United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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UNDP Annual Report 2012/2013 2012 marked the beginning of a process of reinvigorating the global development agenda. At Rio+20, the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, UN Member States agreed that sustainable development is the only viable path forward, based on integrate...
UNDP, (2013)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 47 November 2010 "In the Know" is the 47th issue of November 2010 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines: Nepal among the ‘top ten movers’; Launch of National Adaptation Programme of Action—NAPA; Climate Change Knowledge Management Cent...
UNDP, (2010)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 45 September 2010 "In the Know" is the 45th issue of September2010 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines: Gender-responsive policing in post conflict countries; Voter registration starts; Nepal launches its third Millennium Development ...
UNDP, (2010)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 46 October 2010 "In the Know" is the 46th issue of October 2010 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines: Election Commission receives additional US$ 2.1m support for voter registration; Rebuilding lives - Ms. Shrestha during the trainin...
UNDP, (2010)
दिगो बिकास लक्ष्यहाँरु वार्शिक पर्‍तिबेदन २०१७ सन २०१६ मा दिगो बिकास लक्ष्यको पर्‍तिबेदन पर्‍काशन गर्ने विश्व्कै पहिलो राष्ट्र नेपाल हो । वर्तमान बिकास सम्ब्न्धी बिस्तृत विवरन एबम दिगो विकास लक्ष्यको पारम्भिक आधार उक्त प्रतिबेदनमा उल्लेख छ । प्रतिबेदनले दिगो बिकास लक्ष्य कार्ययोजना र कार्यान्व्य...
UNDP, (2016)
Supporting Nepal to Build Back Better: Key Achievements in UNDP’s Earthquake Response Two devastating earthquakes hit Nepal in April and May of 2015. The death toll climbed to over 8,700 while more than 22,000 people were injured. Out of 75 districts in Nepal, 33 were affected by the earthquakes,14 of which were heavily damaged. In th...
UNDP, (2015)
Rebuilding Nepal: Three Years On Three years have passed since the earthquakes of April and May 2015 rattled Nepal to its very core. The country is well into the recovery and reconstruction phase today; while significant progress has been made in expediting private house reconstruct...
UNDP, (2018)
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development The Sustainable Development Goals aim to end poverty by 2030. World leaders have set a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. Eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge ...
UNDP, (2016)
Conflict Prevention Program (CPP) Since the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2006, many important steps have been taken to successfully bring a definitive conclusion to the armed conflict. Some key aspects of the peace process, however, have not been fully implemented ...
UNDP, (2006)
More Women In law, a Must for Justice In Nepal Nepal's legal system will continue to fail women until at least one-third of legal professionals are female, said United nations development programmer deputy resident representative, ghulam isaczai, earlier today during the launch of ...
UNDP, (2006)
Nepal Climate Change Support Programme (NCCSP) The Nepal Climate Change Support Programme (NCCSP) continues to build the capacity of vulnerable communities to adapt to the negative effects of climate change. Nepal Climate Change Support Programme (NCCSP), a leading project in the area of climate ...
UNDP, (2017)
Nepal Climate Change Support Programme The programme aims to mainstream climate change into Nepal's national development agenda, contribute to poverty reduction, livelihood diversification and community resilience. This will ensure that the most urgent and immediate adaption actions are i...
UNDP, (2016)
NHRI Background Briefs: Assessing the Capacity of National Human Rights Institutions in South Asia to Address Discrimination and Human Rights Relating to HIV, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (June 2012) Conservative societal attitudes in South Asia towards sexual orientation and gender identity have a significantly adverse impact on the lives and rights of men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender people and people living with HIV (PLHIV). The re...
UNDP, (2012)
China recovery aid for flood-affected households in the Terai [YouTube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eVYxkMPsSs [Abstract]- UNDP, with funding support from the Government of the People’s Republic of China, has provided recovery support to over 31,800 families affected by the 2017 floods over the last...
UNDP, (2018)
Local Capacity Development Investments for MDG Localization in Nepal Nepal has undergone significant political change in the recent years. The election of the Constituent Assembly has been completed and the country has been declared a Republic state by demolishing the history of a Kingdom which remained in power for 2...
