mission to Nepal Nepal is characterized by low levels of human development and incomes. According to UNDP Human Development Report 2006, Nepal ranks 138 among 177 nations in terms of the Human Development Index, 156 in terms of GDP per capita in Purchasing Power Pari...
WFP, FAO, (2007)
Impact Assessment of National Integrated Pest Management (NIPM) Program in Nepal The Integrated Pest Management program was initiated with the prime objective of training of trainers and conducting farmer field schools which later on extended to be a preliminary process for sustainable management of agricultural and ecological r...
NDRI, FAO, (2014)
Livestock and dairy upgrades raise incomes and help Nepal’s food security Nepal’s small-scale dairy sector has improved the quality and safety of milk products all along the food chain, bolstering food security in the mountainous landlocked country. An FAO technical cooperation project trained Nepal’s dairy sector workers ...
FAO, (2013)
Nepal and FAO : Building Food and Nutrition Security through Sustainable Agricultural Development Nepal and FAO have enjoyed close cooperation since the country joined FAO in 1951. During more than 60 years of partnership, FAO has implemented over 200 projects, ranging from policy advice and capacity development to technical support and agricultu...
FAO, (2015)
Nutrition Handbook for Community Mobilisers This Handbook targets all professionals engaged in the improvement of the health and nutrition status of vulnerable households in Nepal; it is specifically tailored to Community Health Workers, Agricultural and Livestock Extensions Workers, Teachers ...
FAO, (2009)
Poverty, Livestock and Household Typologies in Nepal - ESA Working Paper No. 04-15 Agriculture and livestock are key components of the livelihoods of the poor. Livestock make a substantial contribution to household livelihoods’ and currently sustain the livelihoods of an estimated 700 million rural poor in developing countries. In ...
FAO, (2004)
Prospects for Olive Growing in Nepal Olive is a tree with endless history. From some olive tree pieces and seeds discovered in Spain it was recognized that olives existed from the XII millennium B.C. In the book of Genesis (Old Testament) we read that it was an olive twig that Noah's do...
GoN, FAO, (1999)
Provision of technical Assistance to the Avian Influenza Control Project: UTF/NEP/061/NEP/B June 2008 – July 2011,Final Report With the arrival of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in South Asia in 2006, the threat to Nepal significantly increased, as the country shares a long and porous border with India. In early 2006, the Government of Nepal (GON) ...
FAO, (2008)
Public Sector Support for Inclusive Agribusiness Development - An appraisal of institutional models in Nepal This study describes the organizational mode for agribusiness development applied by the Government of Nepal, and the services provided by different public agencies with responsibilities for agribusiness promotion. The organizational setting for mee...
FAO, (2014)
Regional ECTAD News Edition 7: May/June 2009 This first HPAI outbreak response simulation exercise in Nepal was conducted in the high-risk district of Kaski to test and evaluate the ability of civil and technical authorities to respond effectively to an outbreak of HPAI. The event was preceded ...
FAO, (2009)
Technical Assistance for Leasehold Forestry and Livestock Programme Nepal is a small mountainous landlocked country situated between India and the People’s Republic of China. The total area of the country is 147,181 km. Physio-graphically, the country can be divided into five major regions: High Himal, High Mountains...
FAO, (2014)
गोर्खापत्र दैनिकिका सह सम्पादक राम हुमागाईसित नेपालकालागि संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघका महासचिवका विशेष प्रतिनिधि इयान मार्टीनको अन्तरवार्ता १. तपाइ नेपालको शान्ति प्रक्रियामा सुरुदेखि नै संलग्न हुनुहुन्छ तपाइको विचारमा नेपालको शान्ति प्रक्रियामा अहिले कुन चरण वा अवस्थामा छ​? यसवारे बताइदिनि हुन्छकि?महासचिव वान कि मुनले गत अक्टोबरमा सुरक्षा परिषदमा प्रस्तुत आफ्नो पछिल्लो प्रतिवेदनमा नेपाल...
