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Information Centre | Nepal
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Labour and Social Trends in Nepal - 2010 The first issue of the Labour and Social Trends in Nepal report presents socioeconomic and labour and trends in Nepal and examines some of the key opportunities and challenges present in the country's labour market. Such an analysis is aimed at infor...
ILO, (2010)
Towards Achieving the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour as Priority (ACHIEVE) Child labour remains a persistent problem in Nepal. According to the Nepal Child Labour Report 2010, of the total 1.6 million children (5-17 years) in child labour, 621,000 are estimated in hazardous work, 60 percent of which are girls. The project p...
ILO, (2015)
35th Anniversary ILO-Nepal Partnership The International Labour Organization (ILO), created in 1919, is built on the constitutional principles that universal and lasting peace can only be established if it is based upon social justice. The ILO brings together governments, employers and tr...
ILO, (2001)
A 15-point declaration made by the third labor conference held in Kathmandu from 19-21 July 2012 Highlights: 1. Labor law is a basic law. It is equally applicable across the country. This conference agreed to bring all labor sectors/areas in the ambit of law. And, shows its commitment to introduce by laws as per the policy of ‘one law multiple ...
ILO, (2012)
Global Employment Trends For Youth The report ILO Global Employment Trends for Youth 2010 says that of some 620 million economically active youth aged 15 to 24 years, 81 million were unemployed at the end of 2009 -- the highest number ever. This is 7.8 million more than the global num...
ILO, (2010)
Jobs and Skills for Youth : Review of Policies for Youth Employment of Nepal Nepal is currently facing significant political instability as the failure to adopt a Constitution has hindered progress in a range of policy areas. Weak industrial relations and other simmering social and economic tensions provide the backdrop to a ...
ILO, (2015)
Disaster, Disability & Difference: A Study of the Challenges Faced by Persons with Disabilities in Post-Earthquake Nepal This research-based report mainly focuses on the unique challenges faced by persons with disabilities in the wake of the earthquakes that devastated Nepal in April and May of 2015. Also it emphasizes on identifying trends of structural inequality & s...
Social Science Baha, NFD-N ,UNDP, (2016)
UNESCO Science Report 2010 Shows Nepalese Government’s Focus on Science Research But Stresses Major Challenges at Universities The Government of Nepal has enacted major plans to strengthen scientific research and development in order to bolster economic and social progress, but the country still faces significant challenges in science and technology, including improving ...
UNESCO, (2010)
(Wrong File) Operational highlights In 2010, UNHCR’s Nepal operation ran the largest resettlement program in the world, sending some 14,800 refugees, originally from Bhutan, to third countries. Since the large-scale operation began at the end of 2007, more than 40,000 refugees have be...
UNHCR, (2010)
Evaluation Summaries - Sustainable Elimination of Child Bonded Labour in Nepal: Phase II The Government of Nepal abolished the Kamaiya system (a form of bonded labour in agriculture) in July 2000 through an enactment: “The Kamaiya Labour Prohibition Act-2001”. Although the Act is named after one system of bonded labour (the Kamaiya syste...
ILO, (2012)
Trade Liberalization, Social Policy Development and Labour Market Outcomes of Chinese Women and Men in the Decade After China’s Accession to the World Trade Organization How trade liberalization affects women’s position in the labour market and what role public policy should play to make the process work better for women are among some of the most debated issues in academic communities and in policy-making arenas. Th...
UNWOMEN, (2016)
Labour market trends analysis and labour migration from South Asia to Gulf Cooperation Council countries, India and Malaysia This labour market trends analysis was conducted to better understand the characteristics and dynamics of the labour migration process in the countries to where they are bound. Such insight is intended to lead to better protection of migrants and to...
GIZ, ILO, (2015)
Executive Summary - From conflict to cooperation: Labour market reforms that can work in Nepal From conflict to cooperation examines the rhetoric and evidence concerning labour market rigidities in Nepal. The study provides a comprehensive review of the Nepalese labour market over the last twenty years, looking at the impact of historical, pol...
ILO, (2008)
Investigating the Worst Forms of Child Labour No. 3 - Nepal Situation of Domestic Child Labourers in Kathmandu: A Rapid Assessment This research report has been prepared to enhance the understanding of the plight of domestic child laborers in Kathmandu. Children and their employers cooperated during the field data collection, and we thank them all for answering our questions.Hir...
