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Nepal Earthquake Response: Logistics Cluster ( 10 July 2015 ) Highlights: 1. Percentage of commodities based on weight: Shelter 60%, Wash 3%, Construction 2%, Education 2%, Food 20%, Health 6%, logistics 5%, Protection 1%, and Operational Support 1%. 2. 10 trucks, 3600 truckloads, 60 off road trucks and tra...
WFP, (2015)
Nepal Earthquake Response: Logistics Cluster ( 20 June 2015 ) Highlights: 1. Percentage of commodities based on weight: Shelter 61%, Wash 3%, Construction 2%, Education 1%, Food 18%, Health 8%, logistics 5%, Protection 1%, and Operational Support 1%. 2. 15 trucks, 1500 truckloads, 30 off road trucks and tract...
WFP, (2015)
Nepal Response: Operation Overview as of 18 March 2016 The Logistics Cluster, when activated in an emergency, is responsible for providing logistics coordination, information management and where there is a gap in logistics infrastructure, WFP, as the lead agency of the Logistics Cluster, acts as a ‘Prov...
WFP, (2016)
AUD 1 Million For WFP Emergency Food Deliveries And Rural Assistance Projects In response to an appeal by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), Australia pledged AUD 1 million to assist emergency food deliveries for drought-affected people in western Nepal as well as the chronically RURAL food-insecure. AUD 500,000 ...
WFP, (2006)
European Commission Donates €1.5 Million To Feed Bhutanese Refugees In Nepal The United Nations World Food Programme has welcomed a €1.5 million donation to its Bhutanese refugee operation in Nepal from the European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO). At a cost of nearly €18.5 million, WFP aims to provide food ai...
WFP, (2007)
Statement of The United Nations World Food Programme Country Representative in Nepal, Richard Ragan, On Disruption of WFP Food Assistance Deliveries in Nepal World food programmer has received assurances from multiple parties stating that they will ensure the unhindered movement of WFP staff and delivery of humanitarian food assistance for flood victims in the terai. WFP staff and trucks carrying humanita...
WFP, (2007)
U.S. Gives $2 Million To WFP For Bhutanese Refugees In Nepal The UN World Food Programme (WFP) in Nepal welcomed a US$2 million donation from the United States to provide essential food aid to more than 108,000 Bhutanese refugees who have been living in camps in the eastern part of the country for the last 16 ...
WFP, (2007)
US Team Visits WFP’S Emergency Food Aid Operations In Midwestern Nepal An eight member team of representatives from the United States Agency for International Development, visited drought-impacted communities in Humla and Jumla districts. The United States government has contributed approximately US$2 million of in-kin...
WFP, (2007)
WFP Appeals To The Mugu Chamber Of Commerce To Stop Blocking The Delivery Of Emergency Humanitarian Aid The United Nations World Food Programme is appealing to members of the Mugu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI) to allow helicopters carrying WFP emergency food rations for drought victims in Mugu in Mid-Western Nepal to land at Gamgudi helipad. ...
WFP, (2007)
WFP Begins Food Distributions to Flood Victims in Western Terai Today, people in the most flood-affected districts of Banke and Bardiya started receiving an emergency relief package of rice, oil, lentils and salt from the United Nations World Food Programme. Distributions in Kailali should also start early next w...
WFP, (2007)
WFP Launches International Appeal For 60,000 Flood Victims In Nepal The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in Nepal has initiated an emergency humanitarian response to provide an estimated 60,000 flood-affected people with food aid for up to three months. The Nepal Government requested WFP’s assistance after n...
WFP, (2007)
WFP Starts Emergency Food Deliveries For Drought-Affected Western Nepal The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in Nepal has started transporting emergency food assistance to support over 225,000 people in the Far- and Mid-western regions affected by this winter’s drought. To jumpstart the process, WFP is borrowi...