UNMIN, (2008)
Fact Sheet 2016 Immediate Technical Assistance to Strengthen Emergency Preparedness for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza is funded by USAID under Emerging Pandemic Threat-2(EPT-2) programme and technically supported by FAO. The project activities are implemented th...
FAO, (2016)
Fact Sheet April 2016 Government of Nepal (GoN) is implementing Agriculture and Food Security Project (AFSP) in 19 mid-hill and mountain districts of the Mid-western and Far-western development regions of Nepal, funded jointly by Global Agriculture and Food Security Progr...
FAO, (2016)
Nepal Update July 2016 Rural women constitute 43 percent of the total 83 percent population living in the rural areas of Nepal. As in many developing countries, women have played an important and often unrecognized role in the agriculture sector in Nepal that sustains near...
FAO, (2016)
Institutional Capacity On Forest Tenure In Nepal Status, Gaps And Way Forward FAO As overall institutional capacity shows significant gaps, the capacity of key actors needs strengthening. In particular,programmes and government organizations need to address their capacity gaps more seriously. Government organizations can contribut...
FAO, (2016)
Building Agribusiness Capacity of Smallholder Farmers to Market Safe Produce of Good Quality (TCP\NEP\3503) Building Agribusiness Capacity of Smallholders Farmers to Market Safe Produce of Good Quality is a 2-year project under the technical and financial support of FAO. The project aims to contribute to enhanced market-oriented production, improved income...
FAO, (2016)
Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture (GCP/NEP/070/LDF) Reducing vulnerability and increasing adaptive capacity to respond to impacts of climate change and variability for sustainable livelihoods in agriculture sector in Nepal is supported by GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY (GEF) under THE LEAST DEVELOPED COU...
FAO, (2016)
Guidelines for Institutional Arrangements, Training, Irrigation and Agriculture Production Improvements Under On-Farm Water Management Programme Agriculture plays a dominant role in the Nepalese economy and constitutes a major portion of the gross domestic product (GDP). During the eighties, Nepal was recognised as a net exporter of food grains. However, the country has been increasingly impo...
FAO, (2005)
Nepal’s Ginger Farmers to be the Winners in Plans to Expand International Trade In a major milestone for the project, a ginger washing and processing plant is expected to open in the next few months in Jhapa district, in eastern Nepal. The plant will add value to ginger exported from Nepal, particularly in the target districts o...
FAO, (2015)
Strengthening Pesticides Management in Agriculture to Reduce Risks to Health and Environment (TCP/NEP/3502) Strengthening pesticide management in agriculture to reduce risks to health and environment (TCP/NEP/3502) is a FAO-funded project in Nepal under the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) which aims at reducing pesticide risks in agriculture ensuring...
FAO, (2016)
Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010: Country Report - Nepal Forestry is an extensive land use system in Nepal. The forest and trees provide a vast array of goods and services to human beings. Forest and tree resources provide the basic commodities such as fuel wood, timber and fodder to the people and serve a...
FAO, (2010)
Technical Cooperation Programme - Strengthening Capacities for Disaster Prevention and Preparedness and Climate Risk Management in the Agricultural Sector Agriculture remains Nepal’s principal economic activity, employing 66 percent of the population. Natural disasters such as floods, landslides, snow avalanches, glacial lake outburst floods, hailstorms, thunderstorms, cold waves, hot waves, drought an...
GON-FAO, (2012)
ADG’s high level meeting with the ministers, diplomats and the development partners ADG’s high level meeting with the ministers, diplomats and the development partners [Duration]:3m:31s [Location]:Mister of Finance-Singadurbar,Kathmandu [Video Quality]: 720p HD #FAO #ZeroHunger #Nepal ...
FAO, (2019)
Changing Climate, Changing life - a story of Laxmi Sunar Nepal has been hard hit by climate change and rural farmers are the worst affected. Many of them cope by reducing their food intake, borrowing money at high interest rates, and migrating. Laxmi’s husband migrated abroad four years ago in search of...
