Weekly Situation Update (17 July 2015)
This week the Government proposed its 2015/16 fiscal year budget to parliament, totalling USD 8.19 billion, about one-third higher than the previous year. The proposal allocates USD 896 million, or 11% of the budget, to rebuild earthquake-affected in... UNOCHA, UNRCHCO, ACAPS, MapAction, UKaid, (2015)
Weekly Situation Update (26.06.2015)
1. The International Conference on Nepal's Reconstruction took place on 25 June in Kathmandu to respond to the Government’s appeal for USD 6.66 billion. Donors pledged USD 4.4 billion, or two-thirds of the appeal, to Nepal’s reconstructi... UNOCHA, UNRCHCO, ACAPS, MapAction, UKaid, (2015)