WFP, (2006)
Nepal COVID19 mVAM Market Update – No. 4 World Food Programme (WFP) Nepal and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (MoALD) have produced mVAM market update on the impact of COVID-19 on market situation and the prices of essential commodities across 67 districts. Highligh...
WFP, (2020)
IMPACT EVALUATION SYNTHESIS - Synthesis Report of the Evaluation Series on the Impact of Food for Assets (2002 – 2011) And lessons for building livelihoods resilience The report synthesizes the main findings from evaluations in Bangladesh, Ethiopia,Guatemala, Nepal, Senegal and Uganda that assessed the impact of WFP’s food for assets(FFA) activities and identified lessons on how to improve the orientation of food...
WFP, (2014)
U.S. Gives $1.8 Million To Feed Bhutanese Refugees In Nepal The United States, through USAID’s Office of Food for Peace, has provided $1.8 million dollars to the UN World Food Programme (WFP) in Nepal to feed more than 108,000 Bhutanese refugees living in camps in Eastern Nepal. The in-kind donation of 2,640 ...
WFP, (2007)
WFP Extends Food Aid Operations In Nepal To Cover Continuing Drought The United Nations World Food Programme(WFP) will extend its food aid operations in Nepal to communities in three drought-affected districts of the Eastern Terai– an area seized with political violence over the last month – as well as continuing assi...
WFP, (2007)
WFP Launches International Appeal For $US49 Million To Support Nepal 's Peace Process The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in Nepal is launching a US$49 million recovery programme to assist over 1.2 million people who continue to struggle daily with the effects of the recently ended eleven-year conflict between the Maoists a...
WFP, (2007)
WFP News Release : WFP Continues To Support The People Of Nepal- Kathmandu Highlights: 1. WFP’s humanitarian response to the people of Nepal is carried out in close partnership with the Nepali government. 2. Working with authorities at the central,district and Village Development Committee levels and with local partners, ...
WFP, (2015)
WFP’S Nepal Earthquake Response Highlights: 1. May- FOOD for 2 million people 2. June and July- FOOD for 746,000 people so far,CASH for 55,000 people so far who do work such as clearing debris 3. August- FOOD or CASH for 940,000 people under food-for-work or cash-for-work projec...
WFP, (2015)
WFP Nepal Earthquake Situation Report # 24 ( 15 September 2015) Highlights: 1. Moving into the Final Phase of the Earthquake Emergency Response: After reaching 100 percent of planned recipients in phase two of the earthquake response, WFP has now begun food distributions for the third and final phase of its eme...
WFP, (2015)
Nepal Earthquake 2015 - Summary of Findings (1 May 2015 - Release 1) This report contains summary of findings regarding: 1) Food needs 2) Shelter damage 3) Population in need 4) Market disruption 5) Road access ...
WFP, (2015)
Nepal: Concept of Operations (10 July, 2015) This map shows concept of operation after Nepal Earthquakes. It includes Coordination, Storage capacity, information management, GIS capacity, road transport, Air Transport, main hub, logistics hub etc required after Nepal Earthquake....
WFP, (2015)
Climate risk and food security in Nepal: Analysis of climate impacts on food security and livelihoods Food security is a priority issue in Nepal. In spite of recent progress, Nepal is amongst the most at-risk countries in the world in terms of prevalence of stunting and wasting: 42 per cent of children under 5 are stunted and 31 per cent are underwei...
WFP, (2013)
ROAD AND MARKET ACCESS,AND HOUSEHOLD FOOD SECURITY IN NEPAL Multiple pathways link transportation and market access to food security. These include agricultural performance, food availability, prices and incomes. This report uses data from the 2011 Nepal Living Standards Measurement Survey to identify connect...
WFP, (2017)
WFP Nepal Country Brief 2018 The past decade has been particularly transformative for the country, following the end of conflict in 2006 and a lengthy political transition as the country underwent a process of drafting a new constitution. The Constitution of Nepal, adopted in 20...
