United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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Weekly Situation Update (17 July 2015) This week the Government proposed its 2015/16 fiscal year budget to parliament, totalling USD 8.19 billion, about one-third higher than the previous year. The proposal allocates USD 896 million, or 11% of the budget, to rebuild earthquake-affected in...
UNOCHA, UNRCHCO, ACAPS, MapAction, UKaid, (2015)
Weekly Situation Update (26.06.2015) Highlights: 1. The International Conference on Nepal's Reconstruction took place on 25 June in Kathmandu to respond to the Government’s appeal for USD 6.66 billion. Donors pledged USD 4.4 billion, or two-thirds of the appeal, to Nepal’s reconstructi...
UNOCHA, UNRCHCO, ACAPS, MapAction, UKaid, (2015)