Early Childhood Feeding, Nutrition and Development
The Nepal Multiple Indicator Surveillance (NMIS) began with a multicultural baseline survey in early 1995. The NMIS was designed from the beginning as an-ongoing monitoring scheme to produce information useful for planning at national, district, comm... UNICEF-HMG-NPCS, (1997)
Care During Pregnancy and Delivery Fianal Report
His Majesty's Government of Nepal has shown its commitment to the development of children through the ratification of United Nations Convention, summit and regional conferences. In line with the commitments, the government has prepared a Ten Years Na... UNICEF-HMG-NPCS, (1998)
Nepal Multiple Indicator Surveillance
Nepal Multiple Indicator Surveillance (NMIS) is being conducted to collect community based information for the monitoring the National Programme of Action for the Children and Development for the 1990s set in line with the World Summit for Children, ... UNICEF-HMG-NPCS, (1998)