WFP, (2018)
WFP Nepal Situation Report #6 (15 May 2015) Another earthquake, measuring 7.3, struck Nepal on 12 May causing further loss of life and damage to many already weakened structures. The epicentre of the new quake was approximately 80km from the Kathmandu, near the Everest base camp in Namche Baza...
WFP, (2015)
विश्व खाद्य कार्यक्रमको नेपालगञ्ज स्थित गोदाममा पहेलो चिरिएको केराउ आज व्यवस्थापिका संसदको राष्ट्रिय विपद व्यवस्थापन अनुगमन समितिले विश्व खाद्य कार्यक्रमका नेपालगञ्ज स्थित गोदामको निरिक्षण गरेको छ। उनीहरुले नमुना जाँचका लागि चामल र पहेला चिरिएको केराउ दुबै लिएर गएका छन् । त्यसबेला भुकम्प प्रभावितहरुका लागि नेपालगञ्ज ...
WFP, (2015)
Nepal: A Perilous Mountain Journey to Deliver WFP Food Nepal: A Perilous Mountain Journey to Deliver WFP Food Aftershocks, landslides and monsoon rains are the challenges WFP faces in reaching remote communities with food in Nepal's high-altitude areas. The Larke Pass - situated at 5,000 metres above s...
WFP, (2015)
Nepal: WFP Delivers Food To Remote Villages In Gorkha District Nepal: WFP Delivers Food To Remote Villages In Gorkha District WFP teams are on the ground in Nepal responding to the needs of those affected by the devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake. Marco Frattini and Zoie Jones report on one of the first food ...
WFP, (2015)
How Does Humanitarian Logistics Work in Nepal Organization informs the Logistics Cluster of incoming cargo by submitting service request from (SRF). Organization does customs clearance in advance of arrival. Logistic Cluster facilitates services for offloading, transport and potential storage at...
WFP, (2015)
Nepal Earthquake | Magnitude 7.8 (April 2015) - Version 1, 27 April 2015 1. Coordination: The Government of Nepal has activated the Logistics Cluster, which WFP is co-leading. Immediate priorities will be supporting search and rescue teams; transporting lifesaving medical equipment, items and personnel; and transporting e...
WFP, (2015)
Nepal: Earthquake Situation Report No.1 (27 April 2015) WFP is gearing up to mount a significant response to the Government of Nepal’s official request for international humanitarian assistance for the earthquake. Specialized WFP emergency teams have arrived and are being mobilized to support the overall ...
WFP, (2015)
WFP Nepal Situation Report, #02 [Addendum] 29 April 2015 · The Government is now reporting more than 5,000 deaths and over 10,000 people injured in the earthquake. Eight million people in 39 districts have been affected, of whom over two million live in the 11 severely affected districts. Priority needs in...
WFP, (2015)
Nepal Earthquake | Magnitude 7.8 (April 2015)- Version 0, 26 April 2015 Resilience: Households in the rural areas - especially in hills and mountains - are among the least resilient, due to high poverty rates, and limited access to roads and markets. Urban areas are more resilient given higher connectivity and market acc...
WFP, (2015)
Nepal Earthquake | Magnitude 7.8 (April 2015)- Version 2, 29 April 2015 Highlights: 1. Priority 1 (750,000 people): Households in Priority 1 areas are near the epicentre of the earthquake in mountainous and hilly areas, and live in poor quality housing. Impact on livelihoods (predominantly farming- based) and food secur...
WFP, (2015)
Food Security Bulletin -18 The monsoon created havoc in many of the Terai districts and caused landslides in numerous Hill and Mountain areas,severely impacting the food security status of poor households, many of whom lost their houses, food stocks,and assets. The monsoon r...
WFP, (2007)
Food Security Bulletin -19 The past couple of months were characterized by ongoing bandhs in the Terai, resulting in shortages of fuel and other essential items and rising food prices across Nepal. Price rises in coarse rice were further exacerbated by the ongoing ban on exp...