UNDP, (2008)
MaKing The MDGs Work: From Advocacy Through Implementation To Acceleration And Beyond 2013 is a defining moment in the MDG timeline, with countries focusing efforts towards accelerating progress while at the same time drawing lessons from their MDG experience to help shape the post-2015 development agenda. These elements defined UN...
UNDP, (2013)
Supporting Nepal In Building Back Better: National Reconstruction Planning And Implementation (August 2015) UNDP is assisting Nepal to recover from the devastating earthquakes. With a comprehensive programme spanning three years, UNDP focuses on four main areas of work: assisting the Government in its recovery planning and implementation, revitalizing live...
UNDP, (2015)
Supporting Nepal In Building Back Better: Demolition And Debris Management (August 2015) UNDP is assisting Nepal to recover from the devastating earthquakes. With a comprehensive programme spanning three years, UNDP will focus on four main areas of work: assisting the Government in its recovery planning and implementation, revitalizing l...
UNDP, (2015)
Supporting Nepal In Building Back Better: Disaster And Climate Risk Management (August 2015) UNDP is assisting Nepal to recover from the devastating earthquakes. With a comprehensive programme spanning three years, UNDP focuses on four main areas of work: assisting the Government in its recovery planning and implementation, revitalizing live...
UNDP, (2015)
Electoral Support Project-Phase II (ESP-II) The project concentrated on providing technical advice and operational support for the CA elections in phase I 2008-2012, whereas phase II 2012-2018 is responding to the need for continued capacity building of the ECN to organize credible elections w...
UNDP, (2017)
Emergancy Response Preparedness : Siraha Every year, between June and September, flooding and landslide in the Terai and Hills respectively warrants increased preparedness by the Government and the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT). In 2014, heavy rainfall caused floods and landslides across ...
UNDP, (2016)
Emergency Response Preparedness: Siraha Every year, between June and September, flooding and landslide in the Terai and Hills respectively warrants increased preparedness by the Government and the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT). In 2014, heavy rainfall caused floods and landslides across ...
UNDP, (2016)
Alternative uses of pre-tax fossil-fuel subsidies per year This note performs a series of arithmetic comparisons of the estimated global amount of pre-tax fossil-fuel subsidies (FFSs) distributed per year to offer an understanding of what they cost across the developing world. A first exercise focuses on wha...
UNDP, (2021)
Next Practices: Innovations in the COVID-19 social protection responses and beyond The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated large-scale, rapid responses from governments to ensure that the negative effects of the crisis on people’s livelihoods are mitigated. Countries with more well-established social protection systems in place prio...
UNDP, (2021)
Turning Tradition to New Ends:Improving Water Mills in Nepal - Case Study 8 (Environment and Energy) Despite this progress, 800 million people in the region remain without access to electricity and almost 2 billion rely on the traditional use of biomass for cooking. In Nepal, for example, only 40 percent of the population has access to electricity d...
UNDP, (2011)
UNDP Annual Report 2006 2006 was a year of major transition for the UNDP Programme due to the changed political context. UNDP focused its efforts on reorienting its programme to meet current needs and strengthened its operational capacity to assist with post-conflict recove...
UNDP, (2006)
ढुङ्गा माटोको घरमा जस्ता तारको प्रविधि बुइँगल सहित एक तल्ला र दुई तल्ला भवनमा यो प्रविधि पुर्णरुपमा आधारभुत निर्माण सामाग्री जस्तै गारो निर्माणको लागि ढुङ्गा र माटो, छानोको संरचनाको लागि कर्कट जस्तापाता र मध्य तल्लाको लागि काठको चिरपटहरुमा माटोको प्रयोगमा आधारित छ । बुइँगल सहितको एक तल्ले र दई तल्ले भवनहरु नेपालको पहाडि क्षेत...
UNDP, (2019)
Nepal Human Development Report 2009 Previous Nepal Human Development Reports and the reports of many other organizations have successively mapped underlying patterns of exclusion, disadvantage and vulnerability in Nepal. While the proportion of Nepalis living in extreme poverty has low...
