United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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 @life skills (3063)
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Kofi Annan’s Statement on Nepalese Peacekeepers The secretary-general was pleased to learn of the release today of two nepalese peacekeepers serving with MONUC in the democratic republic of the Congo, who have been held by Peter karim FNI militia in the turin district sinc...
UNIC, (2006)
The Secretary General-- Message On World Press Freedom Day The education of the youngest members of society to the full public engagement of citizens with their political leadership, access to information empowers each one of us to transform our lives and our communities.just as water is essential for life ...
UNIC, (2008)
74th UN Day 2019 A participant enjoying the battle rope exercise under instruction of Fitness instructor of Gymkhana fitness in the stall kept by the WHO in UN Day 2019. #UNDAY #2019 #SDGs #Globalgoals #Fitness #Goal5 #WHO #Health #Instructor #Exercise #Battlerope #...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 A UNICEF staff experiencing the VR zone provided by UN Nepal which is the 3D location based entertainment allowing users to physically interact with the environment in a way that they can't be in their own home. #UNDAY #UN@74 #LBE #VRzone #Advanced...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 Bhrikuti Rai famous investigative reporter based on technology , Human Rights, Empowerment sharing her knowledge, information and experiences with the audience in UN Day 2019 #UNDAY #2019 #HumanRights #SDGS #Globalgoals #Interaction #Knowlegdeshar...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 Display of varieties of pictures from various photographer telling different stories in the occasion of UN DAY 2019 #UNDAY #2019 #Photography #Photostory #Photogallery ...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 Formal Interns of UN Information Center participating in different organization's stalls and supporting UN Day 2019. #UNDAY #2019 #Interns #UNIC #Participation #Positive #Hearmetoo #Empowerment #Information #Involvement ...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 Not only focusing on the youth but participant from different age group were also part of the speed mentoring with IOM Nepal chief Lorena Lando and having the good interaction. #UNDAY #UN@74 #Interaction #Equality #Participation #Global-goal #Empow...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 On the occasion of the 74th UN Day, 4 renowned speaker like Samriddhi Rai, Bhrikuti Rai, Saroj Phuyal, Shristic KC were invited for the panel discussion with the audience especially with youth talking about the youth empowerment, equality and signif...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 On the occasion of UN day 2019, UN volunteer and World Food Program putting and explaining their stall and presenting their materials to the visitors and participant. #UNDAY #2019 #SDGs #UNVolunteers #WFP #Spreadyourgoals2030 #Goal2 #UNvolunteers #...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 On the occasion of UN day, WHO presenting the gym and fitness equipment's collaborating with Gymkhana Fitness focusing on Goal no 3 Good health and Well being. #UNDAY #2019 #WHO #SDGs #Goal5 #Health #Wellbeing #Fitness #Globalgoals #Lifestyle #Nutri...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 One of youth participant got the change to be a part of speed mentoring with UNAIDS country director which is the one to one interaction with mentee and mentor with the head of agencies. #UNDAY #UNDay74 #SDGs #UNAIDS #Youthinteraction #Mentoring #...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 Rajendra Banepali, Knowledge Management Associate in United Nations,striking a pose with the student of KMC. #UNDAY #UN@74 #SDGs #2019 #Interaction #Photobooth #Spreadyourgoals2030 #UNstaff #Students ...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 Supriya Sthapit and Niharika Kharel, interns of UNIC striking a pose from their stall in UN Day 2019 #UNDAY #2019 #UNIC #Interns #Youth #Youthempowerment #Involvement ...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 Supriya Sthapit, intern of UNIC explaining about the Digital Library of UN and providing to the booklet of UNIC to the visitors #UNDAY #2019 #Intern #Interaction #Library #Booklet ...