ILO, IPEC, (2001)
Situation Update on Diarrheal Outbreak Inside Topic are:Trends of Cases of Diarrhea in Jajarkot, Number of Cases,Epi-curve of Diarrheal Deaths in Jajarkot (n=119),Trend of Deaths in Rukum,Trends of Deaths in Rukum,Trends of Diarrheal in Dealakha, Trends of Diarrheal Deaths in Dailek,Trend...
WHO, (2009)
The Linkage Between Women's Emloyment, Family Welfare And Child Labour in Nepal Current policies and programmes tend to address separately the problems of women’s employment and those of child labour. On the one hand, efforts to promote women’s employment often do not go on to address related factors, such as how empowerment can...
ILO, (2010)
Costs and benefits of eliminating child labour in Nepal Although many studies have examined the measures necessary to combat child labour, in Nepal there has been no comprehensive research on the economic costs and benefits of the effective elimination of child labour. In particular, there has been little...
ILO, (2005)
Promoting Effective Governance of Labour Migration from South Asia: The ILO South Asia Labour Migration Governance Project (2013–2016) The world’s foreign migrant population in 2013 was an estimated 232 million (persons residing outside their country of birth), according to the United Nations Population Division. The International Labour Organization (ILO) estimated (in 2010) the po...
ILO, EU, (2013)
An analytical briefing on the social security sector in Nepal More than 90 per cent of the total labour force in Nepal comprises workers and employees in unorganised and informal sectors. Unfortunately, there are no any social schemes for them. The social insurance schemes benefit only workers in the formal ...
MoLE/GoN, ILO, (2017)
International Labour Migration : A rights-based approach (March 27, 2010) Each year millions of women and men leave their homes and cross national borders in search of greater security for themselves and their families. “Throughout human history, migration has been a courageous expression of the individual’s will to overco...
ILO, (2010)
Profits And Poverty: The Economics Of Forced Labour This chapter examines the definition of forced labour, and how it may affect estimates of its extent and the profits generated through exploitation and loss of freedom. It also considers the phrase “modern slavery”, which has emerged as a catch-all ...
ILO, (2014)
The European Social Model In Crisis: Is Europe Losing Its Soul? This new volume answers these questions by looking at the six pillars recognized as comprising the European Social Model: workers’ rights and working conditions, social protection, labour market policy, public services, social dialogue and social coh...
ILO, (2015)
Valuing The Contributions Of Women Migrant Workers In ASEAN There has long been a trend to consider the contribution of labour migrants in terms of the economic benefit that they can bring to development. As the autonomous labour migration of women has increased so too has the interest in the development bene...
UNWOMEN, ILO, (2015)
Development of Reporting System in Nepal Reference: Dr Shrestha P.N., (1972). Development of Reporting System in Nepal , WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ Nepal is administratively divided into 75 disctrict grouped into 14 zones. Each district has a certain number of panchayats varying wit...
WHO, (1972)
Occupational Safety and Health Development in Nepal (SHIELD) The project aims to initiate a comprehensive plan for promoting occupational safety and health services and reforming labour inspection system in Nepal in line with the International Labour Standards the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Conventio...
ILO, (2015)
Nepal Trafficking in Girls With Special Reference to Prostitution: A Rapid Assessment The exploitative practice of child labour has come to be recognized as a major socioeconomic problem. Child labour jeopardizes children’s potential to become productive adults,robbing them of their health, their education and their prospects for a be...
ILO, (2001)
Newsletter Bi-annual, Issue 1- Nepal Decent Work:(May 2014) Let me start the first edition of 2014 ILO Nepal Newsletter by sharing some of the work we do with our tripartite constituents. We have been working hand-in- hand with the Ministry of Labour and Employment (MoLE), in the design and implementat...
ILO, (2014)
Expanding Health-Care Access in the United States This paper focuses on the ways in which women in the United States are impacted by the 2010 passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (usually referred to as ACA or ‘Obamacare’). The ACA’s three main goals of expanding access, increas...
