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विपद् जोखिम न्यूनीकरण राष्ट्रिय नीति २०७५ निरन्तर दोहोरिरहने बहु–प्रकोपका घटनाहरुबाट उत्पन्न विपद्को अत्यधिक जोखिममा रहेको मुलुकहरुमध्ये नेपाल पनि एक हो । यहॉ प्रत्येक वर्ष बाढी, पहिरो, चट्याङ्ग, आगलागी, सडक दुर्घटना र महामारी जस्ता प्राकृतिक तथा गैरप्राकृतिक प्रकोपहरुका कारण जनधनको ठूलो...
GON, UN, (2018)
Nepal MDGs Acceleration Framework Improving Access To Sanitation 2013 Over the past 11 years (2000-2011), the sanitation coverage has increased from 30 percent to 62 percent in Nepal. This figure states that the average annual growth rate of access to toilet is around three percent. The Government of Nepal has aimed to...
GoN, UN, (2013)
Multi-sector Nutrition Plan For Accelerated Reduction of Maternal and Child Under-nutrition in Nepal 2013-2017 Government of Nepal National Planning Commission 2012 Forty-one per cent of children in Nepal suffer from chronic malnutrition (DHS, 2011). The process of stunting occurs between the conception period and two years of age, and is irreversible afterwards. Furthermore, the population of Nepal, especially ...
GON, UN, (2012)
Regional Disaster Preparedness Planning Workshop- View Hotel Siddhartha, Nepalgunj The National workshop on Disaster Preparedness and Response Planning has completed on 18 March 2011. Based on the recommendations of the National workshop, Government of Nepal, jointly with humanitarian partners has decided to conduct the similar wor...
GoN, UN, (2011)
Government Of Nepal And United Nations Marks 1000 Days Until Millenium Development Goals Deadline Nations Country Team in Nepal and partners are marking a vital moment in history’s largest most successful anti-poverty push– the 1,000-days mark before the target date to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. The United Nepal is likely to achiev...
GON, UN, (2013)
आगामी पांच वर्षका लागि रणनैतिक विकास सहायता संरचनासम्बन्धी नेपाल सरकार र संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघबीच भएको सम्झौता प्रेस विज्ञप्ति रास्ट्रीय योजना आयोग र संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघीय टोली नेपालबीच आयोगको सभाहलमा आयोजित विशेष समारोहका बीच "संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघीय विकास सहयोग रुपरेखा २०१८-२०२२ मा हस्ताक्षर सम्पन्न भयो। उक्त सहयोग रुपरेखाले संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघ मार्फत नेपालमा आगामी पांच वर्षक...
GON, UN, (2017)
विश्व भन्सार संगठनको – स्थायी प्रविधिक समितिद्वारा अप्रिल १९९६ अप्रिलको १५७–१५८ औं शत्रमा स्वीकृत नमूना सम्झौता संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघीय महासभाको प्रस्ताव ४६÷१८२ को अनुसूचीको अनुच्छेद ३ मा तोकेअनुसार मानवीय सहायता प्रभावित मुलुकको स्सहमति र सिद्धान्त अनुसार राष्ट्रको अनुरोधका आधारमा प्रदान गर्नुपर्ने र संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघीय वडापत्र अनुसार राज्यको सार्वभौमसत्ता, अखण...
GoN, UN, (2007)
Nepal Millennium Development Goals The Gov-internment of Nepal and the United Nations on behalf of development partners and citizens of Nepal.The report has made use of valuable advice comments and insights provided by a number of development partners who participated in a series of...
GON, UN, (2010)
Statement by Hon. Dr. Min Bahadur Shrestha, Vice-Chairman of the National Planning Commission of Nepal and the Head of Nepali Delegation to the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) under the auspices of the UN- ECOSOC (New York, 18 July 2017) This bulletin includes statement by Hon. Dr. Min Bahadur Shrestha, Vice-Chairman of the National Planning Commission of Nepal and the Head of Nepali Delegation to the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) under the auspices of the UN-ECOSOC on 18 July ...