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 The 4 speaker (from left : Saroj Phuyal, Samriddhi Rai, Shristi KC, Bhrikuti Rai) ready for the panel discussion and Youth interaction at UN Day 2019 #UNDAY #2019 #SDGs #Panel-discussion #Speakers #Interaction #Involvement #Equality #UN74Nepal ...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) wheel game invented by RCD office for the entertainment and sharing information about SDGs. #UNDAY #2019 #SDGs #SDGgame #RCD #UNIC #Wheel #Interaction #Involvement ...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 UDHR, UN charter and other merchandise at display at UNIC( UN information Center) stall during UN day 2019 #UNDAY #2019 #UNIC #UDR #UNcharter #Globalgoals #Publications ...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 UN staffs Ruby shakya, Sudhira Shrestha, Niharika Rai, Kalwati Chand celebrating the 74th UN day and striking the pose in front of Photo booth and making the event successful with full support. #UNDAY #UN@74 #Globalgoal #SDGs #Sreadyourgoals2030 #P...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 UN-HABITAT keeping the stalls in the occasion of UN Day 2019 and showcasing all the materials, booklets , materials and agendas of the organization #UNDAY #2019 #UN-HABITAT #Agenda #Globalgoals #SDGs #UrbanDevelopment #UrbanFuture #NewUrbanAgenda ...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 UNIC stall creating the fun and creative environment by keeping Sustainable Development Goals Quiz game and involving the participation. #UNDay #2019 #SDGs #SDGgame #Participation #UNIC #Globalgoals #Quizgame #Interaction #Involvement #UNDay74...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN DAY 2019 Valerie Julliand, a resident coordinator providing speed mentoring to one of the youth participant for the one on one youth interaction for 5 minutes. #UNDAY #UN@74 @SDGs #YouthInteraction #YouthInvolvement #Influencer #Globalgoals ...
UNIC, (2019)
UN Newsletter - Vol. 79 (June-July 2020) The Publication delivers a quick response from UN agencies to support the marginalized group of people for handling the COVID-19 impacts.UN women continuously support and prioritize the emerging needs of women and excluded groups.IOM has been effecti...
UNIC, (2020)
A Seminar of United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries 2011 Asso. Prof. Dambar Bir Thapa, President, UNA Nepal, attending the seminar on "United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries: The Role of Nepal as LDCs Chair" held at Radisson Hotel on 6th May, 2011. Mr. Radhesh Pant, Co-President Nepal,...
UNIC, (2011)
A Seminar of United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries 2011 Hon'ble Paramananda Jha, Vice President of Nepal, doing lighting the candle ceremony in seminar on "United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries: The Role of Nepal as LDCs Chair" held at Radisson Hotel on 6th May, 2011. #ParamanandaJ...
UNIC, (2011)
A Seminar of United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries 2011 Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP addressing on a seminar on "United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries: The Role of Nepal as LDCs Chair" held at Radisson Hotel on 6th May, 2011. #ShokoNoda #UNDP #Seminar #CountryDirector #...
UNIC, (2011)
International Day of Peace School Students on Rally during International Day of Peace at BhirkutiMandap, Kathmandu #UNIC #UN #Photo #2008 #September #Mass #InternationalPeaceDay ...
UNIC, (2008)
Training Women Visit to UN Information Centre 2017 Training Women standing in UN House on 12th January, 2017 for group picture. #Women #Visit #Photo #2017 #UNHouse #UNIC #Traning #Group...
UNIC, (2017)
Training Women Visit to UN Information Centre 2017 Training Women standing in UN House on 12th January, 2017 for training. #Women #Visit #Photo #2017 #UNHouse #UNIC #Traning...
UNIC, (2017)
Training Women Visit to UN Information Centre 2017 Women visit to UN House, Pulchowk for the training purposes. #Women #Training #Visit #Photo #2017 #UNDRN #UNIC...
Unic, (2017)
Training Women Visit to UN Information Centre 2017 Women visit to UN House, Pulchowk for the training purposes. #Women #Training #Visit #Photo #2017...
UNIC, (2017)
Flying Balloon with a Preventing HIV message on the Occasion of World AIDS Day A Balloon flown up in the sky with message 'Preventing HIV is my commitment I am taking the lead!' on World AIDS Day, 1st December, 2008. #WorldAIDSDay #UNCares #UNEvent #Photo #2008...