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, (2017)
Changing Climate, Changing life - a story of Laxmi Sunar Nepal has been hard hit by climate change and rural farmers are the worst affected. Many of them cope by reducing their food intake, borrowing money at high interest rates, and migrating. Laxmi’s husband migrated abroad four years ago in search of...
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, (2017)
Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture The video reflects the activities of Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture (GCP/NEP/070/LDF) Reducing vulnerability and increasing adaptive capacity to respond to impacts of climate change and variability for sustainable livelihoods in agricultu...
FAO, (2019)
Helping farmers in India, Indonesia and Nepal thrive in a changing climate In Asia and the Pacific, FAO and partners are working with governments and research institutes to help equip farmers with the tools and knowledge they need to adapt to climate change. This short video examines a variety of techniques and hears from t...
FAO, (2019)
Helping farmers in India, Indonesia and Nepal thrive in a changing climate In Asia and the Pacific, FAO and partners are working with governments and research institutes to help equip farmers with the tools and knowledge they need to adapt to climate change. This short video examines a variety of techniques and hears from t...
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, (2018)
Livelihood supports in climate resilient building FAO in collaboration with the government agencies has put its efforts in improving awareness, knowledge and communication on climate impacts and adaptation. It will also prioritize and implement local investment by promoting Community Based Adaptatio...
FAO, (2019)
Nepal Buffalo FAO is working to improve food security and livelihoods in Asia and the Pacifics. Extreme weather events take their greatest toll on the most vulnerable groups. FAO and the Musahar people are working together to become more resilient to these events....
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, (2019)
Nepal: Coping with Climate Change, Addressing Migration Nepal is one of the countries hardest hit by climate change. Farmers are the worst affected. Poverty and impacts of climate change are pushing people to migrate. In Southern Nepal, FAO supports some 3,000 farmers through 120 farmer field schools, so...
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, (2017)
Videos of FAO’s Assistant Director-General for Asia and the Pacific region Ms Kundhavi to project sites in Pokara, Nepal from 20-21 April 2019 FAO’s Assistant Director-General for Asia and the Pacific region Ms Kundhavi Kadiresan visited FAO’s project sites in Pokara, Nepal from 20-21 April 2019. In Pokhra, she visited Rupa Lake Restoration and Fisheries Cooperative and Fisheries Research ...
FAO, (2019)
Videos of FAO’s Assistant Director-General for Asia and the pacific region Ms Kundhavi to project sites in Pokara, Nepal from 20-21 April 2019 FAO’s Assistant Director-General for Asia and the Pacific region Ms Kundhavi Kadiresan visited FAO’s project sites in Pokara, Nepal from 20-21 April 2019. In Pokhra, she visited Rupa Lake Restoration and Fisheries Cooperative and Fisheries Research ...
FAO, (2019)
Videos of FAO’s Assistant Director-General for Asia and the Pacific region Ms Kundhavi to project sites in Pokara, Nepal from 20-21 April 2019 FAO’s Assistant Director-General for Asia and the Pacific region Ms Kundhavi Kadiresan visited FAO’s project sites in Pokara, Nepal from 20-21 April 2019. In Pokhra, she visited Rupa Lake Restoration and Fisheries Cooperative and Fisheries Research ...
FAO, (2019)
Enabling Farmers To Face Climate Change: Second Cycle Of The Benefit Sharing Fund Projects Since the adoption of the Funding Strategy, the Governing Body has been constantly improving the execution of the project cycles of the Benefit-sharing Fund. At its Second Session, the Governing Body adopted the steps for the execution of the project...
FAO, (2014)
Save And Grow In Practice Maize, Rice, Wheat: A Guide To Sustainable Cereal Production This new book looks at the application of ‘Save and Grow’ practices and technologies to the production of the world’s key food security crops – maize, rice and wheat. With examples drawn from developing countries around the world, it shows how eco-fr...