UNDP, (2009)
Report for UNDP Nepal of the Outcome Evaluation Mission On Gender This evaluation assesses Nepal’s efforts to develop gender responsive national and local level policies and plans over the period 1999 to 2003, and toassess UNDP’s contribution to this outcome, in tandem with other actors in the development sector an...
UNDP, (2004)
United Nations Development Assistance Frame work For Nepal The United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) forms the overall framework for the United Nations Country Team’s (UNCT) work between 2013 and 2017. This document comprises three main parts. The first part describes t...
UNDP, (2012)
United Nations Development Assistance Framework For Nepal 2008-2010 Following ten years of conflict, the April 2006 People’s Movement and the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in November 2006, Nepal is now in a transition towards democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights. The people...
UNDP, (2010)
Power to the people Syaurebhumi Grid Connection [Youtube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ydVUOC0Wt8&t=89s [Abstract] - The recent interconnection of the 23kW Syaurebhumi micro-hydro plant to the national grid has raised hopes for the sustainability of small scale hydropower projects in Ne...
UNDP, (2018)
Solar to the rescue Powering snakebite treatment centres [YouTube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtrcSq8GwHQ&t=97s [Abstract] - In Nepal, an average of 20,000 cases of snakebite are reported annually, out of which 100 deaths are owing to attacks from venomous species. However, since many snakebite...
UNDP, (2018)
Human Development Report 2016- Human Development for Everyone Progress in human development has been impressive over the past 25 years. People now live longer, more children are in school and more people have access to basic social service. The 2016 Human Development Report focuses on how human development can ...
UNDP, (2016)
UNDP Goodwill Ambassador Michelle Yeoh visits Nepal UNDP Goodwill Ambassador Michelle Yeoh visits Nepal Award-winning global movie star and Nepal earthquake survivor Michelle Yeoh travelled back to Kathmandu last week as a United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Goodwill Ambassador. She visited t...
UNDP, (2016)
What is UNDP in Nepal? Celebrating our 50th Birthday! What is UNDP in Nepal? Celebrating our 50th Birthday! A Golden Anniversary: UNDPNepal joins the world to celebrate our 50th birthday On our 50th Birthday, we asked people in Nepal what is UNDP for them? And they answered. Here is what they said. V...
UNDP, (2016)
Ecosystem Based Adaption in Mountain Ecosystems in Nepal The Ecosystem based adaption in mountain ecosystem project is a global project aiming to strengthen the capacities of countries that are vulnerable to impacts of climate by helping them adapt and dulld resilient ecosystems and efficient use of its se...
UNDP, (2016)
पारिस्थितिकिय प्रणालिमा आधारित अनुकुलन जलवायु परिवर्तन ले मानिसको जिवन र प्राकृतिक प्रणालिमा विश्वोब्यापी प्रभाव पारेको छ र आगमी दिन हरुमा यो क्रम अझ च्रको हुँदै जाने भबिश्यवाणी गरिदै छ । जलवायु परिवर्तन सगै जोडिएर बारम्ब्बार आउने खडेरी र आधिबेरी तथा हुने अनियमित र उग्र बर्षाले प्राकृतिक...
UNDP, (2013)
Ecosystem based adaptation - A case from Panchase [YouTube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y3049tDiU4 [Abstract] - In 2014 (2070) heavy rainfall during the monsoon season resulted in a massive landslide in Saunepani. The landslide caused massive destruction to the farm of local resident Bir...
UNDP, (2018)
Micro Enterprise Development Programme The following report displays that in Nepal, there is a great potential for growing bee keeping a culture enterprise. This document presents marketing and packaging advice and is appropriate for the use of micro entrepreneurs and enterprise that are ...
UNDP, (2002)
Nepal Conflict Prevention Programme The Conflict Prevention Programme (CPP)takes a multi-pronged and complementary approach to the prevention, mitigation and management of conflicts at the central and local levels. CPP is designed as a five-year programme with the first two years as Ph...
UNDP, (2010)
Project Document-Crisis Prevention and Recovery Support to Nepal After the political stalemate that took place in the middle of 2007, the seven party political party and CPN reached the 23 point agreement on 23 December 2007, which brought the peace process back on track. In response to the promising, but still fr...