UNWOMEN, (2015)
Nepal - Incidents Affecting Operational Space (1 January- 31 March, 2011) The two main trends in operational space visible throughout the reporting period are firstly that the newly emerged Sanghiya Tharuhat Mukti Morcha, a small underground group believed to be linked the Tharuhat Autonomous state council, was busy collec...
UNOCHA, (2011)
Universal Social Protection Universal Old-Age and Disability Pensions, and Other Universal Allowance in Nepal The Government of Nepal runs a varied portfolio of social protection programs consisting of social insurance, cash and in kind social assistance programs, and various labor market programs. The fiscal cost of the current portfolio of SP programs in ...
UN, (2017)
Decent work for Community Health Workers in South Asia: A Path to Gender Equality and Sustainable Development This paper explores the ways in which the world of work continues to entrench inequality against women, with implications for their families and the broader communities in which they live. Through a case study of the work and remuneration of one clas...
ILO, (2018)
Global Employment Trends For Youth 2015: Scaling Up Investments In Decent Jobs For Youth After the period of rapid increase between 2007 and 2010, the global youth unemployment rate settled at 13.0 per cent for the period 2012 to 2014.1 At the same time, the number of unemployed youth declined by 3.3 million from the crisis peak: 76.6 m...
ILO, (2015)
Compassionate Care: Proceedings of Workshops ln June 2003, the ILO-IPEC Nepal held a technical meeting entitled: Psycho-Social Rehabilitation and Occupational Integration of Child Survivors of Trafficking and Other Worst Forms of Child Labour. [ILO-IPEC (2003) Creating a Healing Environment. Vo...
ILO, IPEC, (2004)
Nepal Situation of Domestic Child Labourers in Kathmandu: A Rapid Assessment Hiring a live-in person to undertake domestic household chores is an integral part of South Asian tradition. The use of domestic child labourers (DCL) is common in Nepal, especially in its affluent urban areas. In Kathmandu, according to the study’s ...
ILO, (2001)
The Indian Labour Market: A Gender Perspective This paper provides an in-depth analysis of trends in labour market outcomes of women in India based on unit level data sets of employment and unemployment surveys undertaken in 1999-2000, 2004-2005, and 2011-2012. The paper analyzes the gender diffe...
UNWOMEN, (2016)
Analysis of Labour Market and Migration Trends in Nepal Large-scale migration from Nepal and the concurrent inflow of remittances has led the government and its development partners to explore opportunities to harness the potential of migration for the overall development of the country. This paper analys...
GIZ, ILO, (2015)
Analysis of Labour Market and Migration Trends in Nepal Nepal will continue to experience an exponential increase in the working-age population that need to be provided with employment opportunities. If the current levels of growth rate persist, the working-age cohort of the counry’s population will excee...
GiZ, EU, BMZ, ILO, (2015)
National Planning Commission Central Bureau of Statistics : Nepal Thematic Report on Food Security and Nutrition 2013 The Nepal Thematic Report on Food Security and Nutrition 2013, updates the status of food security and nutrition in Nepal, and analyzes key food security trends over the past 15 years. This report is based primarily on the findings of the Nepal Livin...
WFP, WB, AusAID, UNICEF/UN, (2013)
South Aisan Project Against Debt Bondage : Findings On Debt Bondage : Baseline Study into Vulnerability To Debt Bondage In Banke District Nepal The freedom to choose work is a fundamental pillar of Decent Work. However, this freedom is not always respected. Forced labour is more pervasive than often realized, largely due to the invisibility of forced labour arrangements. There are many diffe...
ILO, (2002)
World Social Protection Report 2014/15: Building Economic Recovery, Inclusive Development And Social Justice Social protection policies play a critical role in realizing the human right to social security for all, reducing poverty and inequality, and supporting inclusive growth – by boosting human capital and productivity, supporting domestic demand and fac...
ILO, (2014)
Decent Work Country Programme, Nepal (2013-2017) The International Labour Organization (ILO) works with governments, employers' and workers' organisation in its member states to promote productive employment and sustainable enterprises, social protection, international labour standards and rights a...
GoN, ILO, (2013)
Report on Employment Relationships in the Brick Industry in Nepal ILO has been collaborating with the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) for producing data on decent work as its contribution to the Nepal Government’s initiatives to protect the fundamental rights of the Nepali people as envisaged in Nepal’s Constitu...
