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Kathmandu Office Intangible Cultural Heritage Network Meeting in South Asia: Exchanging countries' experiences on the implementation of the 2003 Convention at national level, 16-17 August 2017, Lalitpur, Nepal This press release includes a sub-regional network meeting on Intangible Cultural Heritage in South Asia held on 16-17 August 2017 at the Hotel Himalaya in Lalitpur, Nepal organized jointly by the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, UNE...
UNESCO, (2017)
Upper Mustang: Cultural Heritage of Lo Tso Dhun Upper Mustang, the former kingdom of Lo, is a land of stone, earth and wind. Travellers to Upper Mustang follow the old trade route along the Kali Gandaki River. Over centuries, the surrounding landscape has been endowed with small settlements, chhor...
UNESCO, (2007)
Cultural Portrait Handbook 1 Kathmandu was once known as Kantipur, the 'city' of lights',and is believed to have been founded by king Gunakamadeva. The Goddess Laxmi (goddess of wealth,light,wisdom and fortune)appeared to the king as he was worshiping, and told him to build a ci...
UNESCO, (2006)
Building Bridges Linking Community Organisations – A Stakeholder Dialogue The Government of Nepal aims to eradicate the worst forms of poverty, eliminate social exclusion and ensure that all people have access to formal and non-formal education programmes, as this is the key to ensuring sustainable development. Many nation...
UNESCO, (2007)
Community Outreach on HIV and AIDS:Teachers as Agents of Change Teachers play a key role as communicators and educators imparting life-changing and life-saving knowledge and skills on HIV and AIDS in their schools and surrounding communities. Recognizing this fact, UNESCO office in Kathmandu in collaboration with...
UNESCO, (2007)
Heritage Homeowner’s Preservation Manual -Kathmandu Valley World Heritage Site, Nepal This is the first volume in a series of heritage homeowner’s preservation manuals for UNESCO world heritage sites, which has been produced in response to the growing need to ensure the sustainable conservation of outstanding universal value...
UNESCO, (2006)
Message from Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO on The Occasion of International Literacy Day The annual celebration of International Literacy Day on 8 September is an opportunity to remind the world of the importance of literacy for individuals, families, communities and whole societies. It is also an occasion to remember that literacy...
UNESCO, (2006)
Tiji Festival – Lo Manthang This booklet aims to raise awareness amongst visitors to Lo Manthang about the unique Tibetan culture found in Upper Mustang through a holistic description of the Tiji Festival, a 3 day masked dance celebration towards the end of May. The festival in...
UNESCO, (2007)
Upper Mustang Cultural Heritage of Lo Tso Dhun In the absence of a coherent overview on the cultural heritage of Upper Mustang, the UNESCO Office in Kathmandu has prepared this study in order to provide a synopsis on what makes Upper Mustang so unique. Considering the specific nature of the regio...
UNESCO, (2007)
Harnessing literacy as a development accelerator and a force for peace in Nepal Official statement to mark International Literacy Day, 8 September 2011 Literacy is a development accelerator and a force for peace in Nepal. However, too many people in the country still cannot read and write and hence not fully participate in the peace and development process. International Literacy Day is celebrated a...
UNESCO, (2011)
Last call for Nepali Students to Participate in IGNOU - UNESCO Science Olympiad 2011 Science students in Nepal still have up to 31 July to register for the IGNOU-UNESCO Science Olympiad 2011 to prove their capabilities in science, and to obtain certification by internationally renowned institutions. Indira Gandhi National Open Univer...
UNESCO, (2011)
New Head Of UNESCO Office In Kathmandu Highlights: 1. Axel Plathe, of Germany, is the new Head of the UNESCO Office in Kathmandu and UNESCO Representative to Nepal. He succeeds Colin Kaiser, of Canada. 2. Axel Plathe, a trained librarian, comes to the UNESCO Office in Kathmandu from the...
UNESCO, (2010)
UNESCO’s New 3-year Country Programme Supports Nepal’s Peace and Development Process The UNESCO Office in Kathmandu has just released the “UNESCO Country Programming Document for Nepal 2011-2013”, the first comprehensive programme outlining the most important areas of UNESCO’s contribution to the country’s peace and development agend...
UNESCO, (2011)
13 February is World Radio Day: UNESCO Media Advisory UNESCO invites all radio stations in Nepal to observe World Radio Day on 13 February 2012. The World Radio Day was established in 2011 to celebrate radio broadcast and its unique power to reach people in the remotest areas. It is an occasion to encou...
UNESCO, (2012)
Free Screening of Metropolis to Celebrate World Day for Audiovisual Heritage The UNESCO Office in Kathmandu is organizing an open-air screening of Metropolis, a 1927 film directed by Fritz Lang, to celebrate the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage on 17 October 2011. The event is being held to raise awareness about the importa...