WFP, (2008)
Expression Of Interest: Financial Service Providers The United Nations World Food Programme, Country Office, Nepal is in the process of updating/developing a roster of Financial Service Providers for its Cash Based Transfer (CBT) modality of food assistance under different projects in Earthquake affec...
WFP, (2016)
Request for Information for Financial Services Providers The World Food Programme (WFP) is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. Formed in 1961, from its Headquarter (HQ) in Rome and its offices in more than 75 countries, WFP pursues a vision of the world in which everyone has ...
WFP, (2016)
Household Food Security in Nepal Within a corporate effort to better understand country-specific food security issues, WFP Nepal, with the technical assistance of the 'Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping' (VAM) branch of WFP headquarters, undertook this comprehensive food security an...
WFP, (2006)
Netherlands and Switzerland Boost WFP Efforts To Secure Food Supplies To Bhutanese Refugees The United Nations World Food Programme in Nepal welcomed donations of US$ 617,000 from the Netherlands and US$410,000 from Switzerland to support WFP’s efforts to provide food supplies to over 108,000 Bhutanese refugees living in seven camps in eas...
WFP, (2007)
WFP Appeals For Free Passage For Food Aid The United Nations World Food Programme is appealing to members of the Nepal Transport Union to allow the free passage of WFP convoys attempting to deliver food assistance to over 50,000 drought-affected people in Mid- and Far Western Nepal and over ...
WFP, (2006)
WFP Appoints Nepalese Citizen As Head Of Oversight Division The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) today announced that Dr. Suresh R. Sharma, a Nepali citizen and graduate of Tribhuvan University in Kathmandu, has been appointed Inspector General and Director of WFP’s Oversight Services Division at it...
WFP, (2008)
WFP Emergency Operation Gears Up To Feed 170,000 In Latest Nepal Floods Crisis The UN World Food Programme (WFP) in Nepal is today mobilizing emergency food assistance for up to 170,000 people displaced by severe flooding in the west of the country. This latest spate of flooding in Nepal has inundated eight districts in the Mi...
WFP, (2008)
WFP Expands Nepal Operations To Reach 2.5 Million Hungry The UN World Food Programme (WFP) in Nepal announced today plans to expand operations to feed 2.5 million people in the country, doubling existing efforts to reach hungry people who are struggling with the compounded effects of high food prices, the ...
WFP, (2008)
WFP To Feed 50,000 Flood Victims In Eastern Terai Kathmandu– The UN World Food Programme(WFP)in Nepal announced today it was mobilizing emergency food assistance for 50,000 people displaced by floods in the eastern Terai districts of Nepal. The emergency operation is in response to a Government of ...
WFP, (2008)
EMOP (Phase II): Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme (BSFP) n Nutrition Cluster Target Districts: (June – July 2015) BSFP Response on the areas affected by earthquake. NOTE: All the datas are expressed in map, table, graph and photos....
WFP, (2015)
Management Response to the Recommendations of the Summary Report of the Evaluation of the Impact of Food for Assets on Livelihood Resilience in Nepal (2002-2010) This document responds to an impact evaluation of WFP’s cash- and food-for-assets (C/FFA) activities in Nepal, particularly in the context of disaster reduction. The evaluation was part of a series on the impact of food for assets on livelihood resi...
WFP, (2013)
Nepal Situation Report #5, 9 May 2015 WFP urgently requires funds in order to maintain the current relief response, and is appealing to donors for funding, especially as all three operations are only seven percent funded as of 8 May. It is vital that the response from the international c...
WFP, (2015)
Nepal Earthquake 2015 This report describes the impact of the 2015 earthquake throughout Central and Western Nepal (excluding the three districts of Kathmandu Valley) and provides an analysis to guide initial relief efforts. ...
WFP, (2015)
Nepal Earthquake 2015 Rapid Assessment - Key Findings and Maps, 4 May 2015 | Release 2 This report describes the impact of the 2015 earthquake throughout Central and Western Nepal (excluding the three districts of Kathmandu Valley) and provides an analysis to guide initial relief efforts. The report also provides maps and brief themati...