UNIC, (2008)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 His Royal Highness Crown Price Haakon Magnus of Norway, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador, addressing the opening ceremony of Prasuti Hospital in Nepalgunj. Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, #HaakonMagnus #HelenClark #Hospital #Opeing #2011 #UNIC #Phot...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 His Royal Highness Crown Price Haakon Magnus of Norway, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador, giving speech in the Kathmandu University. #HaakonMagnus #Speech #2011 #UNIC #Photo ...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 His Royal Highness Crown Price Haakon Magnus of Norway, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador, going for visit students learning motorcycle repair in Nepalganj. Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP, #HaakonMagnus #ShokoNoda #RepairCentre #2011 #UNIC #Phot...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 His Royal Highness Crown Price Haakon Magnus of Norway, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador, going for visit students learning motorcycle repair in Nepalganj. Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP, #HaakonMagnus #ShokoNoda #RepairCentre #2011 #UNIC #Phot...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Mothers and children are standing outside of Prasuti Hospital in Nepalgunj. (Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit a hospital.) #Hospital #OpeningCeremony #2011 #UNIC #Photo ...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator, addressing the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. (Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit UN House.) #RobertPiper #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Photo...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator, attending the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. (Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit UN House.) #RobertPiper #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Photo...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator, delivering speech in the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP, Ms. Sangita Khadka, Communication Specialist UNDP #Hele...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator, giving speech in the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator #HelenClark #RobertPiper #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Photo...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Mr. Sanjeev Bhattarai, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), attending the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. (Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit UN House.) #SanjeevBhattarai #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Mr. Sanjeev Bhattarai, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), attending the long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. (Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit UN House.) #SanjeevBhattarai #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Ph...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, addressing the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. #HelenClark #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #Speech #2011 #UNIC #Photo...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, addressing the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator #HelenClark #RobertPiper #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Photo ...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, addressing the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP, #HelenClark #RobertPiper #ShokoNoda #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #20...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, addressing the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP, #HelenClark #RobertPiper #ShokoNoda #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #20...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, delivering speech in the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. #HelenClark #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Photo...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, delivering speech in the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. #HelenClark #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Photo...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, delivering speech in the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. Ms. Sangita Khadka, Communication Specialist UNDP, #HelenClark #Sangita Khadka #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Photo...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, delivering speech in the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. Ms. Sangita Khadka, Communication Specialist UNDP, #HelenClark #SangitaKhadka #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Photo...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, delivering the speech in the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP, #HelenClark #RobertPiper #ShokoNoda #AwardsCeremon...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, going for visit students learning motorcycle repair in Nepalganj. Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator #HelenClark #RobertPiper #RepairCentre #2011 #UNIC #Photo ...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, going to addressing the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator, #HelenClark #RobertPiper #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Photo ...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, visit Basantapur Kathmandu. His Royal Highness Crown Price Haakon Magnus of Norway, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador, Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP, Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator #HelenClark...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, visit Indrachowk Kathmandu. His Royal Highness Crown Price Haakon Magnus of Norway, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador, Hon'ble Bijaya Kumar Gachhadar, Deputy Prim Minister of Nepal, #HelenClark #HaakonMagnus #BijayaKu...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, visit students learning motorcycle repair in Nepalganj. #HelenClark #RepairCentre #2011 #UNIC #Photo ...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, visit students learning motorcycle repair in Nepalganj. His Royal Highness Crown Price Haakon Magnus of Norway, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador, Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP, Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, visit students learning motorcycle repair in Nepalganj. Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator #HelenClark #RobertPiper #RepairCentre #2011 #UNIC #Photo...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Ms. Sangita Khadka, Communication Specialist UNDP, doung master of ceremony of the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. (Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit UN House.) #SangitaKhadka #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Phot...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP, attending the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. (Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit UN House.) #ShokoNoda #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Photo...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP, attending the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. (Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit UN House.) #ShokoNoda #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Photo...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UN Information Centre, attending the long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. (Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit UN House.) #RamBabuShah #Awardsceremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Photo ...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Sangita Khadka, Communication Specialist UNDP, doung master of ceremony of the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP, ...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 UN Staff's are attending the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. (Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit UN House.) #UNStaff #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Photo ...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 UN Staff's are attending the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. (Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit UN House.) #UNStaff #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Photo ...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 UN Staff's are attending the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. (Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit UN House.) #UNStaff #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Photo...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 UN Staff's are attending the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. (Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit UN House.) #UNStaff #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Photo ...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 UN Staff's are attending the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. (Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit UN House.) #UNStaff #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Photo ...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 UN Staff's are attending the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. (Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit UN House.) #UNStaff #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Photo ...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 UN Staff's are attending the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. (Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit UN House.) #UNStaff #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Photo ...
UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 UN Staff's are attending the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. (Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit UN House.) #UNStaff #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Photo ...
UNIC, (2011)
Ram Babu Shah addresses in an Event World AIDS Day Mr. Ram Babu Shah, addressing on World AIDS Day in UN House, Pulchowk, Nepal. World AIDS Day is celebrated on every 1st December. #RamBabuShah #UNIC #WorldAIDSDay #Photo #2008 ...
UNIC, (2008)
Robert Piper Greets UN Staff in an Event World AIDS Day Hon'ble. Robert Piper, UN Nepal Resident Coordinator, greets and exchanging information to a participants on World AIDS event in your house, #RC #RC #WorldAIDSDay #2008 #Photo #UNCares...
UNIC, (2008)
Solar Inauguration in World Environment Day 2018 Mr. Nawa Raj Dhakal, Alternative Energy Promotion Centre, addressing Solar Inauguration in World Environment Day 2018 in UN House. #NawaRajDhakal #SolarInauguration #WorldEnvironmentDay #Photo #UNIC #2018 ...
UNIC, (2018)
Solar Inauguration in World Environment Day 2018 Mr. Nawa Raj Dhakal, Alternative Energy Promotion Centre, clicking picture in Solar Inauguration in World Environment Day 2018 in UN House. Mr. Renaud Meyer, Country Director of UNDP, #NawaRajDhakal #RenaudMeyer #SolarInauguration #WorldEnvironme...
UNIC, (2018)
Solar Inauguration in World Environment Day 2018 Ms. Pippa Bradford, Country Representative of World Food Programme WFP, addressing Solar Inauguration in World Environment Day 2018 in UN House. #PippaBradford #SolarInauguration #WorldEnvironmentDay #Photo #UNIC #2018 ...
UNIC, (2018)
Solar Inauguration in World Environment Day 2018 UN Staffs attending Solar Inauguration in World Environment Day on 5th of June 2018 in UN House. #SolarInauguration #WorldEnvironmentDay #Photo #UNIC #2018 ...
UNIC, (2018)
Solar Inauguration in World Environment Day 2018 UN Staffs attending Solar Inauguration in World Environment Day on 5th of June 2018 in UN House. #SolarInauguration #WorldEnvironmentDay #Photo #UNIC #2018 ...
UNIC, (2018)
State Minister for Urban Development having Discussion with Dr. Jos Vandelaer Dr. Jos Vandelaer, WHO Representative (on the left) interacting with Hon'ble. Kunti Kumari Shahi, State Minister for Urban Development, in an UN Day event, that is UN Park Cleaning. #JosVandelaer #WHO #StateMinisterForUrbanDevelopment #UNParkCleanin...
UNIC, (2017)
UN Nepal Resident Coordinator addresses in an Event World AIDS Day Hon'ble. Robert Piper, UN Nepal Resident Coordinator, addressing on World AIDS Day in UN House, Pulchowk. #RobertPiper #RC #WorldAIDSDay #2008 #Photo #UNCares...
UNIC, (2008)
UN Staffs and Volunteers in an UN Park Cleaning Event UN Park cleaning team, UN Staffs and Volunteers from different colleges participated in UN Park Cleaning Event on the occasion of UN Day. #UNParkCleaning #UNDay #Photo #2017 ...
UNIC, (2017)
World AIDS Day 2008 UN Staffs and Guests in World AIDS event in UN House, World AIDS Day is celebrated on 1st December. #UNEvent #WorldAIDSDay #2008 #Photo #UNStaff...
UNIC, (2008)
World AIDS Day in UN House Hon'ble. Robert Piper, UN Nepal Resident Coordinator, addressing on World AIDS Day in UN House, Pulchowk. #RobertPiper #RC #WorldAIDSDay #2008 #Photo #UNCares...
