UNESCO and NFEC focus on life skills in non formal education (2013 July 22-25)
Integrating life skills training makes education more relevant to the lives of learners as they help young and adult people to develop capacity, values and attitudes to improve their professional skills, enabling them to take contr... UNESCO, NFEC, (2013)
Life Skills- UNICEF'S Communication Initiative For Young People
Life-Skills are “the abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enable
individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life.” The UNICEF Communication Initiative on Life-Skills is an effort to help young Nepalese m... UNICEF, (2012)
Community Learning Center (CLC)
Primarily CLC is a venue for education, information, and service in the community. it is opened in village and urban settlements, which promotes non-formal education programme. it provides community development and life improvement skill as well as e... UNESCO, (2002)
UN Interagency Rehabilitation Program
Vocational Skill Training (VST) is one of the rehabilitation , managed by UNDP, aimed to provide
occupaƟon based vocaƟonal skills
to Verified Minors and Late Recruits
(VMLRs) and equip them with the
skills and knowledge needed for
employm... UNDP, (2014)
Life Skills- A facilitator's Guide for TeenagerS
Life skills enable us to translate knowledge, attitude and values into actual abilities – ie. “what to do and how to do it.” Life skills are a set of core abilities sometimes described as emotional intelligence. The ten generic life skills are: self-... UNICEF, (2001)
Terms Of Reference (ToR) Call For EOI: Develop Job Portal And Labour Market Database System
The Labour Market Information and Employment Services (LIfE) Project is implemented by the International Labour Organization (ILO) with financial support from Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) to implement commitments of the G20 Develop... ILO, (2017)
Peer Guide: Prevention Of Spread of HIV amongst Vulnerable Groups In South-Asia
This peer guide is a part of the prison toolkit which aims to Facilitate the training of prison staff and inmates. The peer guide includes:
1. The prison intervention design
2. Key messages on drugs, HIV and life Skills
We hope this peer guide wi... UNODC, (2006)
एच आई भी र एड्स सम्बन्धि विद्यालयका शैक्षीक सामग्रि
HIV भनेको मानव प्रतिरक्षा प्राणालिलाई नष्ट पार्ने विषाणु हो। यो एउटा अति सुक्ष्म विषाणु हो। जसले मानिसको रोग प्रतिरोधात्मक प्राणालि लाई आक्रमण गर्दछ। फलस्वरुप प्रतिरक्षा प्राणालि एकदमै कमजोर हुन गई रोग तथा संक्रनमणहरुका विरुद्व लडन असक्षम हुन्छ। ... GoN, UNESCO, LPL, (2009)
सबैका लागि शिक्षाको लक्ष्य प्राप्तिका लागि शिक्षाबाट बञ्चित उपेक्षितहरूको सिकाइ आवश्यकता पूरा गर्न सीप विकास नीति, रणनीति र कार्यक्रमहरूकोवर्तमान स्थितिको पुनरावलोकन
सबैका लागि शिक्षा राष्ट्रिय कार्ययोजनामा उपयुक्त सीप विकास सम्बन्धी विषयवस्तु समाहित गर्नका लागि सुझावहरू प्रस्तुत गर्नु र नेपालमा सीप विकास सग सम्बन्धित नीति, रणनीति र कार्यक्रमहरूको वर्तमान स्थितिको मूल्याङ्कन गर्नु अध्ययनको उद्देश्य हो। ... UNESCO, ()
Community Outreach on HIV and AIDS:Teachers as Agents of Change
Teachers play a key role as communicators and educators imparting life-changing and life-saving knowledge and skills on HIV and AIDS in their schools and surrounding communities. Recognizing this fact, UNESCO office in Kathmandu in collaboration with... UNESCO, (2007)
Comprehensive Sexuality Education
Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) provides a full range of information, life skills and values to enable young people to make informed choices about their health and sexuality. It is rights-based, age appropriate and gender-sensitive education ... UNFPA, (2016)
Household- Based Literacy Survey 2011 ( Literacy Survey in Makwanpur, Rupandehi and Ruswa )
In the context of achieving EFA goals, Nepal has made considerable efforts to increase the literacy rate through formal and non-formal education. Use of literacy skills in daily life is as important as increasing literacy rate. An appropriate literat... UNSECO, (2011)
Minors to be discharged from Maoist cantonments
“The UN country team stands ready to support former CPN-M child combatants to resume civilian life as hey look to their future in a new peaceful Nepal,” said the Special Representative, referring to the reintegration packages developed by UNICEF and ... UN, (2008)
Vocational Skill Training