UNDP, (2008)
Strengthening Planning and Monitoring Capacity of NPC This project supports the National Planning Commission to make its planning and monitoring system inclusive as well as to support the NPC to strategize to meet the MDG goals. The project accordingly will have two components each of which will have in...
UNDP, (2009)
Human Development Report 2004 The 2004 Human Development Report Sustaining Progress Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience; the notion of a global “clash of cultures” is resonating so powerfully and worryingly around the world, finding answers to the old questions of ho...
UNDP, (2004)
Human Development Report 2014, Sustaining Human Progress: Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience The 2014 Human Development Report—Sustaining Progress: Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience—looks at two concepts which are both interconnected and immensely important to securing human development progress. Since the United Nations Devel...
UNDP, (2014)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 1, Janaury 2007 "In the Know" is the 1st issue of January 2007 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines: UNDP supports the peace process - registration of weapons and combatants; Peace and Development - Work begins on Nepal peace trust f...
UNDP, (2007)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 28 April 2009 "In the Know" is the 28th issue of April 2009 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines: Viewing progress towards peace: UNDP/UNFPA Executive Board members in Nepal; Loktantrik Sambaad(Democracy Dialogues); Allowing more...
UNDP, (2009)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 34 October 2009 "In the Know" is the 34th issue of October 2009 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines: Flagship Programme Package on Disaster Risk Reduction handed over; Discharge and Rehabilitation of Maoist Army Personnel — Minors a...
UNDP, (2009)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 44 August 2010 "In the Know" is the 44th issue of August 2010 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines: Multidimensional Poverty Index– new dimension to analyse poverty; Combatant turns into an independent entrepreneur; Norway, UNDP sig...
UNDP, (2010)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 15, March 2008 "In the Know" is the 15nd issue of March 2008 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines: National Strategy for Disaster Risk Management ready for approval; Peace and Development - EORC rapidly advances preparation for the ...
UNDP, (2008)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 17, may 2008 "In the Know" is the 17 issue of May 2008 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines:All-Female Nepali Expedition completes historic Mount Everest summit bid, Peace and Development, Deputy Speaker a new star in BBC World S...
UNDP, (2008)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 20, August 2008 "In the Know" is the 22nd issue of April 2008 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines: Rural energy lights up 239 households of a remote village; Development for Peace; Capacity assessment of the Ministry of Peace and Re...
UNDP, (2008)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 22, October 2008 "In the Know" is the 22nd issue of April 2008 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines: National Symposium on Public Private Partnership(PPP); National level debate on `Youth, Unemployment and Poverty; 63rd United Nations...
UNDP, (2008)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 36 December 2009 "In the Know" is the 36th issue of December 2009 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines: Rural Energy Programme awarded for outstanding contribution; UN, GoN and UCPN-M sign Action Plan for discharge of minors; New Morn...
UNDP, (2009)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 38 February 2010 "In the Know" is the 38th issue of February 2010 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines: 2,394 young men and women discharged from Maoist army; Target of reducing poverty likely to be met; Strengthening the capacity of ...
UNDP, (2010)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 39 March 2010 "In the Know" is the 39th issue of March 2010 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines: Discrimination and neglect are threatening women’s survival in Asia Pacific; Gender Issues likely to get prominence in the Constituti...
UNDP, (2010)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 43, July 2010 "In the Know" is the 43rd issue of July 2010 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines: UNDP supports Nepal Police to reduce Gender Based Violence; Starting a successful civilian life; AusAID, UNDP sign agreement for Elect...
UNDP, (2010)
In The Know- UNDP Nepal Newsletter-Issue 18, june 2008 In the Know is the 18 issue of June 2008 by UNDP Nepal Newsletter which consists of the following headlines;Providing clean drinking water to economically impoverished urban households; Strong legal actions and commitment needed to tackle Corruption...
UNDP, (2008)
In The Know- UNDP Nepal Newsletter-Issue 23, August 2009 In the Know is the 23 issue of August 2009 by UNDP Nepal Newsletter which consists of the following headlines; Peace is not sustainable without human development - Nepal HDR; Vice Chairman of NPC, Dr. Yubaraj Khatiwada launching the NHDR 2009 with UN...