UNICEF, ILO, GON, (2021)
Thematic Working group 3 on Low skilled Labour Migration Technical Workshop on Review of Bilateral Agreements on Low Skilled Labour Migaration This note summarizes the deliberations of the workshop on the issue of bilateral labour agreements (BLAs), which was jointly organized by the World Bank’s KNOMAD Thematic Working Group (TWG) 3 on Low-skilled Labour Migration and the International ...
ILO, (2014)
Social Security/ Social Protection In Nepal: Situation Analysis The MDG report(UNDP,2011) says that Nepal can reach most of the targets if the government is able to manage resources and build institutional and policy capacity for implementation of strategic interventions. Nepal, however, faces considerable challe...
ILO, (2012)
Forced Labour of Adults and Children in the Agriculture Sector of Nepal, ILO Country Office for Nepal- Series no. 11 Forced labour, modern day slavery and human trafficking are subjects of widespread international concern and action. The International Labour Organization’s two Conventions on forced labour, the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29) and the Aboliti...
ILO, (2013)
Report on the Nepal Labour Force Survey 2008 Nepal Labour Force Survey 2008 is the second important step in the arena of labour force statistics in Nepal. It updates various indicators of labour force statistics derived from the Nepal Labour Force Survey 1998/99, which was the first of its kind...
GoN, ILO, (2008)
Decent Work Country Programme, Nepal (2013-2017) The International Labour Organization (ILO) works with governments, employers and workers organisations in its member States to promote productive employment and sustainable enterprises, social protection, international labour standards and rights at...
GoN, ILO, (2014)
Overview Of Ilo Convention No.169 Labor agency of the United Nations has 183 member States. (Tripartite membership (governments, employers and workers organizations))Standard setting agency – adopts international conventions and recommendations (and provides assistance to governments...
ILO, (2010)
Report on the Nepal Labour Force Survey - 1998/99 It is indeed a matter of satisfaction that an important work like Nepal Labour Force Survey,the first ever to be launched in Nepal has successfully been completed. The detailed results available through this publication will undoubtedly fill in the m...
GoN, (1999)
Dalits and Labour in Nepal: Discrimination and Forced Labour One of the key factors that perpetuate poverty is social and economic exclusion through discrimination. In Nepal, the issue of social and economic exclusion occupies a vital position in many development agendas that aim at reducing widespread poverty...
ILO, (2005)
ILO Publications Autumn 2012 Established in 1919, and since 1946 a specialized agency of the United Nations Organization, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has focused on workplace issues, actively seeking to create decent work for all – work which is freely chosen and...
ILO, (2012)
The ILO in Nepal Nepal has made notable social-economic progress in the past decade, reducing absolute poverty rate from 42 per cent in 1995/96 to 23.8 per cent in 2013. The Nepali labour force grew at the rate of 2.6 percent per annul during the same period. The tot...
ILO, (2015)
Decent Work - Issue 2 (November 2014) After more than ten years, the employers’ and trade unions’ representatives finally signed a draft for the new Labour Act (Bill) for Nepal on 10 October 2014 – the result of continuous dialogue and countless consultations, bipartite and tripartite, d...
ILO, (2014)
Decent Civil Works in Nepal: From Research to Action Planning (Series 8) Promoting decent work is the mandate of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). In the construction sector this means improving rights at work, increasing employment, providing social protection, and enhancing social dialogue. This study is abou...
ILO, (2005)
The ILO in Nepal The International Labour Organization (ILO) is the UN specialized agency dealing with work and workplace issues, and related rights and standards. Its overarching goal is to achieve decent work for all so everyone benefits from working conditions tha...
ILO, (2016)
Economic Growth and Social Reproduction: Gender Inequality as Cause and Consequence This paper examines how growth, social reproduction and gender equality are connected in ways that make care work a key determinant of macroeconomic policy outcomes, growth and development. The paper begins by developing a conceptual framework for th...
UNWOMEN, (2015)
Investigating the Worst Forms of Child Labour No. 5 Nepal Bonded Labour Among Child Workers of the Kamaiya System: A Rapid Assessment The need to restrict and eradicate the most intolerable forms of child labour in Nepal has become an essential element of a national development strategy to achieve sustainable growth and protect human rights. His Majesty’s Government of Nepal has r...
