United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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UNHCR/WFP Joint Assessment Mission Report Assistance to the Refugees from Bhutan in Nepal Following the enforcement of restrictive and discriminatory citizenship laws in Bhutan, over 100,000 refugees from Bhutan fled to Nepal in the early 1990s, where they were recognized on a prima facie basis by the Government of Nepal (GoN). The refuge...
UNHCR, WFP, (2012)
Nepal - UNHCR/WFP Joint Assessment Mission: Assistance to the Refugees from Bhutan, July 2014 The JAM was conducted from June 25 to June 27 2014. It used same methodology as 2012 JAM and consisted in primary data collection and secondary data review. UNHCR and WFP prepared comprehensive information package including key reference documents; s...
UNHCR, WFP, (2014)