UNDP, (2009)
In The Know- UNDP Nepal Newsletter-Issue 23, July 2009 In the Know is the 23 issue of July 2009 by UNDP Nepal Newsletter which consists of the following headlines:Centre for Constitutional Dialogue expands; Chairman of the Constituent Assembly, Rt. Honorable Subash Chandra Nembang at the CCD facilities; ...
UNDP, (2009)
In The Know- UNDP Nepal Newsletter-Issue 23, November 2008 In the Know is the 23 issue of June 2008 by UNDP Nepal Newsletter which consists of the following headlines: UNDP, GoN sign US$ 1.3 m National Adaptation Programmer of Action (NAPA) to Climate Change; Review of the UNDP Country Programme Action Plan ...
UNDP, (2008)
In The Know- UNDP Nepal Newsletter-Issue 25, January 2009 In the Know is the 25 issue of January 2009 by UNDP Nepal Newsletter which consists of the following headlines:Centre for Constitutional Dialogue opens ;Support to the peace process in Nepal;Joint Secretary of MoPR, Mr. Durga Nidhi Sharma addressing ...
UNDP, (2009)
In The Know- UNDP Nepal Newsletter-Issue 29, may 2009 In the Know is the 29 issue of may 2009 by UNDP Nepal Newsletter which consists of the following headlines: Shedding new light on the cause and consequences of catastrophe; UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator Mr. Robert Piper delivering statemen...
UNDP, (2009)
In The Know- UNDP Nepal Newsletter-Issue 35, November 2009 In the Know is the 35 issue of November 2009 by UNDP Nepal Newsletter which consists of the following headlines; adb,UNDP sign a landmark partnership agreement;Nepal mdg needs assessment training, undp country director ms.berry Hitchcock sighed the ...
UNDP, (2009)
In the Know-UNDP Nepal Newsletter-Issue 10, October 2007 "In the Know" is the 10th issue of October 2007 by UNDP Nepal; a Newsletter which consists of the following headlines: UN in Nepal puts spotlight on poverty with Guinness World Record Attempt, Voices of the people, Peace and Development-Verification...
UNDP, (2007)
In the Know-UNDP Nepal Newsletter-Issue 12, December 2007 "In the Know" is the 12th issue of December 2007 by UNDP Nepal; a Newsletter which consists of the following headlines: HIV and women’s inheritance and property rights, Enterprise training for women affected with HIV/AIDS, EC and UNDP agree to contin...
UNDP, (2007)
In the Know-UNDP Nepal Newsletter-Issue 13, January 2008 "In the Know" is the 13th issue of January 2008 by UNDP Nepal; a Newsletter which consists of the following headlines: UNDP launches US$ 2 million Quick Impact Programme in Terai, Peace and Development-Preparation for discharge of post May 06-recruit...
UNDP, (2008)
In the Know-UNDP Nepal Newsletter-Issue 2, February 2007 "In the Know" is the 2nd issue of February 2007 by UNDP Nepal; a Newsletter which consists of the following headlines: UNDP kicks off series of ‘inclusive constitution-building’ seminars, UNDP’s support to the Peace Process continues, National Level ...
UNDP, (2007)
In the Know-UNDP Nepal Newsletter-Issue 3, March 2007 "In the Know" is the 3rd issue of March 2007 by UNDP Nepal; a Newsletter which consists of the following headlines: Will Federalism ensure people’s rights ? UNDP signs US$ 4.9 million contract with the Global Fund for the second round of HIV/AIDS gra...
UNDP, (2007)
In the Know-UNDP Nepal Newsletter-Issue 37, January 2010 "In the Know" is the 11th issue of November 2007 by UNDP Nepal; a Newsletter which consists of the following headlines: Discharge and rehabilitation continues, Support to the peace process-Center for Constitutional Dialogue completes one year-a hub f...