UNESCO, (2011)
National MDI Conference. Assessing the Media landscape in Nepal The Nepal Press Institute and Management Innovation, Training and Research Academy, with the support of UNESCO, have jointly completed the first part of the assessment of Nepal’s media landscape using UNESCO’s Media Development Indicators tool. The p...
UNESCO, (2011)
2015 Earthquake Damage Mapping Changunarayan Monument Zone Kathmandu Valley World Heritage Property The earthquakes of 25th April and 12th May, 2015 have caused extensive damage in Nepal. The oldest buildings were especially affected, along with all the sites enlisted as World Heritage by UNESCO. The inventory of these sites confronted mainly by tw...
UNESCO, (2015)
2015 Earthquake Damage Mapping Hanuman Dhoka Darbar Square Monument Zone Kathmandu Valley World Heritage Property The earthquake of 25th April and 12th May 2015 has caused extensive damages in Nepal. The oldest buildings were especially affected, along with all the sites enlisted as World Heritage by UNESCO. The objectives of this study are thus, to make a recor...
UNESCO, (2015)
2015 Earthquake Damage Mapping Swayambhu Monument Zone Kathmandu Valley World Heritage Property The earthquakes of April 25 and May 12, 2015 have caused extensive damage in Nepal. The oldest buildings were especially affected, along with all the sites enlisted as World Heritage by UNESCO .Swayambhu, the focus of this assessment is situated at t...
UNESCO, (2015)
Empowering People To Enjoy Their Right To Information For Greater Accountability Of Nepal's Power Holders February 2013-July 2016 The UNESCO Office in Kathmandu started the implementation of the 3-year project which is termed as Empowering people to enjoy their Right to Information (RTI) for greater accountability of Nepal’s power holders on 1 February 2013 and successfully con...
UNESCO, (2016)
Convention On The Protection And Promotion Of The Diversity Of Cultural Expressions Will Enter Into Force On 18 March 2007 UNESCO is very pleased to announce that ‘The Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions’, adopted by UNESCO’s General Conference in October 2005, will enter into force on 18 March 2007.The Convention seeks to ...
UNESCO, (2007)
शिक्षामा सामाजिक लिगं (जेण्डर)सम्बन्धि खोज एवं बुझाइ शिक्षाकर्मी तथा लैगिक केन्द्रविन्दुहरुकालागि गुणात्मक​ अनुसन्धानको हाते पुस्तक​ सामाजिक लिगं अर्थात​ जेण्डर भन्नाले कुनै समुह​ वा समुदायभित्र महिला तथा पुरुषको पारम्परिक सामाजिक भुमिका र जिम्मवारी भन्ने बुझिन्छ। उदाहरणका लागि," लोग्नमानिसहरु कमाउन(आयआर्जक)व्यक्तिहरु हुन्" र "स्वास्नीमानिसहरु बालबच्चाका स्याहार गर्ने व्यक्ति हुन...
UNESCO, (2005)
सामुदायिक अध्ययन केन्द्र सामुदायिक अध्ययन केन्द्र का क्रियाकलापहरुमा सहभागि बनाैँ।...
Kathmandu Valley World Heritage Site: Potential Areas For Cooperation, 2004 As early as 1979, indeed only four years after the proclamation of the World Heritage Convention, Kathmandu Valley was inscribed in the World Heritage List for its outstanding universal value as the cultural heritage of humankind. It was recognized t...
UNESCO, (2004)
Approaching Intellectual Property As A Human Right Just as raw materials and labour were key resources in the first industrial revolution, intellectual property is a central asset in an information- or knowledge- based economy. Intellectual property is a generic term that refers to intangible objects...
UNESCO, (2001)
Cultural Portrait Handbooks 5 Heritage and culture can be discovered and enjoyed throughout the Kathmandu Valley. Seven monument zones in particular were recognised to be of outstanding universal value by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESC...
UNESCO, (2006)
Kathmandu Valley World Heritage Site, Nepal This manual offers guidelines for the repair of traditional old buildings to homeowners. This document is subject to revision from time to time, including when new technical solutions are developed. Suggestions from homeowners are most welcome. Beca...
UNESCO, (2006)
Kathmandu Office Documentation and Information Centre: Rules and Regulations Highlights: 1. The Documentation and Information Centre in the UNESCO Office in Kathmandu was set up with the establishment of the UNESCO in 1998. It is located within the office premises at Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal (map in Annex). 2. The Cent...
UNESCO, (2010)
Reforming the Ministry to improve education An institutional analysis of the Ministry of Education and Sports (MOES) of Nepal The study has two main objectives: first, to assess the overall capacity of MOES, its staff and constituent bodies in relation to their mandates, roles and responsibilities; second, to guide the conceptualization and preparation of a human resource d...