FAO, (2015)
Save And Grow In Practice: Maize · Rice · Wheat- A Guide To Sustainable Cereal Production By 2050, world annual demand for maize, rice and wheat is expected to reach some 3.3 billion tonnes, or 800 million tonnes more than 2014’s record combined harvest. Much of the increase in production will need to come from existing farmland. But one-...
FAO, (2016)
World Programme For The Census Of Agriculture 2020: VOLUME 1 Programme, Concepts And Definitions The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is the leading United Nations agency providing guidelines for the conduct of agricultural censuses worldwide. This publication provides updated guidelines to countries for the conduct ...
FAO, (2015)
Press Release of FAO Representation in Nepal Ambassador of Thailand, FAO officials visit Sindhupalchok Highlights: 1. H.E. Mr. Vutti Vuttisant, Ambassador of Thailand to Nepal travelled by road on 15 May 2015 to visit Sindhupalchok district to take stock of the situation after the devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake that shook Nepal on 25 April 2015...
FAO, (2015)
The Science and Technology System Of Nepal One can trace the institutionalization of modern science and technology in Nepal from about 1800 A.D. A few examples of modern science and technology institutions are: White Clover (Trifolium repens) in 1853, the first S&T institution; the Agricultur...
UNISECO, (2008)
Integrating Agriculture In National Adaptation Plans: Safeguarding Livelihoods And Promoting Resilience Through NAPs Climate change is one of the greatest challenges the world faces. A collective effort is needed to overcome the impacts. Nearly 75 per cent of the world’s food insecure and poor people rely on agriculture and natural resources for their livelihoods. ...
FAO/UNDP, (2015)
Management Guidelines For Asian Floodplain River Fisheries These guidelines are based on research on Asian river systems funded by the United Kingdom Government's Department for International Development. They deal with five basic questions with regard to floodplain fishery resources: Why manage? What to man...
TECA/FAO, (2016)
Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) And Participatory Plant Breeding (PPB) In Rice, India And Nepal Drought resistance in rice is physiologically and genetically complex, and there are a number of traits which are thought to contribute to drought resistance mechanisms. Drought-related traits are influenced by several or many genetic loci. Molecular...
TECA/FAO, (2016)
Multi-storied Agroforestry Cropping Systems For Micro-Climatic Modification And Erosion Control In Nepal Natural hazards such as floods, landslides and drought occur frequently in different parts of Nepal with varying dimensions and magnitude. These hazards constitute the major causes of land degradation and deterioration of natural ecosystems. The intr...
TECA/FAO, (2016)
Participatory Varietal Selection: Short Duration legume Crops For Rainfed Rabi In India and Nepal Rice fallows offer a significant potential for legume cultivation in South Asia. A pilot study showed how a combination of short-duration crops, early sowing, minimal tillage and seed priming was effective in enabling farmers to grow a rainfed rabi c...
FAO, (2016)
Pineapple As Alternate Cropping To Control Soil Erosion In Nepal Farmers in hilly areas of Nepal witness high variability in crop yields due to adverse weather conditions and loss of fertile soil because of erosion. Overall environmental degradation constitutes a further hazard for the growth of maize, which is th...
TECA/FAO, (2016)
Right to Food at Country Level : E-Newsletter 2013 The FAO Project “GCP/GLO/324/NOR - Integrating the Right to Adequate Food and Good Governance in National Policies, Legislation and Institutions” (in short, Right to Food at Country Level) is a continuation of Norway’s support to the right to food, a...
FAO, (2013)
Zero Hunger Challenge (2015) Nepal has committed to undertake Zero Hunger Challenge declared by the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development, held in Brazil in 2012 and reemphasized by ESCAP’s 69th Commission Session, held in April 2013. It entails ending hunger, food insecu...
FAO, (2015)
Bagar Farming (Baluwa kheti) In River Banks Of Nepal Farmers located along the river banks in the Kapilvastu district in Nepal face frequent floods and subsequent land degradation that deeply affects their livelihoods, as the sand that deposits in this area makes cultivation of crops unfeasible. The in...