UNDP, (2010)
In the Know-UNDP Nepal Newsletter-Issue 4, April 2007 "In the Know" is the 4th issue of April 2007 by UNDP Nepal; a Newsletter which consists of the following headlines: UNDP partners with the BBC World Service Trust, Country Programme Document takes shape, Peace and Development-UNMIN, UNDP and UNICEF s...
UNDP, (2007)
In the Know-UNDP Nepal Newsletter-Issue 9, September 2007 "In the Know" is the 9th issue of September 2007 by UNDP Nepal; a Newsletter which consists of the following headlines: Government of Nepal and UNDP sign US$ 1.9 million rural energy project, Meeting with government and stakeholders for Country Progr...
UNDP, (2007)
In the Know-UNDP Nepal Newsletter-Issue11, November 2007 "In the Know" is the 11th issue of November 2007 by UNDP Nepal; a Newsletter which consists of the following headlines: UNDP Associate Administrator, Mr. Ad Melkert in Nepal, Peace and Development-Hello, Prime Minister, Peace and Development-Registra...
UNDP, (2007)
Address by Nepal's Finance Minister at the launch of HDR2019 Address by Nepal's Finance Minister Dr. Yuba Raj Khatiwada at the launch of HDR2019 in Kathmandu, Nepal Video Quality: 720p HD Audio Quality: High Video Location: Kathmandu, Nepal Duration of Video: 20m:45s #HDR #UNDP #2019 #HDR2019 #HumanDe...
UNDP, (2019)
Budgetary response to climate change Budgetary response to climate change Video Quality: 1080P HD Audio Quality: High Video Location Nepal During of Video: 3m:17s #UN #UNDP #FAO #UKAID #ClimateChange #SDGs #SDG13...
UNDP, (2019)
Climate proofing agriculture Climate proofing agriculture With changing rainfall patterns & new diseases, farmers in Nepal are the most affected by climate change. UNDP and FAO's joint efforts to build capacity among planner in climate proofing agriculture development. #UN #U...
UNDP, (2019)
Dhyan Bahadur water mill Dhyan Bahadur built his water mill after 2015 earthquake w/support from European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid, UNDP & Human Rights Awareness & Dvt Center. The newly built water mill has enabled him to revive his livelihood Video Quality: ...
UNDP, (2019)
Disaster recovery for the disabled My house is built with wire frame technology, which is earthquake resistant. I feel safe there,” says Khil Bahadur of Sindhupalchowk. Video Quality: 720p HD Audio Quality: High Video Location: Sindhupalchowk Duration of Video: 2m #UNDP #UND...
UNDP, (2019)
Enhancing the capacity of the member of CLCs Enhancing the capacity of the member of CLCs This year, the UNDP’s Electoral Support Project (ESP) and UNESCO with support from the European Union organized a five-day workshop in Bhaktapur from 5-9 August 2019 where members of 22 Community Learning...
UNDP, (2019)
Human development is a process of enlarging human choices: Prof Selim Jahan Prof Selim Jahan, former Director of the Human Development Report, UNDP was in Kathmandu in August on the invitation of the Government of Nepal and UNDP Video Quality: 720p HD Audio Quality: High Video Location: Kathmandu, Nepal Duration of ...
UNDP, (2019)
Interview: Permanent Representative to the UN Amrit Bahadur Rai As one of the world’s most climate-vulnerable countries, Nepal actively participated in the UN Climate Summit in September 2019. UNDP, a close partner that has been standing behind Nepal in its pursuit of sustainable development, has long been suppor...
UNDP, (2019)
Meeting the SDGs amidst climate change Meeting the SDGs amidst climate change in Nepal [Duration]: 3m:48s [Location]: Nepal [Video Quality]: 1080p HD [Audio Quality]: High [Time and Topic of Scene]: 00:00 – Introduction 00:40 – Gamala Luitel, a farmer from Kavre, Nepal talking abou...
UNDP, (2019)
Surprise Dhangadhi The "Surprise Dhangadhi” campaign, led by UNDP’s SCDP, is bringing together youth volunteers to confront the city's social problems. Why is the campaign called Surprise Dhangadi? Watch the video to find out! [Duration]: 8m:18s [Location]: Dhanga...