Vocational Skill Training (VST) is one of the rehabilitation options, managed by UNDP, aimed to provide occupation based vocational skills to Verified Minors and Late Recruits (VMLRs) and equip them with the skills and knowledge needed for employme... UNIRP/UNDP, (N/A)
ILO-DFID Partnership Programme On Fair Recruitment And Decent Work For Women Migrant Workers In South Asia And The Middle East “Work In Freedom”
1. Community based awareness programme and training for enabling potential migrant workers to take decision
2. Strengthen/establish migrant information centres
3. Production and dissemination of Information Education and Communication... ILO, (2014)
Education, Training And Skills: Women Migrant Workers In ASEAN
This Policy Brief considers skills supply and demand in ASEAN in relation to women migrant
workers, making recommendations to policy-makers, development partners, social partners and civil society that can improve access for women to skills developm... UNWOMEN, ILO, (2015)
Financial Education for Youth - Trainee's Guide
Young people are in transition from childhood to adulthood, from financial dependency to independence. Their role in society is changing and they have new economic responsibilities. It is essential to equip young women and men with financial knowledg... ILO, (2011)
Achieving Literacy for All : NFE-MIS Report 2013-14
Ensuring quality of education through both formal and non-formal provisions of education has been the most crucial challenge towards achieving the Education for All (EFA) goals in Nepal. This Report is an attempt to establish and strengthen an integr... UNESCO, (2015)
A Comprehensive Review of the Practices of Literacy and Nonformal Education in Nepal
Non formal education (NFE) as it is understood followed the multiplicities of the country. Religious organizations such as Ashrams ofthe Hindus, Gumba of the Buddhists, Madarsa Makhtab of the Muslims, and Chumlung of the Kirat provided life skills an... UNESCO, (2006)
सबैका लागि शिक्षाको विश्वव्यापी अनुगमन प्रतिवेदन युवा र सीप शिक्षा र कामको आबद्धता
सबैका लागि शिक्षाको विश्वव्यापी अनुगमनको वर्तमान प्रतिवेदनले कतिपय उद्देश्य प्राप्तिमा प्रगतिको रफ्तार घट्दै गएको र अधिकांश उद्देश्य पूरा हुने सम्भावना क्षीण रहेको दुर्भाग्यपुर्ण अवस्था देखाएको छ । समग्रमा परिदृश्य धूमिल देखिए पनि विश्वका कतिपय गरि... UNESCO, (2012)
UNESCO Office In Kathmandu Launches “HIV/AIDS And Education – A Toolkit For Ministries Of Education”
A quarter of a century into the pandemic, HIV and AIDS are seen to be one of the greatest threats to global stability and progress. There are 8,500 new HIV infections every day. In 2005, nearly 3 million people died from AIDS-related causes, contrib... UNESCO, (2007)
Training for Women Journalists in the Terai Ended Today in Janakpur
UNESCO and the Nepal Press Institute, in a joint collaboration with Sancharika Samua, Media and Democracy Group, OHCHR, UNFPA/WOREC,INHURED International and Article 19, concluded today in Janakpur the second and last phase(25October–5 November) of ... UNESCO, (2009)
स्थलगत बुलेटिन सन् २०१२ मे महिनामा 'शान्तिका लागि सथानिय क्षमता'
स्थलगत बुलेटिन सन् २०१२ मे महिनामा 'शान्तिका लागि सथानिय क्षमता' सन् २०१२ मे महिनामा 'शान्तिका लागि सथानिय क्षमता' सन् २०१२ मे महिनामा नया संबिधान गहन गर्ने अन्तिम मिति नजीकैदै जादा नेपालमा उलेखनीय प्रदसन भए जसले थुपरै जिललाहरुमा जनजीवन प्रभावित ... UNRC/UNDP, (2012)
स्थलगत बुलेटिन जीवनयापनका लागि चेपाङहरुको संङघर्स ; मकवानपुर र चितवन जिल्लाका द्रिस्तिकोण
चेपाङहरू नेपालका सबभन्दा पीछडीयका आधिबासी समुहहरु मध्य एक हुन् र जनसंख्याको आकार, भासिक, साक्षरता डर, घरको प्रकार जमिनको स्वामित्व, पेसा र उचच शिक्षामा पहुच जस्ता सामाजिक आथिक सुचहरुको श्रीखलाका आधारमा उनीहरु उच्च सिमान्तकृतका रुपमा बर्गिकरण गरिएका ... UNRCHC, (2012)
पत्रकारिता शिक्षाका लागि युनेस्को लेखमाला विकासशील देशहरु तथा उदीयमान प्रजातन्त्रहरुका लागी पत्रकारिता शिक्षाको नमूना पाठ्यक्रम
सूचनाको स्रोत, विश्लेषण र विद्यमान घटनाक्रमको समालोचनाको रुपमा पत्रकारिताले आधुनिक समाजमा थुप्रै कामहरू सम्पन्न गर्दछ । तथापि अधिकाँश पत्रकारहरूको मूल लक्ष्य जनसाधारणलाई सुसूचित गर्दै, शक्तिको प्रयोग कसरी गरिन्छ भन्ने कुराको छानबिन गर्दै, प्रजातान्त्... UNESCO, (2007)
Over the next five years, UNICEF will work to ensure that all children, especially the most disadvantaged, benefit from improved access, participation and learning outcomes in inclusive, safe and protective environments.