IPEC/ILO, (2001)
Market Watch 42 June 2012 In the retail markets regularly monitored by MoAD and WFP,most prices showed slightly an upward trend over the past one month. The national average price of coarse rice increased by 1.9 percent to Rs. 34.2 per kilo, while the price of wheat flour sli...
The Contribution Of Labour Mobility To Economic Growth More than half of the world’s migrants (55 per cent or 128 million people) live in the G20 countries, and remittances to and from G20 countries account for almost 80 per cent of global remittance flows. Migrants today are younger and better educated,...
ILO, WB, (2015)
The ILO In Nepal Nepal has made notable socio-economic progress in the past decade, reducing absolute poverty rate from 42 per cent in 1995/96 to 23.8 per cent in 2013. The Nepali labour force grew at the rate of 2.6 percent per annum during the same period. The tota...
ILO, (2015)
Promoting The Health Of Left-Behind Children Of Asian Labour Migrants: Evidence For Policy And Action Despite the political discourse on migration becoming an important issue in the global development agenda, the mental and physical health implications for left-behind children of migrant workers have received less attention. And the current evidence ...
IOM, MPI, (2015)
Social Protection: Women Migrant Workers In ASEAN This Policy Brief provides an overview of the social protection mechanisms available to women migrant workers in ASEAN, identifying good practices and making recommendations for improvements. The Policy Brief highlights the importance of the portabil...
UNWOMEN, ILO, (2015)
UNGASS Country Progress Report Nepal 2010 The UNGASS Nepal Country Progress Report Nepal 2010 covers the period 2008 - 2009. Nepal’s HIV and AIDS epidemic which is concentrated amongst most-at-risk populations (MARPs) is not uniform but a mix of multiple types of epidemics in various regions...
UN, (2010)
Nepal Situation of Child Porters: A Rapid Assessment The exploitative practice of child labour has come to be recognised as a major socioeconomic problem. Child labour jeopardises children's potential to become productive adults, robbing them of their health, their education and their prospects for a b...
ILO, (2001)
Market Watch 62 - February 2014. In February 2014, retail prices of food commodities monitored in 12 markets across Nepal showed a mixed trend, with an upward trend of coarse rice and wheat flour and a downward trend of pulses and potato. Overall inflation rate in February 2014 was ...
GoN, WFP, FNCCI, (2014)
No Easy Exit: Migration Bans Affecting Women From Nepal Since large numbers of Nepali women began migrating for domestic work, reports have emerged of hardships experienced abroad, ranging from labour exploitation to physical and sexual abuse. Although some women report positive migration experiences, as ...
ILO, (2015)
Transformative Change In 2013, UNDP delivered US$1.15 billion in programmes to address these development challenges (Figure 5), with 88% of UNDP expenditures in the region taking place in low-income countries (LICs) (Figure 6). In Afghanistan alone, US$770 million was spe...
UNDP, (2015)
Written Statement Submitted by the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC), a Non-governmental Organization in General Consultative Status. The Haliya bonded labour slavery system must be abolished without further delay: 1. In view of the interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery during the 15th Session of the Human Rights Council (HRC), the Asian...
UN, (2010)
Workers’ Guide to Employment and Decent Work for Peace and Resilience Recommendation (No. 205) Since its creation in 1919, the ILO has operated on the principle that universal and lasting peace cannot be established or maintained if it is not based on social justice. Every working woman and man can freely claim this aspiration, along with thei...
ILO, (2019)
Labour Migration for Employment: A Status Report for Nepal: 2014/2015 Foreign employment is indeed the most significant motivation for international migration from Nepal in the twenty-first century. More than 3.8 million permits to work abroad (excluding India) were issued by the Government during the 1993/94–2014/15 f...
Government of Nepal, (2016)
Market Watch 41 May 2012 Food prices in the markets regularly monitored by MoAD and WFP showed an upward trend over the past one month. The national average price of coarse rice and wheat flour climbed up by 4.1 percent and 1.8 percent to Rs.33.9 and Rs. 34.5 per kilo resp...