UNESCO, (2004)
सूचनाको हक सहजकर्ताका लागि सहयोगी पुस्तक सूचनाको हकलाई लोकतन्त्रको अनिवार्य शर्तको रूपमा लिने गरिन्छ । त्यसैले गर्दा सूचनाको हक सबैका चासो र सरोकारको विषय बनेको हो । नागरिकलाई राज्य सञ्चालनको प्रक्रियामा सहभागी गराउन उनीहरूलाई सो प्रक्रियाबारे जानकारी हुन जरुरी हुन्छ । यसका लागि नागरिकलाई र...
UNESCO, (2014)
काठमाणडाै उपत्यका विश्व सम्पदा क्षेत्र, नेपल स्वनिग विश्व सम्पदा क्षेत्र, नेपाः एेतिहासिक घरहरूमा मर्मत​ वा पुनर्स्थापनाका कार्याहरु गरिदा घरका पुराना तत्वहरूलाइ कदर दिइनु पर्दछ र यिनीहरूलाइ कायम वा पुर्स्थापित​ गरिनु पर्दछ। हामी विश्व सम्पदा क्षेत्रभित्र र काठमाणडाै उपत्यकाका एतिहासिक क्षेत्र का सम्पुर्ण घर धनीहरूलाइ, एेतिहासि...
UNESCO, (2007)
Achieving Literacy for All : NFE-MIS Report 2013-14 Ensuring quality of education through both formal and non-formal provisions of education has been the most crucial challenge towards achieving the Education for All (EFA) goals in Nepal. This Report is an attempt to establish and strengthen an integr...
UNESCO, (2015)
Activities of UNESCO kathamndu Office (1998-2003) The purpose of this report is to document in brief all the activities undertaken by UNESCO Kathmandu Office since its establishment in Nepal in February 1998. This report gives a summary of the office’s activities within each of UNESCO’s sectors—Educ...
UNESCO, (2003)
Education Culture Communication and Information Sciences:Biennium Report 2004-2005-UNESCO Activities in Nepal, 2006 Since the inception of the UNESCO presence in Kathmandu in 1998 the office has gradually grown and matured into an established programme and advocacy agency in all UNESCO’s fields of competence, namely Education, Culture, Communication & Information ...
UNESCO, (2006)
Reading The Past, Writing The Future:A Report On National Literacy Campaign And Literate Nepal Mission The Jomtien decade witnessed a significant improvement in the adult literacy rates of Nepal from 35.6 percent (males 53.5% and females 19.4%) in 1991 to 48.0 percent (males 64.5% and females 33.8%) in 20011. According to the latest Annual Households...
UNESCO, (2017)
Why Eat Green Cucumbers At The Time Of Dying?: Women's Literacy And Development In Nepal Anna Robinson-Pant's book represents a classic example of the link between research and practice. Her account of literacy and development amongst women in Nepal offers an important antidote to the dominant assumptions about literacy, women and develo...
UNESCO, (2000)
Supporting Safety of Journalists In Nepal Published By UNESCO This report published by UNESCO has presented an assessment of the national media safety landscape for journalists in Nepal. The study has employed Journalists’ Safety Indicators (JSI) of UNESCO for the assessment. Though there is a huge growth in te...
UNESCO, (2016)
UNESCO’s Activities In Lumbini And Tilaurakot Bring New Life To Buddhist Heritage Sites UNESCO enhanced its efforts to conserve Buddhist sacred and ancient city sites in the Greater Lumbini Area with the aim of preserving a piece of history. Lumbini was inscribed on UNESCO’s List of World Heritage in 1997 as the place where Gautama Budd...
UNESCO, (2015)
UNESCO Language Survey Report Nepal The Kingdom of Nepal is a multi-ethnic and multilingual nation. Its rich linguistic and cultural heritage constitute an important part of the nation as well as of the world and deserve our concern and attention. This volume includes information on th...
UNESCO, (2002)
Revisiting Kathmandu - Safeguarding Living Urban Heritage : International Symposium Kathmandu Valley (November 2013) Heritage can be defined as something we inherit from the past, is considered of value and is worthy of preservation for future generations. This shows that heritage is subjugated to influences and threats over time. To ensure that the heritage is pas...
UNESCO, (2013)
काठमाण्डाै उपत्यका विश्वासम्पदा क्षेत्र,नेपाल स्वनिग विश्वसम्पदा क्षेत्र, नेपाः यस मान्ययलल घरधनीहरूलाइ परम्परागत पुराना घरहरूको मर्मतका लागि मार्गनिर्देशन पर्दान गर्दछ। या अभिलेखलाइ नया विकसित हुने प्राविधिक समाधानहरू सहित समय समयमा सशाधन गर्न सकिनछ । घरधनीहरूबाट आउने सुझावहरू अति स्वागत योग्य छन । यो आफ्नो प्र​कारका पहिला अभिल...
