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CROP SITUATION UPDATE - Joint Assessment Mission of 2013 Summer Crops and Outlook of 2013/14 Winter Crops. Highlights: 1. The 2013 summer crop (paddy, maize, millet, and buckwheat) output was estimated at 7.67 million metric tons (mt), an increase of 12.10 percent compared to last year and 11.90 percent compared to the five-year average or ‘normal’ level...
GoN, FAO, WFP, (2013)
Crop Situation Update Highlights: 1. The production of wheat and barley is estimated at 1.9 million mt, and 37 thousand mt respectively. This is an increase in production of 2 percent and 6 percent respectively compared to 2011/12 winter season. The Central Development ...
GoN, FAO, WFP, (2013)
Crop Situation Update - Joint Assessment Mission of 2013 Summer Crops and Outlook of 2013/14 Winter Crops Growing condition for summer crops were favorable in 2013: average rainfall July- September was the largest in the last five years and supply of fertilizer by Agricultural Inputs Company Limited (AICL) improved dramatically compared to last year. Hen...
GoN, FAO, WFP, (2013)
Crop Situation Update A Joint Mission of 2012 Summer Crops and Outlook of 2012/13 Winter Crops Highlights: 1. The 2012/13 summer cereal crop output is estimated at 6.8 million metric tons (mt) with 4.5 million mt of paddy, 2.0 million mt of maize and 0.3 million mt of millet. This represents a reduction of 10.0 percent overall, with 11.0, 8.0...
GoN, FAO, WFP, (2013)