UNIC, (2008)
UN Newsletter - Vol. 83 (Mar-Apr 2021) Nepalis continue to suffer from pandemic-induced food insecurity even as Nepal sees the first signs of the second wave of Covid-19. A new report released last week shows that 16.8% of households have inadequate food consumption, and nearly 2.7% had i...
UNIC, (2021)
Service and Sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign Chief guest of the program Major General Sashi Chandra Bahadur Singh, Directorate General of Military Training & Doctrine, COAS, Nepal Army presenting keynotes on the occasion of International Day of UN Peacekeepers. The picture was taken at Central ...
UNIC, (2019)
Service and Sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign Major Sabita Khadka, Directorate of Peacekeeping Operations, Nepal Army sharing her experience as a UN Peacekeeper on the occasion of service and sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign at Auditorium Hall, Central Department of Education, Tri...
UNIC, (2019)
Service and Sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign Mr. Ram Babu Shah hosting the event on the occasion of Service and Sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign. The picture was taken at Central Department of Education, Auditorium Hall, Tribhuvan University. #ServiceandSacrificesofNepaleseUNPea...
UNIC, (2019)
Service and Sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign Mr. Ram Babu Shah hosting the event on the occasion of Service and Sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign. The picture was taken at Central Department of Education, Auditorium Hall, Tribhuvan University. #ServiceandSacrificesofNepaleseUNPea...
UNIC, (2019)
Service and Sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign Participant of the Service and Sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign program filling UP United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) 2019 Briefing Participants Survey form. #ServiceandSacrificesofNepaleseUNPeacekeepersCampaign #TribhuvanUnive...
UNIC, (2019)
Service and Sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign Prof. Krishna Acharya, Principal of University Campus, Tribhuvan University Presenting remarks on the behalf of Tribhuvan University on the occasion of International Day of UN Peacekeepers. The picture was taken at Central Department of Education, Au...
UNIC, (2019)
Service and Sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign Sitting: Major General Sashi Chandra Bahadur Singh, Directorate General of Military Training & Doctrine, COAS, Nepal Army, UN Resident Coordinator Valerie Julliand and Dr. Deep Bahadur Adhikari, Head of the Department, Central Department of Education...
UNIC, (2019)
Service and Sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign Sitting: Prof. Krishna Prasad Acharya Principal of University Campus, Tribhuvan University, Major General Sashi Chandra Bahadur Singh, Directorate General of Military Training & Doctrine, COAS, Nepal Army, UN Resident Coordinator Valerie Julliand and...
UNIC, (2019)
Service and Sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign Sitting:Major General Sashi Chandra Bahadur Singh, Directorate General of Military Training & Doctrine, COAS, Nepal Army and UN Resident Coordinator Valerie Julliand on the occasion of Service and Sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign at Au...
UNIC, (2019)
Service and Sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign Student of Tribhuvan University interacting with Major Sabita Khadka,Directorate of Peacekeeping Operations, Nepal Army during Service and Sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign. The picture was taken at Central Department of Education, Audi...
UNIC, (2019)
Service and Sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign Student of Tribhuvan University interacting with Major Sabita Khadka,Directorate of Peacekeeping Operations, Nepal Army during Service and Sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign. The picture was taken at Central Department of Education, Audi...
UNIC, (2019)
Service and Sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign Student of Tribhuvan University interacting with Major Sabita Khadka,Directorate of Peacekeeping Operations, Nepal Army during Service and Sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign. The picture was taken at Central Department of Education, Audi...
UNIC, (2019)
Service and Sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign Student of Tribhuvan University interacting with Major Sabita Khadka,Directorate of Peacekeeping Operations, Nepal Army during Service and Sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign. The picture was taken at Central Department of Education, Audi...
UNIC, (2019)
Service and Sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign Students of Tribhuvan University and other participant at service and sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign at Auditorium Hall, Central Department of Education, Tribhuvan University. #ServiceandSacrificesofNepaleseUNPeacekeepersCampaign #...
UNIC, (2019)
Service and Sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign Students of Tribhuvan University participating at service and sacrifices of Nepalese UN Peacekeepers Campaign at Auditorium Hall, Central Department of Education, Tribhuvan University. #ServiceandSacrificesofNepaleseUNPeacekeepersCampaign #Tribhuva...
UNIC, (2019)