UNESCO, (2006)
विश्व सम्पदा महास्न्धिको कर्यन्वयनको लागि कर्य-सन्चालन निर्देशिका विश्व सम्पदा सम्पत्तिको संरक्षण तथा व्यवस्थापन कार्यले त्यस्ता सम्पत्ति सूचीकृत हुँदा विद्यमान् अखण्डता तथा प्रामाणिकताको अवस्था लगायत त्यसको अनुपम विश्वव्यापी महत्व​लाई कालान्तरसम्म कायम राख्ने वा त्यसको अभिवृद्धि गर्ने कुरालाई सुनिश्चित गर्नुर्पर्द...
UNESCO, (2011)
UNESCO Director-General’s Visit to Nepal The Director-General of UNESCO, Ms. Irina Bokova visited Nepal at the government’s invitation, to monitor the post-earthquake recovery process in the fields of cultural heritage and education. She also visited Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha,...
UNESCO, (2016)
Post-disaster excavations at Earthquake-Damaged Jagannath and Gopinath Temples,Hanumandhoka Durbar Square, Kathmandu Valley UNESCO World Heritage Property This document is published by UNESCO which has commissioned post-disaster rescue excavations at earthquake-damaged monuments within the Kathmandu Valley UNESCO World Heritage Site, It is continuing a mission initiated last year aimed at restoring Nep...
UNESCO, (2016)
Post-disaster excavations at Earthquake-Damaged Jagannath and Gopinath Temples,Hanumandhoka Durbar Square, Kathmandu Valley UNESCO World Heritage Property,Nepal. UNESCO has commissioned post-disaster rescue excavations at earthquake-damaged monuments within the Kathmandu Valley UNESCO World Heritage Site, continuing a mission initiated last year aimed at restoring Nepal’s cultural heritage. UNESCO, together...
UNESCO, (2015)
Salvaging, recovering and inventorying wooden elements and artifacts from the earthquake damaged monuments of Hanuman Dhoka Durbar Square UNESCO This document is published by UNESCO in the chaos of emergency rescue operation after 25 April 2015 earthquake, the timber members/elements that fell down from damaged or collapsed monuments of Hanuman Dhoka Durbar Square were rapidly piled in differ...
UNESCO, (2015)
Salvaging, Screening and Inventorying of Carved Wooden Elements of Hanuman Dhoka Complex UNESCO This document is published by UNESCO Which states the condition of world heritage sites and the principal monuments in the square, the Talezu temple is the oldest and was erected in 1576. Till date this temple is one of the massive and more embellish...
UNESCO, (2015)
South Asia Education Officials And Donors Convene In Nepal For Education For All (EFA) Mid-Term Policy Review Conference Education Ministers and other high-level education officials from countries in South Asia, along with major education donors and development agencies will meet in Kathmandu from 16-19 June 2008 to discuss ways to ensure the delivery of quality Educat...
UNESCO, (2008)
UNESCO Office In Kathmandu Launches “HIV/AIDS And Education – A Toolkit For Ministries Of Education” A quarter of a century into the pandemic, HIV and AIDS are seen to be one of the greatest threats to global stability and progress. There are 8,500 new HIV infections every day. In 2005, nearly 3 million people died from AIDS-related causes, contrib...
UNESCO, (2007)
Workshop For The World Heritage Property Of Lumbini, The Birthplace Of Lord Buddha, In Lumbini, Nepal The UNESCO World Heritage Centre together with the UNESCO Kathmandu Office, in close collaboration with Nepal's Department of Archaeology and the Lumbini Development Trust is organizing a workshop for the World Heritage property of Lumbini, the bir...
UNESCO, (2008)
पर्वी नेपालका ककरााँत राई समदायको अमतत साांस्कृततक सम्पदाहरुको वर्वर्वरणसचीकरण “अमिय सााँस्कृतिक सम्पदा आफैँ मा सााँस्कृतिक प्रस्फूटन भएकोले भन्त्दा पतन एक पुस्तादेखि अर्कोमा हश्तान्तरन हुाँदै आएको तथा निरान्तरन्रूपमा समदार्द्वािा पनभसयजजि गरिएको ज्ञान तथा भसप पतन महत्वपणय हुन्त्छ" भन्त्नेमा र्नेस्को ववश्वास गदय छ। किरात राई...