Rehabilitation - Update (UNIRP)
This update provides an overview of how the United Nations Inter-agency Rehabilitation Program (UNIRP) has been supporting the Verified Minors and
Late Recruits (VMLRs) of the Maoist ex-combatants in their return to civilian life with sustain... UNIRP/UNDP, (2013)
Socioeconomic Rehabilitaon of Verified Minors and Late Recruits
The past two years have seen remarkable changes in the lives of Verified Minors and Late Recruits (VMLRs), following their discharge from the Maoist cantonments in 2010. Many of the VMLRS have started to make a positive impact on the community throug... UNIRP/UNDP, (2010)
Indigenous Media, Empowering Indigenous Voices- Kathmandu Office
The theme "Indigenous Media, Empowering Indigenous Voices". This theme was chosen to highlight the role of media in supporting indigenous peoples’ models of development that are in accordance with their own priorities, cultures and knowledge system... UNESCO, (2012)
Success Stories of the Entrepreneurs
This book is about motivating stories of 11 youth entrepreneurs from different parts of Nepal. The stories depicts the struggle and hardships of the entrepreneurs and how they prosper their businesses. The book is published by Ministy of Education, S... UNDP, (2020)
Labour Migrant Returning from Qatar
Mr. Nil Kumar Magar from Okhaldhunga district, is a labour migrant returning from Qatar. On average, every day, approximately 800 Nepalis leave the country through formal channels to work abroad. Returning migrants not only bring remittances but also... IOM, (2019)
Micro Enterprises Development for Poverty Alleviation -Volume 2
Despite various development efforts made to address the root causes, poverty is still a multidimensional problem in rural areas where mainstay of the economy is agriculture. Natural resource-based micro-enterprises are emphasized as a measure for acc... MEDEP/UNDP, (2013)
Technology-based Vocational Training for Marginalized Girls (TVT-G)
The project has made significant gains in market-oriented and gender-responsive technical and vocational skills to out-of -school girls and young women who basically do not have access to formal technical and vocational education and training, and to... UNESCO, (2006)
Gender Responsive Recovery for Sustainable Peace (GRRSP)
Gender Responsive Recovery for Sustainable Peace (GRRSP), a joint project of UN Women,
ILO and FAO, has been developed to strengthen the implementation of national commitments to women’s empowerment and gender equality in the context of Nepal’s peac... ILO, (2015)
Foreign Ministry Nepal in course of insurance claim
A woman with her son awaits at Consular Section of Foreign Ministry Nepal in course of insurance claim procedure of her husband who died while working in Saudi Arabia
#UN #IOM #UNWorks #ForeignMinistryNepal #InsuranceClaim #Work #HumanRights #SDG #S... IOM, (2012)
UNDP Support to the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 8: Promoting Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Growth
Inequalities in income and other non-income outcomes, including health conditions, educational attainment and employment opportunities, are important determinants of economic growth and well-being. The most disadvantaged and vulnerable often lead sho... UNDP, (2016)
Micro-Enterprise Development Programme (MEDEP)
MEDEP is contributing to the larger outcomes of UNDAF CPAP outputs and the government's poverty reduction and employment generation proirities by bringing qualitative changes in the lives and livelihoods of rural people. As per the gender and social ... UNDP, (2015)
Evaluation of the Meena Communication Initiative
The “Meena Communication Initiative” (MCI) is a 13 episode animated film series. The heroine, Meena, is shown as a role model for girl children as well as a catalyst for reflection and discussion on gender discrimination in childhood. The issues cove... VaRG, UNICEF, (2003)
