Market Watch 71 November 2014
on November 2014, retail prices of most food commodities monitored across the country showed a mixed trend. On a month-on-month basis, the retail price of coarse rice declined by 2.9 percent, while that of wheat flour marginally increased by 0.2 perc... WFP, MOAD, FNCCI/AEC, CIPF, (2014)
Market Watch 72 December 2014
In December 2014, retail prices of most food commodities monitored across the country showed marginal fluctuations. On a month-on-month basis, the retail price of coarse rice declined by 2.3 percent, while that of wheat flour marginally increased by ... WFP, MOAD, FNCCI/AEC, CIPF, (2014)
Market Watch 69 September 2014†
On September 2014, retail prices of most food commodities monitored across the country showed an upward trend. On a] month-on-month basis, the retail price of coarse rice and wheat flour increased by 2.2 percent and 0.2 percent respectively. Likewise... WFP, MOAD, FNCCI/AEC, CIPF, (2014)