TECA/FAO, (2016)
Better Quality Farmyard Manure Through Improved Decomposition Farmyard manure ? a varying mixture of animal manure, urine, bedding material, fodder residues, and other components ? is the most common form of organic manure applied in the midhills of Nepal. Farmyard manure has a high proportion of organic materi...
TECA/FAO, (2016)
Bio-Engineering Practices To Control Erosion Of River Embankments In Nepal Heavy rainfall and landslides in the up-streams of the Churia range cause sedimentation of river beds, leading to erosion of river embankments by fast flows of water. This heavily affects the livelihoods of farmers downstream, causing loss of infrast...
TECA/FAO, (2016)
Community Based Landslide Treatment In Nepal Frequent landslides in mid-hill districts have caused damage to productive land at the lower basin and affected human settlements and agriculture activities both upstream and downstream. Extensive areas of productive land were left fallow because of ...
TECA/FAO, (2016)
Farmer Field Schools On Integrated Plant Nutrient Systems There are different ways of carrying out agricultural extension. Farmer field schools represent a participatory approach that directly reaches farmers and addresses their day-to-day problems. The concept of farmer field schools builds on the belief t...
TECA/FAO, (2016)
Improved Pit Storage Method For Ginger Rhizomes In Nepal Farmers in the Mahintada village, in the Surkhet District cultivate ginger as a major income generating cash crop to be used as food or medicine. Ginger rhizomes selected for seed purposes are stored in pits to be used in the next season. It has been...
TECA/FAO, (2016)
Sustainable Development Goals Baseline Report of Province No. Five The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that established the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was born out of the need to pursue a socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable economic growth in an integrated manner. The normative basis...
UNDP, (2019)
A Training Manual for Agricultural Officers and Planners The increasing incidents of climate change-related natural disasters in Nepal has severely affected the agriculture sector. The need for understanding and capacity-building among government officials in reducing climate vulnerability has never been g...
UNDP, (2020)
Roadmap for Adaption Planning in Nepal’s Agriculture Secotrs Nepal’s agriculture sector, which contributes majorly to the country’s GDP, is extremely climate vulnerable. Therefore, with an aim to reduce the country’s susceptibility to climate change, the Government of Nepal is formulating its National Adaptati...
UNDP, (2020)
Regional Workshop Towards A Strategic Approach To Communication Against HPEDs Including HPAI In The SAARC Region The regional communication workshop was organized in Kathmandu in 2-3 August 2012 in which seventeen officials participated who were nominated by member states. In the two-day workshop, all the participants jointly recommended action points on commun...
FAO, (2012)
Participatory approaches: Client-oriented Breeding Of Rice For The Terai and Low Hills Of Nepal The high potential rice production systems have diverse biophysical and socio-economic environments, but there is a lack of rice varieties matching this diversity. A number of advanced breeding lines have recently been developed to match these produc...
FAO, TECA, (2016)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 Ms. Maragareta Wahlstrom, Disaster Risk Reduction UNISDR, giving speech in the event of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. #MaragaretaWahlstrom #Event #UNIC #2009 #Photo #Speech #Disaste...
UNIC, (2009)
FAO in the Humanitarian Appeals 2015 Mid-Year Update Most recently, Nepal’s devastating earthquakes severely impacted farming families. The deepening food security and nutrition crisis in South Sudan is raising serious concerns and the number of severely food insecure people is expected to escalate fro...
FAO, (2015)
FAO Nepal Newsletter Observance Of 36th World Food Day-2016 The 36th World Food Day (WFD) was observed with various ceremonial functions in Nepal focusing on the theme “Climate is changing. Food and agriculture must too.” Major programmes and activities were officiated by high level officials and staff from ...
FAO, (2016)
First Regional Field Epidemiology Training Programee For Veterinarians (FETPV) For SAARC Countries Some shortcomings in the ability to rapidly detect, report and respond to Highly Pathogenic Emerging (and re-emerging) Diseases (HPEDs) in the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) region have been demonstrated as a challenge over ...