WFP, (2015)
Nepal Earthquake 2015 Rapid Assessment Report Summary of Findings, 1 May 2015 - Release 1 Food needs- Loss of food stocks and closure of markets determine the urgency of food needs: Food needs are extremely urgent due to widespread loss of food stocks. Income and livelihood opportunities are limited. Households have been able to better r...
WFP, (2015)
Nepal Situation Report #3, 4 May 2015 WFP’s Executive Director, Ertharin Cousin, visited Nepal from 1 to 3 May 2015, where she held meetings with Emergency Relief Coordinator, Valerie Amos, and the EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, Christos Stylianides, who were...
WFP, (2015)
Nepal Situation Report #4, 6 May 2015 As of 5 May, WFP has dispatched food for about half a million people living in six of the most heavily affected districts. Food has been distributed to more than 267,000 people in five districts, with the help of the local government, the National Re...
WFP, (2015)
WFP Emergency Operation 200668 - Emergency Food Assistance to Populations Affected by Earthquake in Nepal An earthquake hit the Nepal on 25th April causing significant destruction and massive population displacements. Initial government/United Nations reports indicate that the areas of Kathmandu, Baktapur, Lalitpur, Palanchok, Sindulpalchowk, Kavre, Nuwa...
WFP, (2015)
WFP Special Operation 200848 - Logistics and Telecommunications Augmentation and Coordination in Response to the Earthquake in Nepal On Saturday 25th April 2015, an earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter Scale was recorded in Nepal. Reports indicate a large number of casualties and widespread damage throughout the affected areas. The Government of Nepal has declared a state of em...
WFP, (2015)
WFP Special Operation 200849 - Provision of Humanitarian Air Services in Nepal This Special Operation (SO) is established to ensure humanitarian access to earthquake affected areas in Nepal through the provision of safe and reliable air transport services as well as to provide capacity for possible medical evacuation of humanit...
WFP, (2015)
A Report From The Office Of Evaluation: Strategic Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of WFP Livelihood Recovery Interventions This evaluation examines the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of WFP’s support to people’s recovery of their livelihoods after disasters. The objectives of this evaluation were to assess how far WFP interventions are me...
WFP, (2009)
Evaluation Of The WFP Strengthening Emergency Needs Assessment Implementation Plan WFP carries out or participate in emergency needs assessments (ENA) as a basis for its emergency operations (EMOPs) and protracted relief and recovery operations (PRROs). ENAs vary according to the nature of the emergency. In the early 2000’s, studie...
WFP, (2007)
WFP‘s Role In Ending Long-Term Hunger: A Strategic Evaluation – Vol. II Annexes Hunger, undernutrition and food insecurity are nested concepts, however there is disagreement among specialists about what these terms mean and how they relate to each other. According to the World Hunger Series1; hunger is a condition in which peopl...
WFP, (2011)
WFP's Role In Ending Long-Term Hunger: A Strategic Evaluation – Vol. I Full Report The evaluation's terms of reference identify three WFP activities as its focus: mother-and-child health and nutrition (MCHN); school feeding; and food for work/food for assets (FFW/FFA). The aim of this evaluation is to assess the contribution of the...
WFP, (2011)
WFP Nepal Country Brief The School Sector Development Plan (SSDP), a comprehensive education plan, was formally adopted by the Ministry of Education. As a member of the Local Education Development Partner Group (LEDPG), WFP has been actively involved in the consultations an...
WFP, (2016)
SYNTHESIS of Impact Evaluations Food for Assets for Livelihoods Resilience Terms of Reference - Final 12 Dec 2013. Food for Assets (FFA) programmes form one of WFP’s largest areas of investment over time. Measured by food tonnage, and level of direct expenses between 2006-10, FFA programmes were the second largest of WFP’s food distribution modalities, after Gene...