GON, UN, (2017)
Draft for Consultation Guidance note for developing Flagship 4 Project Proposals Highlights: 1.Proposals should make specific reference to being compliant with Flagship 4 and include a commitment to share information about the project for Flagship 4 tracking, monitoring and evaluation purposes. 2. Proposals should identify the ...
GoN, UN, (2011)
Identification of Focus Districts for Flagship 4 Highlights: Following a consultation process with CBDRR stakeholders in Nepal, NRCS together with IFRC and Ministry of Local Development were requested to identify the districts most vulnerable to disasters in Nepal where new CBDRR projects are mo...
GoN, UN, (2011)
Nepal Risk Reduction Consortium (NRRC) Concept Notes Flagship II Emergency Preparedness and Response Capacity In May 2009, the Government of Nepal launched the comprehensive Nepal Disaster Risk Reduction Consortium (NRRC). The NRRC is a globally unique institutional arrangement, which brings together financial institutions, development partners, the Red Cros...
GoN, UN, (2012)
Nepal Millennium Development Goals PROGRESS REPORT 2005 This report has been prepared by His Majesty's Government of Nepal and the United Nations, on behalf of all development partners and citizens of Nepal. The report was made possible by valuable advice, comments and insights provided by a number of dev...
GON, UN, (2005)
नेपाल सरकार राष्ट्रसघद्वरा आगामी पाच वर्षका लागि सहयोग निमित सतरी करोड अमिरिकी डलर अनुमोदन नेपाल सरकार राष्ट्रसघद्वरा आगामी पाच वर्षका लागि सहयोग निमित सतरी करोड अमिरिकी डलर अनुमोदन राष्टिय योजना आयोग र नेपाली सिथति राष्ट्रसंघीय आवसीय टिमका लागि ले आगामी पाच वर्षक निमित साझा बिकाश रणनीति तय गरेको छ ,२४ राष्ट्रसंघीय निकायहरु सलग्न कार्यकर...
GoN, UN, (2012)
GOVERNMENT AND UN SIGN STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE FRAMEWORK FOR THE NEXT 5 YEARS PRESS STATEMENT The National Planning Commission and the United Nations Country Team in Nepal signed the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for 2018-2022 at a special function today. The UNDAF lays out the development strategy for the UN Countr...
GON, UN, (2017)
Nepal Earthquake 2015 Post Disaster Needs Assessment Vol. A : Key Findings This Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) is the outcome of an exhaustive participatory exercise led by the National Planning Commission (NPC) with generous assistance of national experts and institutions, neighbouring countries and development pa...
GON, UN, (2015)
GOVERNMENT AND UN APPROVE US$700 MILLION PROGRAMME OF COOPERATION FOR THE NEXT 5 YEARS Today, the National Planning Commission and the United Nations Country Team in Nepal published the approved United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for 2013 -2017. The UNDAF lays out a common development strategy for the UN Country T...
GoN, UN, (2012)
National conference on early childhood development urges everyone to work together for and invest more on early years of life A national conference on early childhood development (ECD) calling for greater coordination and investment in holistic development of children aged 0-8 is being held today in Kathmandu. The event, organized by the Ministry of Education (MoE) and Nati...
GoN, UN, (2016)
High-level Symposium on Disaster Risk Reduction : “Be aware, Be Prepared: Implementing Lessons Learned from other Earthquakes” ( February 2011 ) Nepal is among the most disaster prone countries in the world. It had devasting earthqaukes in 1934 and 1988. The 1934 earthquake measured 8.4 on the Richter scale is estimated to have killed over 16,000 people in Nepal and India. It caused extensive...
GoN, UN, (2011)
National Action Plan On Implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1325 & 1820 Nepal, as the member state of the United Nations, has conviction that every country should be guided by the fundamental principles like basic human rights, the individual’’s dignity and respect and equal rights of women and men enshrined in the Chart...
GoN, UN, (2011)