United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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Women's voices enrich Nepali public life Women in Nepal are actively participating and involving themselves in the political as well as developmental activities. Role models like Bidhya Devi Bhandari, Onsari Gharti Magar and Sushila Karki demonstrate that women and girls in Nepal can partic...
RCO, (2017)
The United Nations welcomes the Kavre District Court's ruling on the murder of Maina Sunuwar Maina Sunuwar, a 15 year old girl was tortured and killed in an army base in 2004 during the decade-long Maoist conflict(1995-2006). The United Nations has welcomed the Kavre District Court’s verdict in which the bench convicted three former Nep...
RCO, (2017)
Holocaust 2020 Holocaust 2020 UN Nepal in collaboration with the German Embassy, Israel Embassy and EU conducted the educational outreach program for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day in the government schools in Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur. In a c...
RCO, (2020)