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IMPACT EVALUATION-Evaluation of the Impact of Food for Assets on Livelihood Resilience in Nepal A Mixed Method Impact Evaluation Annex Vol II – VDC Profiles. Many roads have been constructed within the last 15 years with funding from WFP and others. These roads have contributed to livelihood improvements through increased mobility of people and goods and subsequent markets that have developed. Entrepren...
IOD PARC, WFP, (2013)
IMPACT EVALUATION - Evaluation of the Impact of Food for Assets on Livelihood Resilience in Nepal-A Mixed Method Impact Evaluation (Annex Vol I). Food for Assets (FFA) programmes form one of WFP’s largest areas of investment over time. Measured by food tonnage, and level of direct expenses between 2006-10, FFA programmes were the second largest of WFP’s food distribution modalities, after Gene...
IOD PARC, WFP, (2013)