Nepal Climate Change Support Programme: Annual Progressive Report 2015
The Nepal Climate Change Support Programme (NCCSP) contributes to build the capacity of vulnerable communities to adopt to negative effects of climate change. There have been noticeable positive change in the lives and livelihoods of projects benefic... GoN, NCCSP/UNDP, (2015)
A key component of the peace process was the successful management of arms and armies of the two sides of the conflict. This was governed by a separate agreement, the Agreement on Monitoring of the Management of Arms and Armies (AMMAA). The United Na... UNDP, (2017)
A Survey of Teenagers in Nepal
This report summarizes the findings from a survey carried out by the 'Media Ser
vices International' (MSI) on behalf of UNICEF Nepal. A total of 1400 teenagers
randomly selected from across Nepal’s five development regions were interviewed and thei... UNAIDS, UNICEF, (2001)
Why eat green cucumber at the time of dying? Women's Literacy and Development in Nepal - Anna Robinson-Pant.
In many developing countries, literacy has been seen as the key to 'women's development' resulting in a proliferation of women's literacy programmes run by both Governments and Non Governmental Organisations. Nepal is one such example of a country wh... UNESCO, (2000)
268 Men and Women Recruited as Minors, and Late Recruits, Discharged From Maoist Army in Nepal
ROLPA, Nepal, Feb. 8 – 268 individuals who joined the Maoist army as minors, and late
recruits, re-entered civilian life here today after more than three years in a Maoist cantonment site.
“The release of these young people today is not only symbol... UN, (2009)
State of stateless citizens: A case study on citizenship and landlessness issues of the Santhal community Issue 5
Citizenship has wide-ranging consequences for people’s social, political and economic life. Citizenship is an important medium through which people interact with the state and define their social,political,and cultural identities. A citizenship cer... UNRCHCO, (2011)
Micro Enterprises Development for Poverty Alleviation -Volume 1
Micro economic enterprises play a vital role in poverty reduction in both rural and urban areas, and reinforce urban-rural linkages for economic and social development in Nepal. The linkages are essential not only for utilization of local resources... MEDEP/UNDP, (2010)
Micro Enterprises Development for Poverty Alleviation -Volume 2
Micro-enterprise generates employment and contributes significantly to alleviate poverty in rural areas. Because of its labor-intensive nature, vegetable-based micro-enterprise generates a large number of employment. Despite its importance in generat... MEDEP/UNDP, (2013)
Micro-Enterprises, Development for Poverty Alleviation Volume I
Micro economic enterprises play a vital role in poverty reduction in both rural and urban areas, and reinforce urban-rural linkages for economic and social development in Nepal. The linkages are essential not only for utilization of local resources... MEDEP/UNDP, (2010)
Lessons Learned: Nepal’s Experience Implementing Sustainable Rural Tourism Development Model
The Tourism for Rural Poverty Alleviation Programme (TRPAP) aims to improve the livelihood of people by harnessing their participation in tourism development activities. TRPAP is active insix districts of Nepal, namely Taplejung (Kangchenjunga), Solu... UNDP, (2007)
विश्वव्यापी अनुगमनप्रतिवेदन २ ० १ १ सारसंक्षेप अदृश्य संकट सशस्त्र द्वन्द्व र शिक्षा
सन् २०१५ सम्म सबैका लागि शिक्षाका लक्ष्यहरु प्राप्त गर्ने दिशामा विश्व सही बाटोमा छैन । यद्यपि धेरै क्षेत्रहरुमा प्रगति भएको छ सन् २०११ को सबैका लागि शिक्षा, विश्वव्यापी अनुगमन प्रगति प्रतिवेदनबाट प्राप्त समष्टिगत संदेशले देखाएको छ कि अधिकाँश लक्ष्य... UNESCO, (2011)