WFP, (2013)
Synthesis Report of the Evaluation Series on the Impact of Food for Assets (2002-2011) and Lessons for Building Livelihoods Resilience. The report synthesizes the main findings from evaluations in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Nepal, Senegal and Uganda that assessed the impact of WFP’s food for assets (FFA) activities and identified lessons on how to improve the orientation of foo...
WFP, (2011)
Food Insecurity Worsens In Nepal A series of natural disasters in 2006 and 2007 have severely impacted on crop production in Nepal, placing a significant number of people at risk of food insecurity, according to the joint report released this week by the UN World Food Programme (WFP...
WFP, (2007)
WFP Nepal : Brief : Reporting Period: 01 April - 30 June 2015 WFP supports the Zero Hunger Challenge goals of the Government through activities targeting nutrition, education and livelihoods support. As a result of the devastating earthquake on 25 April, WFP started a three-phase emergency operation (EMOP). A n...
WFP, (2015)
Nepal Situation Report #10 (1 June 2015) With 1.9 million people assisted, Phase I of WFP’s operation is coming to an end. Phase II of the operation has now begun in some districts providing rations of rice, pulses and oil. Conditional and unconditional cash transfers have also been introdu...
WFP, (2015)
Nepal Situation Report #6, 15 May 2015 Another earthquake, measuring 7.3, struck Nepal on 12 May causing further loss of life and damage to many already weakened structures. The epicentre of the new quake was approximately 80km from the Kathmandu, near the Everest base camp in Namche Baza...
WFP, (2015)
Nepal Situation Report #8, 21 May 2015 As of 20 May, with support from the local government and partners, WFP has distributed food to approximately 1.6 million beneficiaries living in seven of the most heavily affected districts: Gorkha, Dhading, Nuwakot, Rasuwa, Sindhupalchok, Kavre, and...
WFP, (2015)
EMOP-THRB-Corporate Response EMOP Facility Emergency Food Assistance to Populations Affected by Earthquake in Nepal Standard Project Report 2016 World Food Programme in Nepal, State of (NP) WFP has two ongoing projects that serve Bhutanese refugees in Nepal: the country programme (CP) 200319 and the protracted relief and recovery operation (PRRO) 200787. These projects aim to prevent undernutrition and enable year-round access to food f...
WFP, (2016)
Country Portfolio Evaluation-Nepal: An Evaluation of WFP's Portfolio Voll Full Report The World Food Programmer (WFP) Nepal Country Portfolio evaluation covers the WFP operations implemented between 2002 and 2009: the country programmer (CP), seven protracted relief and recovery operations (PRROs), five emergency operations (EMOPs), a...
WFP, (2010)
A Report From The Office Of Evaluation In order to strengthen the institutional development of the UNJLC and to respond to criticisms of the UNJLC, the Core Unit has commissioned external studies of major field operations of the UNJLC in Afghanistan, Iraq and Liberia. There have also been...
WFP, (2004)
Evaluation Of WFP's Strengthening Emergency Need Assessment Implementation Plan In 2004, WFP formulated a three-year Strengthening Emergency Needs Assessment Implementation Plan to improve needs assessments. This evaluation reviews the first two years of implementation. The conclusion is that the initiative is appropriate, if am...
WFP, (2007)
Evaluation Reports- Agenda item 7- Summary Report Of The Strategic Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of WFP Livelihood Recovery Interventions This evaluation examined the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of WFP’s support for the recovery of livelihoods after disasters. Field-based research was carried out in Bangladesh, Colombia, Lesotho, Nepal and Uganda dur...
WFP, (2009)
Evaluation Reports: Summary Report Of The Strategic Evaluation Of WFP'S Role In Ending Long-Term Hunger In 2011 WFP’s Office of Evaluation carried out four strategic evaluations related to WFP’s strategic shift from food aid to food assistance. This strategic evaluation analysed WFP’s role in ending long-term hunger. It was carried out by a team of ind...