ILO Publications 2013 The ILO publications website offers a diverse range of features and services: - Find information on key ILO titles- including free sample chapters for many new books. - Suscribe to our mailing list and be notified by email of new titles. - Read th...
ILO, (2013)
Freed Haliya in the Far West and their land concerns - Issue 7 Haliya pratha is an exploitative system of agrarian bonded labour practiced in the Far and Mid Western Regions of Nepal in particular. Haliya are those who served as agricultural bonded labourers for landlords to till the la...
UNRCHCO, (2011)
NHRC-Nepal on the Rights of the Migrant Workers An Overview The National Human Rights Commission has been involved in a number of ways to contribute to the respect, protection and promotion of human rights since its formation in 2000. In recent years, NHRC has extended its activities on the rights of migrant ...
UNRC/UNDP, (2012)
An Analytical Study Of The 20/20 Initiative For Basic Social Services In Nepal This study builds on the work of past studies conducted by NPC with UNICEF support to analyze the government budget in line with the 20/20 Compact and the commitments made at the 1995 World Summit for Social Development in Copenhagen. Main Findings...
UNICEF, HMG, (1995)
ILO Technical Cooperation : Child Labour - Towards Achieving the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour as Priority (ACHIEVE) – Nepal (Phases I-II)(June 2014) The project undertook a number of actions towards policy and legal reform including capacity building of the Child Labour Elimination and International Labour Relation Section (CLERS) of the Ministry of labour and Employment (MoLE), labour offices at...
ILO, (2014)
Investigating the Worst Forms of Child Labour No. 2 Nepal Trafficking in Girls With Special Reference to Prostitution: A Rapid Assessment The exploitative practice of child labour has come to be recognized as a major socio-economic problem. Child labour jeopardizes children’s potential to become productive adults, robbing them of their health, their education and their prospects for a ...
IPEC/ILO, TU, CDPS, (2001)
Sectoral Activities Programme - Working Paper 187: Informal Labour In The Construction Industry In Nepal It is now widely recognised that construction activity plays a vital role in the process of economic growth and development, both through its products (infrastructure, buildings) and through the employment created in the process of construction itsel...
ILO, (2002)
Bureau Of Workers Activities (ACTRAV) In Nepal ACTRAV is the Bureau for Workers’ Activities within ILO. It has a mandate to strengthen representative, independent and democratic trade unions in all countries, to enable them to play their role effectively in protecting workers’ rights and interest...
ILO, (2015)
Forced Labour of Adults and Children in The Agriculture Sector of Nepal - ILO Country Office for Nepal Series no. 11 Forced labor, modern day slavery and human trafficking are subjects of widespread international concern and action. The International Labor Organization’s two Conventions on forced labor, the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 and the Abolition of Force...
ILO, (2013)
Labour Migration for Employment - A Status Report for Nepal: 2014/2015 The outflow of migrants in the past decade has been momentous in transforming the country’s economic, social and cultural fabric. Nepal has emerged as a remittance economy, shaped by migrants’ cash flows, so much so that it was the third-largest reci...
GON- ILO-IOM-TAF, (2016)
Successful Strategies and Experiences in Combating Child Bonded Labour in Nepal Nepal ratified the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Convention No. 182 in 2004, committing to “take immediate and effective measures to prohibit and eliminate all the worst forms of child labour”. To assist Nepal in eliminating bonded labour...
ILO, (2011)
Trends and Drivers of Poverty Reduction in Nepal Nepal made remarkable progress in poverty reduction between 1995 and 2010, a period coinciding with a decade-long violent conflict followed by tumultuous post-conflict recovery. Although improving agricultural productivity was long regarded as instru...
WB, (2016)
From Protocol to Practice:A Bridge to Global Action on Forced Labour (The Bridge Project)2015 “50 for Freedom” is a campaign led by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and its partners, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and the International Organization of Employers (IOE). The campaign aims at promoting ratification ...
ILO, (2015)
Fifty Years Of Work in Nepal Reflecting Back Or Looking Forward Together For Social Justice ILO The ILO provides advice, training and capacity building to its constituents to shape national economic, labour and social policies that are in line with international standards The ILO facilitated the social dialogue processes for the ratification of...