दलितका मौलिक सिप एवं प्रबिधिहरु
विश्वकर्माहरू परम्परागत रुपमा फलामका काम गर्ने नामुद छन । आधनिक पविधि आउनुभन्दा अघि उनीहरूल नै खानीबाट फलाम, तामा र शिशाका कच्चा धाउ निकाले । आरन वा आफरमा पर्सोधन गरी शद्ध तामा, फलाम र शिशा निकाले । अहिले पनि उनीहरू हसिया, बन्चरा ,खुकुरि, फाली,किला,... UNESCO, (N/A)
मौलिक ज्ञान तथा सिपहरु
मानव जीवनका लागि बास अत्यन्त उपयागी वनस्पति हो। खेतबारि गल्लि को घेराबेरा बार्ने देखि घर बनाउने, दराज, कुर्सि, टेबूल, सोफाजस्ता फर्निचरहरू लगायत अन्य राखनधरन र सजावटका सामाग्रि बनाउने गरिन्छ । त्यस्ता धान राख्ने ढूकूटी देखि डाला,नाङला, ढक्की लगायतका ... UNESCO, (2005)
सैनिक जिवनबट नागरिक जीवनतर्फ- नेपालमा माओवादि सेनाको शिविरबाट नाबालिगको पहिलो टोलि विदाइ
बालबालिका वा तोकिएको मिति भन्दा पछि भर्ति भएका कारण माओवादि सेनामा योज्ञ नठहरिएकाहरुको यो पहिलो समुहलाई बिदाई गरिदैछ। नेपालकालागि संयुक्त रष्ट्रसंघिय आवासिय प्रतिनिधि तथा मानविय सहयोग संयोजक रोबर्ट पाईपर भन्नुहुन्छ " आजको दिनलाई सन २००६ देखि शिवि... UN, (N/A)
नेपालमा प्रारम्भिक बालनीति पुनरावलोकन (अध्ययन प्रतिवेदन)
नेपालमा अनिवार्य शिक्षाको कुनै प्रावधान छैन । यहाँ अधिकारमा आधारित शैक्षिक प्रावधान अहिले सम्म पनि बन्न सकेको छैन । आधारभूत र प्राथमिक शिक्षा निशुल्क छ । प्राथमिक बाल हेरचाह र शिक्षालाई आधारभूत शिक्षाको एउटा अङ्गको रूपमा समावेश गरिएपनि प्रायजसो सबै अ... UNESCO, (2008)
Celebrating Diversities Through Policy,Practice and Research : A Case Of Literacy and No-Formal Education in Nepal
Seventh traditions exist in Nepal to identify the contents for literacy and non formal education programs. In the first tradition, traditional contents are revisited and updated by the experts. In the second tradition,researchers go to the field, do ... UNESCO, (2004)
The Role of Training Programs for Youth Employment in Nepal
The youth unemployment rate is exceptionally high in developing countries. Because the quality of education is arguably one of the most important determinants of youth’s labor force participation, governments worldwide have responded by creating job ... WB, (2016)
Labour Market Information and Employment Services (LIfE) Project
1. The project aims to improve the quality of employment services through strengthened
client orientation and capacity building of ESCs and their officials. It also aims to improve the collection and dissemination of labour market infor... ILO, KOICA, (2014)
Managing Forests, Sustaining Lives, Improving Livelihoods Of Indigenous
Peoples And Ethnic Groups In The Mekong Region, Asia
It is estimated that there are 350-400 million indigenous people living in 70 countries of the world. Two thirds of these people live in Asia and about 50 per cent of them live below the poverty line. Despite the lack of monetary income, indigenous p... IFAD, (2013)
Employment/ Self Employment Service Programme for Conflict Victims
a) Employment/job placement service- This service is targeted to conflict victims and their family members who already possess marketable skills. The selected service providers will help the selected unemployed victims and their families to find a jo... IOM, UN, (2011)
Report On HMG/UNDP/ILO Tripartie National Seminar On The Development Of BAsic Vocational Training In Nepal ( 30th April - 2nd May 1990 )
In the plan for development, human resources have been regarded as one of the most effective means of stimulating economic growth. It takes skilled manpower to discover and exploit natural resources, to develop technology, to poduce goods and carry o... HMG, UNDP, ILO, (1990)
Building Institutuional Capacity Of The Nepal Press Institute To Offer High Quality Media Training
The media sector in Nepal is developing rapidly and becoming increasingly diverse. There are currently more than 400 newspapers published and 235 radio stations that are registered. The Government of Nepal publishes one daily newspaper in Nepali, one... UNESCO, (2010)
