Kathmandu Earthquake Response: Inter-cluster Gender Task Force - Draft Terms of Reference
Protecting human rights and promoting gender equality is central to humanitarian action. The needs of women, men, girls and boys are different and distinct, and often these differences are even more disparate during humanitarian crises. Addressing ge... ICGTF/UN, (2015)
Nepal Earthquake Response : Inter- Cluster Gender Task Force - Third Meeting (7 May 2015)
Source: http://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/nepal/document/minutes-meeting-inter-cluster-gender-task-force-7-may-2015
The Assessment WG mentioned that they had put together all the information in the format and shared with the asse... ICGTF/UN, (2015)
Nepal Earthquake Response: Inter-Cluster Gender Task Force - Fourth Meeting (11 May 2015)
Anu Pillay (GENCAP Adviser) shared the information received from various clusters that their allocated gender focal point s... ICGTF/UN, (2015)
Nepal Earthquake Response: Inter-Cluster Gender Task Force Fifth Meeting (14th May 2015)
GTF chair, Gitanjali Singh, UN Women Nepal Deputy Representative, informed that the PDNA
will be starting next week and i... ICGTF/UN, (2015)