UNESCO, (2017)
English Teaching ( College Of Education, Kathmandu) ( 22 December 1966 - 12 November 1968) Much of the material in this final report has already been presented in my three earlier reports to Unesco all of which ( but particularly the first) should be read in conjuction with this. The reports of my unesco colleagues, T.A. Richardson and A. ...
UNESCO, (1969)
जनजातिका मौलिकताहरु तामाङहरू पुर्वि लिखु , काशी नदी, पश्चिममा बुढीगण्डकी र दक्षिणमा महाभारत लेकमा बसोबास गर्छन। त्यस्त उत्तरका हिमाली भूभागमा पनि बसोबास गर्दै आएका छन । तामाङ जातीका जनसख्या १२,८२,३०४ छ। अर्थात नपाल अधिराज्यका जम्माजनसख्याको ५.४६ पतिशत छ ।...
दलितका मौलिक सिप एवं प्रबिधिहरु विश्वकर्माहरू परम्परागत रुपमा फलामका काम गर्ने नामुद छन । आधनिक पविधि आउनुभन्दा अघि उनीहरूल नै खानीबाट फलाम, तामा र शिशाका कच्चा धाउ निकाले । आरन वा आफरमा पर्सोधन गरी शद्ध तामा, फलाम र शिशा निकाले । अहिले पनि उनीहरू हसिया, बन्चरा ,खुकुरि, फाली,किला,...
मौलिक ज्ञान तथा सिपहरु मानव जीवनका लागि बास अत्यन्त उपयागी वनस्पति हो। खेतबारि गल्लि को घेराबेरा बार्ने देखि घर बनाउने, दराज, कुर्सि, टेबूल, सोफाजस्ता फर्निचरहरू लगायत अन्य राखनधरन र सजावटका सामाग्रि बनाउने गरिन्छ । त्यस्ता धान राख्ने ढूकूटी देखि डाला,नाङला, ढक्की लगायतका ...
UNESCO, (2005)
Celebrating 20 Years of UNESCO in Nepal(1998-2018) The UNESCO Office in Kathmandu celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. ...
UNESCO, (2018)
नेपालमा युनेस्कोको बीसौँ बार्षिकोत्वस (१९९८–२०१८) काठमाडौंको युनेस्को कार्यालयले यसवर्ष २०औं सालगिरह मनाउँदछ।...
UNESCO, (2018)
Status, Trends and Challenges of Education For All in South Asia (2000-2015): A Summary Report #Education #EducationForAll #SouthAsia #SAARC This summary report has been developed as a sequel to analytical study of Status, trends and challenges of EFA in South Asia (2000 – 2015), conducted by the National University of Education Planning and Management (NUEPA), India, with the technical a...
UNESCO, (2015)
Symposium on: 'The State of Nepal’s Photo Archives' (6 November 2012) UNESCO in collaboration with Nepal Picture Library is organizing a one-day symposium to discuss and debate the state of Nepal’s photo archives on 6 November 2012 at Yalamaya Kendra, Patan Dhoka. The first of its kind to take place in Nepal, the sympo...
UNESCO, (2012)
USD 64 Million Needed To Complete Master Plan For Lumbini An amount of USD 64 million is needed to fully complete the Master Plan that Japanese Architect Kenzo Tange developed almost 35 years ago for Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha and a UNESCCO World Heritage property since 1997. This estimate that ...
UNESCO, (2013)
Assessment of Media Development in Nepal Assessment of Media Development in Nepal accompanies Nepal in the process of democratic transition and contributes to the development of free, independent and pluralist media. The study applies the diagnostic instrument of UNESCO’s Media Developme...
UNESCO, (2013)
UNESCO Annual Report (2000) In the field of education our focus has been on the collaboration with other UN, as well as related, agencies to work in the most deprived and underdeveloped areas of Nepal. In some of these remote areas literacy rates amongst women are as low as 5% ...
UNESCO, (2000)
GENIA-एसियामा शिक्षाको निमित्त लैङ्गिक संजाल जेनिया पृष्ठ्भूमी र ऊदेश्यहरू लैंगिक समान्ता,संलग्नताका निमित्त तयार पारिएका संयन्त्रहरु,लैङ्गिक विश्लेषण, समता निमार्णका संयन्त्रहरु...
UNESCO, (2004)
A 10-Year Literacy/NFE Policy and Programme Framework Education is a key to development and an asset towards peace and social justice. It has a fundamental role to play in reducing poverty,exclusion, ignorance and conflict. Nepal is committed to Education for all, and its progress in primary education o...
UNESCO, (2000)
ACHR Heritage for People Project In 1997 Bhaktapur, along with 6 other sites in Kathmandu valley, was inscribed as a monumental zone in a UNESCO World Heritage site of Kathmandu Valley. In 2003 UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee inscribed Kathmandu Valley and its monumental zones on ...