The Dynamics of Employment, the Labour Market and the Economy in Nepal
The low rate of growth and its pattern, the predominantly poor and rural nature of the economy, the high level of illiteracy, the several impediments to structural transformation, and, in fact, the de-industrialization of the economy are reflected in... ILO, (2011)
Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Simulation Exercise Held in Kathmandu
To provide Nepal’s National Security Forces the firsthand experience while also assessing their knowledge and skills on emergency response and post-emergency camp management for displaced populations, a 3-day national level simulation was held in Kat... IOM, (2018)
Community Empowerement through Community Learning Centres in Mid and Far Western Regions of Nepal
The Far and Mid Western Region are not only the least developed areas, but also the most neglected areas in the country’s development efforts. Hundreds of people have been starving to death every year particularly in hill and mountain areas of the re... UNESCO, (2006)
Financial Education for Youth - Trainer's Manual
Young people are in transition from childhood to adulthood, from financial dependency to independence. Their role in society is changing and they have new economic responsibilities. It is essential to equip the youth with financial knowledge and mana... ILO, (2011)
International Labour Migration : A rights-based approach (March 27, 2010)
Each year millions of women and men leave their homes and cross national borders in search of greater security for themselves and their families. “Throughout human history, migration has been a courageous expression of the individual’s will to overco... ILO, (2010)
Restoring Dignity and Building Resilience: Monitoring Report of UN Women's Programming in Za'atari Refugee Camp (June-October 2015)
UN Women Jordan’s cash-for-work programme in refugee camp settings, initiated in January 2013, targets the most vulnerable women living in Za’atari refugee camp, assisting 1,000 people through roughly 200 opportunities per day. In the context of shif... UNWOMEN, (2016)
Human Development Report 2015
Twenty five years ago the first Human Development Report in 1990 began with a simple notion: that development is about enlarging people’s choices focusing broadly on the richness of human lives rather than narrowly on the richness of economies. Work... UNDP, (2015)
Strengthening National Rural Transport Programme (SNRTP)- 2016
SNRTP is one of the largest infrastructure projects of the Government of Nepal. The project aims to assist the government in building bridges and upgrading, rehabilitating and maintaining local road networks and river crossing in 36 selected district... ILO, (2016)
UN Newsletter - Vol. 21 (March 2010)
This is the 21st volume of the UN Newsletter published on March 2010. This volume includes the following headlines:-
1) UN Country Team Statement on Women’s Day
2) Members of Constituent Assembly participate in UNESCO Education Forum in New Delhi
... UNIC, (2010)
ILO-DFID Partnership Programme on Fair Recruitment and Decent Work for Women Migrant Workers in South Asia and the Middle East “Work in Freedom”
The development objective of this project is to reduce the incidence of trafficking of women and girls from India, Bangladesh and Nepal through economic, social, and legal empowerment.
Migrant women and girls are empowered and prevented from being t... ILO, (2014)
Status of TVET institutions in Nepal
Developed by Ministry of Education Science and Technology and UNDP's Support to knowledge and Lifelong Learnings Skills programme, this poster illustrates the status of technical and vocational education and trainings(TVET) insitutions in nepal.