WFP, (2012)
Nepal Situation Report #26 (05 November, 2015) Highlights: 1. Six Months of the Emergency Response 2. Phase Three Food and Cash Assistance 3. Effect of Nepal’s Fuel Crisis on WFP Operations 4. Demobilisation of the Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) 5. Funding for WFP’s Earthquake Re...
WFP, (2015)
Summary Terms Of Reference: JOINT Strategic Evaluation Of Renewed Effort Against Child Hunger And Under-Nutrition (REACH) In 2008 the Directors-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization, and the Executive Directors of United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and World Food Program (WFP) wrote a letter to Country Representatives...
WFP, (2015)
UNHAS Humanitarian Air Service - UNHAS Nepal at a Glance Managed by the World Food Programme, the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) seeks to provide the entire humanitarian community with access to hard-to-reach locations and to deliver urgent humanitarian supplies, thus facilitating the impl...
WFP, (2015)
Country Programme Nepal (2013-2017) Standard Project Report 2016 World Food Programme in Nepal, State of (NP) WFP has two ongoing projects that serve Bhutanese refugees in Nepal: the country programme (CP) 200319 and the protracted relief and recovery operation (PRRO) 200787. These projects aim to prevent undernutrition and enable year-round access to food f...
WFP, (2017)
Karnali Drought Response Standard Project Report 2016 - World Food Programme in Nepal, State of (NP) Geography plays a critical role in determining the degree of food insecurity in Nepal.Nepal was ranked as ‘serious' on the 2015 Global Hunger Index. The remote and mountainous Mugu and Jumla districts of Karnali are particularly vulnerable, with lim...
WFP, (2016)
Nepal Emergency Logistics Cluster Contingency Plan 2011 Nepal is a hotspot for geophysical and climatic hazards and prone to many kinds of natural hazards which have occurred with increasing frequency over the previous two decades. The disasters frequently affected the country economy and the population...
WFP, (2011)
Nepal Emergency Telecommunications Cluster Contingency Plan 2011 The availability of robust, reliable information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and services has become critically important to the successful functioning of all the clusters and for ensuring personal security from the onset of an...
WFP, (2011)
Statement Of the United Nations World Food Programme From Country Representative In Nepal, Richard Ragan, Urging Protesting Groups In The Terai To Allow WFP Food Convoys To Pass Result of nearly two weeks of strikes in the terai called by various groups, the UN World food Programmed has been unable to deliver food assistance to more than 325,000 highly food-insecure people across nepal, including Koshi flood...
WFP, (2009)
Country Portfolio Evaluation - NEPAL: An Evaluation of WFP‘s Portfolio Vol II Annexes Country Portfolio evaluations (CPE) encompass the entirety of WFP programme related activities during a specific period. They evaluate the performances and results of the portfolio as a whole and provide evaluative insights to make evidence-based str...
WFP, (2010)
WFP (Nepal) SPECIAL OPERATION SO (200848) On Saturday 25th April 2015, an earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter Scale was recorded in Nepal. Reports indicate a large number of casualties and widespread damage throughout the affected areas. The Government of Nepal has declared a state of e...
WFP, (2015)
Nepal Situation Report #12 (12 June 2015) In addition to the 1.9 million people assisted during Phase I of its operation, WFP has reached nearly 216,000 people so far in Phase II. In collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO), WFP is capitalising on its expertise in humanitarian ...
WFP, (2015)
Nepal Situation Report #13 (17 June 2015) Food and cash distributions in Phase II of WFP’s operation are underway in 12 of the severely affected districts. In this phase, 1.15 million people will receive rice, pulses and oil for 20 days. For nutritionally vulnerable children under two years,...
WFP, (2015)
WFP Nepal Country Brief Nepal Country Programme (CP 200319) supports the Government of Nepal in enhancing the food and nutrition security of vulnerable communities and increasing resilience to disasters. The CP covers four areas: Livelihood creation provides seasonal emplo...
WFP, (2017)
WFP Nepal Country Brief The Country Programme (CP) supports the Government of Nepal in enhancing the food and nutrition security of vulnerable communities and increasing resilience to disasters. The CP covers four areas:Livelihood creation provides seasonal employment and l...