UNESCO, (2007)
Director-General Condemns Brutal Murder Of Nepalese Journalist Uma Singh The director-general of UNESCO, koïchiro matsuura, condemned the brutal killing of nepalese journalist and feminist activist Uma Singh on 11 january.condemn the brutal murder of Uma Singh,” declared the Director-General. nepal is to upho...
UNESCO, (2009)
UNESCO Kathmandu’s Celebration Of The International Literacy Day (ILD) And National Education Day (NED) UNESCO Office in Kathmandu joined a Steering Committee formed by MOE under the leadership of the Minister Renu Kumari Yadav in order to celebrate the International Literacy Day and National Education Day on September 8, 2008. On the 7th, 8th and 9t...
UNESCO, (2008)
World Day for Cultural Diversity 2008 Press Release On the occasion of May 21, World Day for Cultural Diversity 2008, the UNESCO Office in Kathmandu encourages all journalists, artists, entrepreneurs and civil society players to actively participate in this celebration in order to promote dialogue an...
UNESCO, (2008)
“Freedom of Expression, Access and Empowerment” UNESCO Kathmandu, in partnership with OHCHR Nepal & FODEJ (Forum of Development Journalists), organized an event to celebrate World Press Freedom Day 2008 on 2 May 2008 at the SAP-FALCHA, in Babarmahal, Kathmandu. During the event UNESCO launched th...
UNESCO, (2008)
UNESCO is Pleased To Support The Launch of The Forum of Development Journalists’ Publication “Voices From The field – Press Freedom in Nepal From The CPA to The Constituent Assembly” Last year the UNESCO Kathmandu Office supported FODEJ for the organization of World Press Freedom Day, celebrated yearly since the decision of the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1993. Given the decisive political progress that had been m...
UNESCO, (2008)
MITIGATING THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON ASIA's MOUNTAINS. UNESCO/ICIMOD WORKSHOP IN MARCH IN KATHMANDU Threatened by climate change, Asia’s mountain regions face loss of rare and endangered species, modified water balances, and changing land use transforming socio-economic conditions and livelihoods of people. In order to contribute to the dialogue o...
UNESCO, (2013)
ने‌पाली विश्वविद्यालयहरुका पत्रकारि‌ता पाठ्यक्रम (युनेस्कोको नमूना पाठ्यक्रम तथा मिडिया विकास सूचकका दृष्टिबिन्दुबाट विश्लेषण) ने‌पालमा पत्रकारि‌ता शिक्षाको‌ मात्रात्मक र‌ गुणात्मक दुवै‌ तवर‌ले उल्लेख्य विकास भएको छ । त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालय (त्रि.वि.) ले‌ वि.सं. २०३३ (सन् १९७६) मा प्रार‌म्भ गरेको र‌ कालान्तर‌मा पूर्वाञ्चल विश्वविद्यालय (पू.वि.) तथा काठमाडौ‌विश्वविद्यालय (का....
UNESCO, (2014)
UNESCO-IHE INSTITUTE FOR WATER EDUCATION Quality of ground water is becoming an emerging issue in the water supply and health sectors. The ground water in the past was considered safe for drinking purpose but now it came to be known that many shallow tube wells contain arsenic at concentra...
UNESCO, (2008)
Japan continues funding to safeguard Tilaurakot in the Greater Lumbini Area The Department of Archaeology of Nepal, and UNESCO will sign an agreement, in the presence of Japanese Embassy, tomorrow, 23 March 2018 to implement the third phase of the three-year project, titled “Strengthening conservation and management of Lumbi...
UNESCO, (2018)
जापानले वृहत्तर लुम्बिनीक्षेत्रस्थित तिलौराकोट संरक्षणार्थ आर्थिक सहयोग जारी राख्ने नेपालको पुरातत्व विभाग र युनेस्कोले भोली २३ मार्च २०१८ का दिन जापान सरकारको आर्थिक सहयोगमा सञ्चालन हुने ‘भगवान बुद्धको जन्मभूमि लुम्बिनीको संरक्षरण एवं व्यवस्थापन सुदृढिकरण’ नामक तीन बर्षिय परियोजनाको तेस्रो चरणको कार्यान्वयनका लागि जापानी दुतावासको ...
UNESCO, (2018)
Unique Assessment of Nepal’s Media Landscape Presented to Media Professionals The preliminary results of the assessment of Nepal’s media landscape, based on UNESCO’s Media Development Indicators (MDI), were presented to media professionals on 18 October 2011 in Lalitpur during the National MDI Conference. The assessment is the...
UNESCO, (2011)
Clean Water For A Healthy World : Celebrating World Water Day -2010 Water must be clean, it must stay clean and, most importantly it must be accessible for all. This is UNESCO’s message for World Water Day on 22 March 2010 that is celebrated here through a variety of UNESCO supported events during Nepal Water Week ...