... UNDP, (2019)
End-of-mission statement of the UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants on his visit to Nepal
This press release contains a detail information provided by Felipe Morales regarding his visit to Nepal from 29 January to 5 February 2018. González met representatives of the Government, the United Nations Country Team, the National Human Rights C... UNOHCHR, (2018)
Typology on Training for Gender Equality
The Typology on Training for Gender Equality is a classification of the types of training for gender equality: awareness-raising and consciousness-building, knowledge enhancement, skills training, change in attitudes/behaviours, and mobilisation for ... UNWOMEN, (2016)
The Role of Training Programs for Youth Employment in Nepal: Impact Evaluation Report on the Employment Fund
The youth unemployment rate is exceptionally high in the developing world. Because quality of education is arguably one of the most important determinants of youth’s labor force participation, governments worldwide have responded by creating job trai... WB, (2015)
Water Movement in Patan - with Reference to Traditional Stone Spouts in Nepal (2007)
Over the last decades the global water movement towards efficient and judicial use of water and its equitable distribution has gained momentum. It is not only limited to tapping new sources, but reviving traditional sources that were left with neglec... UNHABITAT, (2007)
Safeguarding Nepali's Intangible Cultural Heritage
UNESCO continues its initiative to help safe guard Nepal's intangible heritage with a workshop on preparing nominations to UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage List in Kathmandu from 16th to 20th September 2013.These living tradition in the from of ... UNESCO, (2013)
Micro Enterprises Development for Poverty Alleviation -Volume 1
Micro- Enterprise refers to any economic unit engage in the production and distribution of goods and services at household level. It is primarily of self-employed nature, employing him/her in the enterprise and sometimes some family members. The ente... MEDEP/UNDP, (2010)
Review Document for Mid Term Evaluation Team
The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies (MOICS) formerly under the then Ministry of Industry (MOI) had been implementing some projects with the financial support of the UNDP. One of the projects, the “Training for Rural Gainful Activities” (T... MEDEP/UNDP, (2010)
Value Chain Analysis- Incense Sticks
The micro enterprise development program is nationally executed project implemented by ministry of industry with the technical and financial supports of the additional support from the Australian agency for international development which is now its ... MEDEP/UNDP, (2010)
UN Newsletter - Vol. 51 (April 2013)
News Insight is the 51st volume of News Insight-United Nations in Nepal, April 2013. This newsletter consists of the following headlines: ESCAP REPORT 2013 Nepal will have to overcome a number of development challenges, MY World Survey volunteers ori... UNIC, (2013)
Economic Sustainability Programme
A returnee migrant worker at skill development training under IOM’s women empowerment through economic sustainability programme with support from Zonta International.
#UN #UNNepal #IOM #MigrantWorker #SkillDevelopment #Training #WomenEmpowerment #SD... IOM, (2017)
Young Leaders From Around The World Convene At Junior 8 Summit
Junior 8 (J8) is the youth event linked to the G8 Summit and organized by UNICEF. J8 aims to advance young people’s understanding of global issues and to provide a platform for them to discuss and advocate on these issues with some of the most powerf... UNICEF, (2008)
United Nations concerned with the death of three females including a child in Bardiya
United Nations Human Rights Office in Nepal (OHCHR-Nepal) remains very concerned about the deaths of three females, including a 12 year-old child, in the Bardiya National Park on 10 March 2010 and considers that it is essential that the relevant auth... UNOHCHR, (2010)
School Sector Reform Plan 2009-2015
Emerging social, economic and political arenas of Nepal have contributed to the change in people perceptions and have raised their aspirations for better education. Equally, the global and global contexts and trends have also triggered ... GoN, UNDP, (2009)
स्थलगत बुलेटिन भू- स्वामित्वको स्वरुप तथा सम्बन्धि मुदाहरु -बाके जिल्लाक उदाहरण
यस स्थलगत बुलेटिन भू- स्वामित्वको स्वरुप तथा सम्बन्धि मुदाहरु -बाके जिल्लाक उदाहरण सुकुमबासी
नेपालका अधिकास मानिसहरुका लागि भुमि सदै जिबिकोपाजनको एउटा महत्वपूर्ण सोत् रही आएको छ । अन्य साधन सोत र आयको सोत अत्यन्त काम भएको देशमा अधिकांस मानिसहरु... UNRCHC, (2011)
Strengthening of family Health Services in Nepal-Assignment Report
Reference: Dr Burgess w.,(1979). Strengthening of family Health Services in Nepal-Assignment Report, Nepal (WHO Project: NEP MCH 002), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ Purpose of the assignment was to review and assess the child health component of... WHO, (1979)
PPPUE Annual Progress Report 2003
For PPPUE Nepal, the year 2003 has primarily been about further strengthening, augmenting and extending the foundation upon which public private partnership activity in the area of urban service in based. There have been concerted and broad-based eff... PPPUE/UNDP, (2003)
SDGs in Nepal Goal 8: Info-graphics
Where do Nepal’s seven provinces stand in terms of each of the Sustainable Development Goals? This series of infographics developed by United Nations Nepal in partnership with Nepal in Data and published in the Republica national daily, illustrates h... UNDP, (2018)
Country leaflet-Background and overview of ILO activities in Nepal.
