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Report on Gender Mapping in the Field of Elections ‘Gender Mapping in the Field of Elections’ is a pioneering step towards promoting gender equality in the field of elections in Nepal, identifying gender gaps in the electoral processes and the election management body, as well as providing recommenda...
GON-UNDP, (2010)
Developing Capacities for Effective Aid Management and Coordination The project seeks to promote the more effective utilization of aid in Nepal by implementing management system, improving cross ministry collaboration in implementing a national action plan on aid effectiveness, and strengthening mechanism for coordin...
GON-UNDP, (2011)
Project Document - Public Private Partnership for Urban Environment This programme document is a follow-up to and builds on the framework outlined in the Public-Private Partnership for Urban Environment (PPPUE)Programme 2002-2004 approved 3 January 2002,executed by the Ministry of Local Development and funded through...
GON-UNDP, (2004)
Local Self-Governance Act, 2055: An Act Made To Provide For Local Self-Governance Make provisions conducive to the enjoyment of the fruits of democracy through the utmost participation of the sovereign people in the process of governance by way of decentralization, Institutionalize the process of development by enhancing the parti...
GON-UNDP, (1999)
Impact of Climate Change Finance in Agriculture on the Poor The impacts of climate change have manifested in multiple ways in the agriculture sector in Nepal, from crop losses due to severe floods, extended droughts, emergence of diseases and proliferation of pests. Public finance to support climate related p...
GON-UNDP, (2018)
NEPAL FLOOD 2017:Post Flood Recovery Needs Assessment Nepal experienced incessant rainfall from August 11 to 14, 2017, resulting in widespread floods across 35 of the country’s 77 districts. Several districts experienced the heaviest rainfall in over 60 years. This led to the inundation of about 80 perc...
GON-UNDP, (2017)
Nepal Human Development Report 2014 Nepal Human Development Report 2014 assesses productive abilities at different interrelated levels by using the available national data. It indicates the trends in spatial inequalities and outlines the prospects of unlocking the human potential and a...
GON-UNDP, (2014)
Climate Change Financing Framework: A roadmap to systematically strengthen climate change mainstreaming into planning and budgeting This document produced by the Ministry of Finance is centered on the key measures adopted by the Government of Nepal in integrating climate change and climate finance into national planning and budgeting processes. It outlines the reforms already imp...
GON-UNDP, (2017)