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Crop And Food Security Update-Summer Crop Nepal 2009/2010 Late start of the monsoon season and irregular distribution of rain caused a reduction in the 2009/2010 summer crop production across the country. Paddy production was down to 4.02 million MT and maize was 1.86 million MT. reduction of 11 percent and...
GON, WFP, (2010)
Nepal Food Security Bulletin - Year 2014, Issue 41. This issue covers the period of mid-November 2013 to mid-March 2014,the second trimester of Nepalese Fiscal Year 2070/71. This bulletin is primarily based on the outcomes of NeKSAP district food security network (DFSN) meetings held in 72 of 75 distr...
GoN, WFP, (2014)
First Advance Estimate of 2015/16 Wheat Production in Nepal Using the CCAFS Regional Agricultural Forecasting Toolbox (CRAFT) The significant drop in production is attributed to an estimated five percent decrease in wheat grown area nationwide as compared to the 2014/15 season. Wheat grown area decreased because of two main reasons: a severe shortage of fuel for irrigation...
GoN, WFP, (2016)
Dolakha District Food Security Bulletin The district was affected by the 25 April earthquake and major aftershock on 12 May (with the epicenter in Dolakha), with severe impact on livelihood activities, like agriculture, livestock, tourism, and infrastructure (hydropower/road construction)....
GoN, WFP, (2015)
Nepal Food Security Bulletin Year 2015, Issue No. 44 This issue covers the period of mid-November 2014 to mid-March 2015, the second trimester of Nepalese Fiscal Year 2071/72. This bulletin is based primarily on the outcomes of NeKSAP district food security network (DFSN) meetings held in 74 of 75 dist...
GoN, WFP, (2015)
Market Watch 79 (December 2015) Highlights: 1.In December 2015, retail prices of most food commodities monitored in 12 markets across Nepal continued to rise. This is due to the disruptions to cross-border trade in the Terai, notably at the Birgunj-Raxual border point, which has l...
GoN, WFP, (2015)
NEPAL VERSION 1 Flood | August 2017 Date released: 21 August 2017 Nepal was hit by the worst rains in 15 years that started on 11 August 2017. It caused severe flooding in the Terai with huge impacts on livelihoods, food security and nutrition due to losses in lives, assets, housing, infrastructure including water ...
GON, WFP, (2017)
Nepal Food Security Bulletin Year 2015, Issue No. 45 This issue covers the period of mid-March to mid-July 2015, the third trimester of Nepalese Fiscal Year 2071/72. This bulletin is based on the outcomes of NeKSAP district food security network (DFSN) meetings held in 74 of 75 districts during July 20...
GoN, WFP, (2015)
Mother and Child Health Care Programme-A Joint Review of the MCHC programme by MoHP, MoE and WFP Government of Nepal, being aware of the poor nutritional status of its population, particularly of children and women, is continually developing appropriate policies from time to time and designing and implementing programmes to improve the nutrition...
GoN, WFP, (2012)
दोलखा जिल्लाको खाद्य सुरक्षा बुलेटिन बैशाख १२ गतेको भूकम्प र बैशाख २९ गते दोलखा केन्द्रबिन्दु बनाएर गएको अर्को ठूलो झट्काले गर्दा जिल्ला पूर्ण रुपले प्रभावित भयो, जसका कारण जीविकोपार्जनका साधनहरु जस्तै कृषि, पशुपालन, पर्यटन पुर्बधारमा पनि गम्भिर असर परयो । जिल्ला खाद्य सुरक्षा सञ्जालका ...
GoN, WFP, (2015)
Report On Rapid Emergency Food Security Assessment (EFSA) Far And Mid West Hills And Mountains, Nepal The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MoAC) of the Government of Nepal (GoN) is the lead government agency in national crop assessments and maintenance of crop situation data. Using the information collected through its network of agricultura...
GON, WFP, (2008)
जिल्लास्तरीय खाद्य सुरक्षा अनुगमन तालिम जिल्लास्तरीय खाद्य सुरक्षा अनुगमन तालिम कार्यक्रम, जिल्लामा खाद्य सुरक्षा सञ्जाल स्थापना र सञ्जालका सदस्यहरूको खाद्य सुरक्षा अनुगमनबारे क्षमता अभिवृद्धि गर्न तयार गरिएको हो । यो निर्देशिकाले खाद्य सुरक्षा सञ्जालका सदस्यहरूलाई चरणबद्ध तरिकाले खाद्य सु...
GoN, WFP, (2009)