UNESCO, (2010)
Director-General Condemns Murder Of Nepalese Media Owner Jamim Shah The Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, today condemned the murder of Jamin Shah, a Nepalese media owner, in Kathmandu on 7 February, and voiced concern about threats to journalists in the country. I condemn the murder of Jamim Shah, the Direct...
UNESCO, (2010)
Message From Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO On The Occasion Of The International Literacy Day When a woman is literate, she can make choices to dramatically change her life for the better. But ten years into the 21 st century, two in every three of the world’s 759 million illiterate adults are women. This is an intolerable situation reflecti...
UNESCO, (2010)
Message From Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General Of UNESCO, On The Occasion Of World Day Against Child Labour - 12 June 2009 The fact that some 218 million children between the age of 5 and 17 are forced to work is an affront to human dignity and a violation of their right to education. This year’s World Day Against Child Labour on 12 June puts the spotlight on girls becau...
UNESCO, (2009)
South Asian Journalists Commemorate World Press Freedom Day 2009 During a Two Day Regional Conference in Kathmandu Entitled “Media and Dialogue” UNESCO, jointly with OHCHR and the Federation of Nepali Journalists, convened a regional conference in Kathmandu on 3 and 4 May to observe World Press Freedom Day. Participants from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka ...
UNESCO, (2009)
UNESCO Welcomes Decision To Better Protect Birthplace Of Lord Buddha In Lumbini, Nepal The UNESCO Office in Kathmandu welcomes the recent decision of the Industrial Promotion Board of the Ministry of Industry to limit industrial activities and around the Lumbini World Heritage Site as an important step in the efforts protect and preser...
UNESCO, (2010)
Diversity and Endangerment of Languages in Nepal The purpose of this monograph is to disseminate among a wider public insights gained from the UNESCO Language Survey Report (2002) for Nepal. The emphasis is put on the linguistic diversity of Nepal on the one hand, and on the reasons for and the sta...
UNESCO, (2005)
सूचना स्वतन्त्रता र दिगो विकास; सम्बन्ध पुष्ट्याउँदै’ : पेरिसमा सन् २००८ मार्च १७ देखि १८ सम्म आयोजित युनेस्को विशेषज्ञहरूको बैठकको अन्तिम प्रतिवेदन क्यारोलिन मिलेटद्वारा तयार गरिएको मस्यौदा यो प्रतिवेदन सूचना स्वतन्त्रता कार्यान्वयन तथा दिगो विकास प्राप्तिबीचको सम्बन्धबारे भएको दुई दिन विशेषज्ञ बैठकको रूपरेखा हो । युनेस्कोद्वारा पेरिसस्थित आफ्नो प्रधान कार्यालयमा आयोजना गरिएको यस बैठकमा २० जना अन्तरराष्ट्रिय विशेषज्ञहरूका साथै नागरिक सम...
UNESCO, (2008)
सबैका लागि शिक्षा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय संगठनको मार्फ तबाट वा प्रइभेट क्षेत्रका दातृसंस्थाहरूसंगमिले र काम गर्ने अठोट व्यक्त गरे को छ । उनीहरुको प्र तिबद्धता अनुसारविकासोन्मुख देशसंगको साझेदारीमा गरिवी निवारण अन्तर्गत शिक्षालाई राखी जुन देशले आफ्नो शिक्षाको कार्यनीति प्रभा...
Literacy Status in Nepal (Literacy rate by age group 15 -24) The literacy rate status by age group 15 – 24 is analyzed in 84.7 percent for total in the country where as it is analyzed 80.2 percent for female and 89.9 percent for male in the country. #LiteracyStatusInNepal #LiteracyRate...
UNESCO, (2013)
निति निर्माता लोग के पुस्तिका , कार्याकरम संचालक लोग के पुस्तिका, समुदायन के सदस्यान के पुस्तिका ई पुस्तिका घर के भाषा में पाढाई लिखाई आ सिकाई पार आधारीत मतृभासा पर आधरित बहुभाषीक शिक्षा का बार मे जनकारि देवेला । मतृभासा पर आधारित बुहुभासि शिक्षा के उदेश्य अल्पसंख्यक भासिक समुदाय के लईकालईकिन के आउ भासा सिखाईला साथे आपन घर के भासा आ सांस्कृतिक...
बाहूभासीक शीक्षा बिस्तर खातिर तरफदार सामाग्रिः स्कुल से बहर रहल लोग के समाबेशीकरन मे शीक्षा देहल जाए जे लोग ना बोल बुझे त का सभे खतिर गुनस्तरिय शीक्षा कै उद्दश्य पुरा हो सकता अल्पसंख्यक जातिय समुदयन के बहुसन्खयक लइकलईकन के स्कुल जाते-जाते सामना करेवाला समस्या इहे ह । स्कुल के भासा आेकनि कै घर आइन कै भासा सै बहुत अलग होला । लईकालइ...