ILO, (2016)
UNICEF Nepal Country Office Combating Child Labour in Nepal With the support of UNICEF, targeted municipalities are continuously updating and revising the data collection and monitoring forms and procedures in line with the recently adopted case management guidelines. The objective of the contribution is s...
UNICEF, (2016)
World Day Against Child Labour ( 12 June 2015 ) child labour is often defined as work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, interferes with their schooling and that is harmful to physical and mental development. In Nepal before the earthquake, there were alr...
Education, Training And Skills: Women Migrant Workers In ASEAN This Policy Brief considers skills supply and demand in ASEAN in relation to women migrant workers, making recommendations to policy-makers, development partners, social partners and civil society that can improve access for women to skills developm...
UNWOMEN, ILO, (2015)
World Data on Education - 7th edition (2010/11) The vision of school education is to prepare citizens dedicated to promote and protect democracy and human rights, who should possess attributes like dignity of labour, committed to education, enterprising, disciplined, and capable enough to withstan...
UNESCO, IBE, (2011)
Promoting Gender Equality in the Humanitarian Response Nepal is signatory to 23 human rights treaties and International human rights instruments. The legal framework in Nepal largely supports women’s rights and equality including the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Wo...
UN, GoN, (2013)
Labour Migration for Employment - A Status Report for Nepal 2013/2014 Over the past decade, Nepal has experienced a surge in out-migration for foreign employment to various destination countries. As more and more Nepali citizens aspire and depart for foreign jobs, regulators and stakeholders face new challenges in mana...
ILO, IOM, GoN, (2014)
International Labour Organization The International Labour Organization (ILO) is the specialized United Nations agency responsible for the world of work. Its main aims are to promote rights at work, encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance social protection and strengthen d...
UNAIDS, ILO, (2015)
Market Watch 69 September 2014† On September 2014, retail prices of most food commodities monitored across the country showed an upward trend. On a] month-on-month basis, the retail price of coarse rice and wheat flour increased by 2.2 percent and 0.2 percent respectively. Likewise...
Market Watch 71 November 2014 on November 2014, retail prices of most food commodities monitored across the country showed a mixed trend. On a month-on-month basis, the retail price of coarse rice declined by 2.9 percent, while that of wheat flour marginally increased by 0.2 perc...
Market Watch 31 July 2011 In the markets regularly monitored by MoAC and WFP, the national average price of most food commodities has in- creased marginally over the past one month. The average prices of coarse rice and wheat flour increased by 1.0% to Rs. 36.1 per kilo and ...
Market Watch 36 December 2011 Prices of most commodities monitored by MoAC and WFP slightly declined in December compared to November 2011, particularly newly harvested summer crops. The national average price of coarse rice dropped by 5.7 percent to Rs. 33.3 per kilo, while th...
स्थलगत बुलेटिन नेपाली उधोगहरु; समृदि्को अवसर अथवा दन्द्वको स्रोत ? नेपाल मुलत; कृषिपधन मुलुक हो तर एसले धरै पहिले देखि नै साना उद्योगक क्षेत्रमा बिकास गरेको पाईन छ । औधगिक उताप्दन मुख्यत घरेलु बजार तर्फ लछित भएको छ तर गलईचा तथा निर्यातमा सफलताका केहि उदाहरणहरु रहेको छन् अधिकांश उधयोहरु काठमादू वरिपरी रहेको भए पनि ठ...
UNRCHC, (2011)
Volunteers In Setting The New Development Agenda Nepal to the global development agenda over 50 volunteers surveyed people in the streets of Kathmandu and surrounding districts on their preferred priorities.The My World survey covers a wide array of development priorities, ranging from better job o...
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women Gender mainstreaming, inclusion and equality have been a priority in national development plans of Nepal. Policy and legal reforms, leadership development, social rehabilitation of women affected by the conflict, legal aid,gender awareness and advoca...
UN, (2011)
From Protocol to Practice: A Bridge To Global Action On Forced Labour (The Bridge Project) The objective of Bridge Nepal is to effectively eliminate traditional and modern slavery/forced labour systems and to significantly reduce contemporary forms of forced labour, which are often linked to human trafficking. The project aims to put f...
ILO, (2016)