FAO, (2012)
Regional Workshop On “Strengthening Capacity to Respond to Disease” 26 –28 May 2014, Kathmandu, The Federal Democratic Republic Of Nepal The regional workshop on ‘Strengthening capacity to respond to disease emergencies’ was jointly organized by the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Crisis Man...
FAO, (2014)
Second Regional Field Epidemiology Training Programme For Veterinarians (FETPV) For SAARC Countries SAARC and the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) jointly established the Regional Support Unit (RSU) in Kathmandu, Nepal, financially supported by European Commission (EC) with an overall objective of strengthening and em...
FAO, (2013)
Second Regional Workshop On Progressive Control Of Peste Des Petits Ruminants (PC-PPR) For South Asian Countries The Regional Support Unit had initiated developing the Regional Road map for Progressive Control of peste des petits ruminants (PPR) in the SAARC region in 2011. As a follow up to the first regional roadmap workshop this second workshop was held from...
FAO, (2013)
Third SAARC Epidemiology Networking (SAARC EpiNet) Meeting Following the recommendations of the first consultative epidemiology and laboratory networking meeting held in July 2011 in Kathmandu, an epidemiology networking meeting was conducted in August 2013 in Paro, Bhutan entitled ‘Second SAARC Regional Epi...
FAO, (2016)
Evaluation Reports- Agenda item 7- Summary Report Of The Strategic Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of WFP Livelihood Recovery Interventions This evaluation examined the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of WFP’s support for the recovery of livelihoods after disasters. Field-based research was carried out in Bangladesh, Colombia, Lesotho, Nepal and Uganda dur...
WFP, (2009)
70 Years Of FAO (1945-2015) The origins of FAO are indelibly linked to one name: David Lubin, a successful Californian businessman who turned to farming in the 1880s. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the importance of agriculture in the global economy was d...
FAO, (2015)
Post-2015 And SDGs: Nourishing People, Nurturing The Planet (May 2015) Highlights: 1. Production systems and the policies and institutions that underpin global food security are increasingly inadequate. 2. Sustainable agriculture must nurture healthy ecosystems and support the sustainable management of land, water an...
FAO, (2015)
Joint Press Release of FAO Representation and WHO Country Office for Nepal ( 17 November 2014 ) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) are jointly organizing the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2), an inclusive inter-governmental meeting on nutrition at FAO Headquarters, in Rome, from 19-21...
FAO, (2014)
Press Release of FAO Representation in Nepal (16 October 2014) World Food Day (WFD) 2014 with the theme of Family Farming: “feeding the world and caring for the earth” was observed in Nepal with much enthusiasm carrying out various awareness raising programs in Kathmandu and throughout the country.A month-long 3...
FAO, (2014)
Press Release of FAO Representation in Nepal (19 June, 2015) Some $20 million is urgently needed to support farmers in earthquake-hit Nepal resume agricultural activities and stave off the threat of prolonged food insecurity facing an estimated one million people, FAO warned today. To date, only 13 percent has...
FAO, (2015)
Press Release of FAO Representation in Nepal (28 April, 2015) An earthquake measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale shook Nepal at 11.56am local time (06:11 GMT) on Saturday, 25 April 2015. Its effects were felt in across the country. It is reported that 700,000 houses were either fully or partially destroyed across...
FAO, (2015)
Press Release of FAO Representation in Nepal (3 March, 2015) The Government of Nepal, Ministry of Agricultural Development (MoAD) and the FAO jointly organized today the National Stakeholders consultation workshop on Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) scheme for Nepal. The objective of the workshop was focused on...
FAO, (2015)
Zero Tolerance: GBV-Free Schools in Nepal Schools do not exist in social isolation from their communities. Gender inequalities, violence in the home, and social norms are often reflected in gender-based, violence\ related incidents at school. The Zero Tolerance initiative intends to counter ...
USAID, GoN, UNICEF, (2016)