The Nepal Country Leaflet outlines the ILO’s main achievements in the country and gives details of the ILO's current activities to promote decent work. It offers a brief history of the ILO's relationship with Nepal, up-to-date labour market indicator... ILO, (2019)
Ian Martin Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Nepal: Message on International Day of Non-Violence - Peace Concert organized by Action for Poverty Alleviation Trust
This International Day of Non-Violence offers an opportunity for the people of Nepal to reflect at this critical juncture of the peace process, and to recommit to working together to consolidate peace and ensuring that violence is forever eradicated ... UNMIN, (2007)
United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security Community Learning Centres Project (UNTFHS-CLC Project) Community Empowerment through Community Learning Centers in Mid and Far Western Regions of Nepal
The Far and Mid Western Region are not only the least developed areas, but also the most neglected areas in the country’s development efforts. Hundreds of people have been starving to death every year particularly in hill and mountain areas of the re... UNESCO, (2006)
Reading The Past, Writing The Future:A Report On National Literacy Campaign And Literate Nepal Mission
The Jomtien decade witnessed a significant improvement in the adult literacy rates of
Nepal from 35.6 percent (males 53.5% and females 19.4%) in 1991 to 48.0 percent (males 64.5% and females 33.8%) in 20011. According to the latest Annual Households... UNESCO, (2017)
Short Duration Country Programme Document Nepal
The short-duration country program document for Nepal is presented to the Executive Board for discussion and approval. The Board is requested to approve the aggregate indicative budget of $5,250,000 from regular resources, subject to the availability... UN, (2006)
#2 UN Essay 2015: My united nations- A vision for future
The voice you believe will determine the future you experience. This will be the best answer ‘why United Nations'. People need each other support in every step of their life and human is the best life supporter for human.
Writer: Muna Kumari Khadk... UNIC, (2015)
#71 UN Essay 2015: My United Nations- A vision for the future
Established in 24th October 1945, United Nations has been a milestone in our world history. Across the years, young people have made it their life's agenda to one day join The UN which includes me as well. It has maintained peace and security in the ... UNIC, (2015)
Decent Work: The Bi-annual Newsletter From The ILO Country Office For Nepal (Issue 4)
1. Workers and Constitution
2. Social Protection: Rights, Policies and Administration in the Nepal Constitution
3. Reviving and Rebuilding Lives (Human Stories)
4. Creating entrepreneurs, changing lives
5. Paradigm Shift and Employm... ILO, (2015)
Remarks at the launch of the Nepal Human Development Report 2009 17 August 2009 Robert Piper, UNDP Resident Representative
The Comprehensive Peace Agreement is an extraordinary document. When I read the CPA I read a Nepali analysis about the underlying causes of the conflict. It is so much more than a transitional framework through which hostilities might be ended. The C... UNDP, (2009)
इजोत नव साक्षर प्रोढ सभक लेल (मैथली भाषा)
समुदाय विकासमे साक्षरताक अहम भूमिका हाइ छै। साक्षरता विकासके सशक्त साधन छै । इ जनताक मैलिक अधिकार सेहो छै । यद्धपि नेपालमे एखनो धरि लगभग ५७.७% महिला आ ३५% पुरुष एहि अधिकार सँ बञ्चित छथि । देशमे कुल जनसंख्याक लगभग ४६% जनता निराक्षर छै । निराक्षर महिला... GoN, UNESCO, JFT, (2011)
सहरिकरण र समुदायमा आधारित सहभागितामुलक प्रकोप व्यवस्थापन कर्यशाला गोष्ठी
हिमालय शृंखलाको दुइ तिहाइ भाग ओगटेको नेपाल प्राचिन इतिहासमा बोकेको एउटा बहुभाषीक, बहुजातिय र बहुसाअकृतिक देश हो। हिमल,पहाड र तराइमा मन लोभ्याउने प्राक्रितिक दृश्य भएका थुप्रै गाँउहरु र अन्य रोमान्चक स्थलहरु अवस्थित छन र यहाका मानिसहरु प्रकृतिको माझमा... UN/UNESCO, (2006)
माओवादी शिविरमा रहेका नाबालिग र समयको महत्व
बालबालिका तथा सशस्त्र द्वन्द्व सम्बन्धि महासचिवका बिशेष प्रतिनिधि श्री राधिका कुमारि स्वामिले २००७ मा सम्पन्न प्रमाणीकरण प्रक्रियामा नाबालिका रुपमा पहिचान गरिएका २९७३ माओवादिका सेनाका सदस्यहरुको अविलम्ब र व्यवस्थित बिदाईका लागि अपिल गर्नु भएको छ। "त... UNMIN, (N/A)