UNDP, (2019)
Nepali Business Community Commits to Contribute to Nepal's Sustainable Development The Business Coalition for the SDGs is a voluntary group of like minded enterprises, which understand the need to align their business operations with the SDGs and work with other actors in Nepal to achieve sustainable development. Businesses joining...
UNDP, (2017)
Remarks at the launch of the Nepal Human Development Report 2009 17 August 2009 Robert Piper, UNDP Resident Representative The Comprehensive Peace Agreement is an extraordinary document. When I read the CPA I read a Nepali analysis about the underlying causes of the conflict. It is so much more than a transitional framework through which hostilities might be ended. The C...
UNDP, (2009)
UNDP Support to Nepal's 2015 Constitution On 19 September, Nepal marked one year since the promulgation of its Constitution. In the years leading up to the landmark milestone, UNDP has been a steadfast partner to Nepal and has offered support to stakeholders and the public toward this achiev...
UNDP, (2016)
Sustainable Development Goals Baseline Report of Province No. Five The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that established the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was born out of the need to pursue a socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable economic growth in an integrated manner. The normative basis...
UNDP, (2019)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Wetlands in Nepal The project will build capacity and legal and policy frameworks for an ecosystem approach to wetland conservation and sustainable use. The project will ensure that national policies and planning frameworks identity and protect wetlands of global biod...
UNDP, (2011)
LGCDP Project Document LGCDP Project Document...
Project Document - Strengthening the Capacity of National Human Rights Commission in Nepal The project will support NHRC to formulate the new Strategic Plan 2011-2013, audit human rights action plan and its guidelines, conduct training on Human Rights based Approach to development, carry out the assessments on the status of domestication o...
UNDP, (2011)
Project to Prepare the Public Administration for State Reforms (PREPARE) The project is aimed to strengthen the existing system of the government in terms of service delivery mechanism, personnel and human resource management and also prepare the relevant government institutions for administrative reform in the context of...
UNDP, (2014)
A Training Manual for Agricultural Officers and Planners The increasing incidents of climate change-related natural disasters in Nepal has severely affected the agriculture sector. The need for understanding and capacity-building among government officials in reducing climate vulnerability has never been g...
UNDP, (2020)
Roadmap for Adaption Planning in Nepal’s Agriculture Secotrs Nepal’s agriculture sector, which contributes majorly to the country’s GDP, is extremely climate vulnerable. Therefore, with an aim to reduce the country’s susceptibility to climate change, the Government of Nepal is formulating its National Adaptati...
UNDP, (2020)
Success Stories of the Entrepreneurs This book is about motivating stories of 11 youth entrepreneurs from different parts of Nepal. The stories depicts the struggle and hardships of the entrepreneurs and how they prosper their businesses. The book is published by Ministy of Education, S...
UNDP, (2020)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 40 April 2010 "In the Know" is the 40th issue of April 2010 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines: UNDP Regional Director visits Nepal; Micro hydro illuminates Lukla–gateway to the Everest region; Inauguration of Bom Khola micro-hyd...
UNDP, (2010)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 50, February 2011 "In the Know" is the 50th issue of February 2011 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines: Government, Int’l community commit towards a disaster resilient Nepal; Extended assistance for the ex-combatants to begin a new li...
UNDP, (2011)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 14, February 2008 "In the Know" is the 14th issue of February 2008 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines: Government signs Country Programme Action Plan for grant assistance of $190.59 million(Rs. 12.2 billion); Reestablishment of Elect...
UNDP, (2008)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 21, September 2008 "In the Know" is the 21st issue of September 2008 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines: World Business Jury Panel commends Nepal Micro-enterprise Development Programme; Medical waste management under Public- Private P...
UNDP, (2008)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 30, June 2009 "In the Know" is the 30th issue of June 2009 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines: AusAID,UNDP partner to further support micro-enterprises in Nepal; Incorporating environment issues in the new constitution; Youths ma...
UNDP, (2009)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 33, September 2009 "In the Know" is the 33rd issue of September 2009 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines: Build capacity of local governments; What comes first, peace or constitution?; Public Private Partnership for greener environmen...
UNDP, (2009)