WFP, (2017)
Terms of Reference Operation Evaluation Nepal– Country Programme 200319 These Terms of Reference (TOR) are for the evaluation of Nepal Country Programme (CP) 200319. This evaluation is commissioned by the WFP Office of Evaluation (OEV) and will start with preparation in February, with a field mission in September and a f...
WFP, (2015)
विश्व खाद्य कार्यक्रमको विश्वव्यापी चित्रकला प्रतियोगितामा नेपालको “शून्य भोक” चित्रकला पुरस्कृत बझाङ जिल्लाका १४ वर्षीय धन बहादुर बोहरा संयुक्त राष्ट्र् संघ विश्व खाद्य कार्यक्र्मले आयोजना गरेको चित्रकला प्रतियोगितामा पुरस्कृत भएका छन् । विजयी चित्रले मानिस, बाली र फलफुल भएको रुख भित्रको एक संसार प्रस्तूत गरेको छ । नेपालबाट कुल १० चित्रहरु छनौ...
WFP, (2014)
Emergency Preparedness Capacity For Kathmandu Valley – Preliminary Capacity Questionnaire For Training Service The World Food Programmer WFP is currently working with the Government of Nepal in preparation for a potential major earthquake in the Kathmandu valley. As part of this work, WFP will coordinate Emergency Logistics Training. The WFP is releasing this...
WFP, (2012)
Government Provides Assurances on WFP Food Safety The World Food Programme welcomed assurances received today from the Government of Nepal that its food was not the source of a diarrhea outbreak in the Mid and Far West of Nepal. The Secretary expressed the Government’s support and appreciation of W...
WFP, (2009)
Nepalese “Zero Hunger” Ddrawing Wins Prize in WFP’S Global Children's Art Competition urteen-year-old Dhan Bahadur Bohara of Bajhang district of Nepal has been named as one of the winners in a global children design competition, organized by the United Nations World Food Programmer WFP The winning drawing depicts a world inside of a t...
WFP, (2014)
Statement of the United Nations World Food Programme from Country Representative in Nepal, Richard Ragan, On the Safety of WFP Food The United Nations World Food Programme(WFP) takes the allegations by INSEC that our food is unfit for human consumption seriously. Protecting the lives of Nepal’s most vulnerable is at the heart of WFP’s interest. We have a rigorous food quality co...
WFP, (2009)
WFP Provides Laptops to Students in Dadeldhura Schools The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in Nepal today announced the launch of the One Laptop per Child(OLPC) pilot project in Dadeldhura district in partnership with Open Learning Exchange Nepal(OLE Nepal)and Nepal Government's Department o...
WFP, (2009)
Nepal Situation Report #21 (14 August 2015) Highlights: 1. UNHAS: Demand for UNHAS services remains high. There is an urgent need to move 800 mt of essential relief items to locations across the country on behalf of the humanitarian community and the Government of Nepal. Over 75 percent of th...
WFP, (2015)
Evaluation of the Impact of Food for Assets on Livelihood Resilience in Nepal (2002 – 2010). Nepal has a population of approximately 31 million and ranks 157th of 187 countries in the United Nations Development Programme’s 2012 Human Development Index. Despite improvements over the last 15 years, poverty, food insecurity and chronic under nu...
WFP, (2013)
WFP Nepal Country Brief The Country Programme (CP) supports the Government of Nepal in enhancing the food and nutrition security of vulnerable communities and increasing resilience to disasters.The CP covers four areas: 1. Livelihoods creation provides seasonal employment ...
WFP, (2016)
WFP Nepal Brief Reporting Period: 01 October- 31 December 2015 WFP supports the Zero Hunger Challenge goals of the Government of Nepal through activities targeting nutrition, education and livelihood support. As a result of the devastating earthquake on 25 April 2015, WFP started a three-phase emergency operatio...
WFP, (2016)