UNESCO, (2010)
सबल आधार प्रर्म्मभीक बाल हेरचाह र शिक्षा सार-संक्षप प्रार्म्भिक बाल हेरचाहा तथा शिक्षा कर्यकरमले बालबालिको शरिरिक हित संज्ञतमक तथा मानसिक सिप र सामजिक तथा संवेगात्मक बिकसलाइ सघाउछ। यस्ता कर्यक्रम हरुमा सहभागि भयका बालबालिका हरुको प्राथमिक बिधयालय मा पार्नै पर्भाब वरण गरी साद्द्य छैन। संयुक्त अधीराज्य...
UNESCO, (2006)
UNESCO leading international efforts to protect damaged Nepalese heritage (Nepal Earthquake 2015) 8 May 2015 – Less than two weeks after the devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit Nepal, UNESCO is coordinating emergency measures aimed at securing and protecting the remains of the country’s rich cultural heritage....
UNESCO, (2015)
विविध सांस्कृतिक सम्पदाका धनी लोमान्थाङ् (Lo Manthang, a diverse and exuberant cultural heritage) समुद्री सतहबाट लगभग ३,८०० मिटरको उचाईमा अवस्थित हिमालपारिको जिल्लाको नामले प्रसिद्ध लो राज्यको राजधानी लोमान्थाङ् नेपालको मुस्ताङ जिल्लाको माथिल्लो मुस्ताङमा पर्दछ । कालीगण्डकी नदीले काटेको हिमशृङ्खलापारिको यो प्राचीन वस्ती सोही नदीको किनारै किनार च...
UNESCO, (2018)
BRICS Aid to Education from the Recipient's Point of View the Case of Nepal Foreign aid in Nepal has been an early fifties phenomenon right after the first democratic movement in 1951 in Nepal. Foreign aid, since then, is thought to be instrumental in achieving the socio-economic development of Nepal. Foreign aid to this end...
UNESCO, (2015)
EFA Movement and Nepal’s Progress Amidst Violent Conflict The World Declaration on Education for All held in Dakar in 2000 (the Dakar Framework of Action – DFA) realized that the targets were tough to achieve as many developing countries were reeling to emerge from the hegemony of dictatorial regime to a de...
UNESCO, (2015)
Literacy Status in Nepal (Literacy Rate By Age Group 15 +) Literacy mapping can help us to better: (i) identify the priority target groups, ( ii) determine the kind of literacy programmes that can be most effective for each of these target groups; and ( iii) plan, organize and implement appro...
UNESCO, (2013)
Literacy Status in Nepal (Literacy Rate By Age Group 5 +) The literacy rate trend by age 5+ is seen little decreasing in 2011 in compare to previous CBS population survey 2001. The annual growth rate for literacy rate age 5+ is 1.2 percent and it implies that the overall literacy rate may not be reached at ...
UNESCO, (2013)
Transforming Teaching and Learning in Asia and the Pacific: Case Studies From Seven Countries The question of what and how students should learn has been occupying a central place in debates on education in many countries in the Asia-Pacific region (UNESCO, 2014). In response to these debates, countries in the region are increasingly introduc...
UNESCO, (2015)
Lumbini excavations highlighted among world’s top 10 discoveries Archaeology, the magazine of the Archaeological Institute of America features the discovery of a structure dating back to the sixth century B.C at Lumbini, birthplace of Buddha, as world’s top 10 discoveries of 2014. An international team of archaeol...
UNESCO, (2015)
Promoting and Safeguarding Nepal’s Intangible Heritage: Workshop on Developing Safeguarding Plans, 21-25 November 2016 UNESCO supports Nepal in building national capacities through the development Of safeguarding plans for intangible cultural heritage. This workshop is a part of the UNESCO global capacity-building programme to create positive institutional and profe...
UNESCO, (2016)
UNESCO Condemns Placement of Explosives at Kathmandu Schools. UNESCO strongly condemns the planting of multiple Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) and suspicious objects near school buildings around the Kathmandu Valley, out of which three exploded in the early morning of 20 September 2016. “It is unacceptabl...
UNESCO, (2016)
Building Institutuional Capacity Of The Nepal Press Institute To Offer High Quality Media Training The media sector in Nepal is developing rapidly and becoming increasingly diverse. There are currently more than 400 newspapers published and 235 radio stations that are registered. The Government of Nepal publishes one daily newspaper in Nepali, one...
UNESCO, (2010)